9 research outputs found


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    Teacher performance is the level of success in completing teaching and work called the "level of performance" or level of work. The teacher's performance appears from his responsibilities as a teacher and educator in carrying out the mandate, the profession he embraces, and the moral he has, So that the teacher who has high performance is a teacher who has work productivity equal with standards that are determined and agreed upon in achieving school goals. In achieving high school goals / quality not only the role of the teacher but also the leadership role of principal and teacher motivation  also very influential and dominant in the teacher's performance so that they can achieve goals that have been jointly shared. The research aims to find out: (1) the relationship between transformational leadership and the teacher’s performance of State Elementary School in South Banjarmasin District. (2) Work motivation and the teacher’s performance of Public Elementary School in South Banjarmasin District. (3) Simultaneous relationship between transformational leadership and work motivation with the teacher’s performance of State Elementary School in South Banjarmasin District. The research design uses quantitative research with correlational methods. The subjects of the study were 404 elementary school teachers with the status of civil servants (PNS) totaling 404 teachers. The sampling technique in this study is proportional. As for the number of samples determined using the Slovin formula obtained a sample of 201 teachers. Data collection techniques are questionnaires conducted by distributing written questionnaires containing statements, and answered by respondents. The results showed that: (1) There was a positive relationship between transformational leadership and teacher’s performance. (2) There is a positive relationship between work motivation and teacher’s performance. (3) There is a simultaneous positive relationship between transformational leadership and work motivation with teacher’s performance.  Article visualizations

    The Effectiveness of the Assessment of the Sedation Scale in Adult Critical Patiets with Ventilators: Literature Review

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    Critical patient is a condition that may have reversible dysfunction of one of the organs that threaten life and requires treatment in the Intensive Care Unit. WHO reports that deaths from critical illnesses increased by 1.1-7.4 million people and 9.8-24.6 critically ill patients admitted to the ICU. The patient will experience a decrease in physical and cognitive function so that the use of a ventilator is important to help the breathing apparatus, but if it is prolonged it will have a negative impact so that the use of sedation is also important to be given. Nurses need to determine the sedation scale in order to determine whether or not the use of sedation is effective in these patients. This study aims to know the effectiveness of the assessment of the sedation scale in adult critically ill patients who are on a ventilator. Literature review research design was employed. Journal criteria are filtered based on literature titles, abstracts and keywords or keywords that have been determined and sourced from PubMed, Biomed Central, DOAJ, Google and Google Scholar identified through the Population, Interventions, Comparison, Outcomes and Study Design (PICOS) system approach. The number of articles used is 10 journals. Based on the results of the literature that has been reviewed by researchers from 10 journals, it is stated that the effective sedation scale ranges are RASS 63.5%, RSS 3,6% and SAS 30.4%. Therefore, the use of RASS is more effective in assessing the patient's sedation status, because RASS has accuracy and clarity in distinguishing measuring sedation status from evaluating consciousness and assessing simple reactions


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    The purpose of this research is: (1) to describe the relationship between work motivation and quality service of Islamic Senior High School in Banjarmasin; (2) to describe the relationship between the use of information and communication technology and quality service of Islamic Senior High School in Banjarmasin; (3) to describe the relationship between work motivation and the use of information and communication technology simultaneously with quality service of Islamic Senior High School in Banjarmasin. This research used quantitative approach and descriptive method. The population of this research is all Islamic Senior High School teachers in Banjarmasin. This research also used proportional random sampling to take sample. The amounts of the samples are 127 teachers. Data collecting technique that is used in this research is questioner and teacher performance technique. The research used statistic test, analysis of correlation and T-test as data anaylisis technique. The research showed that: (1) there is significant relationship between work motivation and Quality service Islamic of Senior High School in Banjarmasin, (2) there is significant relationship between the use of information and communication technology and quality service Islamic of Islamic Senior High School in Banjarmasin, (3) there is significant relationship between relationship between work motivation and the use of information and communication technology simultaneously with quality service of Islamic Senior High School in Banjarmasin. The recommendation for the teacher is to concern and improve the work motivation especially in teaching and learning process. Attending some workshop based on his job in order to function the use of information and communication technology at school. This can be strengthened by concerning some factors related to the improvement of quality service.   Article visualizations

    Kedudukan Suami dalam Sistem Kekerabatan Masyarakat Adat Ditinjau dari Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia (Studi pada Desa Letwurung Kecamatan Babar Timur Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya)

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    Human rights emphasizes that humans are free to choose their actions, have the same potition regardless of race, religion, skin color or gender and is a manifestation of human dignity as stipulated in the constitution of 1945 and Law No.39/1999 on Human Rights. In the Letwurung village, based on kinship systems adopted by indigenous communities, put men who are married have a weak position in the family of his wife. The main issue is the kinship system is adopted by villagers Letwurung and how position of men who have married in the indegeneous kinship system. The Letwurung village has matrilineal kinship system so that married men in this community haves a weak position in the customary family law and child is entitled to the inheritance. It is discrimination against civil rights of men as a father and a leader of his family

    Problematika Insecure pada Remaja di Kelas X SMA PGRI 2 Banjarbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan perasaan insecure yang terjadi pada remaja dan perilaku yang ditimbulkan, mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi, dan dampak rasa insecure terhadap kehidupan remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, untuk mengungkap suatu makna dari perasaan dan pengalaman individu. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara bersama para informan yang berada direntang usia 16-17 tahun atau fase usia remaja dan jenjang pendidikan sekolah menengah atas.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan perilaku yang tampak pada individu yang mengalami insecure adalah kecenderungan untuk mengindari situasi sosial seperti tampil didepan umum, berinteraksi sosial, hingga kesulitan dalam bersosialiasi, dan suka membandingkan diri perihal pencapaian dan kondisi fisik dengan individu lain. Faktor penyebab insecure yakni pengalaman mendapatkan perundungan berupa perundungan verbal dan dikucilkan oleh lingkungan, dan kecemasan sosial yaitu takut akan dievaluasi atau dinilai buruk dari orang lain. Dampak dari insecure yakni menjadi individu yang tidak percaya diri, tertutup, menyebabkan overthink atau berpikiran negatif tentang sesuatu yang belum tentu akan terjadi, dan kegelisahan