134 research outputs found

    Extracellular Matrix Remodeling of Adipose Tissue in Obesity and Metabolic Diseases

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a network of di erent proteins and proteoglycans that controls di erentiation, migration, repair, survival, and development, and it seems that its remodeling is required for healthy adipose tissue expansion. Obesity drives an excessive lipid accumulation in adipocytes, which provokes immune cells infiltration, fibrosis (an excess of deposition of ECM components such as collagens, elastin, and fibronectin) and inflammation, considered a consequence of local hypoxia, and ultimately insulin resistance. To understand the mechanism of this process is a challenge to treat the metabolic diseases. This review is focused at identifying the putative role of ECM in adipose tissue, describing its structure and components, its main tissue receptors, and how it is a ected in obesity, and subsequently the importance of an appropriate ECM remodeling in adipose tissue expansion to prevent metabolic diseases

    Increased infections by herpes simplex virus type 1 and polymicrobials of the genital tract, in the general population of a Spanish middle city

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    Introducción. Las infecciones por genitopatógenos son un motivo de consulta frecuente en Atención Primaria y en las especialidades de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Urología, Ginecología y Dermatología. Las causas más comunes son los microorganismos oportunistas y los responsables de las infecciones de transmisión sexual asociadas a prácticas sin protección. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar los microorganismos que causan estas infecciones en los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves de Granada y la sensibilidad a los antibióticos de Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal y retrospectivo, en el que se incluyeron los resultados emitidos, entre enero de 2018 y diciembre de 2019, en el Laboratorio de Microbiología a partir de todos los episodios estudiados mediante procedimiento normalizados de trabajo. Resultados: Los microorganismos más frecuentemente detectados fueron Gardnerella vaginalis (23,81%) seguido de Candida spp. (20,9%), sobre todo en mujeres, N. gonorrhoeae (11,36%) y Ureaplasma urealyticum (11,99%), sobre todo en hombres. En multitud de ocasiones se presentaron de forma combinada. En cuanto a los virus del herpes simple, en hombres la infección por ambas especies tuvo una presencia similar (50%), mientras que en mujeres el tipo 1 fue más prevalente (76,52%). Los antibióticos más activos frente a N. gonorrhoeae fueron cefotaxima (98%) y cefixima (100%), siendo poco activo tetraciclina (39,02%). Conclusiones. Los patógenos más frecuentes correspondieron a aquellos que han causado habitualmente infecciones en las mujeres, aunque N. gonorrhoeae fue el más frecuente en varones y las infecciones mixtas no son un hallazgo casual. Las infecciones por VHS-1 fueron más frecuentes que por VHS- 2, lo cual confirma la tendencia de un cambio en la epidemiología del herpes genital.Introduction. Infections by genitopathogens are a frequent reason for consultation in Primary Health Care and in the specialties of Infectious Diseases, Urology, Gynecology, and Dermatology. The most common causes are opportunistic microorganisms and responsible for sexually transmitted infections associated with unprotected sex. The objective is to determine the microorganisms that cause these infections in patients treated at the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves in Granada and Neisseria gonorrhoeae susceptibility to antibiotics. Material and methods. A transversal-descriptive and retrospective study was carried out, which included the results issued, between January 2018 and December 2019, in the Microbiology Laboratory from all the episodes studied using standardized working procedures. Results. The most frequently detected microorganisms were Gardnerella vaginalis (23.81%) followed by Candida spp. (20.9%), especially in females, and N. gonorrhoeae (11.36%) and Ureaplasma urealyticum (11.99%), in males. Many times, they were presented in combination. Regarding herpes simplex viruses, infection by both species had a similar prevalence (50%) in males, while type 1 was more prevalent (76.52%) in females. The most active antibiotics against N. gonorrhoeae were cefotaxime (98%) and cefixime (100%). Tetracycline (39.02%) a poorly active antibiotic. Conclusions. The most frequent pathogens corresponded to those that usually caused infections in females, although N. gonorrhoeae was the most frequent in males and mixed infections are not an accidental finding. HSV-1 infections were more frequent than HSV-2, confirming the trend of a change in the epidemiology of genital herpes

    Vision Development Differences between Slow and Fast Motor Development in Typical Developing Toddlers: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Many studies have established a relationship between visual function and motor development in toddlers. This is the first report to study two-year-olds via an assessment of their visual and motor skills. The purpose of this study is to describe the possible changes that can occur between visual and motor systems in typical developing toddlers. A total of 116 toddlers were included in this observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. Their mean age was 29.57 +/- 3.45 months. Motor development variables studied were dominant hand/foot; stationary, locomotion, object manipulation, grasping, visual motor integration percentiles; gross motor, fine motor, and total motor percentiles; and gross motor, fine motor, and total motor quotients. Visual development variables were assessed including visual acuity, refractive error, ocular alignment, motor fusion and suppression, ocular motility, and stereopsis. Our findings demonstrated that typical developing toddlers with slow gross motor development had higher exophoria and further near point of convergence values compared to toddlers with fast gross motor development (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in visual acuity and stereopsis between slow and fast gross motor development toddlers

    Influence of State Anxiety and Trate Anxiety in Postoperative in Oral Surgery

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    Introduction: The aim of this article was to study the influence of anxiety (both state and trait) in postoperative recovery after extraction of third molar together, to establish the role of each of the aspects of anxiety in the results you obtained in an independent and complementary way. Material and Methods: We performed a prospective study of a consecutive series of 88 patients who underwent lower third molar extractions. Before being provided with any information about the operation, patients were asked to complete the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait and State. We have evaluated postoperative swelling and pain, patients completed a 10-point visual analog scale (VAS) at home each day (at approximately the same time of day as the operation) until day 8 after surgery, when the sutures were removed. Results: Regarding postoperative variables between positive and negative trait anxiety groups, consumption of analgesic drugs was higher in positive trait anxiety group in a statistically significant way, while these differences were detected only on specific occasions regarding pain and swelling. Discussion: In the present study, anxiety was taken into account and showed a significant effect in explaining postoperative pain and taking analgesics

    Hepatocyte Growth Factor Reduces Free Cholesterol-Mediated Lipotoxicity in Primary Hepatocytes by Countering Oxidative Stress

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    Cholesterol overload in the liver has shown toxic effects by inducing the aggravation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease to steatohepatitis and sensitizing to damage. Although the mechanism of damage is complex, it has been demonstrated that oxidative stress plays a prominent role in the process. In addition, we have proved that hepatocyte growth factor induces an antioxidant response in hepatic cells; in the present work we aimed to figure out the protective effect of this growth factor in hepatocytes overloaded with free cholesterol. Hepatocytes from mice fed with a high-cholesterol diet were treated or not with HGF, reactive oxygen species present in cholesterol overloaded hepatocytes significantly decreased, and this effect was particularly associated with the increase in glutathione and related enzymes, such as γ-gamma glutamyl cysteine synthetase, GSH peroxidase, and GSH-S-transferase. Our data clearly indicate that HGF displays an antioxidant response by inducing the glutathione-related protection system

    Gene pool transmission of multidrug resistance among Campylobacter from livestock, sewage and human disease

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    The use of antimicrobials in human and veterinary medicine has coincided with a rise in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the food-borne pathogens Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. Faecal contamination from the main reservoir hosts (livestock, especially poultry) is the principal route of human infection but little is known about the spread of AMR among source and sink populations. In particular, questions remain about how Campylobacter resistomes interact between species and hosts, and the potential role of sewage as a conduit for the spread of AMR. Here, we investigate the genomic variation associated with AMR in 168 C. jejuni and 92 C. coli strains isolated from humans, livestock and urban effluents in Spain. AMR was tested in vitro and isolate genomes were sequenced and screened for putative AMR genes and alleles. Genes associated with resistance to multiple drug classes were observed in both species and were commonly present in multidrug-resistant genomic islands (GIs), often located on plasmids or mobile elements. In many cases, these loci had alleles that were shared among C. jejuni and C. coli consistent with horizontal transfer. Our results suggest that specific antibiotic resistance genes have spread among Campylobacter isolated from humans, animals and the environment.S.K.S., B.P. and S.C.B. were supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (MR/L015080/1), the Wellcome Trust (088786/C/09/Z), the Food Standards Agency (FS246004) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/I02464X/1). E.M. received a University of Bath Faculty of Science URSA studentship. D.F.C. is supported by the FPI program (BES-2013-065003) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. J.K.C. is supported by a BBSRC KTN PhD studentship (BB/P504750/1)

    Rehabilitación protésica mediante implantes endoóseos en un paciente con fisura labio palatina bilateral

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    Introducción: La rehabilitación convencional mediante implantes del maxilar parcialmente edéntulo. Caso clínico:Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente con labio leporino y fisura palatina bilateral, edéntula parcial superior, que acude al Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla para valorar las alternativas de tratamiento rehabilitador. El tratamiento más adecuado, debido a las circunstancias generales, es rehabilitar el maxilar superior con una prótesis removible mediante cuatro implantes y una sobredentadura, ocluyendo el defecto, mejorando la retención de la prótesis y slendo fácil la necesidad de higiene que se precisa en este tipo de pacientes con fisura palatina bilateral. Discusión y conclusiones: Los pacientes con labio leporino y fisura palatina son pacientes cornplejos que deben ser evaluados de forma pormenorizada antes de su lnclusión en un protocolo de tratamientos de implantes. No obstante, una vez realizado este punto, son pacientes que pueden beneficiarse de los últimos avances en este campo revolucionario de la Implantología

    Cholesterol Enhances the Toxic Effect of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde in Primary Mouse Hepatocytes

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    Obesity and alcohol consumption are risk factors for hepatic steatosis, and both commonly coexist. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of ethanol and acetaldehyde on primary hepatocytes obtained from mice fed for two days with a high cholesterol (HC) diet. HC hepatocytes increased lipid and cholesterol content. HC diet sensitized hepatocytes to the toxic effect of ethanol and acetaldehyde. Cyp2E1 content increased with HC diet, as well as in those treated with ethanol or acetaldehyde, while the activity of this enzyme determined in microsomes increased in the HC and in all ethanol treated hepatocytes, HC and CW. Oxidized proteins were increased in the HC cultures treated or not with the toxins. Transmission electron microscopy showed endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and megamitochondria in hepatocytes treated with ethanol as in HC and the ethanol HC treated hepatocytes. ER stress determined by PERK content was increased in ethanol treated hepatocytes from HC mice and CW. Nuclear translocation of ATF6 was observed in HC hepatocytes treated with ethanol, results that indicate that lipids overload and ethanol treatment favor ER stress. Oxidative stress, ER stress, and mitochondrial damage underlie potential mechanisms for increased damage in steatotic hepatocyte treated with ethanol