10 research outputs found

    Quality of intrapartum care by skilled birth attendants in a refugee clinic on the Thai-Myanmar border: a survey using WHO Safe Motherhood Needs Assessment

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    © Hoogenboom et al.Background: Increasing the number of women birthing with skilled birth attendants (SBAs) as one of the strategies to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity must be partnered with a minimum standard of care. This manuscript describes the quality of intrapartum care provided by SBAs in Mae La camp, a low resource, protracted refugee context on the Thai-Myanmar border. Methods: In the obstetric department of Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (SMRU) the standardized WHO Safe Motherhood Needs Assessment tool was adapted to the setting and used: to assess the facility; interview SBAs; collect data from maternal records during a one year period (August 2007 - 2008); and observe practice during labour and childbirth. Results: The facility assessment recorded no 'out of stock' or 'out of date' drugs and supplies, equipment was in operating order and necessary infrastructure e.g. a stand-by emergency car, was present. Syphilis testing was not available. SBA interviews established that danger signs and symptoms were recognized except for sepsis and endometritis. All SBAs acknowledged receiving theoretical and 'hands-on' training and regularly attended deliveries. Scores for the essential elements of antenatal care from maternal records were high (>90%) e.g. providing supplements, recording risk factors as well as regular and correct partogram use. Observed good clinical practice included: presence of a support person; active management of third stage; post-partum monitoring; and immediate and correct neonatal care. Observed incorrect practice included: improper controlled cord traction; inadequate hand washing; an episiotomy rate in nulliparous women 49% (34/70) and low rates 30% (6/20) of newborn monitoring in the first hours following birth. Overall observed complications during labour and birth were low with post-partum haemorrhage being the most common in which case the SBAs followed the protocol but were slow to recognize severity and take action. Conclusions: In the clinic of SMRU in Mae La refugee camp, SBAs were able to comply with evidence-based guidelines but support to improve quality of care in specific areas is required. The structure of the WHO Safe Motherhood Needs Assessment allowed significant insights into the quality of intrapartum care particularly through direct observation, identifying a clear pathway for quality improvement

    Inside Movement Knowledge

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    Inside Movement Knowledge was a two-year (2008-2010) collaborative, interdisciplinary research project into new methods for the documentation, transmission and preservation of contemporary choreographic and dance knowledge. The project has evolved out of research initiated in 2004 by Amsterdam-based dance company Emio Greco | PC (Pieter C. Scholten) into systems for recording and transmitting the essential elements of their creative work. Inside Movement Knowledge took the outcomes of this earlier research (book, interactive DVD and installation) as a &lsquo;case-study&rsquo; to continue exploring the questions of Emio Greco | PC in collaboration with a new consortium made up of the Netherlands Media Art Institute (through their preservation department); the University of Utrecht (through the newly established Theatre Studies program); and the Dance Department/ Theaterschool, Amsterdam School of the Arts. This expanded research project was supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.The documentation website will remain on-line indefinitely as a resource for researchers interested in the documentation, transmission and preservation of contemporary dance and in how this project was set up to explore these topics.<br /

    Vlugschrift Theaterjaar 2017: Theaterjaar 206-2017

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    Het ‘vlugschrift’ THEATERJAAR 2017 is een vergelijkend overzicht in cijfers. Deze speciale uitgave, verschenen als bijlage van de februari uitgave van de Theatermaker, gaat vooraf aan een nieuw Theaterjaarboek dat in oktober 2018 zal verschijnen

    De Agenda XL: 12 09 15

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    Na een bewogen seizoen, met acht bijeenkomsten van De Agenda in 2015 - van Rotterdam tot Arnhem - en maar liefst 400 individuele deelnemers, wilden we gezamenlijk afsluiten waar we zijn begonnen, in Amsterdam. In een extra lange sessie maakten we de balans op, blikten we terug Ă©n vooruit. We vroegen ons af: wat is er het afgelopen jaar gebeurd? Welke veranderingen hebben plaatsgevonden? Hoe ervaren we de rol en waarde van kunst in de samenleving? Ook stonden we stil bij een thema dat de laatste tijd steeds explicieter naar voren treedt, de zogenaamde ‘uitholling van de sector’. Wij zien met trots en enthousiasme dat De Agenda is uitgegroeid tot een informele structuur van mensen, ideeĂ«n en mogelijkheden. De Agenda is een vanuit de sector zelf geĂŻnitieerde reeks bijeenkomsten die moeten leiden tot een ander gesprek over de toekomst van de podiumkunsten in Nederland, gevoerd door allerlei generaties en vakgebieden. De Agenda is een plek van geĂ«ngageerde ‘zelfreflectie’, waar mensen voortdurend hun eigen denkbeelden kunnen vormen en ‘slijpen’ in gesprek met andere vakgebieden en generaties. Vanuit de agenda ontstaan op organische wijze kleinere allianties die het veld, diverse adviesraden, commissies en brancheorganisaties gevraagd en ongevraagd van advies voorzien

    The Double Skin/Double Mind Interactive Installation

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    International audienceThe interactive installation Double Skin/ Double Mind is a virtual interactive version of the Double Skin/Double Mind workshop. This workshop, which has been taught by dance company Emio Greco | PC since 1996, represents the basis of the creative work of choreographers Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten. Participants in this workshop are challenged to discover new interpretations of their dancing body through the movement tracking program Gesture Follower developed by Frédéric Bevilacqua (IRCAM). As result of this comparison different feedback, including emotive icons, sonification and text displays is given through an interface lay out developed by Chris Ziegler. Participants are accompanied by different visualization and sonic information while mentally and physically travelling through the Double Skin/ Double Mind structure. Professional as well as non-professional dancers are invited to experience this installation

    Hydrogen bonded polymeric multilayer films assembled below and above the cloud point temperature

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    Polymeric multilayer films assembled via hydrogen-bonding are witnessing increased interest from the scientific community. Here we report on hydrogen bonded multilayers of tannic acid and neutral poly(2-oxazoline)s. Importantly we demonstrate, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time that a temperature responsive polymer, in this case poly(2-(n-propyl)-2-oxazline), can be assembled below and above its TCP with distinctly different growth mechanisms

    Nanoscale Imaging of Light-Matter Coupling Inside Metal-Coated Cavities with a Pulsed Electron Beam

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    Many applications in (quantum) nanophotonics rely on controlling light-matter interaction through strong, nanoscale modification of the local density of states (LDOS). All-optical techniques probing emission dynamics in active media are commonly used to measure the LDOS and benchmark experimental performance against theoretical predictions. However, metal coatings needed to obtain strong LDOS modifications in, for instance, nanocavities, are incompatible with all-optical characterization. So far, no reliable method exists to validate theoretical predictions. Here, we use subnanosecond pulses of focused electrons to penetrate the metal and excite a buried active medium at precisely defined locations inside subwavelength resonant nanocavities. We reveal the spatial layout of the spontaneous-emission decay dynamics inside the cavities with deep-subwavelength detail, directly mapping the LDOS. We show that emission enhancement converts to inhibition despite an increased number of modes, emphasizing the critical role of optimal emitter location. Our approach yields fundamental insight in dynamics at deep-subwavelength scales for a wide range of nano-optical systems

    Multi-color electron microscopy by element-guided identification of cells, organelles and molecules

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    Cellular complexity is unraveled at nanometer resolution using electron microscopy (EM), but interpretation of macromolecular functionality is hampered by the difficulty in interpreting greyscale images and the unidentified molecular content. We perform large-scale EM on mammalian tissue complemented with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) to allow EM-data analysis based on elemental composition. Endogenous elements, labels (gold and cadmium-based nanoparticles) as well as stains are analyzed at ultrastructural resolution. This provides a wide palette of colors to paint the traditional grey-scale EM images for composition-based interpretation. Our proof-ofprinciple application of EM-EDX reveals that endocrine and exocrine vesicles exist in single cells in Islets of Langerhans. This highlights how elemental mapping reveals unbiased biomedical relevant information. Broad application of EM-EDX will further allow experimental analysis on large-scale tissue using endogenous elements, multiple stains, and multiple markers and thus brings nanometer-scale 'color-EM' as a promising tool to unravel molecular (de) regulation in biomedicine

    Nanoporous hydrogen bonded polymeric microparticles: facile and economic production of cross presentation promoting vaccine carriers

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    Nanoporous microparticles are produced in a single step based on hydrogen bonding between a neutral polymer and tannic acid. These particles are stable in physiological medium, are non-toxic to in vitro cultured cells, and can efficiently encapsulate proteins. In vitro and in vivo experiments show that these porous hydrogen bonded microparticles are able to induce antigen-specific cellular and humoral immune responses against encapsulated vaccine antigens. Considering the easy and low cost manufacturing of this dry powder formulation from approved readily available components, it is anticipated that this technology holds great promise for the formulation of vaccines for developing countries or for pandemic vaccines where long term storage under refrigerated conditions is a major issue. Additionally, due to the versatility of the approach facilitates straightforward co-encapsulation of a wide variety of additional components to further modulate the immune response