1,397 research outputs found

    Zapewnienie jednolitego prawa precedensu w Słowenii. Utrwalone orzecznictwo, stare decisis oraz trzecie ujęcie

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    The judicial doctrine of jurisprudence constante is a civil-law equivalent of the common law doctrine of stare decisis. Both doctrines resulted from the 19th-century legal positivist movement criticizing the liberty of courts when deciding like cases. If stare decisis has developed into a normatively serious doctrine ensuring coherent and consistent adjudication, jurisprudence constante, however, did not go that far. After a short historical introduction regarding the development of both doctrines, this paper discusses their most important normative differences, provides reasons for these differences, and analyzes the problems that the civil-law doctrine presents in the Slovene legal system in particular, the possibility of transplanting the common law doctrine to our country, and the need for a third way approach to better ensure uniform case law in Slovenia.Doktryna prawna utrwalonego orzecznictwa (jurisprudence constante) jest cywilno-prawnym ekwiwalentem doktryny stare decisis w porządku prawnym common law. Obydwie narodziły się z XIX-wiecznego ruchu pozytywistycznego krytykującego swobodę sądownictwa w przypadku wydawania orzeczeń precedensowych. O ile stare decisis rozwinęła się w normatywnie ważką doktrynę, zapewniającą spójne i konsekwentne orzecznictwo, o tyle jurisprudence constante nie rozwinęła się w takim stopniu. W niniejszym artykule omówiono, po krótkim historycznym wstępie dotyczącym rozwoju obu doktryn, ich najbardziej istotne różnice pod względem normatywnym, wskazując zarazem ich przyczyny. Ponadto przeanalizowano problemy doktryny cywilno-prawnej, w szczególności w słoweńskim systemie prawnym, jak również możliwość przeniesienia doktryny na gruncie common law do Słowenii oraz potrzebę wdrożenia trzeciego, alternatywnego, podejścia w celu zapewnienia jednolitości prawa precedensu w tym kraju


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    Modern Western societies have witnessed a massive growth of legislation and other legal acts. This stems from the fact that modern life in general is increasingly complex and develops very fast, which is reasonably reflected in more frequent legal changes than were common before. But in certain situations it seems that the dynamic content of law might be exaggerated resulting in unreasonably frequent changes. This is typical of the (present) situation in Slovenia as a transitional country, in which legal certainty including legal predictability as two important components of the rule-of-law principle are to a certain extent jeopardised. Consequently, now more than even we have become aware of the need to put more attention to static components in law. These have ever been part of law, so my claim in this article is that it should be re-emphasized to a necessary extent in order to counterbalance unreasonably frequent changes in our law. A particular example of a very instable legal discipline in Slovenia is corporate law. Thus, the application of the stabilitis-legis principle to this problem by the Constitutional Court, also in the area of corporate law, could potentially be one of the remedies to deal with it.U suvremenim društvima zapadnoga svijeta svjedočimo masovnom povećanju broja zakona i drugih pravnih akata. To je rezultat činjenice da je suvremeni život sve složeniji i ubrzano se razvija, što se odražava na češćim promjenama zakona nego što je to bilo prije. Ali čini se da u nekim situacijama i pretjerano naglašavanje dinamičkog karaktera prava može rezultirati nerazumno učestalim izmjenama zakona. Takva je (trenutačno) situacija i u Sloveniji, kao tranzicijskoj zemlji, u kojoj su pravna sigurnost i pravna predvidljivost kao dvije važne sastavnice načela vladavine prava do izvjesne mjere ugroženi. Zato smo sada više nego ikada svjesni potrebe da se više pozornosti posveti statičnim komponentama prava. One su uvijek bile dijelom prava i moja je teza u ovome radu da ih je potrebno ponovno naglašavati u dovoljnoj mjeri kako bi se stvorila protuteža nerazumno čestim promjenama u našemu pravu. Ilustrativan primjer iznimno nestabilne pravne discipline u Sloveniji jest pravo društava. Stoga primjena načela stabilitas legis u rješavanju ovog problema od strane Ustavnog suda i na područje prava društava, moglo bi potencijalno biti jedno od primjerenih pravnih sredstava


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    Modern Western societies have witnessed a massive growth of legislation and other legal acts. This stems from the fact that modern life in general is increasingly complex and develops very fast, which is reasonably reflected in more frequent legal changes than were common before. But in certain situations it seems that the dynamic content of law might be exaggerated resulting in unreasonably frequent changes. This is typical of the (present) situation in Slovenia as a transitional country, in which legal certainty including legal predictability as two important components of the rule-of-law principle are to a certain extent jeopardised. Consequently, now more than even we have become aware of the need to put more attention to static components in law. These have ever been part of law, so my claim in this article is that it should be re-emphasized to a necessary extent in order to counterbalance unreasonably frequent changes in our law. A particular example of a very instable legal discipline in Slovenia is corporate law. Thus, the application of the stabilitis-legis principle to this problem by the Constitutional Court, also in the area of corporate law, could potentially be one of the remedies to deal with it.U suvremenim društvima zapadnoga svijeta svjedočimo masovnom povećanju broja zakona i drugih pravnih akata. To je rezultat činjenice da je suvremeni život sve složeniji i ubrzano se razvija, što se odražava na češćim promjenama zakona nego što je to bilo prije. Ali čini se da u nekim situacijama i pretjerano naglašavanje dinamičkog karaktera prava može rezultirati nerazumno učestalim izmjenama zakona. Takva je (trenutačno) situacija i u Sloveniji, kao tranzicijskoj zemlji, u kojoj su pravna sigurnost i pravna predvidljivost kao dvije važne sastavnice načela vladavine prava do izvjesne mjere ugroženi. Zato smo sada više nego ikada svjesni potrebe da se više pozornosti posveti statičnim komponentama prava. One su uvijek bile dijelom prava i moja je teza u ovome radu da ih je potrebno ponovno naglašavati u dovoljnoj mjeri kako bi se stvorila protuteža nerazumno čestim promjenama u našemu pravu. Ilustrativan primjer iznimno nestabilne pravne discipline u Sloveniji jest pravo društava. Stoga primjena načela stabilitas legis u rješavanju ovog problema od strane Ustavnog suda i na područje prava društava, moglo bi potencijalno biti jedno od primjerenih pravnih sredstava

    Rapid Plant Development Modelling System for Predictive Agriculture

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    Actual and upcoming climate changes will evidently have the largest impact on agriculture crops cultivation in terms of reduced harvest, increased costs, and necessary deviation from traditional farming. The aggravating factor for the successful applications of precision and predictive agriculture is the lack of big data due to slow, year-round cycles of crops, as a prerequisite for further analysis and modelling. The goal of our proposed system is to enable rapid collection of data with respect to various climate conditions, which are artificially created and permuted in the encapsulated design and correlated with plant development identifiers. The design is equipped with a large number of sensors and connected to the central database in a computer cloud, which enables the interconnection and coordination of multiple geographically distributed devices and related experiments. This accumulated data is exploited to develop mathematical models of wheat at different growth stages by applying the concepts of artificial intelligence and to utilize them to predict crop development and harvest. The paper focuses on a system concept to gather data for future models to be used publicly and interactively through a portal for predicting plant development under real and hypothetical climate conditions

    Tikhoff-Lindberg operation and major resections of the shoulder girdle standard procedure for limb salvage in sarcoma patients

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    Development of HTML game eith mobile controler

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    In the thesis we discuss building of computer game with help of web technologies HTML5, CSS3, Javascript. We learn, what are these technologies and how we can use them to make computer games, which run in web browsers. We also learn about Node.js, Socket.io and Express Framework, which we use to build our application framework that runs with server/client protocol. With this knowledge we develop web browser game. Game can be controlled through mobile device. Controls are built using device motion sensors. We're sending controls data asynchronous to the server where we transform them to the command in the game. We develop a basic physics model and collision detection. At the end we discuss possible improvements and different options for game use

    Central European with a Post-Socialist Limp : On the Slovene Legal Identity

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    According to David and Grasmann, the recognised comparative law scholars, there are basically three main criteria for differentiating between legal families and their subgroups: 1. meta-legal considerations; 2. legal sources; and 3. dogmatic legal structures. Concerning the last two criteria, which could also be designated as formal elements of a country’s legal identity, Slovenia has been deeply “immersed” in the civil law of a Central European type. Even after the decline of the Habsburg Empire, what remained to apply on the territory of nowadays Slovenia as part of the then Kingdom of Yugoslavia, was to an important extent Austrian law. Moreover, even the “decadent capitalist code” such as the Allgemeines bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (ABGB) more or less survived in spite of the communist “withering away of the state and law”, and can today still be applicable to some older cases. After one thousand years of Germanic dominance, the Slovenes turned to the East in trying to build their national identity, one hundred years ago when the Empire collapsed. Although that seemed to be a necessary move towards stronger national identity, it was their first step away from the rule of law. The second step away from that was the period of communism that endured almost half a century. Nevertheless, the formal part of the Central European legal identity somehow survived in Slovene law, with certain “injuries” of course, but it is mainly the meta-legal considerations, their sociological and psychological elements in particular, that nowadays make a difference between the situations of the rule of law in the Republic of Slovenia and, for example, in the Republic of Austria, both parts of the onetime joint Empire