86 research outputs found

    Lifestyles and cardiovascular health status in school children

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    Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de Máster curso 2015-2016. Nutrición HumanaLa detección precoz y el tratamiento temprano son fundamentales para las personas con enfermedad cardiovascular o con alto riesgo cardiovascular. Objetivos. Conocer el estado de salud cardiovascular y estilos de vida de escolares de centros educativos de un núcleo rural, así como su relación con el grado de obesidad. Evaluar la precisión diagnóstica de variables antropométricas para detectar obesidad e hipertensión arterial. Metodología. Diseño transversal. Lugar de realización: Pedro Abad (Córdoba). Año 2016. Sujetos: Muestra aleatoria de 323 niños y adolescentes de educación primaria y secundaria. La variable resultado principal ha sido la presencia/ausencia de enfermedad cardiovascular. Las variables explicativas fueron: antropométricas, relacionadas con la condición física y con la alimentación. Análisis estadístico: Las variables cuantitativas se han descrito por su media y desviación típica; para las cualitativas se calcularon porcentajes y prevalencias. Se calcularon los valores de Odds Ratio (OR) crudos y ajustados. Para el segundo objetivo, se utilizaron curvas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Resultados: La adherencia a la dieta mediterránea fue media- baja y la forma física de nuestros escolares fue deficiente. La prevalencia de sobrepeso en los estudiantes fue 25,1% y la de obesidad 23,5%. La de hipertensión arterial ha sido del 29,1%. El riesgo de síndrome metabólico estimado ha sido del 8,4%. El índice de masa corporal y el perímetro de cintura obtuvieron los mejores parámetros de validez para discriminar la presión arterial elevada. El índice cintura talla lo fue para detectar obesidad. Conclusiones: Sólo un 15,2% de los escolares realizó dieta mediterránea óptima. Su condición física puede representar riesgo cardiovascular en el futuro. Las prevalencias de obesidad e hipertensión en este grupo de edad son altas y van en aumento. La relación entre cintura y altura puede ser recomendada en el campo de la prevención de la obesidad en niños de 6 a 17 años.Early detection and early treatment are essential for people with cardiovascular disease or high cardiovascular risk. Goals. To know the cardiovascular health status and lifestyles of schoolchildren from educational centers in a rural area, as well as their relation to the degree of obesity. To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of anthropometric variables to detect obesity and hypertension. Methodology. Cross-sectional design. Location: Pedro Abad (Córdoba). In the year 2016. Subjects: random sample of 323 children and adolescents of primary and secondary education. The main outcome variable was the presence / absence of cardiovascular disease. The explanatory variables were: anthropometric, related to physical condition and feeding. Statistical analysis: Quantitative variables have been described by their mean and standard deviation; For the qualitative, percentages and prevalences were calculated. The crude and adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) values were calculated. For the second objective, ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curves were used. Results: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was low and the physical form of our schoolchildren was poor. The prevalence of overweight in students was 25.1% and that of obesity was 23.5%. The rate of hypertension was 29.1%. The risk of metabolic syndrome estimated was 8.4%. The body mass index and waist circumference obtained the best validity parameters to discriminate high blood pressure. The waist size was measured to detect obesity. Conclusions: Only 15.2% of the students did an optimal Mediterranean diet. Your physical condition may represent cardiovascular risk in the future. The prevalence of obesity and hypertension in this age group are high and increasing. The relationship between waist and height can be recommended in the field of prevention of obesity in children aged 6 to 17 years

    Estilos de vida y estado de salud cardiovascular de una población estudiantil no universitaria

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    INTRODUCCIÓN. Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles son la primera causa de muerte a nivel mundial, siendo las enfermedades cardiovasculares las que mayor número de muertes provocan en todo el mundo. Además, suponen un problema para la Salud Pública en los países por su impacto sobre la calidad de vida de las personas y su elevada carga económica. Su desarrollo está ligado a los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, donde el sobrepeso y la obesidad destacan sobre el resto por su elevada prevalencia y presencia en nuestro entorno. La población con exceso de peso no ha dejado de incrementarse en los últimos años, alcanzando en 2015 la prevalencia de obesidad un 12% entre los adultos a nivel mundial. Un hecho preocupante es que la proporción de población infanto-juvenil que padece sobrepeso u obesidad cada vez es mayor, y ha provocado el desarrollo de patologías características de edades más avanzadas. En este sentido, se ha incrementado la proporción de población infanto-juvenil que presenta presión arterial elevada o hipertensión arterial (HTA). El desarrollo de esta alteración en edades tempranas se asocia con mayor probabilidad de padecer HTA en la etapa adulta, y es una de las principales causas de mortalidad precoz. Intervenir de forma prematura sobre esta situación es eficaz para reducir sus repercusiones sobre la salud. La epidemia de obesidad infantil es responsable de la aparición de enfermedades metabólicas, que anteriormente aparecían descritas para personas adultas obesas. El Síndrome Metabólico (SMet) es una entidad reconocida como factor de riesgo para la salud, que ha sufrido un importante aumento en adultos, así como en niños y adolescentes. SMet ocurre en un 3.3% de la población pediátrica, 11.9% en niños con sobrepeso y 29.2% en obesos; aunque hasta la fecha, no hay consenso sobre una definición única de SMet para niños y adolescentes. El diagnóstico temprano de SMet requiere un largo período de tiempo y es costoso, ya que cada parámetro de SMet debe investigarse. Una buena prueba de detección debe ser altamente predictiva y fácil de realizar e interpretar. También parece necesario disponer de herramientas que permitan su detección temprana con el fin de evitar las comorbilidades asociadas. Así, se ha evidenciado que las variables antropométricas que permiten valorar la distribución de grasa corporal, como el perímetro de la cintura, el índice cintura-talla o el índice de masa corporal, son útiles en población infanto-juvenil. Además, otras ventajas que presentan son la facilidad de medición, su no invasividad y su sencilla interpretación. OBJETIVOS. - Conocer el estado de salud cardiovascular y estilos de vida de los escolares prepuberales y púberes de centros educativos de la provincia de Córdoba. - Evaluar la precisión diagnóstica de variables antropométricas para detectar Obesidad, Hipertensión arterial y Síndrome Metabólico en una población infanto-juvenil. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se ha optado por un diseño epidemiológico mixto y múltiple, compuesto por las siguientes publicaciones: En la primera publicación en un estudio de diseño observacional descriptivo, se determinó en una muestra de alumnos de 6 a 16 años de una población rural la prevalencia de obesidad y se recogieron variables predictoras sociodemográficas, antropométricas, de condición física y alimentación. Se realizó una regresión logística binaria determinando los valores de odds ratio (OR) crudas y ajustadas, se confeccionaron curvas características operativas y se determinaron valores de corte, calculando la sensibilidad, la especificidad y el índice de Youden. En la segunda publicación, se realizó un estudio transversal en estudiantes con edades de ese grupo de edad, para el diagnóstico de HTA, siguiendo los criterios propuestos por la Asociación Española de Pediatría. Mediante análisis multivariante, se comprobó la asociación entre las variables antropométricas: índice de masa corporal (IMC), porcentaje de grasa corporal (%GP), perímetro de cintura (CC) e índice cintura talla (ICT) con la HTA. En la tercera publicación se trató del síndrome metabólico (SMet), además de un estudio observacional, se llevó a cabo un estudio de precisión de prueba diagnóstica en la población de niños y adolescentes. Las variables antropométricas analizadas fueron peso, altura, índice de masa corporal, circunferencia de la cintura, índice cintura-talla y presión arterial. RESULTADOS. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad fue del 26,2 y 22,3%, respectivamente. Solo un 15,2% de los escolares realizó dieta mediterránea óptima. El índice cintura talla fue la variable predictiva con mayor OR ajustada (7,1 [4,3-11,6]) y mayor área bajo la curva (0,954 [0,928-0,979]); a partir de un valor de corte global para discriminar obesidad de 0,507, consiguió una sensibilidad del 90% y una especificidad del 87,2%. El CC mostró la mejor capacidad diagnóstica para la HTA (área bajo la curva 0.729), con una sensibilidad y una especificidad del 72.2% y 76%, respectivamente, para un punto de corte de 73.5 cm. Al aplicar el análisis multivariante ajustado, se halló una asociación entre la HTA y las variables antropométricas: CC (OR = 10.7), IMC (OR = 7.5), ICT (OR = 5.5) y %GP (OR= 5.3). p<0.05. La prevalencia general de síndrome metabólico utilizando los NIM-Mets fue de 5.7%. El NIM-MetS obtuvo una validez de diagnóstico del 95,9%, utilizando el NCEP-ATPIII como prueba de referencia con una sensibilidad del 63,6% que aumentó hasta el 92,3% después de que se obtuvieran tres modelos predictivos mediante análisis discriminante y se compararan para elegir cuál podría ser utilizado en un árbol de decisión clínica. Además, se implementó en una plataforma web una simulación para detectar síndrome metabólico en niños: NIM Kids Mets. Esta aplicación ha sido dada de alta en el Registro territorial de la propiedad intelectual de Andalucía, con el expediente RTA-728-20. CONCLUSIONES. La adherencia a la dieta mediterránea en nuestro trabajo se califica como media-baja; y se va deteriorando al aumentar la edad. La condición física de nuestros escolares se encuentra por debajo de los valores establecidos para los niños y adolescentes españoles. La prevalencia de sobrepeso en los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria fue de 26,2% y la de obesidad del 22,3%. El sobrepeso y la obesidad se relacionan con la edad, la presión arterial sistólica, un mayor porcentaje de peso graso en mujeres y un mayor porcentaje de peso libre de grasa en varones, además de una menor condición física. El Índice Cintura Talla es una medida antropométrica fácil de aplicar, que diagnostica obesidad independientemente de la edad, mostrándose como una herramienta que puede ayudar a una detección de esta enfermedad de forma temprana en población escolar. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial obtenida ha sido del 6,8%, hallando relación entre hipertensión arterial y las variables edad, obesidad, circunferencia de la cintura, índice cintura talla y porcentaje de peso graso. La Circunferencia de la Cintura ha mostrado la mayor exactitud diagnóstica y la mayor capacidad predictiva para hipertensión arterial. Se ha desarrollado un nuevo método para la detección de síndrome metabólico pediátrico, utilizando técnicas no invasivas y basado en solo dos variables antropométricas: índice cintura talla y tensión arterial. Este nuevo método ha demostrado una elevada precisión diagnóstica, con alta sensibilidad, especificidad y concordancia clínica con respecto a la prueba de referencia (National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III). La prevalencia de síndrome metabólico en niños de nuestra población utilizando el nuevo método no invasivo fue de 5,7%.INTRODUCTION. Chronic non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, with cardiovascular diseases causing the highest number of deaths worldwide. In addition, they pose a problem for Public Health in the countries due to their impact on people's quality of life and their high economic burden. Its development is linked to cardiovascular risk factors, where overweight and obesity stand out from the rest due to their high prevalence and presence in our environment. The overweight population has not stopped increasing in recent years, with the prevalence of obesity reaching 12% among adults worldwide in 2015. A worrisome fact is that the proportion of the childadolescent population that suffers from overweight or obesity is increasing, and has caused the development of characteristic pathologies of older ages. In this sense, the proportion of the child-adolescent population with high blood pressure or hypertension has increased. The development of this alteration at an early age is associated with a greater probability of suffering from hypertension in adulthood, and is one of the main causes of early mortality. Intervening early on this situation is effective in reducing its impact on health. The childhood obesity epidemic is responsible for the appearance of metabolic diseases, which were previously described for obese adults. The Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is an entity recognized as a risk factor for the health of the person, which has suffered a significant increase in adults, as well as in children and adolescents. MetS occurs in 3.3% of the pediatric population, 11.9% in overweight children and 29.2% in obese children; although to date, there is no consensus on a single definition of MetS for children and adolescents. Early diagnosis of MetS requires a long period of time and is costly, as each MetS parameter must be investigated. A good screening test should be highly predictive and easy to perform and interpret. It also seems necessary to have tools that allow its early detection in order to avoid associated comorbidities. Thus, it has been shown that anthropometric variables that allow assessing the distribution of body fat, such as waist circumference, waist-height rate or body mass index, are useful in children and adolescents. In addition, other advantages are the ease of measurement, its noninvasiveness and its simple interpretation. AIMS. • To determinate the cardiovascular health status and lifestyles of prepubertal and pubertal schoolchildren from educational centers in the province of Córdoba. • Evaluate the diagnostic precision of anthropometric variables to detect Obesity, Arterial Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome in a childadolescent population. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A mixed and multiple epidemiological design has been chosen, consisting of the following publications: In the first publication in a descriptive observational design study, the prevalence of obesity was determined in a sample of students aged 6 to 16 from a rural population and sociodemographic, anthropometric, physical condition and diet predictive variables were collected. A binary logistic regression was carried out determining the crude and adjusted odds ratio (OR) values, operating characteristic curves were drawn up and cutoff values were determined, calculating the sensitivity, specificity and Youden index. In the second publication, a cross-sectional study was carried out in students of this age group for the diagnosis of arterial hypertension, following the criteria proposed by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics. Through multivariate analysis, the association between anthropometric variables: body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat (%BF), waist circumference (WC) and waist-height rate (WHtR) with hypertension was verified. The third publication dealt with the metabolic syndrome (MetS), in addition to an observational study, a diagnostic test precision study was carried out in the population of children and adolescents. The anthropometric variables analyzed were weight, height, body mass index, waist circumference, waist-height rate, and blood pressure. RESULTS. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 26.2 and 22.3%, respectively. Only 15.2% of the schoolchildren had an optimal Mediterranean diet. The waist-height rate (WHtR) was the predictive variable with the highest adjusted OR (7.1 [4.3-11.6]) and the largest area under the curve (0.954 [0.928-0.979]); from a global cut-off value to discriminate obesity of 0.507, it achieved a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 87.2%. The WC showed the best diagnostic capacity (area under the curve 0.729), with a sensitivity and specificity of 72.2% and 76%, respectively, for a cutoff point of 73.5 cm. When applying the adjusted multivariate analysis, an association was found between Hypertension and the anthropometric variables: WC (OR = 10.7), BMI (OR = 7.5), WHtR (OR = 5.5) and% BF (OR = 5.3). p <0.05. The overall prevalence of metabolic syndrome using the NIM-Mets was 5.7%. The NIM-MetS obtained a diagnostic validity of 95.9%, using the NCEPATPIII as the reference test with a sensitivity of 63.6% that increased to 92.3% after three predictive models were obtained by analysis. Discriminant and were compared to choose which could be used in a clinical decision tree. In addition, a simulation to detect metabolic syndrome in children was implemented on a web platform: NIM Kids Mets. This application has been registered in the Andalusian intellectual property territorial registry, with file RTA-728-20. CONCLUSIONS. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet in our work is classified as mediumlow. The physical condition of our schoolchildren is below the values established for Spanish children and adolescents. The prevalence of overweight in primary and secondary school students was 26.2% and that of obesity was 22.3%. Overweight and obesity are related to age, systolic blood pressure, a higher percentage of fat weight in women and a higher percentage of fat-free weight in men, as well as a lower physical condition. The Waist Height Index is an easy-to-apply anthropometric measure that diagnoses obesity regardless of age, showing itself as a tool that can help detect this disease early in the school population. The prevalence of arterial hypertension obtained was 6.8%, finding a relationship between arterial hypertension and the variables age, obesity, waist circumference, waist-height index and percentage of fat weight. Waist circumference has shown the greatest diagnostic accuracy and the greatest predictive capacity for arterial hypertension. A new method has been developed for the detection of pediatric metabolic syndrome, using non-invasive techniques and based on only two anthropometric variables: waist-height index and blood pressure. This new method has shown high diagnostic precision, with high sensitivity, specificity, and clinical agreement with respect to the reference test (National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in children of our population using the new non-invasive method was 5.7%

    Workers particularly sensitive to cardiovascular risk

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    Background: Of the 607 fatal occupational accidents that occurred in Spain in 2016, 37.9% were due to ischemic heart disease and stroke. Working conditions such as night work, noise or respiratory contaminants were associated with a higher cardiovascular incidence. The aim of the present study was to assess whether health surveillance in workers exposed to these conditions should include assessment of cardiovascular risk.Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 680 workers in a public administration. The qualification of working conditions was obtained from the company risk assessment and from personal, anthropometric and analytical data, which allowed the assessment of cardiovascular risk in the medical examination performed in 2015.Results: 30.1% of the sample were exposed to these working conditions, with significant differences by sex (37% in men, 11.9% in women, p&lt;0.05). According to REGICOR, 13.2% of those exposed were classified as particularly sensitive to cardiovascular risk.Conclusions: A large percentage of workers are exposed to TC related to a greater prevalence of cardiovascular pathology. The percentage of workers classified as especially sensitive to cardiovascular risk among those exposed suggests that this risk should be assessed in occupational health surveillance when there are working conditions related to cardiovascular pathology

    Mejora continua de la calidad en una unidad médica de valoración de incapacidad temporal

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    Artículos originales[ES]Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo es el diseño de un plan de mejora continua de la calidad en una Unidad Médica de Valoración de Incapacidades (UMVI). Métodos: La metodología utilizada sigue las directrices marcadas por la Consejería de Salud, en cuanto a procesos e indicadores, que se recogen en el Plan Anual de Inspección. En nuestra Unidad estamos implantando el modelo EFQM de Excelencia. Resultados: Se expone nuestra propuesta de Plan de Calidad para la UMVI. Conclusiones: Destacamos la falta de formación de los profesionales sanitarios responsables de la prescripción de la prestación de IT. Existe unanimidad respecto a la necesidad de unificar criterios de gestión de la Incapacidad Temporal, por lo que sería interesante consensuar este documento con el resto de Unidades Médicas de Valoración de Incapacidades que realizan su trabajo en la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza, pudiéndose extender a otras Autonomías. [EN] Objective: Our objective is design a continuous improvement quality plan in the Medical Unit for Disabilities Valuation (MUDV). Methods: The used methodology follows the guidelines marked by the Health Council, as for processes and indicators that are picked up in the Annual Plan of Inspection. In our Unit we are implanting the EFQM pattern of Excellency. Results: Our proposal of Quality Plan is exposed for the MUDV. Conclusions: We highlight the lack of the sanitary professionals' responsible for the benefit prescription of the of Temporary Disability (DT) formation. Unanimity exists regarding the necessityof unifying approaches to administrate the DT. Itwould be interesting staying according to this document with other Medical Units for Disabilities Valuation that carries out its work in the AndalusiaAutonomous Community, being able to extend toother Autonomies.N

    Occupational health and quality of diagnosis in the sickness absence processes

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    Artículos originales[ES] Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad del diagnóstico del parte de baja en los procesos de incapacidad temporal. Material y Método: Estudio observacional descriptivo, de una muestra aleatoria de 1200 pacientes en baja laboral de duración superior a 15 días, controlados por la Unidad Médica de Valoración de Incapacidades (UMVI) de Córdoba, desde 1-01-2007 a 30-06-2008. Fuentes de datos: Partes de baja y alta de los trabajadores, recogidos en la UMVI, contando con el asesoramiento del Médico del Trabajo. Se valoró la calidad mediante la reproducibilidad, a través del índice kappa, y la validez del diagnóstico por grupos de la CIE-9-MC con los parámetros sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos. Resultados: La mayor concordancia se obtuvo para el grupo diagnóstico de trastornos mentales (kappa 0,86; error estándar 0,03). La sensibilidad más alta se produjo en los grupos diagnósticos V (82,9%), XII (78,6%) y XIII (78,4%), y los valores predictivos positivos fueron superiores en los grupos V (94,6%), XIII (85%) y II (85%). Conclusiones: La calidad del diagnóstico que consta en los partes de baja es aceptable. Una buena información a los médicos de Atención Primaria y una estrecha colaboración con el médico especialista en Medicina del trabajo permitirá mejorar la calidad de los diagnósticos.[EN]Objective: To evaluate the quality of the diagnosis in the sick leave certificate of the sickness absence processes. Material and Method: Descriptive observational study. A sample of 1200 patients of long term sick leave (>15 days), controlled by the Medical Unit of Valuation of Disabilities (MUVD), from 1-01-2007 at 30-06-2008.Data source: sickness leaves certificates, registered in the MUVD, having the advice of the occupational medicine specialist. The quality was determined using the reliability, through the kappa index; and the agreement of the diagnosis for groups of the CIE-9-MC with the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values parameters. Results: The biggest agreement was obtained for the diagnosis group of mental diseases (kappa 0,86; standard error 0,03). The highest sensitivity took place in the diagnoses V (82,9%), XII (78,6%) and XIII (78,4%); and the positive predictive values were but high in the V (94,6%), XIII (85%) and II (85%) groups. Conclusions: The quality of the diagnosis on the sick leave certificate is acceptable. Good information to the primary health care physicians and a narrow collaboration with the occupational medicine specialist will allow to improve the quality of the diagnoses.N

    Bibliometric Study of Technology and Occupational Health in Healthcare Sector: A Worldwide Trend to the Future

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    Since the eighties, technological tools have modified how people interact in their environment. At the same time, occupational safety and health measures have been widely applied. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work considers that information and communication technologies are the main methods to achieve the goals proposed to improve working life and the dissemination of good practices. The principal objective was to determine the trends of publications focused on these technologies and occupational safety in the healthcare sector during the last 30 years. A bibliometric study was carried out. The 1021 documents showed an increased trend per country, especially for the United States (p < 0.001) and year (p < 0.001). The citations per year showed significant differences between citations of articles published before 2007 (p < 0.001). The year was also linked to the increase or decrease of articles (72.2%) and reviews (14.9%) (p < 0.001). The analysis of journal co-citations also showed that the main journals (such as Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology) were linked to other important journals and had a major part in the clusters formed. All these findings were discussed in the manuscript and conclusions were drawn

    Occupational Safety and Health Training for Undergraduates Nursing Students: A Spanish Pilot

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    Most of blood borne and airborne pathogens are highly contagious, harmful and have prevalence among healthcare workers. In this group, healthcare students, especially nursing undergraduates, have even higher risk to be exposed and suffered a contagious accident. One of the main pillars to prevent exposure to such pathogens and decrease accidents seems to be through education. A prospective observational educational research focused on quantifying the students’ knowledge, and prevention culture was carried out. The educational approach based on the development of a technological tool, its integration in the students’ education, and posterior assessment. The Chi-square, ANOVA, Kruskal–Wallis, Man–Whitney U, and Spearman correlations were used to determine the effect of such educational methodology. The results, previous to the integration of the educational approach, showed differences between the elementary and proficient knowledge and correct procedure in each academic year (p < 0.05), being the best year the third academic year. The mean of elementary knowledge among second year students after the inclusion of the educational methodology improved for 2017/2018 with a mean of 7.5 (1.11) and in 2018/2019 with 7.87 (1.34). This study argued that the educational approach proposed could improve the prevention culture and knowledge among students and future healthcare professionals

    Is possible to train health professionals in prevention of high-risk pathogens like the Ebola by using the mobile phone?

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    Health professionals are a concerning risk population because of the high prevalence of exposure to biological, especially during training that involves procedures implying direct contact with bodily fluids. Notwithstanding, the considerable advance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) during the last decades has provided with the divergence of new paths of research applied to training in the health field, allowing it integration in the field of biological risk prevention. The objectives of this study are: firstly, to estimate the level of knowledge about risk situations and the immediate response capacity of future professionals, prepare health professionals before different scenarios that can be presented in health care, and contribute to the appropriate decision making in possible scenarios. Secondly, to design and develop a mobile web application that, in a fast and ever-present manner, allows the healthcare professional, to have a quick response system that is clear and concise; and to evaluate by health students’ and professionals’ opinions the effectiveness of the technology developed. This study has been structured in two phases: first, to determine the degree of knowledge and compliance of biosecurity measures; and second, to perform a dual evaluation of the application. The survey of graduating students concerning practices has shown that the knowledge of risk prevention is adequate; meanwhile, a dynamic and efficient platform has been obtained, and its double assessment is satisfactory. It has been shown that the incidence of biological accidents is in the mean of the results of previous studies. An upgradeable web platform, ubiquitous and capable of being used in any electronic device available in the market, was obtaine

    Tuberculosis and Other Airborne Microbes in Occupational Health and Safety

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    Airborne pathogens and non-malignant infectious diseases such as tuberculosis are highly contagious and can have severe effects on healthcare workers. The symptoms of these diseases take time to manifest, which can prevent workers from noticing that they have been exposed until symptoms appear. The current paper sought to assess the occupational safety and preventative measures taken in laboratories in Spain, and to compare these measures with those reported by other studies worldwide. A cross-sectional study of workers (35–50 years old) was conducted using a web survey (N = 30), and a bibliometric analysis was carried out in the Scopus database (92 documents were selected). The occupational safety and health measures were inadequate, according to the opinions of the workers. The training (p < 0.01), the amount of work (p < 0.05), and how the workers followed their protocols (p < 0.001) were linked to incidents and exposure to airborne pathogens. The most significant previous publication was a report (848 citations) stating that the previous variables linked to exposure are vital for prevention. Most works focused on countries like the U.S.A. (p = 0.009) were reviews, with a limited number of studies focused on occupational safety

    A Sustainable Approach to the Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Its Economic Burden

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    The prevalence of obesity continues to grow, resulting in metabolic syndrome and increasing economic burden for health systems. The objectives were to measure the ability of the NIM-MetS test, previously used in the adults, for the early and sustainable detection of the Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) in children and adolescents. Moreover, to determine the economic burden of the children with MetS. Furthermore, finally, to use and implement the NIM-MetS test, via a self-created online software, as a new method to determine the risk of MetS in children. The method used was an observational study using different instruments (NIM-MetS test, International Diabetes Federation (IDF), or Cook) and measures (body mass index). Additionally, the economic burden was estimated via a research strategy in different databases, e.g., PubMed, to identify previous papers. The results (N = 265 children, age from 10–12) showed that 23.1% had obesity and 7.2% hypertension. The prevalence of MetS using the NIM-Mets was 5.7, and the cost of these children was approximate 618,253,99 euros. Finally, a model was obtained and later implemented in a web platform via simulation. The NIM-MetS obtained is a non-invasive method for the diagnosis of risk of MetS in children