557 research outputs found

    Resonant X-Ray Scattering on the M-Edge Spectra from Triple-k Structure Phase in U_{0.75}Np_{0.25}O_{2} and UO_{2}

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    We derive an expression for the scattering amplitude of resonant x-ray scattering under the assumption that the Hamiltonian describing the intermediate state preserves spherical symmetry. On the basis of this expression, we demonstrate that the energy profile of the RXS spectra expected near U and Np M_4 edges from the triple-k antiferromagnetic ordering phase in UO_{2} and U_{0.75}Np_{0.25}O_{2} agree well with those from the experiments. We demonstrate that the spectra in the \sigma-\sigma' and \sigma-\pi' channels exhibit quadrupole and dipole natures, respectively.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Supp

    Changing Groundwater Levels in the Sandstone Aquifers of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin: Impacts on Available Water Supply

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    In 2014-15, the Illinois State Water Survey conducted their largest synoptic measurement of water levels (i.e., heads) in Cambrian-Ordovician sandstone wells since 1980. The study covered 33 counties in the northern half of Illinois where demands for water are satisfied, in part, by sandstone aquifers. The Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey also measured sandstone wells in 10 counties in southern Wisconsin. These observations were used to generate head contours of the sandstone aquifers. These contours provide insight into the direction and magnitude of groundwater flow. They also can be compared with historic measurements, providing insight into the impact of changing groundwater withdrawals through time. In predevelopment conditions, heads in the Cambrian-Ordovician sandstone aquifers were near or above land surface. Due to pumping from the sandstone aquifers, heads have decreased over time; this decrease is referred to as drawdown. In 2014, drawdown in northeastern Illinois was typically over 300 ft and exceeded 800 ft in the Joliet region. Three factors drove this large drawdown. First, demands for water from sandstone aquifers are much greater in northeastern Illinois than in the rest of the study region. Second, the sandstone aquifers are overlain by aquitards, which are low permeable materials that limit vertical infiltration of water. Third, the Sandwich Fault Zone limits water flowing into the sandstone aquifers of northeastern Illinois from the south. Heads near the center of the cone of depression continue to have a decreasing trend. The more severe drawdown in northeastern Illinois has resulted in local areas where heads have fallen below the top of the sandstone, known as desaturation. Desaturation of a sandstone aquifer can create a number of water quality and quantity concerns. The uppermost sandstone, the St. Peter, was observed to be partially desaturated in portions of Will, Kane, and Kendall Counties under non-pumping conditions. Other areas in these counties are at risk of desaturation under pumping conditions or with the installation of additional wells connecting the St. Peter to deeper, more heavily stressed sandstones. Simulations from a groundwater flow model indicate that the risk of desaturation will increase with increased future withdrawals. Despite the relatively small demand for water throughout much of central Illinois, heads have been declining since predevelopment, likely due to the shale overlying the sandstone. This shale serves as an aquitard, minimizing vertical infiltration of groundwater to the sandstone. Sustained drawdown in this region could potentially induce flow from the southern half of the state, where water in the sandstone is highly saline and not suitable as a drinking water supply. Drawdown in northwestern Illinois was also typically small (<100 ft), primarily due to two factors: 1) low demands from the sandstone aquifers and 2) the absence of shale aquitards. The notable exception is in Winnebago County, near Rockford, where demands are historically high and drawdown was on the order of 100-200 ft. While the quantity of water in the aquifer is not a concern in this region, large withdrawals could result in reductions of natural groundwater discharge to surface waters, impacting stream ecosystems under low flow conditions. Drawdown since predevelopment was over 300 ft in southeastern Wisconsin, with the greatest drawdown in Waukesha County of over 400 ft. Recent trends indicate heads in the Waukesha area are recovering, although they are still well below predevelopment levels. [This report is also associated with the fact sheets: Changing Groundwater Levels in the Cambrian-Ordovician Sandstone Aquifers of Northern Illinois, 1980-2014, Groundwater Availability in Northeastern Illinois from Deep Sandstone Aquifers, and Sources of Water for Communities in Northeastern Illinois.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewedOpe

    An x-ray resonant diffraction study of multiferroic DyMn2O5

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    X-ray resonant scattering has been used to measure the magnetic order of the Dy ions below 40K in multiferroic DyMn2_{2}O5_{5}. The magnetic order has a complex behaviour. There are several different ordering wavevectors, both incommensurate and commensurate, as the temperature is varied. In addition a non-magnetic signal at twice the wavevector of one of the commensurate signals is observed, the maximum intensity of which occurs at the same temperature as a local maximum in the ferroelectric polarisation. Some of the results, which bear resemblence to the behaviour of other members of the RMn2_{2}O5_{5} family of multiferroic materials, may be explained by a theory based on so-called acentric spin-density waves.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    X-ray Resonant Scattering Study of the Order Parameters in Multiferroic TbMnO3_3

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    We report on an extensive investigation of the multiferroic compound TbMnO3_3. Non-resonant x-ray magnetic scattering (NRXMS) revealed a dominant AA-type domain. The temperature dependence of the intensity and wavevector associated with the incommensurate magnetic order was found to be in good agreement with neutron scattering data. XRS experiments were performed in the vicinity of the Mn KK and Tb L3L_3 edges in the high-temperature collinear phase, the intermediate temperature cycloidal/ferroelectric phase, and the low-temperature phase. In the collinear phase resonant E1E1E1-E1 satellites were found at the Mn KK edge associated with AA-type but also FF-type peaks. The azimuthal dependence of the FF-type satellites (and their absence in the NRXMS experiments) indicates that they are most likely non-magnetic in origin. We suggest instead that they may be associated with an induced charge multipole. At the Tb L3L_3 edge resonant AA- and FF-type satellites (E1E1E1-E1) were observed in the collinear phase. These we attribute to a polarisation of the Tb 5dd states by the ordering of the Mn sublattice. In the cycloidal/ferroelectric phase a new set of resonant satellites appear corresponding to CC-type order. These appear at the Tb L3L_3 edge only. In addition to a dominant E1E1E1-E1 component in the σπ\sigma-\pi^\prime channel, a weaker component is found in the pre-edge with σσ\sigma-\sigma^\prime polarization. Calculations of the XRS were performed using the FDMNESFDMNES code showing that the unrotated σσ\sigma-\sigma^\prime component of the Tb L3L_3 CC-type peaks appearing in the ferroelectric phase contains a contribution from a multipole that is odd with respect to both space and time, known in various contexts as the anapole.Comment: Phys. Rev. B (In press

    Groundwater Flow Models of Illinois: Data, Processes, Model Performance, and Key Results

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    The Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) has a long history of developing groundwater flow models to simulate water supply and groundwater contamination issues in the state of Illinois. However, past local- and regional-scale models developed by the ISWS have traditionally been project based; thus models are archived when the project is completed and may not be updated for many years. This report presents the first version of the Evolving Network of Illinois Groundwater Monitoring and Modeling Analyses (ENIGMMA), which is the framework of data, procedures, protocols, and scripts that facilitate the development of a single, continuously updated groundwater flow model and other outputs (hydrographs, maps, animations of groundwater potentiometric surfaces). This report focuses on five aspects of ENIGMMA: 1. The archived models and high-resolution datasets that serve as inputs to ENIGMMA 2. The procedures for developing model-ready datasets from these inputs 3. The Illinois Groundwater Flow Model (IGWFM), which serves as the single model that will be continuously updated by ENIGMMA 4. The ISWS Calibration Toolbox, used to facilitate a transient calibration of the IGWFM 5. Animations of groundwater potentiometric surfaces using head-specified models This report is a living document that will be updated periodically. Future updates to this report will focus on additional aspects of ENIGMMA, including the automated development of model-ready inputs and display of model outputs. Updates to this report will also chronicle any additional geologic data added to ENIGMMA, and subsequently, to the Illinois Groundwater Flow Model. Updates will also highlight both local- and regional-scale advancements made with the model, including any key results from these models. The current version of the IGWFM combines and expands on two existing groundwater flow models: 1) the Northeastern Illinois Cambrian-Ordovician Sandstone Aquifer model and 2) the East-Central Illinois Mahomet Aquifer model. In addition, the model incorporates new geologic information developed by the Illinois State Geological Survey in the Middle Illinois Water Supply Planning region. The current model domain covers large portions of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan. This large spatial extent is necessary to capture the far-reaching regional head declines in the deep Cambrian-Ordovician sandstone aquifer system, which can extend beyond state boundaries. Depicting some shallow, unconsolidated aquifers also requires a simultaneous simulation of the deep sandstone to account for flow exchange between units. This is because the low-permeable stratigraphic units (aquitards) overlying the sandstone aquifers are absent over large areas of northern Illinois or are locally punctured by wells with long, open intervals. To capture these complex flow pathways, the three-dimensional IGWFM explicitly simulates all geologic materials from the land surface to the impermeable Pre-Cambrian crystalline bedrock. The IGWFM does not currently include a groundwater flow simulation of the southern portion of the state where the deep basin sandstones are highly saline and not used for water supply. Incorporating the shallow aquifers in the southern portion of the state into the IGWFM is a long-term goal. The primary datasets currently incorporated into IGWFM include surface water elevations, annual groundwater withdrawals, well information such as open intervals, geologic 2 surfaces, measured water levels, and aquifer properties inferred from previous modeling studies. These datasets are input at their best available spatial and temporal resolutions, allowing for the development of refined local-scale models. Such local-scale models are essential for simulating groundwater-surface water interactions, well interference, and contaminant transport. Major local-scale models already exist for the Mahomet Aquifer, Kane County, and McHenry County. The IGWFM can address a number of water supply planning questions, particularly the impacts of historic, modern, and future high-capacity groundwater withdrawals on heads and groundwater discharging to surface waters. In addition, where detailed geologic information of the shallow aquifers is available, the IGWFM can also simulate the subsurface migration of point (e.g., volatile organic compounds) and nonpoint (e.g., chloride and nitrate) contaminants.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewedOpe

    Resonant magnetic x-ray and neutron diffuse studies of transition metal multilayers

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    Electron scattering mechanisms within metallic multilayers are affected by both structural and magnetic disorders. Off-specular x-ray scattering has long been used to probe the structural interfaces, and it is only recently that it has been applied to the study of magnetic disorder. We compare the resonant magnetic x-ray scattering with off-specular neutron studies from magnetron-sputtered Co/Cu and Co/Ru multilayers grown at the second antiferromagnetic coupling peak. Both techniques yield similar results for the Cu system, and a simple domain model can be applied to extract the magnetic interface morphological parameters. For the Cu system, the in-plane correlation length is field dependent and is 880+/-20 Å after saturation along the hard axis, but increases to 7000+/-100 Å after saturation along the orthogonal easy axis. Both systems show strong out-of-plane correlations in both the structural and magnetic disorders. In all cases, the out-of-plane correlation length for the structural interfaces is 200-250 Å, but the ratio of the magnetic to structural correlations length is dependent on the magnitude of the exchange coupling and ranges from 0.4 to 1.4.

    Satellite holmium M-edge spectra from the magnetic phase via resonant x-ray scattering

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    Developing an expression of resonant x-ray scattering (RXS) amplitude which is convenient for investigating the contributions from the higher rank tensor on the basis of a localized electron picture, we analyze the RXS spectra from the magnetic phases of Ho near the M4,5M_{4,5} absorption edges. At the M5M_5 edge in the uniform helical phase, the calculated spectra of the absorption coefficient, the RXS intensities at the first and second satellite spots capture the properties the experimental data possess, such as the spectral shapes and the peak positions. This demonstrates the plausibility of the adoption of the localized picture in this material and the effectiveness of the spectral shape analysis. The latter point is markedly valuable since the azimuthal angle dependence, which is one of the most useful informations RXS can provides, is lacking in the experimental conditions. Then, by focusing on the temperature dependence of the spectral shape at the second satellite spot, we expect that the spectrum is the contribution of the pure rank two profile in the uniform helical and the conical phases while that is dominated by the rank one profile in the intermediate temperature phase, so-called spin slip phase. The change of the spectral shape as a function of temperature indicates a direct evidence of the change of magnetic structures undergoing. Furthermore, we predict that the intensity, which is the same order observed at the second satellite spot, is expected at the fourth satellite spot from the conical phase in the electric dipolar transition.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure