6,131 research outputs found

    HP-CERTI: Towards a high performance, high availability open source RTI for composable simulations (04F-SIW-014)

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    Composing simulations of complex systems from already existing simulation components remains a challenging issue. Motivations for composable simulation include generation of a given federation driven by operational requirements provided "on the fly". The High Level Architecture, initially developed for designing fully distributed simulations, can be considered as an interoperability standard for composing simulations from existing components. Requirements for constructing such complex simulations are quite different from those discussed for distributed simulations. Although interoperability and reusability remain essential, both high performance and availability have also to be considered to fulfill the requirements of the end user. ONERA is currently designing a High Performance / High Availability HLA Run-time Infrastructure from its open source implementation of HLA 1.3 specifications. HP-CERTI is a software package including two main components: the first one, SHM-CERTI, provides an optimized version of CERTI based on a shared memory communication scheme; the second one, Kerrighed-CERTI, allows the deployment of CERTI through the control of the Kerrighed Single System Image operating system for clusters, currently designed by IRISA. This paper describes the design of both high performance and availability Runtime Infrastructures, focusing on the architecture of SHM-CERTI. This work is carried out in the context of the COCA (High Performance Distributed Simulation and Models Reuse) Project, sponsored by the DGA/STTC (Délégation Générale pour l'Armement/Service des Stratégies Techniques et des Technologies Communes) of the French Ministry of Defense

    Le Préfet contre le Notable, allocation des subventions départementales et conflits de pouvoir, le cas du Lot (1968-1980)

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    Communication non publiĂ©e prĂ©sentĂ©e au colloque de l'Association des Ruralistes Français, "Pouvoirs dans la commune, pouvoir sur la commune", Montpellier, 24-25 novembre 1983The text analyzes the implementation in 1968 on the initiative of the President of the Conseil GĂ©nĂ©ral of the "DĂ©partement du Lot" (south France) of an new way of allowance of subsidies to the rural communes, the "Fonds DĂ©partemental d'Equipment" (FDE). This experiment, which intervenes in a conflict local political context, meets a sharp hostility of the PrĂ©fet who sees an attack with his prerogatives there. The conflicts caused by the creation of the FDE show that the relationship between the "PrĂ©fet" and the "Notable" were not always founded on the ritualized complicity and the rigid apolitical attitude which were attached to them.Le texte analyse la mise en place en 1968, Ă  l'initiative du PrĂ©sident du Conseil gĂ©nĂ©ral du Lot, d'un dispositif original d'allocation de subventions aux communes rurales, le Fonds DĂ©partemental d' Equipement (FDE). Cette expĂ©rience, qui intervient dans une conjoncture politique locale conflictuelle, rencontre la vive hostilitĂ© du PrĂ©fet qui y voit une atteinte Ă  ses prĂ©rogatives. Les conflits de pouvoir suscitĂ©s par la crĂ©ation du FDE montrent que les rapports PrĂ©fet/Notable, quelques annĂ©es avant la dĂ©centralisation, n'Ă©taient pas toujours fondĂ©s sur la complicitĂ© ritualisĂ©e et l'apolitisme rigide qui leur ont Ă©tĂ© prĂȘtĂ©s

    Découverte d'Ophrys speculum Link 1800, (= Ophrys ciliata Bivona-Bernardi 1806) dans le Sud de la Vendée littorale

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    Discovery of a single example of Mirror Orchid (Ophrys speculum) in the coastal forest of Longeville-sur-Mer, in southern Vendée. This orchid, hitherto unknown in Vendée, is very rare in France

    High-resolution optical and SAR image fusion for building database updating

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    This paper addresses the issue of cartographic database (DB) creation or updating using high-resolution synthetic aperture radar and optical images. In cartographic applications, objects of interest are mainly buildings and roads. This paper proposes a processing chain to create or update building DBs. The approach is composed of two steps. First, if a DB is available, the presence of each DB object is checked in the images. Then, we verify if objects coming from an image segmentation should be included in the DB. To do those two steps, relevant features are extracted from images in the neighborhood of the considered object. The object removal/inclusion in the DB is based on a score obtained by the fusion of features in the framework of Dempster–Shafer evidence theory
