36 research outputs found

    Update on Automated Classification of Interplanetary Dust Particles

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    Every year, the Earth accretes about 40,000 tons of extraterrestrial material less than 1 mm in size on its surface. These dust particles originate from active comets, from impacts between asteroids and may also be coming from interstellar space for the very small particles. Since 1981, NASA Jonhson Space Center (JSC) has been systematically collecting the dust from Earth's strastosphere by airborne collectors and gathered them into "Cosmic Dust Catalogs". In those catalogs, a preliminary analysis of the dust particles based on SEM images, some geological characteristics and X-ray energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) composition is compiled. Based on those properties, the IDPs are classified into four main groups: C (Cosmic), TCN (Natural Terrestrial Contaminant), TCA (Artificial Terrestrial Contaminant) and AOS (Aluminium Oxide Sphere). Nevertheless, 20% of those particles remain ambiguously classified. Lasue et al. presented a methodology to help automatically classify the particles published in the catalog 15 based on their EDS spectra and nonlinear multivariate projections (as shown in Fig. 1). This work allowed to relabel 155 particles out of the 467 particles in catalog 15 and reclassify some contaminants as potential cosmic dusts. Further analyses of three such particles indicated their probable cosmic origin. The current work aims to bring complementary information to the automatic classification of IDPs to improve identification criteria

    ICP localization and walking experiments on a TALOS humanoid robot

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    This system paper describes the integration and the evaluation of an ICP-based localization system on the TALOS humanoid robot. The new generation of flash LiDAR systems, here an Ouster OS1-64, have made it possible to obtain 3D clouds at 10 Hz. Coupled with an Intel RealSense T265 providing visual-inertial odometry it is possible to localize the robot and use this information to generate foot steps in real time to reach specific points. The approach is validated with a Qualisys motion capture system. It is also used to generate real-time walking motion on the TALOS humanoid robot. This paper is an integration paper showing that it is now feasible to accurately guide a humanoid robot in an environment in real time using a LiDAR system

    Electrophoretically pure mouse interferon inhibits growth, induces liver and kidney lesions, and kills suckling mice

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    Suckling Swiss mice were injected daily for 8 days with either electrophoretically pure (EP) mouse interferon (s.a. 4.7 x 10(8) units/mg protein), major impurities obtained in the course of purification, or partially purified mouse interferon (s.a. 1.3 x 10(7) units/mg protein). Only EP or partially purified interferon inhibited growth, induced liver and kidney lesions, and killed mice. The authors conclude that interferon itself is responsible for these effects