294 research outputs found

    EMBSeCBIO modern pollen biomisation

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    The data set contains metadata describing modern pollen samples for the Eastern Mediterranean-Black Sea-Caspian-Corridor region and biome reconstructions made using these data. Observed vegetation at the sites, according to three different data sources, is also given for comparison

    Ultrasound measument of local arterial stiffness through one-point echo-tracking technique

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    A recent guideline on hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology recommends assessment of hypertensive organ damage. One of these aspects is the measurement of pulse wave velocity as an index of arterial stiffness and underlying atherosclerosis. Pulse wave velocity measurement provides valuable predictive information added to standard risk factors such as blood pressure, lipids, and blood glucose in cardiovascular risk assessment. The recently introduced ultrasound echo-tracking technique is considered a modern aspect in measuring local arterial siffness in clinical practice. The carotid artery is of particular interest because of its easy accessibility and the data obtained from numerous studies on the predictive value of the carotid pulse wave velocity for cardiovascular events

    Problems and challenges in assessing fertility and pregnancy in patients with thalassemia major - some key points from transfusion-dependent thalassemia guidelines

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    Over the last decades, the medical care of patients with thalassemia major has improved significantly, with life expectancy being close to that of the rest of the population. At the same time, the quality of life of patients has also improved significantly, and they are able to have families of their own. For medical specialists, this issue raises the question about ensuring normal sexual development, puberty, fertility and pregnancy. Some of the patients suffer hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and they need assisted reproductive techniques. Fertility and induction of spermatogenesis in male patients with thalassemia is less successful. The suitability to carry to term includes evaluation of cardiovascular system, liver function, dysfunction in other endocrine organs and concomitant viral infections. The article presents the specific characteristics in the planning of spontaneous and assisted pregnancy, the risks associated with that, the drugs that can be applied and the way of delivery.Over the last decades, the medical care of patients with thalassemia major has improved significantly, with life expectancy being close to that of the rest of the population. At the same time, the quality of life of patients has also improved significantly, and they are able to have families of their own. For medical specialists, this issue raises the question about ensuring normal sexual development, puberty, fertility and pregnancy. Some of the patients suffer hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and they need assisted reproductive techniques. Fertility and induction of spermatogenesis in male patients with thalassemia is less successful. The suitability to carry to term includes evaluation of cardiovascular system, liver function, dysfunction in other endocrine organs and concomitant viral infections. The article presents the specific characteristics in the planning of spontaneous and assisted pregnancy, the risks associated with that, the drugs that can be applied and the way of delivery

    The role of CT and MRI in the diagnosis and management of pilomyxoid astrocytoma with spontaneous intratumoral hemorrhage - a case report

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    Въведение: Около половината от мозъчните тумори в детска възраст са астроцитоми. Пиломиксоидният астроцитом е агресивен вариант на пилоцитния астроцитом. Най-често тези тумори са добре отграничени, неинфилтриращи околната тъкан. Материали и методи: Представяме случай на пиломиксоиден астроцитом в детска възраст, придружен със спонтанно интратуморно кървене. Дете на 3-годишна възраст беше прието в спешното отделение на УМБАЛ „Св. Марина` в гр. Варна по повод нестабилна хемодинамика, повишена телесна температура, повръщане и загуба на съзнание. При неврологичния преглед се установи, че зениците са двустранно нереаги-ращи на светлина. По Глазгоу кома скалата пациентът получи 6 точки. От извършеното предоперативното компютърно томографско (КТ) изследване се установи наличие на интрацеребрален хематом, причиняващ вътрешна хидроцефалия и дилатация на латералните вентрикули. Бе проведено спешно оперативно лечение с поставяне на интравентрикуларен дрен, последвано от провеждане на магнитнорезонансна томография (МРТ) на глава. МРТ доказа наличието на голяма ту-морна формация с размери 49х55 мм, разположена интра- и супраселарно. Бе извършена кранио томия и парциална екстирпация на тумора чрез използване на микрохирургична техника. Резултатът от хистологичното изследване доказа морфологичната картина на пиломиксоиден астроцитом WHO grade II. Резултати и обсъждане: В ранния постоперативен период пациентът беше хемодинамично стабилен. От проведеното постоперативно КТ изследване се установи персистираща интравентрикуларна хеморагия, въпреки наличието на интравентрикуларни дренове. Във фронталните дялове бе забелязана хиподенсна лезия с вид на исхемична. Поради липсата на подобрение в неврологичния статус, както и наличието на резидуална туморна маса, бе предложено продължаване на лечението. Заключение: Тъй като липсват специфична за този вид тумор клинична изява, най-често първите симптоми са свързани с повишаване на интракраниалното налягане и компресията на паренхима, които се предизвикват от мас-ефекта и локализацията на тумора.Introduction: About half of childhood brain tumors are astrocytomas. Pilomyxoid astrocytomas are an aggressive variant of pilocytic astrocytoma. Generally, these tumors are well circumscribed without infiltration. Materials and Methods: We report a case of pilomyxoid astrocytoma associated with tumoral bleeding in a pediatric patient. A 3-year-old girl presented in the Emergency Department of St.Marina University Hospital in Varna with unstable haemodinamics, fever, vomiting and loss of consciousness. The neurological examination revealed non-reactive to light pupils. The patient was assessed to have a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 6. The preoperative CT scan showed an intracerebral haematoma, causing hydrocephalus and dilatation of the lateral ventricles. After an insertion of an external ventricular drain, a MRI scan was performed. It revealed a giant intra- and suprasellar tumor with dimentions of 49x55 mm. The patient underwent craniotomy and microsurgical partial extirpation of the tumor. After a histological examination was performed, the tumor was considered pilomyxoid astrocytoma WHO grade II. Results and Discussion: In the early postoperative period, the patient was haemodinamically stable. The postoperative CT scan demonstrated a persisting intraventricular haemorrhage, despite the inserted external ventricular drains. A hypodense lesion in the right frontal lobe consistent with subacute infarction was noticed. Due to the lack of neurological improvement and the presence of a residual tumor (confirmed by the CT scan), a subsequent surgery was necessary. Conclusion: There is no characteristic clinical presentation and the symptoms will be related to the mass effect and the tumor location, usually symptoms of raised intracranial pressure or parenchymal compression

    A fatal case of non-Hodgkin lymphoma - a case report

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    Въведение: Неходжкиновият лимфом (НХЛ) е хетерогенно заболяване, произхождащо от малигнената трансформация на лимфоцити и включващо множество подтипове, всеки със специфични молекулярни и клинични характеристики. Клиничната манифестация варира от вяло протичане до агресивен ход. Решенията за лечение за предпочитане се правят в мултидисциплинарна среда. През последните десетилетия се наблюдава нарастване на случаите, дължащо се на увеличаване на средната възраст на населението, подобряване на диагностиката, пандемията от ХИВ и имуносупресивната терапия. Материали и методи: Дискутира се клиничен случай на 65-годишна починала пациентка с Неходжкинов лимфом. Тя е диагностицирана през април 2017 г. с клинично проявени двустранно увеличени цервикални лимфни възли, астено-адинамичен синдром, замайване и абдоминална болка. Първоначално тя е приета в МБАЛ-Силистра, където е открита бицитопения (анемия и тромбоцитопения), поради което е препратена към УМБАЛ „Св. Марина` във Варна. Флоуцитометричното изследване на периферна кръв де-монстрира патологична B-клетъчна популация. Резултати и обсъждане: CT сканирането на гръдния кош, корема и таза показа генерализирана лимфаденопатия, синдром на горна празна вена и значително уголемена слезка с лацерация, пенетрация на хематома през капсулата и малка колекция кръв в малкия таз. Поради ниския брой на тромбоцитите тя е оценена като високорисков хирургичен пациент. По тази причина успешно е извършена емболизация на лиеналната артерия. През август 2017 г. се появява загуба на апетит, коремна болка, повръщане, запек и анурия, което довежда до приемане по спешност в болница. Пациентката остава анурична въпреки проведената хидратация и лечение, изпада в кома и настъпва екзитус леталис. Заключение: Прогнозата на пациентите с НХЛ зависи главно от хистологичния клас, разпространението, възрастта на пациента и от това дали болестта е разпространена в екстранодални органи. Наличието на тези прогностични фактори в дискутирания случай може да обясни изхода на пациента.Introduction: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is a heterogeneous disease resulting from the malignant transformation of lymphocytes and includes multiple subtypes, each with specific molecular and clinical characteristics. The clinical presentation ranges from an indolent to an aggressive nature. Treatment decisions are preferably made in a multidisciplinary setting. The last decades have seen a growth due to increased mean age of the population, improvements in diagnosis, the HIV pandemic, and immunosuppressive therapy. Materials and Methods: A case report of a 65-year-old deceased female patient with a non-Hodgkin lymphoma is discussed. She was diagnosed in April 2017 with clinical manifestation of bilaterally enlarged cervical lymph nodes, astheno-adynamic syndrome, dizziness and abdominal pain. She was initially admitted at MHAT-Silistra, where they discovered bicytopenia (anemia and thrombocytopenia) due to which she was referred to Sv. Marina University Hospital in Varna. The flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood demonstrated a pathological B-cell population. Results and Discussion: CT scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis showed generalized lymphadenopathy, superior vena cava syndrome and significantly enlarged spleen with laceration, penetration of the haematoma through the capsule and a small collection of blood in the lower abdomen. Due to low platelet count she was evaluated as a high-risk surgical patient. A splenic arterial embolization was successfully per formed. In August 2017, she developed loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation and anuria, which required urgent hospital admission. The patient remained anuric despite proper hydration and treatment, became comatose and died. Conclusion: The prognosis of NHL patients depends mainly on the histological grade, dissemination, patient`s age and whether the disease spreads in extranodal organs. The presence of these prognostic factors in the discussed case may explain the outcome for this patient

    The capabilities of ultrasound - from standard echocardiography to Transcranial Doppler in the diagnostics of atrial septal defects

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    Въведение: Ултразвукът е част от арсенала на лекари и радиолози повече от 50 години, но неговите възможности и днес продължават да нарастват чрез въвеждането на все по-нови методики в диагностиката на редица патологии. Една от тях са междупредсърдните септални дефекти (ASD) и макар стандартната трансторакална ехокардиография (ТТЕ) да е доказала ефективността и ползата си във времето, днес на разположение на специалистите съществува нов и също толкова надежден диагностичен метод - транскраниалната доплер ехография (cTCD). Материали и методи: Докладът разглежда нарастващите възможности на ехографията в диагностиката на АSD. Установено е, че около 25% от световното население има персистиращ форамен овале (ПФО). Мнозинството от тези хора нямат симптоми, свързани с това състояние. Въпреки това в последните години се предлага становището, че пациентите, преживели криптогенни инсулти или транзиторни исхемични атаки (TИА), имат по-висока честота на ПФО. cTCD е много чувствителна методика, която може да бъде използвана за оценката на дясно-леви шънтове (RLS) през ПФО. За диагностиката на ASD се използва транстемпорален изглед, при което се изобразява средната мозъчна артерия (СМА). Методиката се състои в интравенозна апликация на предварително приготвен физиологичен разтвор, като при поява на микромехурчета в зоната на СМА поставя с голяма сигурност диагнозата ASD. Резултати и обсъждане: Редица проучвания доказаха, че при голям процент от пациентите, преживели инсулти или ТИА, е налице такъв дефект, a специфичността и точността на метода са съизмерими с тези на ТТЕ и трансезофагеалната ехокардиография (ТЕЕ), която се приема за златен стандарт. Заключение: cTCD има сходна чувствителност и специфичност с тази на cTEE при откриването на ASD, но има предимството да е неинвазивен и доказано безопасен при пациенти с емболичен инсулт от неизяснен произход. В обобщение, достъпността до високосенситивни диагностични техники, каквато е TCD, осигурява възможност за ефективен и надежден скрининг на пациенти със съответните показания.Introduction: Ultrasound has been a part of the arsenal of medical specialists for more than 50 years but its uses keep growing with the invention of newer methods in diagnostics of different pathologies. One of them are the atrial septal defects (ASD) and even though the standard transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) has proven its efficacy, there is nowadays, available to professionals, a new and equally reliable diagnostic method - transcranial Doppler ultrasonog-raphy (cTCD). Materials and Methods: This report reviews the growing capabilities of ultrasound in ASD diagnostics. It is estimated that approximately 25% of the world`s population have patent foramen ovale (PFO). The majority of these people have no symptoms associated with this condition. However, in recent years, it has been suggested that patients with cryptogenic strokes or transient ischaemic attacks (TIA) have higher prevalence of PFO. cTCD is a very sensitive technique which can be used for evaluation of right-to-left shunts (RLS) via PFO. In the diagnostics of ASD transtemporal view is used and the middle cerebral artery (MCA) is visualized. The method is performed by intravenous application of saline and the appearance of microbubbles in the MCA determines with high certainty the diagnosis of ASD. Results and Discussion: Numerous studies have shown that in large percentage of the patients with strokes or TIA such defect is present and the specificity and accuracy of the method are comparable to those of TTE and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), which is considered a standard method for detecting RLS. Conclusion: cTCD has similar sensitivity and specificity to cTEE in detecting ASD but has the advantage of being noninvasive and reportedly safe in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source. In summary, the availability of high sensitive diagnostic techniques such as TCD provides the opportunity of effective and reliable screening of patients with appropriate indications

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with increased arterial stiffness measured by the echo-tracking method

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    INTRODUCTION: Data for arterial stiffness (АS) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (Т2DM) patients is important for better management of cardiovascular complications and early therapeutic approach.AIM: The aim of this article is to obtain data for pulse wave velocity (PWVβ) and other AS parameters in patients with T2DM without cardiovascular atherosclerotic disease and compare them with controls.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional clinical investigation involves a sample of 100 patients with T2DM without cardiovascular complications and a control group of 30 healthy subjects.  In all patients one-point echo-tracking measurement of carotid artery (CA) stiffness with Aloka Prosound α7 machine were conducted and pulse wave velocity (PWVβ), β-stiffness index, arterial compliance (АС), augmentation index (AI), Peterson’s modulus (Ep) were measured.  RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Our results showed the mean value of PWVβ on the left CA (L) in the group of patients with T2DM is 7.37 ± 1.32 m/sec and on the right CA (R) is 7.42 ± 1.33 m/sec. The performed t-test showed statistical significance of the differences of PWVβ (L) and PWVβ (R) in the studied group, compared to the control group (t = 3.764; p = 0.001 and t = 3.561; p = 0.001). The data showed significantly higher values of β-stiffness index (p = 0.001) and Ep (p = 0.001) in patients with T2DM compared to controls. AC was significantly lower in T2DM, when it is measured on the left CA (p = 0.001). AI was significantly higher in T2DM when it is measured on the right CA (p = 0.009).Patients with T2DM are associated with significantly increased AS parameters compared to controls


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    In Bulgaria there are many natural materials that present an interest for human activity in relation of their use and properties. Five natural products were tested. In base of their quantity and quality characteristics was offered different mixture in various combination of vermiculites, ash from straw biomass, wood biomass and pig manure. The aim of the study is based on the characterization and evaluation of the proposed natural products. Different ratio of mixtures was tested as a soil improver and their impact on yield and chemical characteristic of plant production. Pot experiment with lettuce is set out in the following versions: control, 2, 5, 7, and 11% by soil weight. The highest yield is obtained in variants with 11% of all compost mixture. In mixtures (2, 3 and 5) with large manure content has been observed highest increase of yield as a result of more imported nutrients by organic manure. Chemical characteristics of lettuce crop production, with the participation of all variants of compost mixtures show that the main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are normal for plant species. The level of tested heavy metal is below toxic concentration. The results of total sugars content and photosynthetic activity correspond with data obtained in biomass harvesting in pot experiment. In all variants with 7-11% compost mixture was observed the highest level of photo-synthetically active chlorophyll "a"

    Cardiovascular impairment in patients with thalassemia major - is iron deposition the only factor? Comparative review of two clinical cases

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    Бета-Таласемия е рядко срещано генетично заболяване, което се характеризира с хемолитична анемия и основно прилагана терапия е редовната хемотрансфузия. Пациентите с таласемия развиват особен тип сърдечно увреждане - таласемична кардиомиопатия, което е определящо за прогнозата на заболяването. Представяме два случая на пациенти с таласемия майор, при които има установено сърдечно засягане. В първия случай това се дължи на отлагането на желязо в миокарда, което е най-честата причина за сърдечно увреждане, a втория случай е на пациент, при който не се установява повишено отлагане на желязо в микарда при регулярното магнитно резонансно изследване с Т2* технология.Beta thalassemia is a rare hereditary disease characterized by hemolytic anemia treated with regular, monthly hemotransfusions. Patients with thalassemia develop a specific type of cardiomyopathy, which is a crucial determinant of the morbidity and mortality of the patients. Here we present two cases of patients with thalassemia major with cardiac impairment. The first case is an 18-year-old boy with sever myocardial iron deposition - the most common cause for heart failure in thalassemic patients and the second case is that of a patient with no iron deposition, normal T2* and yet with cardiac dysfunction