6 research outputs found

    Digital Divide in Estonia and How To Bridge It

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    Estonia is one of the most rapidly developing information societies in Central and Eastern Europe. Still, 61% of the Estonian adult population does not use the Internet. The analysis, carried out by the research company Emor and PRAXIS Center for Policy Studies, looked thoroughly at the reasons and motivation for not using the Internet of this particular population group. The research did not address the issue of the digital divide between countries. The research clearly shows that one third of the current non-users understand the opportunities offered by the Internet and want to take advantage of them, but are limited by a lack of skills and access. Two- thirds of the non-users (40% of the adult population) do not consciously think of the Internet as of an interesting and useful tool; more practical services and an awareness campaign are thus needed for them. The latter group depends on daily routine and already shaped-out habits – it is hard for them to accept the Internet as a new channel of information and management of public affairs. The research draws several interesting conclusions. Among them is that people believe that an Internet bank as a fully developed web-service is a trustworthy partner for managing one’s business independently. At the same time, regarding public sector e-services, people are certain that much depends on the discretion of the public servant and that therefore electronic services do not suffice. Hence, if the public sector were able to offer its services fully on the web like Internet banks, its reliability will increase and negative opinions decline. The fact that “light-users” of the Internet do not consider security on the net a problem is an acknowledgement of the successful efforts by service providers so far. Medical services were pointed out most often by the present non-users as having the potential to motivate them to start using the Internet. PRAXIS and Emor also compiled policy recommendations based on the research results, which are all listed in the final report. The research was carried out by Emor and PRAXIS Center for Policy Studies from January to July 2002. The research was commissioned and financed by the Open Estonia Foundation, the Look@World Foundation and the State Chancellery of the Republic of Estonia. It was co-financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Open Society Institute in Budapest (OSI - Budapest).Internet, Information Technology, Digital Divide, Transition country, Rural development, Telecommunication, Estonia

    PÀrimuse ja loomingu suhestamine pÀrimusmuusikaÔpetuses

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    Loomingulise magistrieksami kirjaliku osa eesmĂ€rgiks on jÀÀdvustada ja analĂŒĂŒsida arusaamu, mis on seotud pĂ€rimusmuusikast lĂ€htuva heliloomingu Ă”petamise ja praktiseerimisega. TĂ€napĂ€eva professionaalses muusikaelus eeldatakse pĂ€rimusmuusikult oskust muusikat mitte ainult interpreteerida, vaid ka luua. Loomingul on mĂ€rgatav osakaal nii Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia/TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia kui ka Sibeliuse Akadeemia pĂ€rimusmuusika Ă”ppekavades. Autorit huvitavad kĂŒsimused loomingu rollist ja selle Ă”petamise meetoditest kahe kĂ”rgkooli pĂ€rimusmuusikaĂ”petuses, pĂ€rimusmuusikast lĂ€htuva loomingu tunnustest ja pĂ€rimuse kasutamis- ja tĂ”lgendamisvĂ”imalustest isiklikus loomeprotsessis. Uurimuses analĂŒĂŒsitakse intervjuusid pĂ€rimusmuusika magistriĂ”ppekavade Ă”ppejĂ”ududega ja isiklikku Ă”pikogemust mĂ”lemas kĂ”rgkoolis. ÕppejĂ”udude pĂ€rimusmuusikast lĂ€htuva loomingu alaseid seisukohti vĂ”rreldakse autori magistrikontserdi ettevalmistusprotsessi ja kontserdiks loodud muusikaga.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4082386~S1*es

    The Metrics of Seto Choral Laments in the Context of Runosong Metrics

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    The aim of this paper is to get an overview of the lament metrics in Seto oral song tradition, which belongs to the southern border area of the Finnic song tradition, and the placement and historical development of lament metrics in the framework of the whole Seto oral song tradition. In the paper the metrical structures of two main genres of Seto choral laments – choral bridal laments and death laments – are analysed that share common features with solo laments and are similar to the structures of Seto runosongs. Metrical structures of the laments are detected based on sound recordings, taking into account the linguistic structure of the lines and the varied realization of it in a musical performance rhythm. The analysis showed that laments’ metrics where 5-unit end structures play an important role, differs the most from the main body of runosongs and is structurally more similar to a group of runosongs with refrains and varying line length. Outlining the development patterns of the metrical system of Seto songs, the influences of local unique musical tradition with varied rhythmic structures atypical of the most runosong area, specific functions of ritual song genres, historical changes in language, as well as possible external connections to early eastern and southern song cultures are highlighted