7,879 research outputs found

    Cold Period Plant-Water Relations Affecting Consumptive Use of Soil and Wastewater Reuse

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    Search for the Standard Model Higgs -> gamma gamma decays with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC

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    International audienceA light Standard Model Higgs boson, with mass between 114 and ~150 GeV, is favored by precise measurements of electroweak radiative corrections and other theory predictions. One of the most important channels to search for this particle in the above mass region is the decay H-->gamma-gamma. This talk reviews the ATLAS discovery potential of a light Higgs boson in the two photon decay. In addition to the inclusive analysis we consider also the reconstruction of diphoton systems produced in association with jets. The studies are based on a realistic detector simulation of Monte Carlo signal and background events

    Image compression using noncausal prediction

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    Image compression commonly is achieved using prediction of the value of pixels from surrounding pixels. Normally the choice of pixels used in the prediction is restricted to previously scanned pixels. A better prediction can be achieved if pixels on all sides of the pixel to be predicted are used. A prediction and decoding method is proposed that is independent of scanning order of the image. The decoding process makes use of an iterative decoder. A sequence of images is generated that converges to a final image that is identical to the original image. The theory underlying noncausal prediction and iterative decoding is developed. Convergence properties of the decoding algorithm are studied and conditions for convergence are presented. Distortions to the prediction residual after encoding can be caused by storage requirements, such as quantization and compression and also by errors in transmission. Effects of distortions of the residual on the final decoded image are investigated by introducing several types of distortion of the residual, including (1) alteration of randomly selected bits in the residual, (2) addition of a sinusoidal signal to the residual, (3) quantization of the residual and (4) compression of the residual using lossy Haar wavelet coding. The resulting distortion in the decoded images was generally less for noncausal prediction than for causal prediction, both in terms of PSNR and visual quality. Most noticeably, the streaks found in the decoded Image after causal encoding were absent with noncausal encoding

    Flood risk analysis for the river Scheldt estuary

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    This report gives an overview of the history of flood risk management along the Scheldt estuary. Thepurpose of this overview is twofold. It documents the results obtained in the first activity of the Task25 Pilot, being focused on flood risk analysis, both in historical perspective and with regard to currentpolicies. Secondly, it provides an introduction to the Scheldt estuary for other partners in theFLOODsite project which will use the Scheldt Pilot for their own tasks and activities.The Scheldt estuary is a clear example where integrated water management is required. Integratedmeans in this case: meeting the objectives for 3 major basic functions and values of the estuary: safety,accessibility (navigation) and ecology. Recently finalised and ongoing projects, such as Proses and theSIGMA plan show a highly multidisciplinary approach in order to fulfil these objectives.From the perspective of flood risk management we see a significant difference in approach betweenBelgium and the Netherlands. The Belgian New Sigma Plan has used an approach that is strikinglysimilar to the FLOODsite methodology, i.e. going through the three phases Risk Analysis, RiskAssessment and Flood Management Strategy formulation. In contrast, the Dutch flood riskmanagement was developed over a long historical period, with the Delta Plan as the final apotheosis.In the time the Delta Plan was formulated, there was hardly any attention and technology available todetermine flood probability and flood damage

    The composition of sedimentary organic matter in relation to the dynamic features of the mangrove-fringed coast in French Guiana.

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    The sedimentary organic matter content of a series of 2-m-deep cores was examined in relation to the evolution of mangrove forest, on the basis of geochemical analyses and optical observations. Avicennia-dominated forest deposits, developing along the highly dynamic coastline of French Guiana, were collected in five stations based on stage of forest evolution. The sedimentary organic matter in the upper sediment of the youngest mangrove swamp is mainly derived from algal mats with low carbon:nitrogen ratios (C:N ratio, from 6 to 8) and typical greyish amorphous organic flakes as observed in optical studies. Indeed, rare young Avicennia trees are present, and effectively, geochemical parameters do not give evidence of a litter made up of higher plant debris, these rare debris being probably exported by the tides. A slight increase with depth in the first decimetres of both total organic carbon (TOC) content and C:N ratio results from the development of the radial cable root-system of the pioneer Avicennia germinans. Early diagenetic conditions of this young forest are rather controlled by dominant suboxic processes, as suggested by high Eh values (range, 200–400 mV) and local anoxic processes (occurrence of pyrite) in micro-environments: this is mainly due to the oxygen available by roots and crab bioturbation. The organic content of the senescent mangrove sediment is mainly derived from higher plant debris in the uppermost 30 cm, as indicated by relatively high C:N ratios and the predominance of ligno-cellulosic debris. The strong decrease in hydrogen index values results from the degradation of the higher plant debris, losing hydrogen bounds through decay processes. Moderately acidic pH values, low Ehs and the presence of pyrite framboids point towards the reducing decay processes in surficial layers of the senescent mangrove mediated by sulphate-reducing bacteria. Whatever the stage of evolution of the forest, the geochemical characteristics of the sediment below 30 cm are those of the shoreface one, with opaque refractory debris derived from the Amazon river detritus discharge. The sediment collected from dead mangrove forests, subsequently recolonized by pioneer mangroves, contains organic markers, which predate recolonization, recording previous phases of erosion and accretion

    Organic composition and environmental conditions in mangrove sediments : a key for reconstructing the evolution of theFrench Guiana coast.

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    Le littoral guyanais présente une dynamique sédimentaire remarquable résultant du système dispersif amazonien. Une mangrove, essentiellement composée d'Avicennia germinans, se développe sur les bancs de vase. Ceux-ci migrent rapidement vers le NO et limitent la durée de vie de la mangrove. Les lambeaux de forêt résiduels ont pu être datés par analyse d'images Spot successives (Véga, 2000). Les mesures des paramètres physico-chimiques, les données Rock-Eval ainsi que des observations et comptages pétrographiques ont permis d'identifier deux systèmes de fonctionnement de la mangrove : les forêts jeunes (< 9ans), caractérisées par un export tidal important, et la forêt sénescente où l'exportation tidale est limitée. La composition organique du sédiment des mangroves jeunes provient principalement des mattes microbiennes et en quantité moindre du système racinaire de la mangrove. Les mécanismes de dégradation sont des processus suboxiques résultant de l'activité du système racinaire des Avicennia. La composition organique du sédiment de la forêt sénescente provient principalement de débris de végétaux supérieurs, les processus de dégradations sont de type anaérobie

    Pore-water chemistry in mangrove sediments: relationship with species composition and developmental stages. (French Guiana).

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    Spatial and seasonal variability of sedimentary salinity, pH, redox potential and solid phase sulphide concentration were investigated in a range of mangrove communities along the coast of French Guiana. Seasonal depth distributions of these parameters and organic content were compared within Avicennia, Rhizophora and mixed mangrove stands at different stages of plant development. Mangrove communities and variable surface water inputs strongly impact sediment and ground water properties. In the upper sediment, changes in salinity are mainly controlled by seasonal conditions, transpiration and proximity of fresh water influx, whereas we suggest that constant basal salinity results from an accumulation of salt that has migrated as a result of density driven convection processes. There are no clear differences between the depth distributions of salinity obtained beneath Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle stands, implying that plant zonations are not primarily controlled by soil salinity in this environment. Nevertheless, R. mangle grows in places subjected to the greatest variability in freshwater influxes, suggesting that Rhizophora might require or withstand occasional inundation by fresh water. Beneath Rhizophora stands, sediment properties reflect anaerobic and sulphidic conditions close to the sediment surface. In contrast, beneath Avicennia stands, sediment geochemistry mostly depends on the stages in forest development, on contents in sedimentary organic matter and on seasonal changes. In the early stage of Avicennia settlement, the sediment at the level of radial, pneumatophore-bearing cable roots, displays permanent suboxic conditions with Eh values reaching 400 mV. These high Ehs are interpreted as an effect of the oxidation produced by the cable root system. The development of mature Avicennia stands results in accumulation of sedimentary organic matter and promotes low Ehs and the reduction of pore-water sulphate. Near cable root level, the oxidation process observed in pioneer mangroves results in a reoxidation of solid sulphides produced previously. During dry conditions, the desiccation of the upper sediment adds its oxidation effects to those of root activity. As a result, suboxic processes dominate in the upper, 20-cm-thick layer; organic matter decomposition and sulphur oxidation strongly acidify the sediment. Below 20 cm, the sediment is anaerobic and sulphidic. Hence, sulphide concentrations depend on the edaphic conditions controlling decay processes and appear to be a consequence rather than a cause of the observed zonation of vegetal species. The small size of A. germinans propagules might have a significant influence on the extensive development of this plant community along the highly dynamic coastline of the Guianas. This study demonstrates that the different properties of pore-water were intimately linked and that the explanation of the evolution of this forest reflects a combination of multiple parameters. Moreover, it appeared that the organic content played a key role along with the species composition and the seasonal variations (waterlogging, desiccation)

    Dynamique de la matière organique lors de l'évolution d'une mangrove à palétuviers gris (A. germinans), Guyane française. Un exemple de processus suboxiques en milieu hydromorphe.

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    La mangrove est un système ouvert écotone couvrant 22 millions d'hectares, sur près de 75% des littoraux tropicaux et subtropicaux. Il s'agit de forêt de palétuviers caractérisées par une forte productivité, développant des systèmes d'adaptation remarquables leur permettant de pallier aux contraintes d'un milieu très sélectif (sursalure, anoxie, houle...). Pour exemple, les Rhizophoraceae s'ancrent dans le substrat grâce à des racines échasses tandis que les Avicenniaceae utilisent des pneumatophores pour la respiration; leur mode de reproduction de type vivipare leur permet de coloniser des surfaces de vase inondées par les marées. Les mangroves ont un rôle prépondérant dans le cycle des nutrients en milieu côtier, et permettent la stabilité du trait de côte, limitant l'action érosive des vagues. Ces dernières décennies, la surface colonisée par les mangroves a nettement diminué du fait de la pression anthropique : exploitation du bois, riziculture ou bien encore utilisation de la mangrove comme décharge

    SPIRAL 2 coupler preparation and RF conditioning

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    Proc. On LineInternational audienceFive radiofrequency coupler prototypes have been manufactured. Three of them will be mounted in the cryomodules of the SPIRAL 2 superconducting LINAC (LINear ACcelerator). This paper describes the coupler preparation and the first results of their conditioning
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