117 research outputs found

    El Model històric de creixement a les Illes Balears : un intent de teorització

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    The economic history of the Balearic Islands from 1700 to 1960 is the subject of this award winning research. Maritime commerce exporting olive oil and after 1830 wine, spirits, citrus fruits and almonds financed imports. There is a correlation between areas of emigration and export. Economic growth was based on an extensive cottage industry. A family based entrepreneurial system with members spread in the different export centres was developed which proved very important in the later development of a tourist industry. Capital was low but social stability kept wages low too. The islands were open societies with considerable dynamism troughout the period. The rise of the merchants substituted the island aristocracy and industrial export of textiles and shoes grew after 1885. World War I and the Civil War were growth periods for the islands which were kept out of both. In 1959 the islands were at 76% of European GNP which explains their ability to grow fast with liberalisation. The islands are a complex, open and dynamic society adapting to the many external changes in the world economy, the latest being tourism which is now dominant

    Viticultors a Mallorca. L'avenç de la vinya el segle XVIII

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    Globalización económica y crisis americana. Comentario a partir de Robert Brenner y Josep Stiglitz

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    The Recent Evolution and Impact of Tourism in the Mediterranean: The Case of Island Regions, 1990-2002

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    This paper aims to analyse one of the world’s top tourist destinations, the Mediterranean, and, more specifically, the evolution and impact of mass tourism on its western islands (Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta and the Balearic Islands) throughout the final decade of the 20th century. Firstly a general overview of world tourism is given, followed by an analysis of tourism in the Mediterranean. In continuation, an in-depth study is made of the evolution and impact of tourism on the aforementioned islands. Finally, the economic impact of tourism specialisation is examined in these island regions.Mediterranean, Balearic Islands, Malta, Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica, Destination Lifecycle, Mass Tourism, IMEDOC

    El Creixement de l'economia turística a les Illes Balears, 1970-2008

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    El creixement de l'economia turística a les Illes Balears, 1975-2000

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    The economy of the Balearic Islands has undergone strong growth in recent decades, although not without big contradictions generated by the maturing of what was a pioneering mass tourism economy. This paper reviews the most recent tourist booms in the Balearics, highlighting the crossroads that the islands’ economy has reached in economic and bio-physical terms. It emphasizes the model’s loss of productivity, the reduction in the earning capacity of businesses (in a process that might be qualified as one of falling profits) and the problems that strong negative environmental externalities and a workforce with a low level of training represent in the maintenance of this growth trend. Lastly, it proposes six basic plans of action in the field of economic policy, based on empirical studies.Balearic Islands, tourism economy, mass tourism, tertiary economy, economic history of tourism.

    Cap a una altra visió de la crisi econòmica

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    Cambio agrario y desarrollo industrial no fabril en la isla de Mallorca, 1830-1930

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaEl trabajo pretende apuntar las grandes líneas del cambio que se produjo en la economía de Mallorca entre 1830 y 1930, centrándose el análisis en dos ejes claros: la evolución del modelo agrario preindustrial, con el avance de cultivos con demanda creciente en los circuitos comerciales (almendras, vinos, cítricos), y, particularmente, el desarrollo de una industria sustentada sobre sectores no líderes y con protagonismos evidentes en actividades como la fabricación de jabones, de tejidos de lana y de calzado. Los cambios que se analizan constituyen, según el autor, una base mucho más sólida y diversificada que la que se presuponía hasta el momento sobre la economía mallorquina.The aim of this study is to establish the broad outlines of the changes in the economy of Majorca between 1830 and 1930. It focusses in two major áreas: the evolution of the pre-industrial agricultural model, with the advance of crops meeting a growing demand from commercial networks (ahnonds, wines, citrus fruits), and, in particular, the development of industry sustained by non-leading sectors, such as the production of soap, woollen doth and footwear. In the author's opinión the changes analysed show that the Majorcan economy had a much more solid and diversifíed base than has hitherto been supposed.Publicad