1,438 research outputs found

    Child universes UV regularization?

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    It is argued that high energy density excitations, responsible for UV divergences in quantum field theories, including quantum gravity, are likely to be the source of child universes which carry them out of the original space time. This decoupling prevents these high UV excitations from having any influence on physical amplitudes. Child universe production could therefore be responsible for UV regularization in quantum field theories which takes into account gravitational effects. Also child universe production in the last stages of black hole evaporation, the prediction of absence of tranplanckian primordial perturbations, connection to the minimum length hypothesis and in particular connection to the maximal curvature hypothesis are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex, discussion to the maximum curvature hypothesis adde

    Wormholes and Child Universes

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    Evidence to the case that classical gravitation provides the clue to make sense out of quantum gravity is presented. The key observation is the existence in classical gravitation of child universe solutions or "almost" solutions, "almost" because of some singularity problems. The difficulties of these child universe solutions due to their generic singularity problems will be very likely be cured by quantum effects, just like for example "almost" instanton solutions are made relevant in gauge theories with breaking of conformal invariance. Some well motivated modifcations of General Relativity where these singularity problems are absent even at the classical level are discussed. High energy density excitations, responsible for UV divergences in quantum field theories, including quantum gravity, are likely to be the source of child universes which carry them out of the original space time. This decoupling could prevent these high UV excitations from having any influence on physical amplitudes. Child universe production could therefore be responsible for UV regularization in quantum field theories which take into account semiclassically gravitational effects. Child universe production in the last stages of black hole evaporation, the prediction of absence of tranplanckian primordial perturbations, connection to the minimum length hypothesis and in particular the connection to the maximal curvature hypothesis are discussed. Some discussion of superexcited states in the case these states are Kaluza Klein excitations is carried out. Finally, the posibility of obtaining "string like" effects from the wormholes associated with the child universes is discussed.Comment: Talk presented at the IWARA 2009 Conference, Maresias, Brazil, October 2009, accepted for publication in the proceedings, World Scientific format, 8 page


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    Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of gynecological malignancies, and despite the efforts to improve existing treatment methods and early diagnosis, no progress has been made. Endometrial carcinoma (EC) is the fourth most common malignancy in women. The p53 gene has a leading role in the control of the cell cycle and the initiation of carcinogenesis. The p53 protein induces apoptosis, or cell cycle arrest, which allows the cell to repair genomic damage. Loss of p53 function plays a central role in the development of malignant tumors. P53 is a tumor suppressor gene whose expression in tumors is associated with progression and poor prognosis. Ki67 protein is a cell proliferation marker. Immunohistochemical staining with Ki-67 provides reliable data on the growth fraction of tumors. The Ki67 marker reflects cell proliferation in the tissue being examined. By reading the immunohistochemical expression of Ki67, we can obtain information about the proliferative index and about the growth fraction of tumors. The number of Ki67 positive tumor cells often correlates with the clinical course

    Temperature Dependence of Exciton Diffusion in Conjugated Polymers

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    The temperature dependence of the exciton dynamics in a conjugated polymer is studied using time-resolved spectroscopy. Photoluminescence decays were measured in heterostructured samples containing a sharp polymer-fullerene interface, which acts as an exciton quenching wall. Using a 1D diffusion model, the exciton diffusion length and diffusion coefficient were extracted in the temperature range of 4-293 K. The exciton dynamics reveal two temperature regimes: in the range of 4-150 K, the exciton diffusion length (coefficient) of ~3 nm (~1.5 × 10-4 cm2/s) is nearly temperature independent. Increasing the temperature up to 293 K leads to a gradual growth up to 4.5 nm (~3.2 × 10-4 cm2/s). This demonstrates that exciton diffusion in conjugated polymers is governed by two processes: an initial downhill migration toward lower energy states in the inhomogenously broadened density of states, followed by temperature activated hopping. The latter process is switched off below 150 K.

    Spiral Evolution in a Confined Geometry

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    Supported nanoscale lead crystallites with a step emerging from a non-centered screw dislocation on the circular top facet were prepared by rapid cooling from just above the melting temperature. STM observations of the top facet show a nonuniform rotation rate and shape of the spiral step as the crystallite relaxes. These features can be accurately modeled using curvature driven dynamics, as in classical models of spiral growth, with boundary conditions fixing the dislocation core and regions of the step lying along the outer facet edge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Device physics of polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells

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    Plastic solar cells bear the potential for large-scale power generation based on materials that provide the possibility of flexible, lightweight, inexpensive, efficient solar cells. Since the discovery of the photoinduced electron transfer from a conjugated polymer to fullerene molecules, followed by the introduction of the bulk heterojunction (BHJ) concept, this material combination has been extensively studied in organic solar cells, leading to several breakthroughs in efficiency, with a power conversion efficiency approaching 5 %. This article reviews the processes and limitations that govern device operation of polymer.-fullerene BHJ solar cells, with respect to the charge-carrier transport and photogeneration mechanism. The transport of electrons/holes in the blend is a crucial parameter and must be controlled (e.g., by controlling the nanoscale morphology) and enhanced in order to allow fabrication of thicker films to maximize the absorption, without significant recombination losses. Concomitantly, a balanced transport of electrons and holes in the blend is needed to suppress the build-up of the space-charge that will significantly reduce the power conversion efficiency. Dissociation of electron-hole pairs at the donor/acceptor interface is an important process that limits the charge generation efficiency under normal operation condition. Based on these findings, there is a compromise between charge generation (light absorption) and open-circuit voltage (V-oc) when attempting to reduce the bandgap of the polymer (or fullerene). Therefore, an increase in V-oc of polymer.-fullerene cells, for example by raising the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital level of the fullerene, will benefit cell performance as both fill factor and short-circuit current increase simultaneously

    The Boltzmann equation for colourless plasmons in hot QCD plasma. Semiclassical approximation

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    Within the framework of the semiclassical approximation, we derive the Boltzmann equation describing the dynamics of colorless plasmons in a hot QCD plasma. The probability of the plasmon-plasmon scattering at the leading order in the coupling constant is obtained. This probability is gauge-independent at least in the class of the covariant and temporal gauges. It is noted that the structure of the scattering kernel possesses important qualitative difference from the corresponding one in the Abelian plasma, in spite of the fact that we focused our study on the colorless soft excitations. It is shown that four-plasmon decay is suppressed by the power of gg relative to the process of nonlinear scattering of plasmons by thermal particles at the soft momentum scale. It is stated that the former process becomes important in going to the ultrasoft region of the momentum scale.Comment: 41, LaTeX, minor changes, identical to published versio

    Smooth transitions from Schwarzschild vacuum to de Sitter space

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    We provide an infinity of spacetimes which contain part of both the Schwarzschild vacuum and de Sitter space. The transition, which occurs below the Schwarzschild event horizon, involves only boundary surfaces (no surface layers). An explicit example is given in which the weak and strong energy conditions are satisfied everywhere (except in the de Sitter section) and the dominant energy condition is violated only in the vicinity of the boundary to the Schwarzschild section. The singularity is avoided by way of a change in topology in accord with a theorem due to Borde..Comment: revtex4, two figures. Final form to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Hamiltonian anomalies of bound states in QED

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    The Bound State in QED is described in systematic way by means of nonlocal irreducible representations of the nonhomogeneous Poincare group and Dirac's method of quantization. As an example of application of this method we calculate triangle diagram Para−Positronium→γγPara-Positronium \to \gamma\gamma. We show that the Hamiltonian approach to Bound State in QED leads to anomaly-type contribution to creation of pair of parapositronium by two photon.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the conference "Symmetry Methods in Physics XV", July 12-16, 2011, Dubna, Russi

    The Antares Neutrino Telescope and Multi-Messenger Astronomy

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    Antares is currently the largest neutrino telescope operating in the Northern Hemisphere, aiming at the detection of high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources. Such observations would provide important clues about the processes at work in those sources, and possibly help solve the puzzle of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. In this context, Antares is developing several programs to improve its capabilities of revealing possible spatial and/or temporal correlations of neutrinos with other cosmic messengers: photons, cosmic rays and gravitational waves. The neutrino telescope and its most recent results are presented, together with these multi-messenger programs.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Proceedings of the 14th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW-14) in Roma - January 26th-29th, 201
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