1,785 research outputs found

    Racing to Regulation: A Comparative Analysis of Virtual Currency Regulation in Alaska And the Proposed Alaska Money Services Act Carlos Manzano

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    The emergence of virtual currencies has revolutionized the financial industry by creating an alternative form of payment that seeks to insulate individuals from government and bank influence. Yet, federal regulation of virtual currency has remained limited. Many state legislators have rushed to fill the gap by enacting laws regulating virtual currency use and transmission. This state-by-state approach has led to significant variation between state regulatory regimes, creating a regulatory spectrum of lenient to strict regulatory approaches. In March 2017, Alaska House Representatives Zach Fansler and Sam Kito proposed the Alaska Money Services Act to require licensing for virtual currency activity. The bill’s proposed requirements lean towards the strict side of the regulatory spectrum, bringing the potential to drive virtual currency businesses away from Alaska. This Note proposes that Alaska legislators enact virtual currency legislation that adequately balances technological innovation with consumer protection through several recommendations, including: (1) enacting virtual currency-specific legislation rather than importing regulation into existing and outdated laws, (2) clearly defining the legislation’s scope, (3) collaborating with stakeholders in enacting legislation, (4) including an on-ramp to ensure emerging startups are not overly burdened, (5) tailoring the level of regulation to the level of risk a virtual currency business poses to Alaska consumers by tiering requirements to transmission volume, (6) requiring only relevant information in the application, and (7) reducing agency discretion to revoke licenses

    Optimal Oil Taxation in a Small Open Economy

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    The international oil market has been very volatile over the past three decades. In industrialized economies, especially in Europe, taxes represent a large fraction of oil prices and governments do not seem to react to oil price shocks by using oil taxes strategically. The aim of this paper is to analyze optimal oil taxation in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of a small open economy that imports oil. We obtain that in general it is not optimal to distort the oil price paid by firms with taxes. Extending the model in several ways this result could be reversed depending on environmental considerations and available fiscal instruments.Optimal oil taxation, general equilibrium, small open economies

    Complexos de metais de transição com hidrazida do ibuprofeno : síntese, caracterização e ensaios biológicos

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    Orientador: Pedro Paulo CorbiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de QuímicaResumo: Devido a importância de complexos metálicos na medicina, como cisplatina (e seus derivados), sulfadiazina de prata e auranofina, novos compostos de coordenação tem sido estudados como potenciais candidatos a fármacos para aplicação na clínica médica. O desenvolvimento de um câncer pode estar intimamente ligado a processos inflamatórios. Existem estudos que sugerem que a ingestão regular de ibuprofeno e outros anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais protege contra o surgimento e crescimento de diversos tipos de câncer. Além disso, muitas moléculas que contém a função hidrazida tem mostrado um amplo espectro farmacológico, incluindo atividades antimicrobianas e antitumorais. Hidrazidas também são capazes de interagir com proteínas carreadoras que melhoram o perfil toxicológico e a seletividade frente a células tumorais. Complexos de paládio(II) e platina(II) com uma hidrazida derivada do ibuprofeno (HIB) foram sintetizados e caracterizados por um conjunto de análises químicas e espectroscópicas. Os resultados das análises elementar e térmica, bem como dos estudos por espectrometria de massas (ESI-QTOF-MS), confirmaram as composições na razão 1:2:2 metal/HIB/cloreto. A estrutura cristalina do complexo de paládio(II) foi determinada por difratometria de raios X de monocristal. Este complexo apresenta a fórmula mínima [PdCl2(HIB)2] com o ligante HIB coordenado ao íon metálico pelo grupo amina. Cálculos por DFT (Density Functional Theory) foram aplicados para que fosse possível sugerir a estrutura do complexo de Pt(II). As análises por ressonância magnética nuclear e espectroscopia no infravermelho reforçam que a coordenação observada na estrutura cristalina e calculada por DFT estão corretas. Ensaios de atividade antiproliferativa frente a células tumorais e não-tumorais e ensaios de inibição bacteriana foram realizados para avaliar a atividade biológica dos complexos obtidos. O complexo de Pd(II) mostrou-se ativo para a linhagem de câncer de ovário OVCAR-03 com boa seletividade. O complexo de Pt(II) não se mostrou ativo. Nenhum dos complexos foi ativo sobre as cepas bacterianas testadas. Também foram aplicadas técnicas de fluorescência e dicroísmo circular para avaliar a interação dos compostos com DNA, sendo que o complexo de Pd(II) foi o único capaz de interagir com DNA. Estes resultados sugerem que o DNA é um alvo biológico para o complexo de Pd(II)Abstract: Given the importance of metal-based drugs such as cisplatin (and their derivatives), silver sulfadiazine and auranofin, novel metal complexes have been studied as promising drug candidates and are attracting attention in modern clinical medicine. Cancer developing can be closely related to inflammatory processes. There are studies suggesting that the regular intake of ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs protect against the development of several types of cancer. Also, many molecules containing the hydrazide moiety have shown to have broad pharmacological activities, including antimicrobial and antitumor ones. These kind of compounds are known to interact with carrier proteins to improve their antitumor selectivity and toxicity profile and can also act as DNA modifying agents. Palladium(II) and platinum(II) complexes with a hydrazide derivative of ibuprofen (HIB), were synthesized and characterized chemically and spectroscopically Elemental and TGA/DTA analyses as well as ESI-QTOF-MS analysis for both complexes confirmed a 1:2:2 metal/HIB/Cl- ratio. The crystal structure of the palladium(II) complex was obtained and refined by single-crystal X-ray diffractometry, presenting a minimal formula of [PdCl2(HIB)2] with HIB coordinating to the metal ion by the amine moiety. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were also performed to propose the structure of the Pt(II) complex. Nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopies reinforces the coordination observed in the crystal structure and DFT calculations. Antiproliferative and antibacterial assays in vitro were performed to evaluate the activity of the complexes obtained. The Pd(II) complex was active in vitro against the OVCAR-03 ovarian cancer cell line, with good selectivity. The Pt(II) complex showed no biological activity. Fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopic techniques were used to evaluate the interaction of the compounds with DNA. Only the Pd(II) complex was able to interact with this biomolecule, which suggests that DNA is a target for this compoundMestradoQuimica InorganicaMestre em Química130967/2016-5CNP

    Diglosia Geolingüística en las Naciones del Consejo de Cooperación para los Estados Árabes del Golfo

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 06-09-2021This sociolinguistic research falls within the broad field of diglossic cross-cultural communication, the social evaluation of accents and social identity theories. The study of dialectal variations in the pronunciation of Educated Standard Arabic (ESA) is central to the understanding of the degree of agreement that the informants showed regarding their interpersonal evaluations in terms of the standard accented varieties and according to the standardised rating constructs (see Wiggins and Trobst, 1999). The aim of this research was to analyse a specific international reference framework of standard dialectal variations in the Arabic dialectal continuum from Gulf Cooperation Council countries between men and women alike who are likely to attach more prestige to a specific oral language variety. This research proposes that the degree of agreement that the informants showed for a particular accent is a determinant in the implementation of effective communication in order to achieve concord and harmony in interpersonal cross-cultural interactions...El presente estudio sociolingüístico se enmarca dentro del extenso campo de la comunicación diglósica transcultural, la evaluación social de acentos, y las teorías de identidad social. El estudio de las variaciones dialectales de la pronunciación de una misma lengua resulta de vital importancia en sociolingüística para entender hasta qué punto los diferentes acentos influyen en la evaluación personal de acuerdo con determinados valores racionales estimativos estandarizados (ver Wiggins y Tobst, 1999). El propósito de esta investigación reside en analizar un marco específico internacional de referencia sobre las variaciones dialectales comprendidas en las naciones del consejo de cooperación para los estados árabes del golfo entre hombres y mujeres por igual, esperando encontrar la variedad de mayor prestigio. Esta investigación propone que el grado de conformidad expresado por los informantes con respecto a un acento en particular es determinante para la implementación de una comunicación efectiva que aglutine la concordia y la armonía en las interacciones comunicativas transculturales e interpersonales...Fac. de FilologíaTRUEunpu

    Hybrid type theory: a quartet in four movements

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    This paper sings a song -a song created by bringing together the work of four great names in the history of logic: Hans Reichenbach, Arthur Prior, Richard Montague, and Leon Henkin. Although the work of the first three of these authors have previously been combined, adding the ideas of Leon Henkin is the addition required to make the combination work at the logical level. But the present paper does not focus on the underlying technicalities (these can be found in Areces, Blackburn, Huertas, and Manzano [to appear]) rather it focusses on the underlying instruments, and the way they work together. We hope the reader will be tempted to sing along

    Generalización de elementos infinitos

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    The tutoring as a vehicle for the promotion of competences in the new grade cross agricultural engineering

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónEl modelo de tutoría basado en la entrevista personal y reuniones en pequeños grupos ofrece una serie de ventajas y posibilidades para afianzas algunas de las competencias transversales del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Los títulos de grado acordes con la nueva convergencia incorporan las competencias transversales, dedicadas a la formación en valores humanos del alumnado. Además estos nuevos títulos tienen la particularidad de tener menos horas presenciales del alumno, lo que dificulta la adquisición de estas competencias en las clases. Este modelo, aplicado en la Escuela Técnica de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en el curso 2005-2006, se ha visto útil en el desarrollo personal y humano del alumnado, y ha servido para detectar carencias desde el punto de vista personal, académico y curricular. Además el modelo de tutoría propuesto permitirá afianzar muchas de las competencias transversales personales, sistémicas e instrumentales que son parte de los nuevos títulos de grado. Se pretende que a través del modelo propuesto, se contribuya a que el alumnado sea artífice de su particular proyecto de vida y su propia cualificación, potenciar su capacidad de pensar y de hacer crítica, desarrollar su capacidad para planificar y llevarlo a la práctica.AndalucíaES

    Information Systems to Manage Local Climate Change Effects: A Unified Framework

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    In many localities, local climate change effects are disasters-in-the-making or -in- waiting. They must therefore be managed coherently and consistently to assure the resilience of the local population and its communities. They are of deep concern at the local, state, federal, and international levels of government. Information systems play a critical role in managing local climate change effects. We draw upon many simple and selective frameworks in the literature, some explicitly articulated, and others implicitly incorporated, to present a unified framework for information systems to manage local climate change effects. The framework is both systemic in its coverage and systematic in its development. Its outlook is symmetrically neutral with respect to local climate change effects, recognizing that the change could be both beneficial and harmful to the local community. It is presented using structured natural English and can be easily understood, interpreted, and applied by the researchers, policy makers, and practitioners

    Food Safety Management in a Global Environment: The Role of Risk Assessment Models

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    Quantitative risk assessment models are playing a minor role in the development of the new EU legal framework for food safety. There is a tendency of the EU institutions to apply the precautionary principle versus the predisposition of the USA institutions to rely on risk analysis. This paper provides a comparison of the role played by quantitative risk assessment models in the development of new policies on food safety in the EU and in the USA, focusing on a study case: the supply chain of shell eggs. We suggest that EU regulatory bodies should reconsider the role that quantitative risk assessment models have to play in order to design more effective food safety management systems.Food safety policy, food safety assurance, risk analysis, risk assessment, precautionary principle, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,