259 research outputs found

    Mathematical models for geometric calibration of a hyperemispheric camera for planetary exploration

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    openHyperemispheric lenses belong to the ultra-wide field-of-view optical objectives. The lens considered was firstly introduced in 2018. Its field of view is 360° on the azimuth and 135° for the off-boresight angle. The calibration of the lens consists in computing its extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. This camera is particularly interesting for planetary exploration purposes, since its capability to acquire large field-of-view images avoiding moving parts. The calibration process modifies the toolbox proposed by Davide Scaramuzza, introducing a moving pinhole which better describes the behaviour of the lens. In order to test the model, images were acquired using the OMNICAM lens. The images contain black-and-white checkerboards, whose internal vertices are used as benchmarks to assess the accuracy of the nature of our model.Hyperemispheric lenses belong to the ultra-wide field-of-view optical objectives. The lens considered was firstly introduced in 2018. Its field of view is 360° on the azimuth and 135° for the off-boresight angle. The calibration of the lens consists in computing its extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. This camera is particularly interesting for planetary exploration purposes, since its capability to acquire large field-of-view images avoiding moving parts. The calibration process modifies the toolbox proposed by Davide Scaramuzza, introducing a moving pinhole which better describes the behaviour of the lens. In order to test the model, images were acquired using the OMNICAM lens. The images contain black-and-white checkerboards, whose internal vertices are used as benchmarks to assess the accuracy of the nature of our model

    Analysis and Valuation of Hospital Foodservice Quality-the Perugia case-study

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    The hospital catering is characterized for the necessity to satisfy the nutritional and dietetic principles, and the several therapeutic requirements of the patient.The main problem is to coordinate the production with the always various number of the requirements. On the other hand,emerging of competition forms in the sanitary field,based on the possibility of chosen of the structure cure from the customer and on the prices and tariffs system,has open new spaces for the recovery of a strategic perspective of the public sanitary companies respect private sector. Always mainly,the hospital companies must centralize own ttention so is minimal the difference between planned quality, distributed quality and perceived quality. The present work offers,through a public opinion pull on a specific case, a first attempt to tie the satisfaction or not satisfaction of a consumer regarding the sanitary service,on the base of some qualitatative variable. The innovation of this work consist of a index series created from the hospital documents and patient judgment (questionnaire) to establish a gap between planned and perceived quality

    Constraints on Modified Gravity from ACT and SPT

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    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT) have recently provided new and precise measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy damping tail. This region of the CMB angular spectra, thanks to the angular distortions produced by gravitational lensing, can probe the growth of matter perturbations and provide a test for general relativity. Here we make use of the ACT and SPT power spectrum measurements (combined with the recent WMAP9 data) to constrain f(R) gravity theories. Adopting a parametrized approach, we obtain an upper limit on the lengthscale of the theory of B_0 < 0.86 at 95% c.l. from ACT, while we get a significantly stronger bound from SPT with B_0 < 0.14 at 95% c.l..Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, some sentences correcte

    Blue Gravity Waves from BICEP2 ?

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    We present new constraints on the spectral index n_T of tensor fluctuations from the recent data obtained by the BICEP2 experiment. We found that the BICEP2 data alone slightly prefers a positive, "blue", spectral index with n_T=1.36\pm0.83 at 68 % c.l.. However, when a TT prior on the tensor amplitude coming from temperature anisotropy measurements is assumed we get n_T=1.67\pm0.53 at 68 % c.l., ruling out a scale invariant nT=0n_T=0 spectrum at more than three standard deviations. These results are at odds with current bounds on the tensor spectral index coming from pulsar timing, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and direct measurements from the LIGO experiment. Considering only the possibility of a "red", n_T<0 spectral index we obtain the lower limit n_T > -0.76 at 68 % c.l. (n_T>-0.09 when a TT prior is included).Comment: 3 Pages, 4 Figure

    Eating Behaviour and Well-being: An Analysis on the Aspects of Italian Daily Life

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    Abstract Nutrition related diseases have reached epidemic proportions in Western Countries. Because of the huge economic costs and the impact on human well-being, nutrition and related disease have become a major public health concern. In this research paper we analyse the factors determining obesity, starting from the ISTAT multipurpose survey "Aspects of italian daily life" on the households, carried out in 2012. The analysis was based on multiple correspondence analysis and using logistic regression models. Starting from the main variables related to nutritional habits, eating habits and eating out, sedentary lifestyle, socio-economic status indicators that imply a different diet we have tried to shed light on the main factors responsible for obesity. From this evidence we tried to suggest the policy interventions can be implemented in order to act on the problem

    Label information and consumer behaviour: evidence on drinking milk sector

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    AbstractThe purpose of the research is to evaluate the impact of different kinds of information disclosures of milk labels, investigating the interest among consumers based on their consumption behaviours and characteristics. In this research, all the actions which lead to a healthiness, become expressions of a production process, among which consumers' food choices, purchase, preparation, and also self-production. Therefore, in the "health creation" production process, information and knowledge about food become "investments". In this context, label disclosures become a tangible expression of this kind of "investment". The research question is: what impact do purchase preferences and consumers' characteristics have on their interest towards the label information provided? Several information disclosures, both mandatory and voluntary, are investigated. Therefore, some choice attributes will be analysed as indicators of the consumer's behaviour in relation to his investment in food information. The methodology used for the analysis is an Ordered Logit. The analysis of the consumer's behaviour has been performed by transposing Ménard's analysis of firm corporate governance (Ménard, Agribus. 34:142–160, 2018) to the consumer as producer of welfare equity. The reduction of information asymmetry is a cost for the producer, and this research may be able to measure how much it would be convenient to invest in this reduction, based on the analysis of the consumer's behaviour toward his personal investment in food information acquisition

    AdaptEx: A Self-Service Contextual Bandit Platform

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    This paper presents AdaptEx, a self-service contextual bandit platform widely used at Expedia Group, that leverages multi-armed bandit algorithms to personalize user experiences at scale. AdaptEx considers the unique context of each visitor to select the optimal variants and learns quickly from every interaction they make. It offers a powerful solution to improve user experiences while minimizing the costs and time associated with traditional testing methods. The platform unlocks the ability to iterate towards optimal product solutions quickly, even in ever-changing content and continuous "cold start" situations gracefully

    Obesity Epidemics: The Potential Role of Retailing Sector in Promoting Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

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    After a deep review of the main economic studies and applications about the emerging problem of obesity, this paper focuses on a particular aspect of the issue: the improvement of FRUIT AND VEGETABLE purchasing in retailing sector. First of all it has been analyzed the actual presence of strategies aimed at improving FRUIT AND VEGETABLE consumption in the main retailing companies operating in Italy. Then the study investigates the role of price in consumers’ purchasing choices. High price elasticity of fruit and vegetable products could suggest the implementation of lower prices to consumers instead of implementing other policy interventions.The methodology is based on qualitative and quantitative research methods. In particular, in depth interviews to retailing sector experts have been run to gather useful insights about retailers’ management of FRUIT AND VEGETABLE department. Then quantitative analysis on IRI data about FRUIT AND VEGETABLE consumption in Italy has been conducted to evaluate the influence of price on consumers’ attitude towards FRUIT AND VEGETABLE. The results obtained provide meaningful insights to formulate marketing strategies and policy interventions
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