602 research outputs found

    Cyttaria hariotii E.Fisch. as a promising source of pullulan and Mn(II)-pullulan complexes for Mn-deficiency remediation in winter cereals

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    Pullulan, a water-soluble polysaccharide consisting of maltotriose units used in the preparation of edible films and drug delivery, is generally produced from starch by Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary & Löwenthal) G.Arnaud fungus. In this article, the characterisation of an alternative pullulan source - the stromata of Cyttaria hariotii E.Fisch. fungus - by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis techniques is reported. With a view to a possible valorisation of this pullulan and its derivatives as bioactive formulations in agriculture, low-molecular-weight pullulan (<7 kDa) complexes with Mn(II), suitable for the remediation of Mn-deficiencies in winter cereal by foliar application, were synthesised and characterised by mass spectrometry

    La función del noema en la constitución intencional del objeto.

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    Tunable Holographic Components in WDM Optical Networks

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    This paper describes the applications of a multipurpose holographic device in optical networks with Coarse and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM/ DWDM) technologies. In its basic structure, it can operate as a tunable wavelength filter, wavelength multiplexer or λ router. By using a more complex structure, the device works as OADM (Optical Add Drop Multiplexer) or OS (Optical Switch). Some simulations of the basic devices, from the optical transmission point of view, are made to match the transmission parameters for the application in optical networks. Performance parameters of the device, like switching time, losses, cross-talk or polarization insensitivity are analyzed and compared with other multiplexing or switching technologies. To complete the review of these components, a study of computer generated holograms (CGH) design is carried out. The results are used in the design of holographic devices to perform different applications: in Metro networks, where a design of a holographic device with wavelength conversion and routing is analyzed, or, in Access Networks like a tunable filter or demultiplexer in Fiber to the Home/Business (FTTH/FTTB) topologies

    Resonant x-ray scattering in La1-xSr1+xMn0 4 (x 0.5): Incommensurate-lattice modulation vs. Charge-stripe models

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    Using resonant x-ray scattering at the Mn K-edge, we have investigated the nature of the charge and lattice modulation in the La1-xSr1+xMnO4 (x=0.5 and 0.6) manganites. Resonant reflections (h±e, h±e, 0) and (h±2e, h±2e, 0) of the tetragonal I4/mmm structure with a modulation vector of 2e=l-x were found in the insulating phases of both manganites but the intensity of these reflections is much weaker for La0.4Sr1.6MnO4. Resonant x-ray scattering data for the two samples are well explained by the presence of two types of sinusoidal modulations of the oxygen displacements, transverse and longitudinal to the tetragonal [110] direction. The amplitude of the oxygen displacements for any of the modulations decreases with the hole doping, in agreement with the change from a commensurate (x=0.5) to an incommensurate (x=0.6) ordered phase. The different polarization and azimuthal behaviour of the two sets of resonant reflections rule out any kind of stripe model composed by Mn3+-like and Mn4+-like charge-ordering. The maximum charge disproportionation among the different Mn atoms in the unit cell is about 0.15 e- and 0.04 e- for the x=0.5 and x=0.6 samples, respectively. These results thus confirm the existence of a charge-density-wave ordering in both the commensurate-phase of the half-doped La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 and the incommensurate-phase of the over-doped La0.4Sr1.6MnO4 manganites

    Estudio de las mineralizaciones de Plomo-Zinc-Cobre del Permotrías del Complejo Maláguide en los alrededores de Vélez-Rubio (Almería)

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    Tras un breve encuadre geológico regional del área estudiada, se comentan someramente las características del Complejo Maláguide en las inmediaciones de Vélez Rubio. Posteriormente se describen los aspectos litoestratigráficos y sedimentológicos de los materiales permotriásicos del Complejo Maláguide, con los cuales se ligan las mineralizaciones de Pb-Zn-Cu objeto de esta nota. Se distinguen cinco tramos litológicos fundamentales, que han sido correlacionados entre las diversas zonas con indicios de Pb-Zn. Los estudios sedimentológicos parecen indicar que la sucesión de estos tramos constituyen una secuencia positiva que abarca desde depósitos típicamente fluviales a sedimentos formados en medio lacustre o de aguas marinas someras. La mineralización, sobre todo de Pb, es objeto de un detallado estudio mineralógico y textural, en el cual se apoya la interpretación genética, que aboga por un origen sedimentario de la misma

    Benchmark low-mass objects in Moving Groups

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.In order to compile a sample of ultracool dwarfs that will serve as benchmarks for testing theoretical formation and evolutionary models, we selected low-mass cool (>M7) objects that are potentially members of five known young Moving Groups in the solar neighbourhood. We have studied the kinematics of the sample, finding that 49 targets belong to the young disk area, from which 36 are kinematic member of one of the five moving groups under study. Some of the identified low-mass members have been spectroscopically characterised (T-eff, log g) and confirmed as young members through a detailed study of age indicators

    Stable-isotope changes in tufa stromatolites of the Quaternary Añamaza fluvial system (Iberian Ranges, Spain)

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    The stable isotope composition (d13C and d18O) of the laminae in three Quaternary, calcitic, tufa stromatolites of different ages (MIS6, MIS5 and MIS1) in the Añamaza valley are studied and compared with the modern tufa in the Añamaza river. The cyclic textural variations represent thick cyanobacterial growth in the light laminae and thin or absent cyanobacterial growth in the dark laminae. The textural cyclicity is parallel to d18O changes: Each light-dark couplet corresponds to one year in which the light lamina (lower d18O values) represents warmer water temperatures (Tw) than the dark lamina (higher d18O values). This is consistent with the fact that the large crystals composing the dark laminae correspond to precipitation in the absence of microbial films and likely represent the coldest conditions. The d18Ocalcite-derived Tw from MIS5 stromatolite is higher than the MIS6 and MIS1 samples, which agrees with the commonly admitted climatic conditions during MIS5 in NE Iberia. Moreover, d18Oderived Tw from MIS6 suggests a wider yearly Tw range than the two other samples. The higher and more disperse d13C values of the MIS1 stromatolite are consistent with the peculiarities of the vegetal cover and the decreased water availability in the Holocene. Se estudia la composición isotópica ( d13C y d18O) de las láminas de tres estromatolitos calcíticos de diferente edad (MIS6, MIS5 y MIS1), en el valle del río Añamaza, y se compara con tobas actuales de este río. La variación textural cíclica representa un crecimiento cianobacteriano potente en las láminas claras y uno débil o ausente en las oscuras. Esta ciclicidad es paralela a los cambios del d18O: Cada pareja clara-oscura corresponde a un año, donde la lámina clara (menor d18O) representa temperatura de agua (Tw) más cálida que la lámina oscura (mayor d18O). Los cristales grandes que forman las láminas oscuras precipitarían en ausencia de biofilms y posiblemente representan condiciones más frías. La Tw derivada de d18O calcita en la muestra MIS5 es mayor que la Tw en las muestras MIS6 y MIS1, en consonancia con las condiciones climáticas durante el MIS5 en Iberia. Ade- más, la Tw derivada de d18O calcita en la muestra MIS6 sugiere un rango de Tw anual más amplio que en las otras dos muestras. La mayor dispersión y mayores valores de d13C en el estromatolito MIS1 son compatibles con las peculiaridades de la cobertera vegetal y la menor disponibilidad hídrica en el Holoceno