62 research outputs found

    Integration of lot sizing and scheduling models to minimize production cost and time in the automotive industry

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    Lot planning and production scheduling are important processes in the manufacturing industry. This study is based on the case study of automotive spare parts manufacturing firm (Firm-A), which produces various products based on customer demand. Several complex problems have been identified due to different production process flows for different products with different machine capability considerations at each stage of the production process. Based on these problems, this study proposes three integrated models that include lot planning and scheduling to minimize production costs, production times, and production costs and time simultaneously. These can be achieved by optimizing model solutions such as job order decisions and production quantities on the production process. Next, the genetic algorithm (GA) and the Taguchi approach are used to optimize the models by finding the optimal model solution for each objective. Model testing is presented using numerical examples and actual case data from Firm-A. The model testing analysis is performed using Microsoft Excel software to develop a model based on mathematical programming to formulate all three objective functions. Meanwhile, GeneHunter software is used to represent the optimization process using GA. The results show production quantity and job sequence play an essential role in reducing the cost and time of production by Rp 42.717.200,00 and 31392.82 minutes (65.4 days), respectively. The findings of the study contribute to the production management of Firm-A in helping to make decisions to reduce the time and costs of production strategically, where it provides a guideline for complex production activities

    Finite Element Analysis of J-Integral for Surface Cracks in Round Bars under Combined Mode I Loading

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    This paper numerically discusses the role of J-integral along the surface crack front in cylindrical bar under combined mode I loading. It is also verified the analytical model derived from the first part of this paper by comparing the results obtained numerically using ANSYS finite element program. It is found that the proposed model capable to predict the J-integral successfully along the crack front but not for the area away from the deepest crack depth. This is probably due to the fact that the problem of singularity

    Physicochemical and thermal properties of lignocellulosic fiber from sugar palm fibers: effect of treatment

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    Sugar palm fiber (SPF) is one of the prospective fibers used to reinforce polymer composites. The aim of this study is to evaluate the physicochemical, thermal, and morphological properties of SPF after alkali and sea water treatments. The chemical constituents group and thermal stability of the SPF were determined using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) along with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was carried out to detect the presence of functional groups in untreated and treated SPF. The SEM images after both treatments showed that the external surface of the fiber became clean as a result. However, the sea water treatment affected the fiber properties physically, while the alkali treatment affected it both physically and chemically by dissolving the hemicellulose in the fiber. The TGA results showed that untreated fiber is significantly more stable than treated fiber. In conclusion, the results show that the fiber surface treatment significantly affected the characterization of the fiber

    Kesan lilin ke atas sifat hidrofobik permukaan daun pisang

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    Pengekstrakan lilin dilakukan ke atas dua jenis daun pisang iaitu Musa parasidiaca L. (pisang berangan) dan Musa acuminata Colla (pisang lemak manis) dengan merendamkan daun pisang ke dalam larutan kloroform bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti sifat-sifat hidrofobik dan pembersihan kendiri. Larutan hasil dikeringkan dan diikuti dengan proses penghabluran. Mikroskop imbasan elektron pancaran medan (FESEM) digunakan untuk melihat profil morfologi kedua-dua jenis sampel lilin dan elemen kimia yang diperoleh adalah karbon dan silikon melalui serakan x-ray (EDX). Takat lebur lilin Musa parasidiaca L. dan Musa acuminata Colla adalah 80.2oC dan 82.9oC manakala sudut sentuhan air pada permukaan lilin Musa parasidiaca L. dan Musa acuminata Colla adalah 137.3o dan 132.8o. Sudut sentuhan bagi kedua-dua sampel lilin melebihi 90o menunjukkan daun pisang adalah bersifat hidrofobik yang mana Musa parasidiaca L. menunjukkan nilai sudut sentuhan yang lebih tinggi dan sesuai untuk aplikasi biomimetik. Pencirian yang terdapat pada lilin daun pisang boleh diaplikasikan di dalam industri salutan permukaan dan tekstil

    Epoxidized natural rubber–alumina nanoparticle composites: Optimization of mixer parameters via response surface methodology

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    Epoxidized natural rubber–alumina nanoparticle composites were prepared by melt compounding with an internal mixer for a constant filler loading of 10 phr. Mixer parameters such as the mixing temperature, mixing time, and rotor speed were screened and optimized with response surface methodology to maximize the impact strength. The parameters were selected as three independent variables and the impact strength (J/m) was selected as the response in a screening factor study. The mixing temperature and its interaction terms were identified as insignificant factors with a P value greater than 0.0500. The optimum calculated values of the tested variables (rotor speed and mixing time) for the maximum impact strength were found to be a rotor speed of 60 rpm and a mixing time of 6 min with a predicted impact strength of 208.88 J/m. These predicted optimum parameters were tested in real experiments. The final impact strength was found to be close to the predicted value of 215.84 J/m, with only a 3.33% deviation

    Effect of pH of Suspension and Mechanical Treatment on Nanosized Zirconia Dispersion / Noor Faeizah Amat...[et al.]

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    Understanding zirconia 3YSZ powder dispersion is crucial in achieving colloidal stability in order to produce high-strength and translucent structures required for dental applications. In this work, pH adjustment (pH 1–11) and mechanical treatment (ball milling, ultrasonic treatment, and centrifugation) were employed to remove agglomeration. As-received zirconia 3YSZ powder was characterized by transmission electron microscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method, and laser light scattering technique to identify the primary particle size and to verify the presence of powder agglomeration. Particle dispersion of nanosized zirconia 3YSZ in aqueous suspension at various pH and different mechanical treatments were investigated by measuring the particle size distribution and zeta potential. The particle size of zirconia powder after adjustment to pH 2 was found to decrease (195 nm) compared with that of the as-received powder (388 nm), thus indicating the occurrence of powder de-agglomeration. A higher zeta potential value was also observed at pH 2. The isoelectric point of the suspension was at pH 10.7, where agglomeration was found to occur. This result is in good agreement with the average particle size result, in which larger particle sizes were observed at pH 10 to 11. In addition, ball milling was found to be an effective method to remove weak agglomeration given that small particle sizes measuring 164 nm were produced, whereas ultrasonic and centrifugation treatments worsened the powder dispersion. Zirconia suspension at pH 2 and prepared via ball milling was well-dispersed and suitable for further consolidation process

    The Effect of Filler on Epoxidised Natural Rubber-Alumina Nanoparticles Composites

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    Epoxidised natural rubber (ENR)-alumina nanoparticles composites (ENRAN) were produced by melt compounding followed by sulphur curing. Alumina nanoparticles were introduced in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 parts per hundred rubber (phr) in the compounding recipes to study the effect of filler loading to the cure characteristics and mechanical properties. The dispersion of the alumina nanoparticles was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The increase in alumina nanoparticles loading in ENR matrices were found to accelerate the curing process up to 40% compared to unfilled ENRs. The minimum torque (ML), maximum torque (MH) and torque difference (MH-ML) also increased due to the increasing crosslink density with the presence of alumina nanoparticles. The increase in alumina nanoparticles content in the ENR compound resulted in the decrease of the tensile strength, elongation at break (EB) and the impact strength but increase the hardness and tensile modulus compared to unfilled ENRs. The alumina particles were observed to be uniformly distributed in the matrices which contributed to the enhancement of MH, ML, tensile modulus and hardness of the ENRANs. When present in the matrix, the particles formed spheres of agglomerates thereby able to effect high filler-matrix interaction which also contribute to the increase in torque values

    Influence of treatments on the mechanical and thermal properties of sugar palm fibre reinforced phenolic composites

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    Sugar palm fibre (SPF) was used to prepare composites with phenolic resin. The SPF underwent treatment with either sea water for 30 d or a 0.5% alkaline solution for 4 h. The composites contained 30% (vol.) SPF in a powdered form, and the composite samples were fabricated by a hot press machine. The effects of the fibre treatments on the mechanical (flexural, impact, and compressive), thermal, and morphological properties of the composites were analyzed. The SPF treatments considerably improved the mechanical properties of the composites compared with the untreated composite. The alkaline treatment resulted in the most improved flexural and impact strength of the composites. In contrast, the sea water treatment had the best results for improving the compressive strength. Morphological analyses indicated that the surface treatments improved the fibre-matrix bonding. The thermal degradation analysis showed that both the sea water and alkaline treatments of the SPF slightly affected the thermal stability of the composites. Consequently, SPF can be effectively used as an alternative natural fibre for reinforcing bio-composites

    The effect of the rheocast process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-5.7Si-2Cu-0.3Mg alloy

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    This study shows the results of an experimental investigation of semisolid rheocasting of Al-5.7Si-2Cu-0.3Mg alloy using a cooling slope (CS) casting technique. However, the challenge is to determine process parameters of the CS process to get a desirable microstructure in the semisolid feedstock material. cooling slope technique was employed to create feedstock material for thixoforming under an argon gas atmosphere, where on an inclined plate that was fixed at a 60° slope angle, molten alloy is poured at different temperatures of 640°C, 650°C and 660°C at lengths 300, 400 and 500 mm. Examination the microstructure with optical microscope observed that the microstructure of conventionally cast alloy presented coarse and dendritic primary α-Al phase, whereas rheocast alloy included fine and nondendritic primary α-Al phase with homogeneous distribution of eutectic phase. The best CS processing condition has been identified for optimum pouring temperature of 650°C and the slope length of 400 mm as average globular grain size of around 31.67 ± 3 μm and a shape factor of about 0.66 ± 0.09 were obtained. The mechanical properties of conventional cast alloy were enhanced by the CS casting process. The ultimate tensile strength, the yield strength and elongation of the rheocast alloy were increased by 10%, 12% and 22% respectively compared to the conventional cast alloy. due to a reduction in shrinkage and porosity of the microstructure of the CS alloy