82 research outputs found

    Regional innovation systems in the process of region management

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    The third generation model of the XXI-st century university : entrepreneurial, innovative university

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    W artykule przedstawiono problematykę kształtowania się modelu Uniwersytetu Trzeciej Generacji - określanego jako uniwersytet przedsiębiorczy, innowacyjny. Omówiono ewolucyjny proces zmian jego funkcjonowania, od uniwersytetu średniowiecznego do uniwersytetu innowacyjnego, przedsiębiorczego. Celem artykułu jest wyeksponowanie istotnych cech nowego modelu uniwersytetu ze szczególnym naciskiem na konieczność zmiany procesu zarządzania, mającego decydujący wpływ na proces innowacyjności i przedsiębiorczości uniwersyteckiej, której efektem jest komercjalizacja wyników badań.The article presents the problem of shaping the model of the University of the Third Generation - referred to as entrepreneurial and innovative. It discusses the evolutionary process of changing its functioning, from the medieval university to the innovative, entrepreneurial university. The aim of the article is to expose the essential features of the new university model, with particular emphasis on the need to change the management process, which has a decisive influence on the process of innovation and university entrepreneurship, resulting in the commercialization of research results

    Entrepreneurship and innovation : the modern concept of regional development

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    Experiences from innovative regions demonstrate that a proven model for regional development is a development model associated with a leading university (universities), focused upon technologically advanced innovations, revealing another innovative technology, innovative product, innovative service which will exert influence upon the markets and transform the entire branches of industry. This model has a chance to prove itself in large regional centres (metropolises) that ought to possess a number of essential advantages. Regional centres ought to bring together a significant population, be characterised by the high level of Gross Domestic Product, the high level of Gross Domestic Product per capita, and need to concentrate the leading enterprises of innovative industries, enterprises fulfilling the requirements of large customers, business centres, as well as health and public sector institutions

    Competences of graduates of higher education business studies in labor market I (results of pilot cross-border research project in Poland and Slovakia)

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    The analysis of the experiences of cross-border countries shall facilitate the identification of the most helpful and useful tools to improve the process of adaptation of young people into the labor market. The goal of the higher education system, as part of cross-border cooperation, is to develop professionally competent, service-oriented, principled and productive citizens in Poland and Slovakia. There are a lot of factors influencing the possibility of undertaking rewarding jobs by students and graduates that are related to their degree, especially the supply and demand of business related jobs which plays a significant role in the process. The analysis of degree programs, the views of working students, graduates and employers, followed by the preparation of a research report and relevant recommendations may have a beneficial effect on the profile and quality of education and the future of graduates in the countries included in the study, as well as in other countries which are interested in the outcomes of the project. The objective of this article is to present the results of research on how graduates of higher education business studies develop in terms of the skills, knowledge and characteristics which enable them to be employable in Poland and Slovakia. The applied research methodology combines the analysis of subject-related literature with empirical research. The questionnaires for data collection constituted a survey for independent completion. The adopted method allowed a numerical description of trends, attitudes and opinions in a selected group. It also facilitated a comparison of the results of the studies of Polish graduates and Slovakian graduates

    Role of competences of graduates in building innovations via knowledge transfer in the part of Carpathian Euroregion

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    Cross-border cooperation within the framework of the Carpathian Euroregion provides the possibility of building the processes of education at universities that would facilitate knowledge transfer from the universities to the business sphere, which is particularly significant in terms of forming innovations. The aim of the research conducted was the analysis of the key competences that have an impact on the level of innovativeness of the graduates of the universities of a business profile in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Romania. In the methodology used, a systematic literary review of the acquired references from the databases of ProQuest, Emerald, SCOPUS, and the Jagiellonian Library was applied from the outset. Subsequently, a small number of foreign and Polish research works conducted in the sphere of the stipulated subject matter of the competences of graduates, as well as their innovativeness were identified and ascertained. This facilitated the specification of the cognitive gaps as follows: There was no prior research relating to the Carpathian Euroregion and the transnational cooperation, with particular consideration given to the role of graduates of universities in terms of shaping change in this area. In empirical research, a survey method was chosen as it enabled, among other things, the quantitative description of specific aspects declared as the competences of graduates in the chosen research group. The research conducted reveals that there are no stipulated ways of ranking the essential competences directed at innovativeness, thus the decision-makers at the universities in the Carpathian Euroregion must consider what way and what activities they may use to connect the development of competences. The results acquired and the conclusions drawn may serve the transfer and adoption of good practices from individual countries and regions to other European and non-European ones

    Human capital valuation as an instrument to support contemporary HR activities

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    The article has presented the development of the human capital concept in the pro-cesses of human resources management. It also has included a proposition the human capital valuation. The article has presented the development of the human capital concept in the pro-cesses of human resources management. It also has included a proposition the human capital valuation. The aim of the article was to present the author’s research tool for the valuation of human capital. It allows in a universal manner and based on external sources to value human capital in the analyzed entity, especially in companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.The conducted research allowed not only to verify the correctness of the tool, but also to an-swer the question to what extent to use the concept of the human capital management as one of the tools of enterprise value growth. It was equally important to verify whether companies inde-pendently value human capital, even if they do not do it consciously based on specific indicators

    Management of teachers’ professional careers in Poland and in the Czech Republic : a comparative analysis

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    PURPOSE: The paper aims to present the issues related to management of professional careers of teachers in Poland and the Czech Republic from a theoretical and empirical perspective.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The Evaluation of Polish and Czech teachers' career management considering questionnaire surveys. The survey makes use of non-probability (non-random) sample selection, i.e., purposeful sampling. The survey was performed between November 2020 and February 2021 on a group of 80 respondents (teachers from Poland and the Czech Republic) via a diagnostic study using a signature CAWI questionnaire. On account of the applied sampling method, the results of this survey cannot be generalized to the entire population. They constitute specific characteristics of reality and present certain symptomatic opinions of Polish and Czech teachers.FINDINGS: The presented survey results show the opinions of Polish and Czech teachers about professional promotion and its impact on the development of the professional career of teachers.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Conclusions from the survey constitute recommendations for Polish and Czech teachers.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The paper fills a gap in the studies on teachers' professional careers in European countries. The survey constitutes an important source of information that may be used as an essential new model of teachers' professional jobs."The project is funded under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education titled "Regional Initiative of Excellence" in 2019-2022, project number 018/RID/2018/19, the amount of funding PLN 10 788 423,16".peer-reviewe

    Rzeszowski i Krakowski Obszar Metropolitalny

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Problematyka metropolii i obszaru metropolitalnego od początku XX wieku, (R. Blanchard, N. S. B. Gras) stała się przedmiotem badań i wywodzi się od koncepcji gospodarczej dominacji metropolii oraz teorii regionu miejskiego. „Tkwiące w tych kierunkach [badawczych - ZM] wątki funkcjonalny i morfologiczny zostały powiązane przez R. McKenzie w jego koncepcji społeczności metropolitalnej (metropolitan community), z której powstała teoria obszaru metropolitalnego". Od końca XX wieku problematyka ta okazała się filarem kształtowania się ładu przestrzennego w wielu rozwiniętych krajach. Szczególnie w strukturach przestrzennych krajów europejskich i w Stanach Zjednoczonych metropolie i obszary metropolitalne postrzegane są jako główne centra wzrostu regionalnego, w których skupione zostały wiodące ośrodki wiedzy, nauki, innowacji i kultury. Centra te są motorem rozwoju; mobilizują one pozostałe obszary w kierunku nowoczesnej europejskiej gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. Od rozpoczęcia procesu integracji polskiej gospodarki z nowoczesnymi strukturami zachodnioeuropejskimi, polskie regiony dostosowują się do standardów europejskich. Należy przyjąć, że od ostatniej dekady XX wieku rozpoczął się proces metropolizacji polskiej przestrzeni, a proces ten jest silnie powiązany z praktyką planowania przestrzennego, o czym zdecydował ustawodawca w 2003 r., wprowadzając „przepisy nakazujące sporządzanie planów dla obszarów obejmujących największe miasta Polski wraz z ich bezpośrednim otoczeniem, nazwanych obszarami metropolitalnymi". Awans cywilizacyjny regionów Polski związany jest z rozwojem metropolii i obszarów metropolitalnych. Jak podaje E. Malisiewicz - metropolie są światłami świata, głównymi centrami wiedzy, kreacji i innowacji."(...