71 research outputs found


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    Labour markets are increasingly being organized through digital platforms. These platforms are often characterized by a systematic asymmetry of information and power in favour of platform providers. They rely on an independent workforce that receives low wages and no social security, and at the same time works for its own account and bears the risk independently. Non-standard form of business via digital platforms offers benefits such as more flexible working hours, more favourable prices, and opportunities for income generation, but it also come with challenges related to job stability, benefits, and legal protections. Since there are no official statistics on the size of platform work, a small number of literature deals with the research of the determinants of platform work. The aim of this paper is to determine how factors such as Internet purchases by individuals, GDP per capita, unemployment rate and DESI index affect the size of the platform work. The analysis was conducted on a sample of selected countries of Eastern and Central Europe (CEEC – Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Estonia) and for this purpose Eurostat and ETUI Internet and Platform Work Survey data were used. The results of analysis show that the GDP per capita and Internet purchases by individuals influence the size of platform work in selected countries

    Utjecaj migracijskih kretanja na inovacijske aktivnosti u hrvatskim županijama

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    Innovation activities are one of the most important engines behind economic growth. Among factors that facilitate development of innovations a particularly prominent place belongs to social and cultural diversity of particular geographic areas. Contributions within a number of academic disciplines point to the positive impact of the heterogeneity of the population on the generation of new ideas, knowledge diffusion, entrepreneurship and economic growth. However, the relationship between migration movements and innovations at the regional level has been investigated to a lesser extent. This is especially true when it comes to spatial effects of migration movements on innovations that have not been addressed in the existing literature. The objective of this research is to explore spatial impact of migration movements on innovation activities of Croatian counties in the 2005–2013 period. Results obtained using the spatial panel Durbin econometric technique point to a negative intraregional and positive interregional impact of intercounty and international migration movements on regional innovation activity. Increased innovation activity within individual regions has a positive impact on the same activity of neighbouring regions.Inovacijske aktivnosti jedan su od najvažnijih pokretača gospodarskog rasta. Među činiteljima koji utječu na razvoj inovacijske aktivnosti osobito važno mjesto pripada sociološkoj i kulturološkoj raznolikosti stanovništva nekoga područja. Doprinosi unutar više znanstvenih disciplina upućuju na pozitivan utjecaj populacijske raznolikosti na stvaranje novih ideja, difuziju znanja, razvoj poduzetništva i gospodarski rast. Unatoč navedenom, veza između migracija i inovacijske aktivnosti na regionalnoj razini relativno je neistraženo područje i u domaćoj i u svjetskoj literaturi. To osobito dolazi do izražaja kada se govori o prostornim učincima migracija na inovacije koje nisu bile predmet dosadašnjih istraživanja. Cilj je ovog rada istražiti prostorni utjecaj migracija na inovacijsku aktivnost hrvatskih županija od 2005. do 2013. Rezultati dobiveni primjenom ekonometrijske metode prostornoga Durbin panela upućuju na pozitivan utjecaj međunarodnih migracija na inovacijsku aktivnost. Međužupanijske migracije imaju negativan utjecaj unutar regija dok je interregionalni utjecaj ovog obrasca migracija pozitivan. Porast inovacijske aktivnosti pojedinih regija negativno utječe na istu aktivnost susjednih regija

    The Competitiveness of Exports from Manufacturing Industries in Croatia and Slovenia to the EU-15 Market: A Dynamic Panel Analysis

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    It is often stated that the growth prospects of nations are closely related to patterns of competitiveness exercised by their firms and industries in the international market. Building on foundations of endogenous growth and new trade theories academics and policy-makers postulate that quality-driven competitiveness bears higher growth potential than the ability to compete in terms of prices. The transition of Central and Eastern European Countries has been characterised by movement from the latter towards the former pattern of competitiveness. This process was facilitated by the transfer of knowledge and skills through the outsourcing of production from their most important trading partners, the West European members of the European Union (EU-15 countries), which paved the way for the development of intra-industry trade. This paper explores the competitiveness of manufacturing industries from Croatia and Slovenia in the EU-15 market. Using dynamic panel analysis we find that between 2002 and 2007 producers from the two countries followed different patterns of competitiveness. While in Slovenia the quality of exports is the main determinant of EU-15 market share, the competitiveness of Croatian producers still depends on their labour costs. We also find a strong impact of intra-industry trade on the competiveness of industries from the two countries in the EU-15 market


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    This paper analyses the characteristics of expatriate and domestic managers in Croatian hotel industry related to the risk-taking propensity that is regarded as a vital component for a personal and organisational achievement. The research was conducted in 2011 and 2012 using the questionnaire on a sample of middle and top level domestic and expatriate managers employed in Croatian hotel companies. Two measures of risk-taking propensity were used: objective (Choice Dilemma Questionnaire) and subjective (self-evaluation). The results suggest that foreign managers are greater risk takers compared to Croatian managers. Besides country of origin, certain characteristics such as gender, dependants and education also determine managerial risk-taking propensity. Furthermore, correlation coeffi cients between subjective and objective evaluations of risk-taking propensity show that expatriates’ self-evaluation corresponds to objective risk-taking propensity measure while Croatian managers’ self-evaluation does not correspond. This research provides new insights into managerial risk-taking propensity in Croatian hotel industry.Sklonost riziku smatra se jednom od ključnih komponenti osobnog i organizacijskog uspjeha. Ovaj rad ispituje karakteristike povezane sa sklonošću riziku ekspatrijata i domaćih menadžera zaposlenih u hrvatskom hotelijerstvu. Istraživanje je provedeno korištenjem anketnog upitnika tijekom 2011. i 2012. na uzorku menadžera srednje i visoke razine menadžmenta zaposlenih u hrvatskim hotelskim poduzećima. U analizi podataka korištene su dvije mjere sklonosti riziku: objektivna („Choice Dilemma Questionnaire“) i subjektivna (samoprocjena). Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju da su strani menadžeri skloniji riziku u odnosu na hrvatske menadžere. Osim zemlje porijekla, sklonost riziku određuju i spol, broj uzdržavanih osoba i razina obrazovanja. Nadalje, dobiveni koefi cijenti korelacije između objektivnih i subjektivnih procjena sklonosti riziku ukazuju kako samoprocjena ekspatrijata odgovara njihovoj objektivnoj sklonosti riziku dok su kod hrvatskih menadžera utvrđena odstupanja. Rezultati istraživanja doprinose razumijevanju sklonosti riziku menadžera u hrvatskim hotelskim poduzećima


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    Juvenilni idiopatski artritis (JIA) najčešća je reumatska bolest u djece i jedna od najčešćih kroničnih bolesti koja uzrokuje kratkotrajnu ili dugotrajnu invalidnost. Sam naziv defi nira i osnovne značajke ove bolesti, a to su upala jednog ili više zglobova nepoznate etiologije, koja se javlja prije navršene 16. godine života i traje najmanje 6 tjedana. Rijetko se javlja prije šestog mjeseca života, a najčešća je u predškolskoj dobi između prve i treće godine života. JIA nije jedinstvena bolest, nego skupina bolesti s nekim zajedničkim značajkama koje se međusobno razlikuju prema imunopatogenezi, ali i prema kliničkim manifestacijama. Prema revidiranoj ILAR-ovoj (engl. International League of Associations for Rheumatology) klasifi kaciji, dijeli se u 8 podtipova, no s novim saznanjima u genetici i imunologiji klasifi kacija će zasigurno doživjeti daljnje promjene i nadopune. Kako napreduju istraživanja patogeneze JIA, tako se javljaju i bitni pomaci u liječenju ove bolesti. Cilj takvog liječenja više nije samo suzbijanje boli, već zaustavljanje i liječenje upale, čime se sprječava nastanak ireverzibilnih promjena na zglobovima i trajne invalidnosti. Biološki su lijekovi znatno pridonijeli boljoj prognozi ove bolesti.Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatic disorder in children and one of the most common causes of part-time or long-term disability. Th e term juvenile idiopathic arthritis defi nes the main characteristics of the disease: joint infl ammation of unknown origin manifested before the 16th birthday and lasting for more than six weeks. JIA is very rare in infancy, with highest frequency in preschool age. It is not a single disease, but a group of disorders with some common features of diff erent immunopathogenesis and with diff erent clinical manifestations. According to the revised International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR) criteria, JIA is classifi ed into 8 subtypes, but this classifi cation is still a “work in progress“ because with new knowledge gained in genetics and immunology, the classifi cation will obviously have to be changed and refi ned. New research of the disease pathogenesis is the basis for the development of new and better treatments for JIA. Th e goal of such treatments is not just to relieve pain, but also to control infl ammation and stop irreversible joint damage and long-term disability. Biological agents have signifi cantly improved the disease prognosis


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    Juvenilni idiopatski artritis (JIA) najčešća je reumatska bolest u djece i jedna od najčešćih kroničnih bolesti koja uzrokuje kratkotrajnu ili dugotrajnu invalidnost. Sam naziv defi nira i osnovne značajke ove bolesti, a to su upala jednog ili više zglobova nepoznate etiologije, koja se javlja prije navršene 16. godine života i traje najmanje 6 tjedana. Rijetko se javlja prije šestog mjeseca života, a najčešća je u predškolskoj dobi između prve i treće godine života. JIA nije jedinstvena bolest, nego skupina bolesti s nekim zajedničkim značajkama koje se međusobno razlikuju prema imunopatogenezi, ali i prema kliničkim manifestacijama. Prema revidiranoj ILAR-ovoj (engl. International League of Associations for Rheumatology) klasifi kaciji, dijeli se u 8 podtipova, no s novim saznanjima u genetici i imunologiji klasifi kacija će zasigurno doživjeti daljnje promjene i nadopune. Kako napreduju istraživanja patogeneze JIA, tako se javljaju i bitni pomaci u liječenju ove bolesti. Cilj takvog liječenja više nije samo suzbijanje boli, već zaustavljanje i liječenje upale, čime se sprječava nastanak ireverzibilnih promjena na zglobovima i trajne invalidnosti. Biološki su lijekovi znatno pridonijeli boljoj prognozi ove bolesti.Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatic disorder in children and one of the most common causes of part-time or long-term disability. Th e term juvenile idiopathic arthritis defi nes the main characteristics of the disease: joint infl ammation of unknown origin manifested before the 16th birthday and lasting for more than six weeks. JIA is very rare in infancy, with highest frequency in preschool age. It is not a single disease, but a group of disorders with some common features of diff erent immunopathogenesis and with diff erent clinical manifestations. According to the revised International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR) criteria, JIA is classifi ed into 8 subtypes, but this classifi cation is still a “work in progress“ because with new knowledge gained in genetics and immunology, the classifi cation will obviously have to be changed and refi ned. New research of the disease pathogenesis is the basis for the development of new and better treatments for JIA. Th e goal of such treatments is not just to relieve pain, but also to control infl ammation and stop irreversible joint damage and long-term disability. Biological agents have signifi cantly improved the disease prognosis

    Crkveno brdo near Szenta – Preliminary Results of Research Carried Out In 2019

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    Приликом заштитних ископавања, спроведених 2019. године, на траси гасовода на локалитету Црквено брдо, истражени су остаци средњовековног насеља на површини од око 1250 м2. Том приликом је испод слоја оранице констатован културни слој дебљине 0,70 – 1,00 м, који је налегао на ниво леса, у који је било укопано 69 целина различитог карактера и димензија. Откривено је пет кућа, од којих су четири биле земунице, док је једна кућа, нешто већих димензија, била полуукопана. Осим тога, откривено је и девет пећи, бунар, као и 41 јама различитог облика, пресека и димензија, које су имале функцију трапа или су служиле као депонија. Такође је истражено и 13 ровова различитих димензија и дубина, који су представљали део ограде или су имали функцију дренажних канала. Сакупљени археолошки материјал, пре свега керамичке посуде, указују да је насеље коришћено од 11. до 15. века. Овакво хронолошко опредељење потврђено је и ¹⁴С датовањима археозоолошког материјала. Ипак, највећи део датованих покретних налаза, попут керамичких котлова, указује да је истражени део насеља најинтензивније коришћен у периоду од 11. до 13. века. Житељи овог насеља првенствено су се бавили пољопривредом, и то сточарством, на шта упућују скромни покретни налази, као и анализа животињских остатака. Приликом истраживања уочени су у отпадним јамама комади опеке, као и пећњаци, што указује на објекте од чврстог материјала, какви за сада нису констатовани. Може се претпоставити да су они истовремни цркви која се налази на греди удаљеној око 200 ‒ 250 м од насеља у правцу запада, а чије постојање је потврђено геофизичким снимањима

    Differences between domestic and expatriate managers in the Croatian hospitality industry

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    In order to set up organisational business activity, hotel chains prefer employing managers from the country of origin when entering the foreign market. The Croatian tourism market is characterised by the presence of a significant number of foreign hotels that employ a certain number of expatriate managers. The purpose of this article is to determine the differences in personal and professional characteristics between domestic and expatriate managers in the Croatian hospitality industry. The research was conducted in 2011 and 2012 using the questionnaire on a sample of middle- and top-level domestic and expatriate managers employed in Croatian hospitality companies. Several tests of inferential statistics were performed and the results suggested that Croatian and foreign managers do not differentiate significantly in personal characteristics (age, education attainment, marital status and dependents). However, significant differences exist regarding their professional characteristics, such as field of education, managerial level, authority and career satisfaction

    Opportunities and potential threats to Croatian olive oil sector in the European Union

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    Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi koje su mogućnosti te koje su potencijalne prijetnje hrvatskom maslinarstvu po ulasku u Europsku uniju. Na osnovi dostupnih statističkih podataka izrađena je proizvodno-potrošna bilanca maslinovog ulja, provedeni su ekspertni intervjui o očekivanjima glede tržišta maslinovog ulja po ulasku u EU, te je izrađena SWOT analiza maslinarskog sektora na osnovi koje su predložene strategije daljnjeg razvoja sektora. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je hrvatsko maslinarstvo posljednjih petnaestak godina imalo značajan uzlet, no to još uvijek nije dovoljno da bi bilo konkurentno EU proizvođačima maslinovog ulja. Glavne prednosti koje Hrvatska ima jesu kvaliteta, dugogodišnja tradicija bavljenja maslinarstvom i proizvodnjom maslinovog ulja, autohtone sorte maslina, te veliki potencijal za bavljenje ekološkom proizvodnjom. Potencijalne prijetnje pri ulasku na zajedničko EU tržište su liberalizacija tržišta koja donosi veći broj konkurenata i smanjenje prodajnih cijena, nedovoljna prilagodba maslinara novim tržišnim uvjetima, ali i zainteresiranosti stranaca za kupnju hrvatskih maslinika. Daljnji razvoj sektora trebao bi se usmjeriti na pripremu maslinara za očekivane, nove tržišne prilike, poslovno povezivanje gospodarskih subjekata, zaštitu proizvoda zemljopisnim oznakama, maksimalno iskorištenje potencijala turističke potrošnje te jačanje promocije koja obuhvaća i edukaciju potrošača o prednostima maslinovog ulja.The aim of this paper was to determine opportunities and potential threats to Croatian olive oil sector after the accession to the European Union. Olive oil balance was done based on available statistical data; the expectations of experts regarding domestic olive oil market after the accession were collected by means of expert interviews. Based on SWOT analysis of domestic olive oil sector, strategies for further development of the sector were proposed. Research results show strong growth of the Croatian olive oil sector in the last fifteen years, but this is still not enough to become competitive in the EU market. The main advantages of domestic olive oil sector are high quality of produced oil, long-standing tradition of olive oil production, indigenous varieties of olive trees, and great potential for organic production. Potential threats after the accession to the EU are further market liberalization meaning increased competition and reduction of selling prices, insuffcient adaptation to new market conditions, and the interest of foreigners for buying the Croatian olive groves. Further development of the sector should focus on preparation of olive oil producers to new market conditions, better business cooperation within the sector, protection of geographical indications of olive oils, taking maximum advantage of tourist consumption, and improved promotion including education of consumers on olive oil benefits

    Aberrant expression of shared master-key genes contributes to the immunopathogenesis in patients with juvenile spondyloarthritis

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    Association of juvenile spondyloarthritis (jSpA) with the HLA-B27 genotype is well established, but there is little knowledge of other genetic factors with a role in the development of the disease. To date, only a few studies have tried to find those associated genes by obtaining expression profiles, but with inconsistent results due to various patient selection criteria and methodology. The aim of the present study was to identify and confirm gene signatures and novel biomarkers in highly homogeneous cohorts of untreated and treated patients diagnosed with jSpA and other forms of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) according to ILAR criteria. For the purposes of the research, total RNA was isolated from whole blood of 45 children with jSpA and known HLA genotype, 11 children with oligo- and polyarticular forms of JIA, as well as 12 age and sex matched control participants without diagnosis of inflammatory disease. DNA microarray gene expression was performed in 11 patients with jSpA and in four healthy controls, along with bioinformatical analysis of retrieved data. Carefully selected differentially expressed genes where analyzed by qRT-PCR in all participants of the study. Microarray results and bioinformatical analysis revealed 745 differentially expressed genes involved in various inflammatory processes, while qRT-PCR analysis of selected genes confirmed data universality and specificity of expression profiles in jSpA patients. The present study indicates that jSpA could be a polygenic disease with a possible malfunction in antigen recognition and activation of immunological response, migration of inflammatory cells and regulation of the immune system. Among genes involved in these processes TLR4, NLRP3, CXCR4 and PTPN12 showed almost consistent expression in study patients diagnosed with jSpA. Those genes and their products could therefore potentially be used as novel biomarkers, possibly predictive of disease prognosis and response to therapy, or even as a target for new therapeutic approaches