495 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Level of Development of Private Sector in Serbia during the Last Decade

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    In Serbia, as well as in all the countries in transition, the process of political and economic transition is based on the development of the private sector and entrepreneurship. This also implies creating a favourable business environment for the development of SMEs. The purpose of this chapter is to contribute to our understanding of the private sector and SMEs development in Serbia, as well as to identify their weakness and improvements within the considered period of time. The chapter includes an analysis of various aspects of private sector development as follows: the obstacles to the development, the role of innovation in the private sector growth and the analysis of the role of the private sector in revitalizing Serbiaā€™s economy during the last decade. Authors also explain some of the factors which must be taken into account when considering policies for the development of the private sector in Serbia and possible routes forward

    Towards sustainability in the "green economy": theoretical review

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    The paper analyses the concept of ā€œsustainable growthā€œ in the context of ā€œgreen economyā€œ. The concept is a recent one, emerging in literature since 2008. The new concept of economic development has emerged in recent years as necessary in the conditions of the economic crisis, when the prevailing model of economic growth failed to meet the increasing demand for consumption of limited resources and also as a result of a limited capacity of the ecosystem. Since this is a genuinely new approach to economic development, it is not surprising that there is not enough literature in this area yet. Consequently, there is no unique and generally accepted definition of green economy nor of the strategy of sustainable growth. This is reflected in the variety of economic policies concerning the green growth pursued by certain countries, ranging from those that deem it a priority goal to those that do not focus upon it at all. In answer to the lack of an integrated approach to these issues, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (World Bank, 2012) was adopted. It is meant to serve as a starting point for research and understanding to what extent the new concept of sustainable growth within green economy has come into effect. In addition to the assessment of the results achieved, it is also to determine the guidelines for further development of the green growth concept. Shortly upon its adoption, the Platform was promoted at the United Nations Summit, in mid-2012 (UNCSD 2012). Despite the efforts made by the international community to promote a new approach to economic development, the extent to which it will come into effect will depend on the governments of certain countries whose responsibility is to create conditions for sustainable growth on the path to a green economy. Namely,the transition to a green economy will vary considerably from one nation to another, as it depends on the specifics of each countryā€™s natural and human capital and on its relative level of development (UNEP,2011). The first part of this chapter offers a short overview of the definitions of sustainable growth and green economy. This review of literature is to help understand the new concept of economic growth, but also its importance and what it is expected to be achieved through it. The subject of the following segment will be the review of how sustainability, equity and private sector in the ā€œgreen economyā€œ have been developed

    Obrazovni sistem i potrebe privrede u Srbiji

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    Srbija se suočava sa viÅ”egodiÅ”njim raskorakom između ponude i potražnje za radnom snagom. Da bi se ovaj raskorak smanjio, treba usaglasiti programe obrazovanja sa potrebama na tržiÅ”tu rada. Shodno tome,u radu se postavljaju nekoliko krucijalnih pitanja, kao Å”to su: Koji modaliteti edukacije mogu da doprinesu bržem premoŔćavanju ovih razlika? Koje kompetencije treba razviti kod budućih diplomaca, kako bi oni bili spremni da lako reÅ”avaju probleme sa kojima će se suočavati na budućem poslu? Kako treba kombinovati teorijska znanja i iskustvo da bi se odgovorilo zahtevima poslodavaca? SuÅ”tinu predloga koji se izlažu u radu, čini tesno partnerstvo između obrazovnih institucija i poslodavaca. Ono treba da igra važnu ulogu u pomaganju mladim ljudima kod prelaska iz obrazovnog procesa u proces rada. Prema miÅ”ljenju autora, ovo partnerstvo može da se ojača kroz: obezbeđivanje viÅ”e sredstava za obrazovne programe; veće uključivanje poslodavaca u kreiranje programa edukacije; stalnu obuku nastavnika i veću spregu između studenata, nastavnika i poslodavaca. Svi ovi predlozi i preporuke autora, moraju da budu u funkciji potreba privrede i politike zapoÅ”ljavanja u Srbiji

    Uticaj globalizacije na stvaranje novog modela preduzeća i njegovih konkurentskih prednosti

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    Globalizacija može da rezultira u geografskom Å”irenju ekonomskih aktivnosti van prostora jedne zemlje, ali takođe može da omogući firmama i zemljama sa posebnim izvorima konkurentskih prednosti, da iskoriste svoje prednosti i proÅ”ire ih na Å”ira geografska područja. Najvažnije karakteristike globalizacije odnose se na razvoj globalnih finansija i finansijskih tržiÅ”ta, Å”irenje znanja zahvaljujući poboljÅ”anoj komunikaciji, pružanju Å”irokih mogućnosti i upotrebi tehnologije, stalnoj ekspanziji multinacionalnih firmi i decentralizaciji ekonomskih aktivnosti unutar i između firmi, razvoju globalnih oligopola, smanjenju barijera u trgovini i investiranju, i povećanom značaju regionalnih organizacija kao Å”to je Evropska unija ili međunarodnih organizacija poput WTO i IMF. Ovaj članak predstavlja rezultat rada njenog autora, čiji je cilj bio da se ispita uloga globalizacije u promeni modela organizacija i intenziviranju njihove konkurencije, sledeći liberalizaciju trgovine. Takođe, cilj je bio da se definiÅ”u konkurentske prednosti, koje firme moraju da razviju u uslovima nove ekonomije. Posle uvodnih postavki rada ,autor iznosi teoretski pristup temi. U drugom delu rada, ona ispituje konkurenciju i reorganizaciju firmi

    The Limits of the Scientific Method in Economics and Business: A Critical View

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the limits of scientific method in economic research.In the paper is pointed out that despite the scientific method, which encounters a great applicability in economics and business, when forecasting future economic developments in question, its capabilities is very limited. Therefore, the modern scientific method should synthesize rationalism and empiricism In this context, the paper concludes with the assumption that knowledge of mathematical logic, including all its abilities, is in itself highly valuable and is an important supplement to the already existing scientific methodology that cannot be ruled out in economic research

    Uticaj obrazovanja na smanjenje nezaposlenosti i rast preduzetničkih poslova marginalizovanih grupa

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    Obrazovanje nesumnjivo dobija sve važniju ulogu, s obzirom da je promenjeno tržiÅ”te rada u svetu u odnosu na pre desetak i viÅ”e godina. Shodno tome, u novoj ekonomiji znanja, nedostatak veÅ”tina može dovesti joÅ” viÅ”e do marginalizacije i isključenosti. Napredak u jačanju ovih ciljeva treba posmatrati u okviru mogućnosti svake zemlje ponaosob. U skladu s tim,postoje mnoge nacionalne, regionalne i globalne inicijative za poboljÅ”anje kvaliteta obrazovanja i broja obrazovnih programa i institucija. Ovaj rad je orijentisan na istraživanje usmereno u pravcu utvrđivanja uticaja obrazovanja na mogućnosti zapoÅ”ljavanja marginalizovanih grupa kroz pokretanje sopstvenih preduzetničkih biznisa ili rad u socijalnim preduzećima. Uzorak je obuhvatio 104 ispitanika, a istraživanje je sprovedeno u 10 nevladinih organizacija i udruženja Roma, lica sa invaliditetom i raseljenih lica sa teritorije Republike Srbije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, autorka rada zaključuje da ispitanici nisu pokazali očekivano interesovanje za samozapoÅ”ljavanje i pokretanje vlastitog biznisa, niti za zapoÅ”ljavanje u socijalnim preduzećima. Razlog tome može se naći u nedostatku preduzetničkih veÅ”tina i znanja, koje ih često osujećuju u preduzetničkim namerama. Shodno tome, ova saznanja mogu da budu veoma podsticajna za obrazovne institucije da investiraju u ove programe i vrÅ”e obuku na svim nivoima obrazovanja ā€“ u formalnoj i neformalnoj edukaciji. Osim toga, istraživanje je pokazalo da su ispitanici prednost dali zapoÅ”ljavanju u javnim preduzećima u odnosu na socijalno preduzetniÅ”tvo. To se objaÅ”njava činjenicom da nisu dovoljno informisani o mogućnostima koje im ono pruža, ali i u njegovoj nedovoljnoj razvijenosti u Srbiji

    Tranzicija i nezaposlenost žena starijih od 50 godina: smanjenje nezaposlenosti kroz nove oblike obrazovanja

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    Odnos obrazovanja i zapoÅ”ljavanja se nalazi u tesnoj korelacionoj vezi ,stoga im se svuda u svetu poklanja posebna pažnja ,kako medju naučnim radnicima tako i medju kreatorima politike obrazovanja i zapoÅ”ljavanja. Poznato je da najrazvijenije i najbogatije zemlje sveta imaju i najbolje obrazovne sisteme ,koji su u velikoj meri uskladjeni potrebama tržiÅ”ta rada. Da bi se to postiglo i u Srbiji ,potreban je Å”irok spektar međusobno usaglaÅ”enih ,mera i aktivnosti kojima treba istovremeno smanjivati postojeću nezaposlenost ,kao i direktno delovati na njegovu nepovoljnu strukturu.Tu se na prvom mestu misli na mlade izmedju 15 i 25 godina starosti koji u strukturi nezaposlenosti učestvuju sa 40,7% ,dok stariji od 50 godina učestvuju sa 20,94% . Imajući to u vidu , bitno je po miÅ”ljenju autora rada,istovremeno sprovodjenje reforme obrazovanja sa uvodjenjem permanentnih programa prekvalifikacije i dokvalifikacije postojeće nezaposlene radne snage, kroz različite modalitete prenoÅ”enja znanja i vrÅ”enja edukacije.Osim toga,prilikom realizacije obrazovnih programa ,neophodno je viÅ”e uključivati saradnike iz prakse i stvarati tesniju saradnju sa poslodavcima

    Women and informal activities in transitional countries and Serbia : old and new views

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    In this paper,the author analyzes the growth of the informal economy in countries in transition with a focus on Serbia. The author concludes that the existence of the informal economy can no longer be considered as a temporary phenomenon. It has proven to be a major source of employment and income generation for the poor, and thus understanding the informal sector provides valuable tools in the fight against poverty. At the same time, women in the informal sector face significant obstacles: low pay; lack of access to such resources as capital, education, and training; and exclusion from the policy-making process. Because that, the author also considers the battle against discrimination in relation to women workers. The final section of this paper presents author's approach to SME development policy and integration of Serbia into European Union (EU). She concludes that Serbia will try to be integrated into EU and the global economy as soon as possible, because it is the best solution for the country to decrease the gap with developed countries

    Female Entrepreneurship Opportunity: Home-Based Genealogy Business

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    In the last 15-20 years, the character of genealogical research has trans-formed gradually. Thus, genealogy is changing into a modern academic discipline. The modern genealogy is supported by digitization of public and genealogical rec-ords. At the same time, the new technologies are affecting the development of home-based genealogical research services. The goal of this paper is to offer more ways of encouraging entrepreneurship for genealogists, including the role of the education system and research skills that are especially critical in the field of ge-nealogy and in genealogists' success in their business

    Age discrimination in employment of women in Serbia

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    Employment issues of persons over 55 years gaining in importance, given the aging of the population in Serbia, which will continue in the next few decades. It confirms the projection of the National Statistical Office, which estimated inā€ creasing the share of workers aged 55ā€64 in the workforce, from 13 per cent in 2010 to 14 per cent in 2040. This is corroborated by the fact that life expectancy has increased in recently life. Also, there have been significant changes in Serbia in the structure of unemployment in the last decade just to the detriment of these categories of workers. In fact, their employment from year to year decreases, i.e. in 2010 the number of employees in the age group 55ā€64 decreased by 2.3% over the previous year (or 29,000 persons), which makes this issue very current in terms of its resolution. The aim of this paper is through research conducted on a representative sample of 100 respondents in Belgrade and Nis, provides an answer to several questions asked whose answers should confirm or refute the hypotheses we tested. We explored labor force in this age group (both sexes), which most affected by job loss and searching for new employment with focus on female. Analysis among other things is showed that if it comes to employment after years of waiting, the job is usually paid less than the previous one and that women are waiting longer than men the same age cohort .Therefore, many experts call this phenomenon age discrimination in women employment. Taking into account this fact in mind, we tried to determine its causes and to propose the measures of employment policy and direct them towards resolving the issues of gender and age discrimination in Serbia
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