44 research outputs found
Mechanism of Gelatinization in Milk Product after Addition of the Passion Fruit Juice by Analysis of the Physicochemical and Microsructural Properties
The addition of certain fruit juices to milk products as a way to create new flavor has been known to also cause an interaction between the fruit juice and the components of the milk product. The mechanism of gelatinization in milk products as a result of adding the passion (Passiflora edulis Sims) fruit juice and by processing methods like heating and acidity will influence the final milk product. In this study, the mechanism of gelatinization is established through the observation of the products???s microstructure. This study was arranged factorially according to Completely Randomised Design. The first factor was passion fruit juice concentration (7.5% and 10%) and the second factor was ripening time (0, 1, 2 and 3 weeks). The variables observed were physical properties, which was done by the measurement of pH and lactic acid concentration. The changes in physical properties were monitored by observation of product microstructure by light microscopic with histopathological technique. The best cheese product was achieved with a passion fruit juice concentration of 10%. The product observed had a more compact microstructure at a ripening time of 3 weeks with pH of 4.29 and lactic acid percentage of 1.2
Overview of coccidiosis in sheep: History of Disease Incidence in the World and Life Cycle
Sheep are regarded as being one type of potential livestock that are widely raised in various regions around the world for both purposes of producing meat and wool. In particular in the Southeast Asian areas, such a stock has been playing a significant role in providing animal protein for human consumption in one hand. However, on the other hand health, genetic and environmental factors are critical for animal husbandry factors to success. One of main diseases in sheep population in the region has been an internal parasitism due to coccidian infestation that had proved to be economically detrimental as the infestations can cause health problems ranging from substantial weight gain losses to culminating in death of the livestock. This article reports on literature reviews regarding various cases of coccidiosis in several countries and also matters related to a life cycle of the disease causative agent. The main highlight of this review has been aimed at a formulation of appropriate and effective disease control strategy in combating coccidiosis in small ruminant population in the country
Mineral dibutuhkan bakteri sebagai akseptor elektron dalam metabolisme glukosa, juga sebagai aktivator enzim, termasuk dalam reaksi polimerisasi eksopolisakarida. Eksopolisakarida adalah polisakarida yang diekresikan oleh mikroba ke luar sel sebagai produk metabolit sekunder saat kondisi lingkungannya tidak menguntungkan, yang saat ini merupakan produk bioaktif. Eksopolisakarida dapat diisolasi dan saat ini telah terbukti dapat dijadikan sebagai inbuhan pangan dan mempunyai aktivitas antitumor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis mineral yang paling cocok ditambahkan ke dalam media pertumbuhan Lactobacillus bulgaricus strain ropy. Media yang digunakan adalah Susu Skim Rekonstitusi 10% (SSR 10%), kemudian ditambahkan Natrium asetat, Triamonium sitrat, Magnesium sulfat dan kalium fosfat masing-masing mulai dari konsentrasi 0,0; 0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4 dan 0,5%. Media ini diinkubasi selama 16 jam pada suhu 30oC. Sumber mineral yang paling baik untuk produksi EPS oleh L. bulgaricus adalah sodium asetat 0,5% dibandingkan dengan triamonium sitrat, kalium fosfat dan magnesium sulfat dari konsentrasi 0 ??? 0,5%. Produksi EPS dengan penambahan 0,5% sodium asetat mencapai 476,6 mg/l.\ud
Key word : Eksopolisakarida (EPS), Lactobacillus bulgaricus\ud
Minerals needed a bacteria as electron acceptor in glucose metabolism, as well as the activator of the enzyme, including in the polymerization reaction exopolysaccharide. Exopolysaccharide is exreted polysaccharide by microbes to the outside of cells as products secondary metabolites as unfavorable environment conditions, which today is a product of bioactive. Exopolysaccharide can be isolated and currently has proven to be used as food additive and has antitumor activity. The purpose of this research is to find out the most suitable type of minerals added to the growth medium of ropy strain of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. The medium used is Reconstituted of Skim Milk 10% (RSM 10%). RSM added sodium acetate, triamonium citrate, magnesium sulphate and potassium phosphate respectively starting from concentrations of 0.0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5%. This medium incubated for 16 h at 30oC temperatures. The best source of minerals for the production of EPS by Lb. bulgaricus is sodium acetate 0.5% compared to triamonium citrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulfate concentration from 0 ??? 0.5%. Production of EPS with the addition of 0.5% sodium acetate reaching 476,6 mg/l.\ud
Key word : Exopolisaccharide (EPS), Lactobacillus bulgaricu
Yoghurt Syneresis with Addition of Agar as Stabilizer
Yogurt quality is greatly influenced by many factors, including incubation time, incubation temperature, or addition of stabilizer. Agar is a type of hydrocolloid which can be used as a stabilizer ingredient in food product, because can function as thickening agent. Syneresis is one indicator of measuring yogurt quality. In this study, a starter Lactobacillus bulgaricus was used which was obtained from isolated cultures from commercial yogurt. During the study, the culture was routinely propagated in 10% reconstituted skimmed milk (RSM). The experiment design used was a completely randomized design, with an agar concentration as dependent factor of 0%; 0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3%; 0.4% and 0.5%. The variable measured was syneresis (%) using the drainage method. Each treatment was repeated 5 times. Based on variance analysis, indicated that agar addition with a concentration of 0 - 0.5% has a very significant effect on yoghurt syneresis. The syneresis decreased along with the increase in agar levels with the lowest syneresis value in the addition of 0.5% agar with an average value of 10%. From this study it can be concluded that the addition of 0.5% agar level reduces the syneresis (value of 10% syneresis), although this syneresis is still quite high, where in the manufacture of yogurt there should be no syneresis (0% syneresis
Prevalence and Source of Contamination of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. in cow milk Dangke, Indonesian Fresh Soft Cheese
Abstract: The presence of pathogenic bacteria in foods potentially causes health problems to consumers, such\ud
as infectious diseases and food poisoning. This research was aimed to determine the level of contamination\ud
of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in cow milk dangke and its relationship with workers and equipment of processing\ud
(molds and packaging materials); in addition, the presence of Salmonella spp. was also detected. Dangke\ud
samples, swabs of the workers??? right and left hands, swabs of molds and packaging materials were collected\ud
from the 30 cow dairy processing businesses of dangke randomly selected in Enrekang regency. The standard\ud
laboratory method was used to detect the presence of E.coli and Salmonella spp. Contamination levels of\ud
E. coli were 73% (22/30), 40% (12/30), 63% (19/30) and 40% (12/30) in dangke, workers??? hands, molds and\ud
packaging materials respectively. The presence of Salmonella spp. was found in 7% (2/30) of dangke and 3%\ud
(1/30) of molds. The workers and equipment of dangke processing might become risk factors for dangke to be\ud
contaminated by E. coli. Dangke cheese produced by the farmers potentially causes health problems for\ud
consumers if it was eaten raw. Efforts on extension, coaching and supervision on hygiene sanitation practices\ud
must be provided to workers dangke consistently and continuously.\ud
Key words: Food Safety Pathogenic Bacteria Workers??? Hands Coconut Shells Banana Lea
Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Tapioka dengan Tepung Uwi Ungu terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Sifat Fisikokimia Bakso Daging Ayam selama Penyimpanan Suhu Dingin
Meatball is a processed meat product that has a relatively short shelf life (prone to spoilage). One of the causes of spoilage in meatballs is oxidation, especially during storage. Natural antioxidant compounds found in purple sweet potato flour are capable of inhibiting oxidation and improving the physicochemical properties of meatballs. This research aimed to evaluate the influence of substituting tapioca flour with purple sweet potato flour on the antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties of chicken meatballs during refrigerated storage (4°C). The substitution treatments of purple sweet potato flour were 0%, 25%, 50%, and BHT 0.01%, with storage durations of 0, 6, 12, and 18 days. The parameters tested included antioxidant activity (DPPH), pH value, color (L*, a*, and b*), and TBARS value. The results showed that substituting tapioca flour with purple sweet potato flour significantly affected the DPPH value, L*, a*, b*, and TBARS, but did not significantly impact the pH value of the meatballs. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that substituting tapioca flour with purple sweet potato flour can enhance the antioxidant activity, physicochemical properties, and shelf life of chicken meatballs for up to 18 days at 4°C. Purple sweet potato flour also shows potential to replace the use of synthetic antioxidants (BHT 0.01%) in meatball production.
Keywords: antioxidant activity, physicochemical properties, meatballs, purple yam flour.
Bakso merupakan produk olahan daging yang memilki masa simpan yang relatif singkat (mudah rusak). Kerusakan pada bakso salah satunya akibat oksidasi terutama selama masa penyimpanan. Senyawa antioksidan alami yang dimiliki tepung uwi ungu mampu menghambat oksidasi dan memperbaiki sifat fisikokimia pada bakso. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh substitusi tepung tapioka dengan tepung uwi ungu terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan sifat fisikokimia bakso daging ayam selama penyimpanan suhu dingin (4°C). Perlakuan substitusi tepung uwi ungu yaitu 0%, 25%, 50% dan BHT 0,01% dengan lama penyimpanan 0, 6, 12, dan 18 hari. Parameter yang diuji yaitu aktivitas antioksidan (DPPH), nilai pH, warna (L*, a* dan b*) dan nilai TBARS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan substitusi tepung tapioka dengan tepung uwi ungu secara signifikan berpengaruh pada nilai DPPH, L*, a*, b* dan TBARS, tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh signifikan pada nilai pH bakso. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan substitusi tepung tapioka dengan tepung uwi ungu mampu meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan, sifat fisikokimia dan masa simpan bakso daging ayam hingga 18 hari pada suhu 4°C. Tepung uwi ungu juga berpotensi menggantikan penggunaan antioksidan sintetis (BHT 0,01%) pada pembuatan bakso.
Kata kunci: aktivitas antioksidan, sifat fisikokimia, bakso daging ayam, tepung uwi ung
???????????????Sapi Bali merupakan ternak asli Indonesia yang banyak dipelihara oleh petani dan merupakan sumber pendapatan masyarakat petani ternak di Sulawesi Selatan dan bahkan sebagai sumber bahan pangan daging nasional asal ternak potong. Karena itu ternak ini menjadi komoditas unggulan Sulawesi Selatan pada bidang peternakan. Berdasarkan hal ini, Rencana Induk Penelitian (RIP) Universitas Hasanuddin, sapi Bali merupakan prioritas utama dalam pengembangan komoditas unggulan pada bidang peternakan. Masalahnya adalah tingkat produktifitas dan performans sapi Bali masih rendah. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan sapi bibit betina dengan tinggi pundak melebihi dari 104 cm. Rendahnya tingkat produktifitas ternak mungkin disebabkan karena peternak tidak memperhatikan faktor manajemen dan bibit yang digunakan. Oleh karena perlu dilakukan penelitian pengembangan yang komprehensif dan berkelanjutan yaitu bagaimana peningkatan produktifitas dan performans sapi Bali melalui perbaikan manajemen terutama perbaikan pakan pada periode breeding dan pedet. \ud
???????????????Target khusus yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bibit sapi Bali yang berstandard nasional dengan tingkat produktifitas tinggi. Untuk mencapai tujuan dan target tersebut, maka metode penelitian adalah dirancang dengan melakukan perbaikan pakan pada periode breeding/pembiakan dan fase pedet secara berkelanjutan. Kemudian melihat body condition score (BCS), tingkat produktifitas induk termasuk post partus estrus pertama setelah kelahiran, tingkat kebuntingan dan service perconception (S/C). \ud
???????????????Hasil penelitian pada tahun pertama menunjukan bahwa perbaikan managemen dengan perbaikan pakan pada periode breeding dapat memperbaiki kondisi induk setelah melahirkan dengan BCS 5,40,8 menjadi 6,31,0 selama 3 bulan pemeliharaan dengan sistem intensif dan 6,70,8 selama 6 bulan pertama pemeliharaan. Post-partus esterus pertama 64,531,5 hari. Tingkat kebuntingan 53,8% dengan S/C 2,20,5 selama 3 bulan pemeliharaan dan 100% tingkat kebunting dengan S/C 2,90,8 selama 6 bulan pemeliharaan.\ud
Indikator capaian luaran yang targetkan 1) model managemen pada periode breeding pada sapi Bali, 2) publikasi akreditasi Nasional dan International dan 3) satu buku pedoman praktis dengan judul ???Peningkatan Produktifitas Sapi Bali dengan Perbaikan Manajemen dan Pakan Basis LEISA???
Kondisi dan penampilan sapi Bali di Sulawesi Selatan saat ini oleh sejumlah peneliti telah mensinyalir terjadinya penurunan mutu, baik dari segi mutu genetik maupun produktivitasnya. Hal ini ditunjukkan bahwa sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan sapi bibit dengan tinggi pundak lebih dari 104 cm. Penurunan mutu genetik dan produktifitas ternak salah satunya mungkin disebabkan karena peternak tidak memperhatikan faktor bibit, yaitu pejantan yang digunakan sebagai pemacek mempunyai kualitas genetik yang rendah. Oleh karena itu upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan salah satunya melakukan persilangan dengan breed sapi Eropa. Akan tetapi hasilnya secara genetik belum diketahui. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan penelitian analisis adanya kesamaan atau keragaman genetik sapi Bali dan hasil persilangannya di masyarakat dengan analisis DNA (PCR-RPAD). \ud
Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah 1) Mendapatkan informasi tentang fenotif dan genotif sehingga dapat mengseleksi bibit sapi yang mempunyai perfomans dan tingkat fertilitas tinggi dan kemudian dapat dimanfaatkan oleh peternak rakyat di Sulawesi Selatan khususnya pada peternak plasma pembibitan pemurnian sapi Bali dan 2) Pembentukan breed baru dengan kecirian sapi Bali yang mempunyai tingkat adaptasi, fertilitas dan pertumbuhan yang tinggi.\ud
Metode untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut di atas adalah melakukan analisis DNA dengan menggunakan RAPD-PCR. Penelitian diawali dengan pengambilan sampel darah dari vena jugularis dari sapi Bali yang dipelihara di daerah pengembangan sapi Bali dan sapi silangan sapi Bali dengan sapi Simental (Simbal). Sampel darah kemudian diekstraksi DNA-nya, kemudian dilakukan amplifikasi dengan metode PCR-RAPD menggunakan 3 primer random. Hasil PCR divisualisasi dengan elektroforesis. Kesamaan dan keragaman genetik dalam dan antar populasi dianalisis statistik berdasarkan nilai Band Sharing Frequency (BSF).\ud
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keragaman genetik pada sapi Bali maupun persilangannya masih tinggi sehingga masih bisa dilakukan perbaikan genetik untuk menghasilkan performans yang baik. Sedangkan kesamaan genetik antara populasi sapi Bali murni dengan hasil persilangan dengan Simental berdasarkan BSF menunjukkan kesamaan yang relatif tinggi. Dengan demikian menunjukkan bahwa hasil persilangan sapi Bali dengan Bos taurus memungkinkan dikembangkan dengan baik pada daerah lingkungan habitat sapi Bali khususnya pada daerah tropik
Stamina Prediction of Cows and Goats to Exercise Changes by Measuring Body Temperature, Heart Rate, and Respiratory Rate
Environmental factors play an important role in livestock life. An unsuitable environment can cause disturbances to the growth of animal and cannot produce properly. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in respiratory frequency, heart rate and body temperature of cows and goats at rest, when given running training, and when a rest one hour after being rushed, to find out the stamina of the animals. The results showed that exercise treatment had a very significant effect on respiratory rate, body temperature, and heart rate. The respiratory rate after exercise was significantly different from the respiratory frequency before exercise and after resting for one hour, but quickly returned to normal after one hour rest which indicates that the stamina of these two animals is very good