10 research outputs found

    Targeted PI3K/AKT-hyperactivation induces cell death in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

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    Current therapeutic approaches for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) focus on the suppression of oncogenic kinase signaling. Here, we test the hypothesis that targeted hyperactivation of the phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate/AKT (PI3K/AKT)-signaling pathway may be leveraged to trigger CLL cell death. Though counterintuitive, our data show that genetic hyperactivation of PI3K/AKT-signaling or blocking the activity of the inhibitory phosphatase SH2-containing-inositol-5'-phosphatase-1 (SHIP1) induces acute cell death in CLL cells. Our mechanistic studies reveal that increased AKT activity upon inhibition of SHIP1 leads to increased mitochondrial respiration and causes excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), resulting in cell death in CLL with immunogenic features. Our results demonstrate that CLL cells critically depend on mechanisms to fine-tune PI3K/AKT activity, allowing sustained proliferation and survival but avoid ROS-induced cell death and suggest transient SHIP1-inhibition as an unexpectedly promising concept for CLL therapy

    Planning preclinical confirmatory multicenter trials to strengthen translation from basic to clinical research – a multi-stakeholder workshop report

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    Clinical translation from bench to bedside often remains challenging even despite promising preclinical evidence. Among many drivers like biological complexity or poorly understood disease pathology, preclinical evidence often lacks desired robustness. Reasons include low sample sizes, selective reporting, publication bias, and consequently inflated effect sizes. In this context, there is growing consensus that confirmatory multicenter studies -by weeding out false positives- represent an important step in strengthening and generating preclinical evidence before moving on to clinical research. However, there is little guidance on what such a preclinical confirmatory study entails and when it should be conducted in the research trajectory. To close this gap, we organized a workshop to bring together statisticians, clinicians, preclinical scientists, and meta-researcher to discuss and develop recommendations that are solutionoriented and feasible for practitioners. Herein, we summarize and review current approaches and outline strategies that provide decision-critical guidance on when to start and subsequently how to plan a confirmatory study. We define a set of minimum criteria and strategies to strengthen validity before engaging in a confirmatory preclinical trial, including sample size considerations that take the inherent uncertainty of initial (exploratory) studies into account. Beyond this specific guidance, we highlight knowledge gaps that require further research and discuss the role of confirmatory studies in translational biomedical research. In conclusion, this workshop report highlights the need for close interaction and open and honest debate between statisticians, preclinical scientists, meta-researchers (that conduct research on research), and clinicians already at an early stage of a given preclinical research trajectory

    In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging of HBV Replicating Hepatocytes Allows for the Monitoring of Anti-Viral Immunity

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    Immunity against hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is complex and not entirely understood so far, including the decisive factors leading to the development of chronic hepatitis B. This lack of a mechanistic understanding of HBV-specific immunity is also caused by a limited number of suitable animal models. Here, we describe the generation of a recombinant adenovirus expressing an HBV 1.3-overlength genome linked to luciferase (Ad-HBV-Luc) allowing for precise analysis of the quantity of infected hepatocytes. This enables sensitive and close-meshed monitoring of HBV-specific CD8 T cells and the onset of anti-viral immunity in mice. A high dose of Ad-HBV-Luc developed into chronic hepatitis B accompanied by dysfunctional CD8 T cells characterized by high expression of PD1 and TOX and low expression of KLRG1 and GzmB. In contrast, a low dose of Ad-HBV-Luc infection resulted in acute hepatitis with CD8 T cell-mediated elimination of HBV-replicating hepatocytes associated with elevated sALT levels and increased numbers of cytotoxic HBV-specific CD8 T cells. Thus, the infectious dose was a critical factor to induce either acute self-limited or chronic HBV infection in mice. Taken together, the new Ad-HBV-Luc vector will allow for highly sensitive and time-resolved analysis of HBV-specific immune responses during acute and chronic infection

    In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging of HBV Replicating Hepatocytes Allows for the Monitoring of Anti-Viral Immunity

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    Immunity against hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is complex and not entirely understood so far, including the decisive factors leading to the development of chronic hepatitis B. This lack of a mechanistic understanding of HBV-specific immunity is also caused by a limited number of suitable animal models. Here, we describe the generation of a recombinant adenovirus expressing an HBV 1.3-overlength genome linked to luciferase (Ad-HBV-Luc) allowing for precise analysis of the quantity of infected hepatocytes. This enables sensitive and close-meshed monitoring of HBV-specific CD8 T cells and the onset of anti-viral immunity in mice. A high dose of Ad-HBV-Luc developed into chronic hepatitis B accompanied by dysfunctional CD8 T cells characterized by high expression of PD1 and TOX and low expression of KLRG1 and GzmB. In contrast, a low dose of Ad-HBV-Luc infection resulted in acute hepatitis with CD8 T cell-mediated elimination of HBV-replicating hepatocytes associated with elevated sALT levels and increased numbers of cytotoxic HBV-specific CD8 T cells. Thus, the infectious dose was a critical factor to induce either acute self-limited or chronic HBV infection in mice. Taken together, the new Ad-HBV-Luc vector will allow for highly sensitive and time-resolved analysis of HBV-specific immune responses during acute and chronic infection

    Targeted PI3K/AKT-hyperactivation induces cell death in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Current therapeutic approaches for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) focus on the suppression of oncogenic kinase signaling. Here, we test the hypothesis that targeted hyperactivation of the phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate/AKT (PI3K/AKT)-signaling pathway may be leveraged to trigger CLL cell death. Though counterintuitive, our data show that genetic hyperactivation of PI3K/AKT-signaling or blocking the activity of the inhibitory phosphatase SH2-containing-inositol-5'-phosphatase-1 (SHIP1) induces acute cell death in CLL cells. Our mechanistic studies reveal that increased AKT activity upon inhibition of SHIP1 leads to increased mitochondrial respiration and causes excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), resulting in cell death in CLL with immunogenic features. Our results demonstrate that CLL cells critically depend on mechanisms to fine-tune PI3K/AKT activity, allowing sustained proliferation and survival but avoid ROS-induced cell death and suggest transient SHIP1-inhibition as an unexpectedly promising concept for CLL therapy

    NUDT2 initiates viral RNA degradation by removal of 5'-phosphates.

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    While viral replication processes are largely understood, comparably little is known on cellular mechanisms degrading viral RNA. Some viral RNAs bear a 5'-triphosphate (PPP-) group that impairs degradation by the canonical 5'-3' degradation pathway. Here we show that the Nudix hydrolase 2 (NUDT2) trims viral PPP-RNA into monophosphorylated (P)-RNA, which serves as a substrate for the 5'-3' exonuclease XRN1. NUDT2 removes 5'-phosphates from PPP-RNA in an RNA sequence- and overhang-independent manner and its ablation in cells increases growth of PPP-RNA viruses, suggesting an involvement in antiviral immunity. NUDT2 is highly homologous to bacterial RNA pyrophosphatase H (RppH), a protein involved in the metabolism of bacterial mRNA, which is 5'-tri- or diphosphorylated. Our results show a conserved function between bacterial RppH and mammalian NUDT2, indicating that the function may have adapted from a protein responsible for RNA turnover in bacteria into a protein involved in the immune defense in mammals

    Reduced mitochondrial resilience enables non-canonical induction of apoptosis after TNF receptor signaling in virus-infected hepatocytes

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    Background & Aims: Selective elimination of virus-infected hepatocytes occurs through virus-specific CD8 T cells recognizing peptide-loaded MHC molecules. Herein, we report that virus-infected hepatocytes are also selectively eliminated through a cell-autonomous mechanism. Methods: We generated recombinant adenoviruses and genetically modified mouse models to identify the molecular mechanisms determining TNF-induced hepatocyte apoptosis in vivo and used in vivo bioluminescence imaging, immunohistochemistry, immunoblot analysis, RNAseq/proteome/phosphoproteome analyses, bioinformatic analyses, mitochondrial function tests. Results: We found that TNF precisely eliminated only virus-infected hepatocytes independently of local inflammation and activation of immune sensory receptors. TNF receptor I was equally relevant for NF-kB activation in healthy and infected hepatocytes, but selectively mediated apoptosis in infected hepatocytes. Caspase 8 activation downstream of TNF receptor signaling was dispensable for apoptosis in virus-infected hepatocytes, indicating an unknown non-canonical cell-intrinsic pathway promoting apoptosis in hepatocytes. We identified a unique state of mitochondrial vulnerability in virus-infected hepatocytes as the cause for this non-canonical induction of apoptosis through TNF. Mitochondria from virus-infected hepatocytes showed normal biophysical and bioenergetic functions but were characterized by reduced resilience to calcium challenge. In the presence of unchanged TNF-induced signaling, reactive oxygen species-mediated calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum caused mitochondrial permeability transition and apoptosis, which identified a link between extrinsic death receptor signaling and cell-intrinsic mitochondrial-mediated caspase activation. Conclusion: Our findings reveal a novel concept in immune surveillance by identifying a cell-autonomous defense mechanism that selectively eliminates virus-infected hepatocytes through mitochondrial permeability transition. Lay summary: The liver is known for its unique immune functions. Herein, we identify a novel mechanism by which virus-infected hepatocytes can selectively eliminate themselves through reduced mitochondrial resilience to calcium challenge. (C) 2020 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Additional file 1 of Planning preclinical confirmatory multicenter trials to strengthen translation from basic to clinical research – a multi-stakeholder workshop report

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    Additional file 1: Figure S 1. Composition of workshop participants as per field of expertise. The organizing team mainly consists of meta-researchers with a clinical or preclinical background. Other refers to e.g., stakeholders from funding agencies that also attended the workshop. Methods S1. Multi-stakeholder workshop method-Workshop design. Glossary. Glossary of terms


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