28 research outputs found

    A Birkhoff type transitivity theorem for non-separable completely metrizable spaces with applications to Linear Dynamics

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    In this note we prove a Birkhoff type transitivity theorem for continuous maps acting on non-separable completely metrizable spaces and we give some applications for dynamics of bounded linear operators acting on complex Fr\'{e}chet spaces. Among them we show that any positive power and any unimodular multiple of a topologically transitive linear operator is topologically transitive, generalizing similar results of S.I. Ansari and F. Le\'{o}n-Saavedra V. M\"{u}ller for hypercyclic operators.Comment: Several changes concerning the presentation of the paper; title changed; 12 page

    The group of isometries of a locally compact metric space with one end

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    In this note we study the dynamics of the natural evaluation action of the group of isometries GG of a locally compact metric space (X,d)(X,d) with one end. Using the notion of pseudo-components introduced by S. Gao and A. S. Kechris we show that XX has only finitely many pseudo-components of which exactly one is not compact and GG acts properly on. The complement of the non-compact component is a compact subset of XX and GG may fail to act properly on it.Comment: Submitted for publication, 7 page

    Limit and extended limit sets of matrices in Jordan normal form

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    In this note we describe the limit and the extended limit sets of every vector for a single matrix in Jordan normal form.Comment: 10 pages, we corrected some typos and we added a questio

    J-class weighted shifts on the space of bounded sequences of complex numbers

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    We provide a characterization of JJ-class and JmixJ^{mix}-class unilateral weighted shifts on l∞(N)l^{\infty}(\mathbb{N}) in terms of their weight sequences. In contrast to the previously mentioned result we show that a bilateral weighted shift on l∞(Z)l^{\infty}(\mathbb{Z}) cannot be a JJ-class operator.Comment: We correct some of the statements and the proof

    On embeddings of proper and equicontinuous actions in zero-dimensional compactifications

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    We provide a tool for studying properly discontinuous actions of non-compact groups on locally compact, connected and paracompact spaces, by embedding such an action in a suitable zero-dimensional compactification of the underlying space with pleasant properties. Precisely, given such an action (G,X)(G,X) we construct a zero-dimensional compactification μX\mu X of XX with the properties: (a) there exists an extension of the action on μX\mu X, (b) if μL⊆μX∖X\mu L\subseteq \mu X\setminus X is the set of the limit points of the orbits of the initial action in μX\mu X, then the restricted action (G,μX∖μL)(G,\mu X\setminus \mu L) remains properly discontinuous, is indivisible and equicontinuous with respect to the uniformity induced on μX∖μL\mu X\setminus \mu L by that of μX\mu X, and (c) μX\mu X is the maximal among the zero-dimensional compactifications of XX with these properties. Proper actions are usually embedded in the end point compactification ϵX\epsilon X of XX, in order to obtain topological invariants concerning the cardinality of the space of the ends of XX, provided that XX has an additional "nice" property of rather local character ("property Z", i.e., every compact subset of XX is contained in a compact and connected one). If the considered space has this property, our new compactification coincides with the end point one. On the other hand, we give an example of a space not having the "property Z" for which our compactification is different from the end point compactification. As an application, we show that the invariant concerning the cardinality of the ends of XX holds also for a class of actions strictly containing the properly discontinuous ones and for spaces not necessarily having "property Z".Comment: 18 page

    Proper actions and proper invariant metrics

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    We show that if a (locally compact) group GG acts properly on a locally compact σ\sigma-compact space XX then there is a family of GG-invariant proper continuous finite-valued pseudometrics which induces the topology of XX. If XX is furthermore metrizable then GG acts properly on XX if and only if there exists a GG-invariant proper compatible metric on XX.Comment: The paper has been completely rewritten and differs essentially from "Constructing invariant Heine-Borel metrics for proper G-spaces". The main result extended to the more general case when GG is a topological group which acts properly on a locally compact σ\sigma-compact Hausdorff space XX. Note that there is a gap in the proof of Theorem 2.4 of the old versio

    Dynamics of tuples of matrices

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    In this article we answer a question raised by N. Feldman in \cite{Feldman} concerning the dynamics of tuples of operators on Rn\mathbb{R}^n. In particular, we prove that for every positive integer n≥2n\geq 2 there exist nn tuples (A1,A2,...,An)(A_1, A_2, ..., A_n) of n×nn\times n matrices over R\mathbb{R} such that (A1,A2,...,An)(A_1, A_2, ..., A_n) is hypercyclic. We also establish related results for tuples of 2×22\times 2 matrices over R\mathbb{R} or C\mathbb{C} being in Jordan form.Comment: 10 page

    The Jacobson radical for analytic crossed products

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    We characterise the (Jacobson) radical of the analytic crossed product of C_0(X) by the non-negative integers (Z_+), answering a question first raised by Arveson and Josephson in 1969. In fact, we characterise the radical of analytic crossed products of C_0(X) by (Z_+)^d. The radical consists of all elements whose `Fourier coefficients' vanish on the recurrent points of the dynamical system (and the first one is zero). The multi-dimensional version requires a variation of the notion of recurrence, taking into account the various degrees of freedom.Comment: 17 pages; AMS-LaTeX; minor correction

    Topological generators of abelian Lie groups and hypercyclic finitely generated abelian semigroups of matrices

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    In this paper we bring together results about the density of subsemigroups of abelian Lie groups, the minimal number of topological generators of abelian Lie groups and a result about actions of algebraic groups. We find the minimal number of generators of a finitely generated abelian semigroup or group of matrices with a dense or a somewhere dense orbit by computing the minimal number of generators of a dense subsemigroup (or subgroup) of the connected component of the identity of its Zariski closure.Comment: 14 page