13 research outputs found

    Transplantation of sheep embrionic stem cells in cartilage lesions: preliminary observations

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate whether ovine embryonic stem cells transplanted in experimental lesions can differentiate into chondrocyte cells and if the new cartilage is of ialine type

    Tumore venereo trasmissibile: una patologia sempre attuale

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    Gli Autori analizzano i risultati ottenuti nel trattamento del Tumore Venereo Trasmissibile del cane mediante l'impiego della terapia chirurgica o della chemioterapia con vincristina. In caso di TVT molto esteso o a carico di particolari distretti anatomici la chirurgia è stata considerata aggressiva e la ricostruzione tessutale complessa se non impossibile. La principale complicanza a lungo termine è stata la stenosi uretrale. Il 25% dei casi ha presentato recidiva entro 12 mesi darintervento. La chemioterapia con vincristina ha determinato la scomparsa della neoplasia in tempi brevi, senza alcun segno di tossicità né recidive

    La RM nella diagnostica della cenurosi cerebrale ovina

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    La cenurosi cerebrale è una malattia ad esito letale che colpisce prevalentemente gli ovini; è sostenuta dalla forma larvale (Coenurus cerebralis) della parassita Taenia multiceps. Il ciclo solitamente è di tipo rurale: l’infestione si trasmette dal cane alla pecora e viceversa. Fino ad oggi la diagnosi in vita si è basata sull’esame neurologico che, pur caratteristico, non è patognomonico. Dato che la terapia è esclusivamente chirurgica appare chiaro che, oggi, l’impiego della RM o della TAC costituiscono un ausilio essenziale per una adeguata pianificazione chirurgica oltreché per individuare cisti multiple. Scopo di questo lavoro è presentare gli aspetti clinici, in RM e chirurgici di due ovini affetti da cisti multiple di Coenurus cerebralis.</i

    What is your neurologic diagnosis?

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    A 1-year-old 15-kg (33-lb) female dwarf goat was evaluated because of a 1-month history of progressive neurologic disturbances. The goat lived in a rural environment with its dam and a few sheep and dogs. The owner had noticed neurologic signs 4 months earlier; at that time, the goat had received no treatment. Physical examination findings were considered normal. Because of repeated handling of the goat since birth, it was possible to perform a neurologic examination as though the goat were a small animal. Neurologic examination revealed that the goat had a depressed mental status, left head turn, wide-based stance, hypertonia, ataxia, hypermetria, and prolonged retention of food in the mouth. Postural reactions of all 4 limbs were diminished. Menace response was reduced bilaterally. Spinal reflexes were considered normal. Signs of pain were elicited during palpation of the cervical region of the vertebral column

    What is your diagnosis? Cerebrospinal fluid from a sheep

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    In May 2011, 2 Sarda breed sheep (ID569 and ID622) from a livestock facility in the province of Nuoro (Sardinia, Italy) affected with chronic coenurosis were presented to the Veterinary Clinical Laboratory of the University of Sassari. The animals were included in a study conducted to investigate potential alterations of the brain and skull in 24 sheep with chronic coenurosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The MRI detected the presence of one cyst in the medial cerebral hemisphere of sheep ID569, and 2 cysts in the left cerebral hemisphere of sheep ID622. Definitive diagnosis of chronic coenurosis was made by macroscopic and morphologic identification of T multiceps cyst after surgical extraction. Both animals manifested depression, disorientation, and alterations of postural reactions. Sheep ID569 revealed bilateral menace deficit while sheep ID622 showed a unilateral menace deficit. Complete resolution of neurologic signs was observed in both sheep within 7 days after removal of cysts

    Nodular lesions of the tongue in canine leishmaniosis: case report

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    In this case report, an atypical clinical presentation of leishmaniosis in a dog with multiple nodular lesions of the tongue is described. Haematological and biochemical analysis, serological test for Leishmania infantum antibodies and biopsy samples from several nodules of the tongue for histopathological examination were made. The final diagnosis of leishmaniosis was based upon the observation of amastigotes in the bioptic samples. It is recommended to consider leishmaniosis among the list of differentials of mucosal nodular lesions, at least in endemic areas

    Hydrated nucleus pulposus herniation in seven dogs

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    The clinical signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, treatment and follow-up in seven dogs with hydrated nucleus pulposus extrusion (HNPE) are reported. All dogs had tetraparesis or tetraplegia. T2-weighted MRI revealed extradural hyperintense homogeneous material compressing the cervical spinal cord. After conservative treatment (five dogs) or surgical decompression (two dogs), all dogs returned to ambulatory function within 1 month. Follow-up MRI in conservatively treated dogs revealed complete disappearance of the extruded material. Histopathological examination of surgical specimens confirmed that the retrieved material was extruded nucleus pulposus with evidence of early degeneration

    The Effect of platelet rich plasma combined with microfractures on the treatment of chondral defects: an experimental study in a sheep model

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    Objective To evaluate the effect of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) combined with microfractures on the treatment of chondral defects. The hypothesis of the study was that PRP can enhance cartilage repair after microfractures. Methods A chronic full-thickness chondral lesion of the medial femoral condyle was performed in 15 sheep. Animals were divided into three groups, according to treatment: group 1: microfractures; group 2: microfractures + PRP and fibrin glue gel; group 3: microfractures + liquid-PRP injection. Animals were sacrificed at 6 months after treatment. Macroscopic appearance was evaluated according to International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) score; cartilage stiffness was analyzed with an electromechanical indenter (Artscan 200); histological appearance was scored according to a modified O’Driscoll score. Comparison between groups for each outcome was performed with Kruskal–Wallis test, and Tukey’s test for pairwise comparisons. Results Macroscopic ICRS score of group 2 was significantly better than those of the other groups, and score of group 1 was significantly lower than those of the other groups. Scores of group 1 and 3 were significantly lower than that of normal cartilage. Mean cartilage stiffness of groups 1 and 3 was significantly lower than that of normal cartilage. Histological total scores of group 2 and 3 were significantly better than that of group 1. Conclusions PRP showed a positive effect on cartilage repair and restoration after microfractures. The procedure was more effective when PRP was used as a gel in comparison with liquid intra-articular injection. Histological analysis revealed that none of experimental treatments produced hyaline cartilage

    Citologia del liquor cefalo-rachidiano (LCR) nella diagnosi di cenurosi ovina: risultati preliminari

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    La cenurosi cerebrale è una malattia ad esito solitamente letale che colpisce prevalentemente gli ovini, sostenuta dalla forma larvale (Coenurus cerebralis) del parassita Taenia multiceps. Conosciuta sin dal XVII sec, costituisce un problema sanitario rilevante nelle regioni dove l’allevamento ovi-caprino è preminente, dato che il tasso medio di mortalità nella quota di rimonta può raggiungere il 20%.Vengono descritte due forme cliniche: acuta e cronica. La prima si osserva in genere in soggetti giovani ed è provocata dalla penetrazione e migrazione delle forme immature nel SNC. La gravità dei segni clinici, compatibili con una meningoencefalite, dipende dal numero di parassiti, dalla loro localizzazione nel SNC e dall’entità della risposta dell’ospite. La forma cronica colpisce animali di 10/18 mesi ed è causata dalla compressione della cisti ormai matura sulle strutture del SNC. Attualmente la diagnosi intra vitam è presuntiva basandosi sul segnalamento e sui segni clinici che, pur caratteristici, non sono sempre patognomonici. Accertamenti diagnostici quali gli esami sierologici non sono utili mentre l’uso della RMI e della TAC, specifici e sensibili, non sono compatibili con il rapporto costo/beneficio. Tuttavia la diagnosi in vita si rende quanto mai necessaria sia per differenziarla da malattie da prioni oggetto di misure sanitarie di controllo, sia per approntare un approccio terapeutico di tipo medico, al momento solo sperimentale, o chirurgico che può portare alla guarigione. Un aiuto potrebbe derivare dall’esame citologico del liquor cefalo rachidiano (LCR); metodica poco invasiva, rapida, economica e con un’ottima attendibilità nell’individuare forme infiammatorie, neoplastiche o degenerative

    Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and skull of sheep with cerebral coenurosis

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    Objective: To determine MRI characteristics of the skulls and brains of sheep with chronic cerebral coenurosis (CC) caused by naturally acquired Taenia multiceps infection. Animals: 33 sheep with CC and 10 healthy control sheep. Procedures: Sheep underwent MRI of the head. Volumes of the cranial cavity and rostral and caudal fossas of the cranial cavity were determined. For CC-affected sheep, the number, location, and volume of T. multiceps cysts were determined and the percentage volumes of cysts in the cranial cavity and rostral and caudal fossas of the cranial cavity were calculated. Focal and diffuse abnormalities of cranial bones in CC-affected sheep were identified. Brain edema and hemorrhage and signs of increased cranial pressure (ICP) in MRI images were determined. Results: Volumes of the cranial cavity and rostral and caudal fossas of the cranial cavity were significantly larger for CC-affected sheep versus healthy control sheep. Total volumes of cysts ranged from 4.40% to 46.93% in cranial cavities of sheep, 4.12% to 51.53% in rostral fossas of cranial cavities of sheep, and 15.24% to 68.30% in caudal fossas of cranial cavities of sheep. Moderate to severe diffuse cranial bone abnormalities and signs of increased ICP in MRI images were detected in 21 and 24 sheep, respectively, and were positively correlated with cyst volumes. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Results suggested that cranial cavity volume and morphological abnormalities can be detected in sheep with CC. These changes may reflect abnormalities in ossification of the cranial bones secondary to chronically increased ICP caused by development of T. multiceps cysts