4,058 research outputs found

    Reduced Genetic Variation in Populations of Black Cherry (Prunus serotina subsp. serotina, Rosaceae) at Its Western Range Limit in Kansas

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    Citation: Beck, J. B., Ferguson, C. J., Mayfield, M. H., & Shaw, J. (2015). Reduced Genetic Variation in Populations of Black Cherry (Prunus serotina subsp. serotina, Rosaceae) at Its Western Range Limit in Kansas. Northeastern Naturalist, 21(3), 472-478. doi:10.1656/045.021.0313We compared genetic variation at five nuclear simple sequence repeat loci between three populations of Black Cherry (Prunus serotina subsp. serotina) at the edge of its western range in Kansas to four populations from within the range interior. Although within-population expected heterozygosity did not differ between edge and core populations, allelic richness was significantly lower in the edge populations. This finding is consistent with a loss of rare alleles due to genetic drift in demographically unstable edge populations

    The Assembly of Diversity in the Morphologies and Stellar Populations of High-Redshift Galaxies

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    We have studied the evolution in the morphologies, sizes, stellar-masses, colors, and internal color dispersion (ICD) of galaxies at z=1 and 2.3, using a near-IR, flux-limited catalog for the HDF-N. At z=1 most luminous galaxies have morphologies of early-to-mid Hubble-types, and many show transformations between their rest-frame UV-optical morphologies. Galaxies at z=2.3 have compact and irregular morphologies with no clearly evident Hubble-sequence candidates. The mean galaxy size grows from z=2.3 to 1 by 40%, and the density of galaxies larger than 3 kpc increases by 7 times. At z=1, the size-luminosity distribution is broadly consistent with that of local galaxies, with passive evolution. However, galaxies at z=2.3 are smaller than the large present-day galaxies, and must continue to grow in size and stellar mass. We have measured the galaxies' UV-optical ICD, which quantifies differences in morphology and the relative amount of on-going star-formation. The mean and scatter in galaxies' total colors and ICD increase from z=2.3 to 1. At z=1 many galaxies with large ICD are spirals, with a few irregular systems. Few z=2.3 galaxies have high ICD, and those that do are actively merging. We interpret this as evidence for the presence of older and more diverse stellar populations at z=1 that are not generally present at z>2. We conclude that the star-formation histories of galaxies at z>2 are dominated by discrete, recurrent bursts, which quickly homogenize the galaxies' stellar content, and are possibly associated with mergers. The increase in the stellar-population diversification by z<1.4 implies that merger-induced starbursts occur less frequently than at higher redshifts, and more quiescent star-forming modes dominate. This transition coincides with the emergence of Hubble-sequence galaxies. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 20 pages, in emulateapj forma

    The Stellar Populations and Evolution of Lyman Break Galaxies

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    Using deep near-IR and optical observations of the HDF-N from the HST NICMOS and WFPC2 and from the ground, we examine the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at 2.0 < z < 3.5. The UV-to-optical rest-frame SEDs of the galaxies are much bluer than those of present-day spiral and elliptical galaxies, and are generally similar to those of local starburst galaxies with modest amounts of reddening. We use stellar population synthesis models to study the properties of the stars that dominate the light from LBGs. Under the assumption that the star-formation rate is continuous or decreasing with time, the best-fitting models provide a lower bound on the LBG mass estimates. LBGs with ``L*'' UV luminosities are estimated to have minimum stellar masses ~ 10^10 solar masses, or roughly 1/10th that of a present-day L* galaxy. By considering the effects of a second component of maximally-old stars, we set an upper bound on the stellar masses that is ~ 3-8 times the minimum estimate. We find only loose constraints on the individual galaxy ages, extinction, metallicities, initial mass functions, and prior star-formation histories. We find no galaxies whose SEDs are consistent with young (< 10^8 yr), dust-free objects, which suggests that LBGs are not dominated by ``first generation'' stars, and that such objects are rare at these redshifts. We also find that the typical ages for the observed star-formation events are significantly younger than the time interval covered by this redshift range (~ 1.5 Gyr). From this, and from the relative absence of candidates for quiescent, non-star-forming galaxies at these redshifts in the NICMOS data, we suggest that star formation in LBGs may be recurrent, with short duty cycles and a timescale between star-formation events of < 1 Gyr. [Abridged]Comment: LaTeX, 37 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Barrier Formation in the Human Fetus is Patterned

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    We recently demonstrated patterned stratum corneum maturation and skin barrier formation during fetal development in rodents and rabbit. The presence of skin patterning in these mammals led us to predict patterned barrier formation during human infant development. Here we extend our mammalian study and demonstrate patterned stratum corneum development and skin barrier formation in the pre-term human infant. Surprisingly, we show initiation of human barrier regionally as early as 20–24 wk gestational age (22–26 wk menstrual age), bringing barrier formation close to the time of periderm disaggregation. We use the mouse model to show that patterns of periderm disaggregation mirrors barrier formation. Periderm disaggregation follows and recapitulates barrier pattern, suggesting a relationship between the processes. This work reveals regional patterning in skin maturation and barrier formation in the human infant and demonstrates that initiation of human skin barrier formation in utero coincides with the current lower limit of viability of the pre-term infant

    The Internal Ultraviolet-to-Optical Color Dispersion: Quantifying the Morphological K-Correction

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    We present a quantitative measure of the internal color dispersion within galaxies, which quantifies differences in morphology as a function of wavelength. We apply this statistic to a local galaxy sample with archival images at 1500 and 2500 Angstroms from the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope, and ground-based B-band observations to investigate how the color dispersion relates to global galaxy properties. The intenal color dispersion generally correlates with transformations in galaxy morphology as a function of wavelength, i.e., it quantifies the morphological K-correction. Mid-type spiral galaxies exhibit the highest dispersion in their internal colors, which stems from differences in the bulge, disk, and spiral-arm components. Irregulars and late-type spirals show moderate internal color dispersion, which implies that young stars generally dominate the colors. Ellipticals, lenticulars, and early-type spirals generally have low or negligible internal color dispersion, which indicates that the stars contributing to the UV-to-optical emission have a very homogeneous distribution. We discuss the application of the internal color dispersion to high-redshift galaxies in deep, Hubble Space Telescope images. By simulating local galaxies at cosmological distances, many of the galaxies have luminosities that are sufficiently bright at rest--frame optical wavelengths to be detected within the limits of the currently deepest near-infrared surveys even with no evolution. Under assumptions that the luminosity and color evolution of the local galaxies conform with the measured values of high-redshift objects, we show that galaxies' intrinsic internal color dispersion remains measurable out to z ~ 3.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 41 pages, 13 figures (3 color). Full resolution version (~8 Mb) available at http://mips.as.arizona.edu/~papovich/papovich_astroph.p

    Radiation-Induced Leiomyosarcoma: Does Antimetabolite Chemotherapy Contribute? A Report of Three Cases

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    Purpose: Radiation therapy in low and high doses is known to be associated with the occurrence of late secondary sarcomas. The addition of chemotherapy has not been clearly demonstrated as a contributing factor. We describe three patients with radiation-associated leiomyosarcoma who had also received antimetabolite chemotherapy