39 research outputs found

    Efecto de dietas suplementadas con taninos sobre la calidad bromatológica de carne bovina

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    Las nuevas tendencias que hay en el mercado de carnes, es producir más con menos, que pueda dejar mayores rendimientos sin perder las propiedades químicas de la carne, ya que éstas son las que definen el precio. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el efecto de las dietas suplementadas con taninos sobre la calidad bromatológica de carne bovina. Se trabajó con 16 becerros machos en prueba de respuesta productiva en corral de engorda, con duración de 40 días, con adaptación previa al experimento de 30 días a la etapa de finalización. Los tratamientos consistieron en: dieta típica para bovinos en finalización (testigo) y dieta similar adicionando 0.3 % de extracto de taninos condensados y solubles; correspondiente a 1 g de extracto de taninos por cada 10 kg de peso vivo. Después del sacrificio se tomaron muestras de carne, haciendo cortes de manera transversal entre la 12ª y 13ª costilla, los cortes consistieron en cuatro chuletas con grosor de 2.5 cm de cada canal. A las muestras se les determinó contenido de proteína, cenizas, humedad, grasas y materia seca bajo métodos de la AOAC. Los resultados obtenidos, en este estudio, mostraron que el contenido promedio de proteínas fue de 20.18 %, grasas de 5.47 %, humedad de 74.35 %, cenizas de 2.01 % y materia seca 25.65 %, para ambos grupos. Se observó que no hubo diferencias significativas con respecto al grupo testigo (P ≤ 0.01); solo el contenido de grasa fue mayor a lo reportado, por lo tanto, la concentración de taninos empleada en las dietas de bovinos no influye sobre la composición bromatológica de la carne


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    Se determinó el efecto de la adición de selenio (Se) orgánico (selenito de sodio) e inorgánico (levadura enriquecida con selenio) en el alimento sobre el contenido de grasa intramuscular y ácidos grasos músculos semimembranoso y longissimus dors en cerdos en finalización. Los animales (n=48) derivados de la cruza (Pic 337x (Camborough 22) fueron alimentados a base de maíz molido y pasta de soya. La dieta fue fortificada con Se en tres tratamientos, T0=0%, T1= 0.45ppm de levadura T2=0.45ppm selenito de sodio. Los animales fueron sacrificados a un peso de 110±5kg. Se determinó grasa bajo el método ISO-1443 modificado y los ácidos grasos por cromatografía de gases. Se realizó un ANOVA mediante arreglo factorial 3x2, las variables de estudio fueron, fuente de Se: 0, 0.45 ppm de Se orgánico y 0.45 de Se inorgánico, sexo: machos y hembras. Hubo efecto de tratamiento (P 0.05) para los ácidos grasos en el músculo longisimus dorsi, aumentando la concentración de C16, C18, C18:2; en el músculo semimembranosus no hubo diferencias con respecto a los tratamientos, para la variable sexo se demostró que los machos fueron los más pesados al sacrificio

    Carcass analysis of four quails species in Mexico State

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    The human diet consists of a great diversity of foods in where the most common source of protein comes from animals; mainly from fattening species of pigs, beef, chickens, and sheep due to intensive farming high fat content. The current study was aimed to evaluate the meat analysis of four species of wild quail breasts: Common quail, Banded quail, scaled or Squamous quail and Montezuma quail. Quails were collected from March to June, in the State of Mexico. The findings showed that of the studied species, the meat of Moctezuma had the greatest amount of protein (26.99%DM); however, the lowest fat content (1.25%DM) was with Squamos. Up to the time of this investigation, no data existed on the nutritional qualities of meat coming from these wild species in the State of Mexico. As we now know, this meat has better attributes, compared even to rabbit meat and to the meat of other domestic species that are consumed on a daily basis. It was concluded that the carcasses protein and dry matter contents were similar with all studied species where fat content of the Callipepla squamata had the highest value

    Physicochemical characteristics that influence the meat pork quality in supermarkets in the central highlands of Mexico

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    Twenty-two supermarkets in the Central Highlands of Mexico were sampled in order to classify them and to compare their pork meat quality based on its physicochemical characteristics. The supermarkets were classified in three types in accordance with socioeconomic status of buyers as low, medium, and high. Methods: Samples were obtained from the Longissimus dorsi muscle from 10th to 12th ribs. Results: Objective color was L* 46.97, a* 6.22 and b* 5.1. Subjective color indicated that it was red with a value of 3.06, subjective marbling was 2.8 %, and objective value was 2.9 %. Moisture varied from 690 to 739.3 g/kg, protein varied from 205.5 g/kg to 229. 6 g/kg and shear force (SF) was 2.87 kg/cm2 . There were no significant differences (P≥0.05) between the variables besides subjective marbling. Tukey´s test indicated that the lowest average included low and medium socioeconomic status supermarkets, which means that the fat content found in the chop eye is less than in meat in high socioeconomic level supermarkets. Conclusions and recommendations: According to the results, pork sold in the supermarkets in the Central Highlands of Mexico was a tender meat with reddish pink color, firm texture and little exudation and with an appropriate protein and intramuscular fat contents

    Características químicas y sensoriales de la carne de cerdo, en función del consumo de dietas con ractopamina y diferentes concentraciones de lisina

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    Pork chemical and sensory characteristics of 48 barrows were used to evaluate the effect of ractopamine (5 PPM, Paylean, Elanco México) in diets formulated to three standardized ileal digestible-lysine (SID-Lys) levels. All diets had 3.3 Mcal EM/kg, and 14.5 % crude protein (CP), this represent a 10 % lower CP content than that recommended by the laboratory and the literature. Pigs (initial BW 77.2±3.42 and final BW 110.0±3.0 kg) were randomly alloted to one of four treatments: C) Control diet, 0.65 % SID-Lys; RHL) ractopamine, high lysine level, 1 % SID-Lys; RNL) ractopamine, normal lysine level, 0.8 % SID-Lys; RLL) ractopamine, low lysine level, 05 % SID-Lys. After 28 d of ad libitum intake, pigs were killed; from each pig, four 2.5 cm thick chops were used for chemical and sensory analyses. Adding RAC in diets with 14.5 % CP increases (P0.17), but they detected a higher juiciness (P0.17), pero sí detectó una mayor jugosidad de carne de cerdo (P<0.02) de animales que consumieron la dieta RBL. Es factible mejorar la calidad de la carne de cerdo mediante el uso de RAC y dietas bajas en proteína y lisina

    Effect of organic selenium supplementation in the diets of finishing sheep on meat color and pH during shelf life

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    Supplementation of Selenium (Se) can improve the oxidative stability of meat products and retard metmyoglobin formation; so prolonging color. Effect of organic Se addition in the diets of sheep on meat stability; color and pH are limited and need to be studied. A study was conducted with eighteen Pelibuey female sheep at the finishing stage, and supplemented with organic Se-enriched Saccharomyces cerevisiae for sixty days to evaluate its effect on color and pH of Longissimus dorsi muscle. The research was conducted in a block randomized design considering three treatments; control (Se0) without the addition of yeast, or with 0.35 ppm of yeast (Se34) or with 0.60 ppm (Se59). Sheep were slaughtered at an average weight of 39.5 ± 4.41 kg. Meat color and pH were recorder in the cold carcass, 24 h after slaughtering, and during shelf life at 0, 4, 6 and 8 days after slaughtering under refrigeration at 4 °C. No significant differences were observed (P>0.05) for meat color and pH characteristics due to treatment. Decreased redness (a*) and Chroma (C*) values due to storage time were observed; however, the yellowness (b*) and angle Hue were increased. It could be concluded that supplementation of Seenriched yeast in finishing sheep with 0.35 ppm and 0.60 ppm has no effect on meat color and pH characteristics

    Adición de extracto acuoso de ajo (Allium sativum) en dieta de conejos (Oryctolagus cuniculus) sobre productividad, calidad física y microbiológica de la carne

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    Garlic (Allium sativum), as a natural antimicrobial, has favored animal welfare, as well as the safety and quality of the meat. The objective of this study was to assess the production indicators and the physical and microbiological quality of the meat of rabbits fattened with the addition of aqueous extract of garlic (AEG) to their diet. A completely randomized design was carried out with three treatments of 28 New Zealand rabbits X Chinchilla (Oryctolagus cuniculus X Chinchilla chinchilla) each (LW 1 ± 0.6 kg, 30 ± 5 d); control group (food only), treatment 1 (0.9% AEG) and treatment 2 (1.8% AEG, sprinkled on the food every 3 d). Daily weight gain and food conversion were determined to occur during four weeks after weaning. Aerobic mesophiles, fecal coliforms, and psychrophiles were quantified in the meat, and the pH and color (B*, a* and b*) were determined, all in Longissimus dorsi, at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 d of storage in refrigeration. A multivariate variance analysis (P≤0.05) and a Tukey test at 5 % were performed for the production indicators and the physical and microbiological variables. Unlike in psychrophiles and mesophiles, there were no significant differences (P≥0.05) in the production indicators throughout the time of conservation. No fecal coliforms were observed in any of the samples. The addition 1.8% of aqueous extract of garlic improved the shelf life by two days (total: 9 d) by reducing the content of psyschrophiles, without affecting the production indicators or the physical quality of the meat.El ajo (Allium sativum) como antimicrobiano natural ha favorecido el bienestar animal, inocuidad y calidad de la carne. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar indicadores productivos, calidad física y microbiológica de la carne de conejos, engordados con la adición de extracto acuoso de ajo (EAA) en la dieta. Se realizó un diseño completamente aleatorio con tres tratamientos de 28 conejos Nueva Zelanda X Chinchilla (Oryctolagus cuniculus X Chinchilla chinchilla) cada uno (PV 1 ± 0,6 kg, 30 ± 5 días); grupo testigo (solo alimento), tratamiento 1 (0.9% EAA) y tratamiento 2 (1.8% EAA) asperjado en el alimento cada tres días. Se determinó, ganancia de peso diaria y conversión alimenticia, durante cuatro semanas a partir del destete. Se cuantificó en la carne mesófilos aerobios, coliformes fecales, psicrófilos, y se determinó pH y color (L*, a* y b*), todo ello en Longissimus dorsi a los 1, 3, 5, 7 y 9 días de conservación en condiciones de refrigeración. Se realizó un análisis de varianza multivariado (P≤0,05) para los indicadores productivos, variables físicas y microbiológicas, más una prueba de Tukey 5%. No existieron diferencias significativas (P≥0,05) sobre los indicadores productivos y sí para psicrófilos y mesófilos aerobios, a lo largo del tiempo de conservación. No se observaron coliformes fecales en ninguna de las muestras. La adición de extracto acuoso de ajo 1.8% mejoró la vida útil al disminuir el contenido de piscrófilos y aumentar dos días la vida de anaquel (total 9 días), sin afectarse indicadores productivos, ni la calidad física de la carne

    Ethanol and aqueous extracts characterization from guava (Psidium guajava L.) and avocado (Persea americana Mill.) residues

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    Artículo científicoIn Mexico, avocado and guava production generate agronomic residues that contain bioactive compounds as secondary metabolites produced in plants. Their consumption offer favourable health effects; therefore, the objective of the present research was to characterize the bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties in guava (Psidium guajava L.) and avocado (Persea americana Mill.) residues (pulp or epicarp and leaves) at different ethanol concentrations (T1 100%, T2 75%, T3 50% and T4 25%, v/v) and in aqueous extracts (T5). Avocado epicarp (56.17 mg of EAG g-1 dm) and guava leaves 50% extracts (45.13 mg of EAG g-1 dm) presented the highest total phenol content; consequently, as it was expected avocado epicarp (328.95 TEAC/g dm) and guava leaves 25% extracts (320.01 TEAC/g dm) shown the highest antioxidant capacity. On the other hand, the highest saponins values were at avocado (100.60 mg g-1 dm) and guava leaves (76.96 mg g-1 dm) 25% extracts. Then avocado epicarp and guava leaves extracts are suggested as a high potential for agro-industrial, pharmacological and chemical uses.UAEMe

    Effect of organic selenium-enriched yeast supplementation in finishing sheep diet on carcasses microbiological contamination and meat physical characteristics

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    The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of feeding Pelibuey sheep on diet supplemented with different doses of organic selenium (Se)-enriched yeast on carcasses microbiological contamination and meat physical characteristics. The experiment was conducted during the finishing stage of 18 female sheep and lasted for 60 days. In a complete randomized design, sheep were distributed to one of three treatments: the control without Se-yeast (T1), the control supplemented with Se-yeast at 0.35 mg Se/kg DM (T2), and control supplemented with Se-yeast at 0.60 mg Se/kg DM (T3). The yeast product used was Selyeast 3000TM yeast (LFA Lesaffre, Toluca, Mexico) with a Se concentration of 3000 ppm (mg/kg). Lambs were slaughtered at the end of the experiment at an average weight of 39.5±4.41 kg and samples were taken for microbiological analysis. There were no differences between treatments (P>0.05) and the aerobic plate counts for T1, T2 and T3 had indexes of 0.10, 0.08 and 0.08 log10 CFU/cm2 , respectively. Total coliform counts obtained were 0.13, 0.10 and 0.09 log10 CFU/cm2 for T1, T2 and T3, respectively, and the faecal coliform counts were 0.09 log10 CFU/cm2 for T1, 0.06 log10 CFU/cm2 for T2 and 0.07 log10 CFU/cm2 for T3. No significant effects (P>0.05) were observed for carcasses physical characteristics of microbial growth, initial and ultimate pH and temperature, colour values and water holding capacity. It can therefore be concluded that organic Se-enriched yeast did not affect carcasses bacterial proliferation or meat physical characteristics.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support to Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) Key Project 00000000011623

    Effect of yeast and cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplement on body weight gain, feed conversion and carcass traits in Rambouillet lambs

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    Artículo en revista indizada producto de estudio de doctoradoEl objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del suplemento de levadura completo (LC) y de la pared celular (PcSc) de Saccharomyces cerevisiae sobre la ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia y características de la canal del cordero Rambouillet. Los tratamientos fueron: T1 (sin LC y sin PcSc), T2 (1 g/kg-1 MS LC) y T3 (0.6 g/kg-1 MS PcSc) con seis repeticiones (corderos) por tratamiento. La prueba duró 55 días. Se trabajó con 18 corderos (36.5±2.5 kg) alojados en corrales individuales que recibieron agua y una dieta que proporcionó 14.8% de proteína y 12 384.64 kJ/kg-1 MS. Se evaluó la ganancia diaria de peso y la conversión alimenticia durante la engorda, así como el peso de la canal caliente y fría, pH, temperatura (45 min y 24 h) y el color objetivo (24 h) de la canal. No hubo diferencias significativas para la variable ganancia diaria de peso ni para conversión alimenticia por efecto de los tratamientos, pero las variables de color a* y C tuvieron una diferencia estadística significativa (p<0.05) al agregar LC o PcScSIyEA UAE