80 research outputs found

    [Popolne letne tablice umrljivosti za Slovenijo po spolu, 1982-2004, in možnosti uporabe v javnem zdravju]

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    A Quantitative Evaluation of the Distal Displacement of the Gingival Zenith in the Maxillary Anterior Teeth

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    The aim of this study was to quantify the specific distal displacement of the gingival zenith in the maxillary anterior dentition. Bilateral measurements, taken with a digital caliper in maxillary stone casts were recorded in six maxillary anterior teeth to evaluate distal displacement of the gingival zenith in relation to the long axis of the crowns. The gingival zenith was distally displaced between 0.45 and 1.01 mm in 90%, 85% and 60% of the central incisors, lateral incisors and canines, respectively. Contralateral comparisons between the tooth groups revealed significantly larger distal displacement of the zenith in left canine (p<0.05). Ipsilateral comparisons revealed that the lateral displacement of the zenith was significantly larger in central than in lateral incisors (p<0.05). Similarly, the zenith of lateral incisors was displaced significantly more distal than that of canine teeth (p<0.05). Comparisons of the frequency of coincidence of the position of the gingival zenith with the long axis of the tooth revealed that it was significantly greater in canines than in lateral and central incisors (p<0.05). The frequency and magnitude of distal displacement is tooth-dependent and larger in central than in lateral incisors, which in turn, is larger than in canines. These data could be used as reference points during esthetic anterior oral rehabilitation, especially in case of porcelain laminate veneers

    Numerical models for determining sea state in the Adriatic Sea

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    Neural network approach to sea-level modeling case study of a storm surge in the gulf of trieste in early december 2008

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    Tide tables can be a useful tool for sea-level forecasting in many areas. Slovenian operational\ud service for hydrological forecasts at the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia\ud frequently deploys tide tables alongside least square harmonic analysis to predict maximum sea\ud levels in the Gulf of Trieste. Meteorological influences such as pressure gradient, wind stress and\ud induced basin eigenoscillations (seiches) along the main axis of the Adriatic basin have repeatedly\ud been proven as important factors influencing the sea level in the Gulf of Trieste. They are, however,\ud only indirectly included in the harmonic analysis which in itself requires a large number of\ud carefully tuned model parameters in order to make useful short-range forecasts. A number of recent\ud reports show that an artificial neural network (ANN) can greatly improve sea level forecasts,\ud providing we supply it with suitable input variables (ie. previous water levels, air pressure, wind\ud speed, wind direction, tide charts etc.) We report on an ANN-based analysis of the recent storm\ud surge and flooding events at the Slovenian coast in the beginning of December 2008. The ANN\ud model compares favourably with the currently used conventional forecasting methods.\u

    Slovenian Version of The European Deprivation Index at Municipal Level

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    Introduction: Ecological deprivation indices belong to essential instruments for monitoring and understanding health inequalities. Our aim was to develop the SI-EDI, a newly derived European Deprivation Index for Slovenia. We intend to provide researchers and policy-makers in our country with a relevant tool for measuring and reducing the socioeconomic inequalities in health, and even at a broader level. Methods: Data from the European survey on Income and Living Conditions and Slovenian national census for the year 2011 were used in the SI-EDI construction. The concept of relative deprivation was used where deprivation refers to unmet need(s), which is caused by lack of all kinds of resources, not only material. The SI-EDI was constructed for 210 Slovenian municipalities. Its geographical distribution was compared to the distribution of two existing deprivation scores previously applied in health inequality research in Slovenia. Results: There were 36% of adults recognized as deprived in Slovenia in 2011. SI-EDI was calculated using 10 census variables that were associated with individual deprivation. A clear east-to-west gradient was detected with the most deprived municipalities in the eastern part of the country. The two existing deprivation scores correlate significantly with the SI-EDI. Conclusions: A new deprivation index, the SI-EDI, is grounded on the internationally established scientific concept, can be replicated over time and, crucially, provides an account of the socioeconomic and cultural particularities of the Slovenian population. The SI-EDI could be used by the stakeholders and the governmental and nongovernmental sectors in Slovenia, with the goal of better understanding health inequalities in Slovenia

    Epidemiologija malignega melanoma

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    Introduction to systemic analysis of die-casting of molten metals

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    U proteklih pola stoljeća broj postupaka koji su osnovni uzor tlačno lijevanje metala i injekcijsko prešanje plastomera porasta je na više od 260. To zahtijeva poopćavanje i razvoj općeg modela kojim bi bili obuhvaćene sve postojeće inačice navedenih postupaka. Na temelju provedenih istraživanja ustanovljeno je da su tlačno lijevanje i injekcijsko prešanje, prema funkcijama koje trebaju ispuniti u osnovi isti postupci s različitim materijalima i parametrima praoblikovanja. U prvom članku analiziran je povijesni razvoj navedenih postupaka i utjecaj uvođenja novih inačica. To je dovelo do potrebe precizirane terminologije, pa se sada preciznije radi o tlačnom lijevanju metalnih taljevina i injekcijskom prešanju elastomernih taljevina. Na temelju provedenih istraživanja navedeni su faktori koji utječu na sustavnosni pristup tlačnom lijevanju metalnih taljevina. U drugom dijelu opisat će se sustavnosna analiza tlačnog lijevanja metalnih taljevina.In the past half century, the number of procedures that are basic models of metal die casting and injection molding of thermoplastics raised to more than 260. This requires a generalization and development of a general model that would cover all existing versions of these operations. On the basis of research it was found that the die casting and injection molding, according to the functions to be fulfilled, are essentially the same procedures with different materials and primary shaping parameters. The first article analyzes the historical development of the above procedures and the impact of the introduction of the new versions. This has led to the need for refined terminology, so now the terms are more precisely defined as die casting of metal melts and injection molding of thermoplastic melts. On the basis of research are listed factors affecting systemic approach of die casting of metal melts. The second part will describe the systemic analysis of die casting of metal melts

    Epidemiology of colorectal cancer

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    Debelo črevo in danka sta v zadnjih letih najpogostejše mesto (razen kože), na katerem pri prebivalstvu razvitega sveta, tudi v Sloveniji, nastane ena od rakavih bolezni. Za leto 2008 je ocenjeno, da je za rakom debelega črevesa in danke po svetu zbolelo 1.235.108 ljudi (9,8 % vseh novih primerov raka), umrlo pa 609.051 ljudi. Ocenjujejo, da je v Evropi leta 2008 za rakom debelega črevesa in danke zbolelo 229.229 moških in 203.185 žensk, umrlo pa 110.059 moških in 102.160 žensk. Pri obeh spolih sodi rak debelega črevesa in danke med najpogostejše rakave boleznipri moških je bil z 12,8 % na tretjem mestu (za rakom prostate in pljučnim rakom), pri ženskah pa s 13,1 % na drugem, za rakom dojk. Po podatkih Registra raka Republike Slovenije je leta 2008 pri nas za rakom debelega črevesa in danke zbolelo 1.453 ljudi, od tega 827 moških (83,0/100.000) in 626 žensk (61,0/100.000), umrlo pa 758 bolnic in bolnikov, kar je 13 % vseh smrti zaradi raka. Največ rakov je vzniknilo na debelem črevesu (57 %), 9 % na rektosigmoidni zvezi, 44 % pa jih je nastalo v danki. Incidenca se veča od sredine 50. let prejšnjega stoletja, strmeje v zadnjih dvajsetih letih. Petletno relativno preživetje se postopno izboljšuje zaradi večjega odstotnega deleža zdravljenih bolnikov, izboljšanja operacijske tehnike in več sistemskega zdravljenja, bolezen pa je še vedno pri preveč primerih odkrita v napredovali obliki. V preventivi raka debelega črevesa je najpomembnejši zdrav življenjski slog z vzdrževanjem normalne telesne teže, z nekajenjem, zdravo prehrano in telesno dejavnostjo. K odkrivanju bolezni v začetnem stadiju oz. odstranitvi predrakavih sprememb pa bo največ prispevalo organizirano populacijsko presejanje prebivalcev v programu Svit.In the recent years, colon and rectum have become the most common sites (apart from skin) where the population of the developed world, and also in Slovenia, develops one of the cancer diseases. In 2008, it was estimated that 1,235,108 people were diagnosed with colorectal cancer around the world (9.8% of all new cancer cases), and 609,051 died of the disease. It was estimated that in Europe in 2008, 229,229 men and 203,185 women were diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and 110,059 men and 102,160 died of it. In both genders, colorectal cancer represents one of the most common cancer diseasesin men, it was in third place with 12.8% (after prostate and lung cancers), and in women, it was in second place with 13.1%, right after breast cancer. According to the data of the Cancer Registry of the Republic of Slovenia, 1,453 people were diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2008, of which 827 were men (83.0/100,000) and 626 were women (61.0/100,000), and 758 patients died from that disease, which is 13% of all cancer deaths. Most cancers were found in the colon (57%), 9% were located in the rectosigmoid area, and 44% were developed in the rectum. The incidence has been increasing since the middle of the 1950s, and even more rapidly in the last 20 years. The five-year relative survival is improving gradually due to a higher percentage of treated patients, improved surgical techniques and systemic treatment, but in too many cases, the disease is still diagnosed at an advanced stage. A healthy lifestyle, maintenance of a normal weight, non-smoking, healthy nutrition and physical activities are the most important factors in the prevention of colorectal cancer. In addition, organised population-based screening under the Screening for Colorectal Cancer (SVIT) will contribute the most to the detection of the disease at an early stage and eradication of pre-cancerous lesions