5 research outputs found

    Are Automatic Metrics Robust and Reliable in Specific Machine Translation Tasks?

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    We present a comparison of automatic metrics against human evaluations of translation quality in several scenarios which were unexplored up to now. Our experimentation was conducted on translation hypotheses that were problematic for the automatic metrics, as the results greatly diverged from one metric to another. We also compared three different translation technologies. Our evaluation shows that in most cases, the metrics capture the human criteria. However, we face failures of the automatic metrics when applied to some domains and systems. Interestingly, we find that automatic metrics applied to the neural machine translation hypotheses provide the most reliable results. Finally, we provide some advice when dealing with these problematic domains.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2018/004

    Creating the best development corpus for Statistical Machine Translation systems

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    We propose and study three different novel approaches for tackling the problem of development set selection in Statistical Machine Translation. We focus on a scenario where a machine translation system is leveraged for translating a specific test set, without further data from the domain at hand. Such test set stems from a real application of machine translation, where the texts of a specific e-commerce were to be translated. For developing our development-set selection techniques, we first conducted experiments in a controlled scenario, where labelled data from different domains was available, and evaluated the techniques both with classification and translation quality metrics. Then, the best-performing techniques were evaluated on the e-commerce data at hand, yielding consistent improvements across two language directions.The research leading to these results were partially supported by projects CoMUN-HaT-TIN2015-70924-C2-1-R (MINECO/FEDER) and PROMETEO/2018/004

    Vector sentences representation for data selection in statistical machine translation

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    [EN] One of the most popular approaches to machine translation consists in formulating the problem as a pattern recognition approach. Under this perspective, bilingual corpora are precious resources, as they allow for a proper estimation of the underlying models. In this framework, selecting the best possible corpus is critical, and data selection aims to find the best subset of the bilingual sentences from an available pool of sentences such that the final translation quality is improved. In this paper, we present a new data selection technique that leverages a continuous vector-space representation of sentences. Experimental results report improvements compared not only with a system trained only with in-domain data, but also compared with a system trained on all the available data. Finally, we compared our proposal with other state-of-the-art data selection techniques (Cross-entropy selection and Infrequent ngrams recovery) in two different scenarios, obtaining very promising results with our proposal: our data selection strategy is able to yield results that are at least as good as the best-performing strfategy for each scenario. The empirical results reported are coherent across different language pairs.Work supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant ALMAMATER (PrometeoII/2014/030) and the FPI (2014) grant by Universitat Politècnica de València.Chinea-Rios, M.; Sanchis Trilles, G.; Casacuberta Nolla, F. (2019). Vector sentences representation for data selection in statistical machine translation. Computer Speech & Language. 56:1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2018.12.005S1165

    Are Automatic Metrics Robust and Reliable in Specific Machine Translation Tasks?

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    We present a comparison of automatic metrics against human evaluations of translation quality in several scenarios which were unexplored up to now. Our experimentation was conducted on translation hypotheses that were problematic for the automatic metrics, as the results greatly diverged from one metric to another. We also compared three different translation technologies. Our evaluation shows that in most cases, the metrics capture the human criteria. However, we face failures of the automatic metrics when applied to some domains and systems. Interestingly, we find that automatic metrics applied to the neural machine translation hypotheses provide the most reliable results. Finally, we provide some advice when dealing with these problematic domains.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2018/004

    Creating the best development corpus for Statistical Machine Translation systems

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    We propose and study three different novel approaches for tackling the problem of development set selection in Statistical Machine Translation. We focus on a scenario where a machine translation system is leveraged for translating a specific test set, without further data from the domain at hand. Such test set stems from a real application of machine translation, where the texts of a specific e-commerce were to be translated. For developing our development-set selection techniques, we first conducted experiments in a controlled scenario, where labelled data from different domains was available, and evaluated the techniques both with classification and translation quality metrics. Then, the best-performing techniques were evaluated on the e-commerce data at hand, yielding consistent improvements across two language directions.The research leading to these results were partially supported by projects CoMUN-HaT-TIN2015-70924-C2-1-R (MINECO/FEDER) and PROMETEO/2018/004