8 research outputs found

    Effect of development stage on content of lignin and nutritive value of alfalfa and red clover

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    Ispitivan je uticaj sorte, faze razvića i otkosa na hranljivu vrednost lucerke (Medicago sativa L.) i crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.). Hemijski sastav je odreñen prema Weende i Detergent sistemu analize. Primenom CNCPS sistema analize utvrñena je priroda proteina i ugljenih hidrata ispitivanih biljnih vrsta, odnosno oblik u kome su ove hranljive supstance zastupljene, a koji jeste najznačajniji činilac koji odreñuje stepen i brzinu razlaganja u buragu. U ovim istraživanjima utvrñene su razlike u sadržaju lignina ispitivanih krmnih vrsta u zavisnosti od starosti biljaka, kao i uticaj lignifikacije ćelijskih zidova na svarljivost ovih hraniva. Prinos suve materije lucerke i crvene deteline zavisio je od sva tri ispitivana faktora i njihovih interakcija. Domaća sorta lucerke je produktivnija (6,8 do 2,3 t ha-1 od prvog do četvrtog otkosa, odnosno od 3,4 do 5,5 t ha-1 od prve do treće faze razvića) u odnosu na američku (5,9 do 2,2 t ha-1 od prvog do četvrtog otkosa, odnosno od 2,7 do 5,2 t ha-1 od prve do treće faze razvića). Američka populacija lucerke je sadržala veću količinu sirovih proteina (197,9 g kg-1 SM) u odnosu na domaću sortu (188,7 g kg-1 SM), dok je tetraploidna sorta crvene deteline sadržala veću količinu sirovih proteina (181,3 g kg-1 SM) u odnosu na diploidnu sortu (174,5 g kg-1 SM). Najveći sadržaj sirove celuloze je konstatovan u drugom otkosu sorte K 28 (407,6 g kg-1 SM). Faza razvića je značajno uticala na udeo lignina u suvoj materiji lucerke, čija se količina povećala od prvog do trećeg otkosa. U suvoj materiji crvene deteline je konstatovana značajno manja količina lignina. Najveća svarljivost suve materije je ustanovljena u četvrtom otkosu lucerke (754,4 g kg-1 SM), odnosno u trećem otkosu crvene deteline (820,1 g kg-1 SM), a najmanja u drugom otkosu, što se može objasniti najvećim učešćem strukturnih ugljenih hidrata u ovom otkosu...The effect of cultivar, stage of development and the cuts on the nutritional value of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was investigated. The chemical composition was determined according to Weende and Detergent system of analysis. Applying CNCPS system of analysis the nature of protein and carbohydrates of plant species were examined, and a form of these nutrients were present in the plants, which is the most important factor determining the rate of degradation in the rumen. In this investigation, differences in lignin content of investigated forage crops were determined depending on the plant development, and the influence of lignifications on the cell wall digestibility of these forages. Dry matter yield of alfalfa and red clover depended on all three factors and their interactions. The local variety of alfalfa, K 28, was more productive (from 6,8 to 2,3 t ha-1 from first to fourth cut, and from 3,4 to 5,5 t ha-1 from first to third stage of development) compared to US variety, G+13R+CZ (from 5,9 to 2,2 t ha-1 from first to fourth cut, and from 2,7 to 5,2 t ha-1 from first to third stage of development). US alfalfa population contained a larger amount of crude protein (197,9 g kg-1 DM) in relation to K 28 (188,7 g kg-1 DM), while the tetraploid cultivar of red clover contained a larger amount of crude protein (181,3 g kg-1 DM) in the relation to the diploid cultivar (174,5 g kg-1 DM). The highest content of crude fiber was noted in the third stage of development in the second cut of alfalfa, K 28 cultivar (407,6 g kg-1 DM). Stage of development had a significant impact on the proportion of lignin in the dry matter of alfalfa and the amount of lignin increased from the first to the third cut. Significantly lower amount of lignin was detected in the dry matter of red clover. The highest dry matter digestibility was detected in the fourth cut of alfalfa (754,4 g kg-1 DM), and the third cut of red clover (820,1 g kg-1 DM), and lowest digestibility was determined in the second cut, which could be explained by a higher amount of structural carbohydrates in this cut..

    Effect of development stage on content of lignin and nutritive value of alfalfa and red clover

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    Ispitivan je uticaj sorte, faze razvića i otkosa na hranljivu vrednost lucerke (Medicago sativa L.) i crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.). Hemijski sastav je odreñen prema Weende i Detergent sistemu analize. Primenom CNCPS sistema analize utvrñena je priroda proteina i ugljenih hidrata ispitivanih biljnih vrsta, odnosno oblik u kome su ove hranljive supstance zastupljene, a koji jeste najznačajniji činilac koji odreñuje stepen i brzinu razlaganja u buragu. U ovim istraživanjima utvrñene su razlike u sadržaju lignina ispitivanih krmnih vrsta u zavisnosti od starosti biljaka, kao i uticaj lignifikacije ćelijskih zidova na svarljivost ovih hraniva. Prinos suve materije lucerke i crvene deteline zavisio je od sva tri ispitivana faktora i njihovih interakcija. Domaća sorta lucerke je produktivnija (6,8 do 2,3 t ha-1 od prvog do četvrtog otkosa, odnosno od 3,4 do 5,5 t ha-1 od prve do treće faze razvića) u odnosu na američku (5,9 do 2,2 t ha-1 od prvog do četvrtog otkosa, odnosno od 2,7 do 5,2 t ha-1 od prve do treće faze razvića). Američka populacija lucerke je sadržala veću količinu sirovih proteina (197,9 g kg-1 SM) u odnosu na domaću sortu (188,7 g kg-1 SM), dok je tetraploidna sorta crvene deteline sadržala veću količinu sirovih proteina (181,3 g kg-1 SM) u odnosu na diploidnu sortu (174,5 g kg-1 SM). Najveći sadržaj sirove celuloze je konstatovan u drugom otkosu sorte K 28 (407,6 g kg-1 SM). Faza razvića je značajno uticala na udeo lignina u suvoj materiji lucerke, čija se količina povećala od prvog do trećeg otkosa. U suvoj materiji crvene deteline je konstatovana značajno manja količina lignina. Najveća svarljivost suve materije je ustanovljena u četvrtom otkosu lucerke (754,4 g kg-1 SM), odnosno u trećem otkosu crvene deteline (820,1 g kg-1 SM), a najmanja u drugom otkosu, što se može objasniti najvećim učešćem strukturnih ugljenih hidrata u ovom otkosu...The effect of cultivar, stage of development and the cuts on the nutritional value of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was investigated. The chemical composition was determined according to Weende and Detergent system of analysis. Applying CNCPS system of analysis the nature of protein and carbohydrates of plant species were examined, and a form of these nutrients were present in the plants, which is the most important factor determining the rate of degradation in the rumen. In this investigation, differences in lignin content of investigated forage crops were determined depending on the plant development, and the influence of lignifications on the cell wall digestibility of these forages. Dry matter yield of alfalfa and red clover depended on all three factors and their interactions. The local variety of alfalfa, K 28, was more productive (from 6,8 to 2,3 t ha-1 from first to fourth cut, and from 3,4 to 5,5 t ha-1 from first to third stage of development) compared to US variety, G+13R+CZ (from 5,9 to 2,2 t ha-1 from first to fourth cut, and from 2,7 to 5,2 t ha-1 from first to third stage of development). US alfalfa population contained a larger amount of crude protein (197,9 g kg-1 DM) in relation to K 28 (188,7 g kg-1 DM), while the tetraploid cultivar of red clover contained a larger amount of crude protein (181,3 g kg-1 DM) in the relation to the diploid cultivar (174,5 g kg-1 DM). The highest content of crude fiber was noted in the third stage of development in the second cut of alfalfa, K 28 cultivar (407,6 g kg-1 DM). Stage of development had a significant impact on the proportion of lignin in the dry matter of alfalfa and the amount of lignin increased from the first to the third cut. Significantly lower amount of lignin was detected in the dry matter of red clover. The highest dry matter digestibility was detected in the fourth cut of alfalfa (754,4 g kg-1 DM), and the third cut of red clover (820,1 g kg-1 DM), and lowest digestibility was determined in the second cut, which could be explained by a higher amount of structural carbohydrates in this cut..

    Molecular and morphological determination of Colletotrichum trifolii isolates originating from alfalfa

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    Colletotrichum trifolii is a fungal pathogen responsible for anthracnose disease in alfalfa. The isolates of C. trifolii were obtained from diseased alfalfa stems collected from field in Serbia. It was determined by pathogenicity examination that four isolates (Luc-7, Luc-17, Luc-27, Luc-33) can cause stem lesions on inoculated alfalfa plant. Our isolates were compared using reference isolates of C. trifolii (CBS 158.83). Isolates on MA and CDA developed olive green to grey colonies with white margin, while the substrate got dark olive green color. Conidiophores were hyaline, varied in length and produced a succession of conidia apically. Conidia were hyaline, straight, rounded at the ends, and non-septated with average size 7.85x3.87 μm. Average sizes of appressoria were 7.5-16.5 x 5.5 x 8.9 μm. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with one set of specific primers was used for the detection of examined isolates of Colletotrichum trifolii. Amplification of desired DNA fragment (590 bp) was determined using specific primer pair TB3-F/TB3-R. Achieved results of amplification indicated that the isolates Luc-7, Luc-17, Luc-27, as well as CBS 158.83, had traits of C. trifolli. Amplification and band on about 430 bp appeared in isolate Luc-33, which also belonged to C. trifolli species

    Acid and Temperature Treatments Result in Increased Germination of Seeds of Three Fescue Species

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    Efficient germination of fescue seeds is essential for successful establishment of meadows and pastures. This research was conducted to ascertain the effects of various acid and temperature treatments on seed germination in three fescue species: Festuca rubra, F (mina, and E pratensis. Seeds from different cultivars, populations, or lots were exposed either to four concentrations of sulfuric acid at three different time intervals (12 treatments) or six different temperatures at three different time intervals (18 treatments). Despite all belonging to the genus Festuca, the seed from different species responded differently to the treatments. The three optimum treatments for E rubra seed involved soaking in a 75% solution of sulfuric acid for 20 minutes (improved the germination rate by 19%), soaking in a 50% solution of sulfuric acid for 30 minutes (improved the germination rate by 18%) and exposure to either 60 degrees C or 70 degrees C for 90 minutes (improved the germination rate by 17%). For F. ovina seed, optimal treatments included soaking seeds for either 10 or 20 minutes in a 50% sulfuric acid solution (both treatments improved germination rates by 13%) or exposing seeds for 30 minutes in a 25% sulfuric acid solution and 80 degrees C for 60 minutes (improved germination rate by 12%). Two optimal treatments were identified for F. pratensis seed. Whereas the first involved soaking the seeds in a 75% sulfuric acid solution for 30 minutes (improved germination rates by 22%), the second involved either exposing the seeds to 90 degrees C for 90 or 60 minutes, or exposing the seeds to 80 degrees C for 90 minutes (improved germination rate by 21%). Our findings indicate that if fescue seed is to be sown during the autumn (two to three months after seed collecting), treating it with acid and temperature can significantly enhance its germination

    JSCS–3884 Original scientific paper

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    Changes in the infrared attenuated total reflectance (ATR) spectra of lignins from alfalfa stem with growth and developmen

    Thiyl Radicals in Organic Synthesis

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