351 research outputs found

    Identitet Og Litteraturhistorie

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    The paper discusses the need for a renewal of literary historiography and presents different strategies for new historical readings that can generate interest in older literature. Students at the Danish universities and high schools are supposed to have a solid knowledge of literary classics and the methods of historical reading. In a Danish context the school's task to form and develop young people have been linked to the experience of reading literature and knowing literary history. But the older literature seems to have become a compulsory reading which students want over with as quickly as possible. It is a big problem since the European postnational societies require a historical understanding of cultural values and the sources of these values. Literature gives the readers the opportunity to see and interpret themselves in relation to their surroundings, to meet the strange and unknown and to empathize with other people's thoughts and ideas. Literature creates a special feeling of language and an understanding of how linguistic meaning is formed. The paper presents discussions of literary historiography and new approaches to literary history

    Time slots in Dylan’s Oeuvre

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    The dimension of time is important to Dylan in his songs, his song analyses, and his painting. In Norman Raeben’s painting school, Dylan discovered that he could break up the chronology of his artwork and turn time into intervals that open the art of singing in a new way. This paper gives examples of the use of time in Dylan’s song “Red River Shore” (released 2008), in his visual art (especially in the “Corner Flat” watercolor series [2007/2013]) and in his analyses in The Philosophy of Modern Song (2022), especially that of the song “Feel So Good.” I will discuss how Dylan uses “time slots,” i.e. time intervals or time windows, in these works. Often Dylan confronts different intervals of the past, the present, and the future; decisive moments are confronted with longer intervals or time is sliced and shown as divergent images . What do the time slots in Dylan’s art open the way for? An insight into a real now, a special spiritual dimension of existence, a mood, or the experience of something eternal? The paper additionally considers these possibilities through the frame of the oxymoron as a pervasive stylistic figure in Dylan’s artistic universe Dylan scholars.The dimension of time is important to Dylan in his songs, his song analyses, and his painting. In Norman Raeben’s painting school, Dylan discovered that he could break up the chronology of his artwork and turn time into intervals that open the art of singing in a new way. This paper gives examples of the use of time in Dylan’s song “Red River Shore” (released 2008), in his visual art (especially in the “Corner Flat” watercolor series [2007/2013]) and in his analyses in The Philosophy of Modern Song (2022), especially that of the song “Feel So Good.” I will discuss how Dylan uses “time slots,” i.e. time intervals or time windows, in these works. Often Dylan confronts different intervals of the past, the present, and the future; decisive moments are confronted with longer intervals or time is sliced and shown as divergent images . What do the time slots in Dylan’s art open the way for? An insight into a real now, a special spiritual dimension of existence, a mood, or the experience of something eternal? The paper additionally considers these possibilities through the frame of the oxymoron as a pervasive stylistic figure in Dylan’s artistic universe Dylan scholars

    Bob Dylan as a challenge to modern literary studies

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    Bob Dylan turns 80, still active and still the subject of controversy. People love both to hate and to love the old songwriter, musician, and Nobel Prize winner. He is one of the world's biggest celebrities, a riddle who prefers to surprise rather than to live up to the expectations of the audience or the media. His songs have long since become classics in the songbooks of the world, but have we grasped the challenges he has presented not only to the audience but also to the humanities

    Det bliver ikke i familien: Om velfĂŠrdsmetaforik i Jette Drewsens roman, Tid og Sted (1978)

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    af Anne-Marie Ma

    Et skridt pÄ vejen

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    Anne-Marie Mai: Et skridt på vejen, Anmeldelse af: "Krysninger. Nye perspektiver på moderne nordisk lyrikk" redigeret af Ole Karlsen

    25 kugler fra arsenalet

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    25 kugler fra arsenalet

    Se lige mig. Om Birgitte Boyes salme 'Ved Barsel-Konens Kirkegang' 1778

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    Pasts Present: History and Memory in the Songs of Bob Dylan: Introduction

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    Indeni – udenfor

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    Anne-Marie Mai viser i sin artikel, at Thorup har en marginal placering i en rÊkke nyere danske litteraturhistorier, men ogsÄ at man med god ret kunne argumentere for, at hendes forfatterskab burde stÄ centralt, fordi det samler enmÊngde trÊk, som kan genfindes hos andre toneangivende forfattere fra de sidste fyrre Är

    LitterĂŠre velfĂŠrdsmetaforer

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    af Anne-Marie Ma
