18 research outputs found

    Concentration polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coastal waters of Bushehr Port

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    In order to study concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in seawater from Bushehr coast and for comparison with available guidelines samples of seawater were collected from five different stations along the Bushehr coast in August and February 2011. PAHs were extracted by Hexane solvent and analyzed using HPLC system (Knauer). Results showed that tPAHs concentration in seawater were 31.0, 20.8, 4.0, 17.6 and 12.3 µg l-1, in August and 38.4, 23.0, 5.4, 19.3 and 17.2 µg l-1 in February respectively, at stations Rafael, Sheghab, Abshirinkon, Lian and Helyleh. The concentrations of tPAHs in the seawater were not significantly different during August and February (P>0.05). Significant difference was observed between tPAHs concentration between the stations (P<0.05). The tPAHs concentration was maximum in Rafael and its minimum was found in Abshirinkon. The tPAHs concentration in Bushehr area was relatively higher compared to other locations of the world. Even though concentrations of anthracene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene were above the Canadian Environment Guidance, the carcinogenic compounds appeared in lower concentrations than the non-carcinogenic PAHs. Since Bushehr coastal waters is contaminated by PAHs, precise monitoring and control of oil discharge into the coastal waters as well as reduction of urban effluents input should be undertaken. Meanwhile the continuous monitoring of PAHs compounds in the area is recommended

    Study of indicator bacteria and ovary of nematode at the surface water, underwater and sewage in the basin of Mangol dam (Mazandaran province)

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    Indicator of bacteria such total coliforms and fecal coliforms are one of the most important environmental factors that effect on water quality. Haraz river is one of three rivers in north of country and it originate from central Alborz. Overall, discharge of unborn sewage, agriculture pesticides, seasonal raining was caused decreasing of quality of the river. Therefore, quality and quantity of the grandwater, surface water and sewage in different zone of this river such Mangol dam is necessary. In this study, total coliforms and fecal coliforms and nematode ovary in 13 stations of Haraz including Sorkhrood, Klodeh, Amol Esar Town, Helomsar, Mangol dam, Karesang, Jalav bridge, Norroud, Tehran 115, Larijan, Abeask, Lasem, Lar (pleur) were surveyed. ECC Chrome agar was used for counting and isolation of coliforms groups and nematode ovary counting was done as formal – ether sedimentation method. The results showed that maximum and minimum of total coliforms in surface water was observed in Sorkhrood (9.4 CFU/100ml) and Lasem (4.2CFU/100ml) and also maximum and minimum of fecal coliforms in Sorkhrood (3/2 CFU / ml) and Lasem (1/1CFU/100ml) respectively. Maximum and minimum of these bacteria in ground water were Abeask (4 CFU /100ml) and Helomsar (9/1 CFU/100ml) (for total coliforms) and Abeask (7/1 CFU/100ml) and Helomsar, Klodeh and Larijan (2/1 CFU/100ml) (for fecal coliforms) respectively. Maximum and minimum of total and fecal coliforms in sewage were Norroud (1/3 CFU/100ml) and Amole Esar Town (2/2 CFU/100ml) (for total coliforms) and Norroud (6/1 CFU/100ml) and Amole Esar Town and Tehran 115 (2/1 CFU/100ml) (for fecal coliforms) respectively. Ovary of Nematode in sewage was 30 and 124 in Norroud and Amole Esar Town respectively. The conclusion of this study was showed that quality of Haraz is low level and not proper for drinking and swimming

    An ecological investigating on controlling Mnemiopsis leidyi population activity 6: molecular test in identification of Mnemiopsis leidyi

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    In this study population genetic structure of Mnemiopsis leidyi were examined by 200 samples from the Caspian Sea. Samples were collected from Guilan province (Astara region), Mazandaran province (Amir Abad region), Golestan province (Gomishan region) and north part of the Caspian Sea. 50 samples were collected from each region. DNA was extracted by phenol - chlorophorm method and its concentration was 50 to 100 nanogram. PCR was performed using 18s rRNA gene. The PCR products of samples were digested by 12 restriction endonuclease enzymes. The digested products accompanied with standard marker (50 bp lader ). In order to measure fragment size samples were run on a 6% vertical polyacrylamide gel. The fragments were visualized by silver staining of the polyacrylamide gel. In this study, Dra I and Alu I enzymes showed different digestion pattern, as each of these enzymes had two genotypes. Other enzymes had similar digestion pattern. RAPD method used by 19 random primers. Ten of nineteen primers showed polymorphism patterns. Statistical analysis of data was performed by Popgene software. In this study, the maximum of genetic variation was in north of the Caspian Sea. Also, the maximum of genetic distance was between north area and Golestan coasts (0.089) and the minimum of genetic distance was between Mazandaran and Guilan coasts (0.001). The UOGMA dendogram showed two clusters. The samples of Mazandaran , Guilan and Golestan coasts placed in one cluster and samples of north area in other cluster The genetic diversity was significantly different between samples of north area and Golestan coasts (p≤0.05). As result, there is a significant genetic divergence between some of samples. Therefore, two genetic group of Mnemiopsis leidyi were identified in the Caspian Sea

    Biomass production in agroforestry and forestry systems on salt-affected soils in South Asia: Exploration of the GHG balance and economic performance of three case studies

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    This study explores the greenhouse gas balance and the economic performance (i.e. net present value (NPV) and production costs) of agroforestry and forestry systems on salt-affected soils (biosaline (agro) forestry) based on three case studies in South Asia. The economic impact of trading carbon credits generated by biosaline (agro)forestry is also assessed as a potential additional source of income. The greenhouse gas balance shows carbon sequestration over the plantation lifetime of 24 Mg CO2-eq. ha1 in a rice-Eucalyptus camaldulensis agroforestry system on moderately saline soils in coastal Bangladesh (case study 1), 6 Mg CO2-eq. ha1 in the rice-wheat- Eucalyptus tereticornis agroforestry system on sodic/ saline-sodic soils in Haryana state, India (case study 2), and 96 Mg CO2-eq. ha1 in the compact tree (Acacia nilotica) plantation on saline-sodic soils in Punjab province of Pakistan. The NPV at a discount rate of 10% is 1.1 kV ha1 for case study 1, 4.8 kV ha1 for case study 2, and 2.8 kV ha1 for case study 3. Carbon sequestration translates into economic values that increase the NPV by 1e12% in case study 1, 0.1 e1% in case study 2, and 2e24% in case study 3 depending on the carbon credit price (1e15 V Mg1 CO2- eq.). The analysis of the three cases indicates that the economic performance strongly depends on the type and severity of salt-affectedness (which affect the type and setup of the agroforestry system, the tree species and the biomass yield), markets for wood products, possibility of trading carbon credits, and discount rate

    Biomass production in agroforestry and forestry systems on salt-affected soils in South Asia: Exploration of the GHG balance and economic performance of three case studies

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    This study explores the greenhouse gas balance and the economic performance (i.e. net present value (NPV) and production costs) of agroforestry and forestry systems on salt-affected soils (biosaline (agro) forestry) based on three case studies in South Asia. The economic impact of trading carbon credits generated by biosaline (agro)forestry is also assessed as a potential additional source of income. The greenhouse gas balance shows carbon sequestration over the plantation lifetime of 24 Mg CO2-eq. ha 1 in a rice-Eucalyptus camaldulensis agroforestry system on moderately saline soils in coastal Bangladesh (case study 1), 6 Mg CO2-eq. ha 1 in the rice-wheat- Eucalyptus tereticornis agroforestry system on sodic/ saline-sodic soils in Haryana state, India (case study 2), and 96 Mg CO2-eq. ha 1 in the compact tree (Acacia nilotica) plantation on saline-sodic soils in Punjab province of Pakistan. The NPV at a discount rate of 10% is 1.1 kV ha 1 for case study 1, 4.8 kV ha 1 for case study 2, and 2.8 kV ha 1 for case study 3. Carbon sequestration translates into economic values that increase the NPV by 1e12% in case study 1, 0.1 e1% in case study 2, and 2e24% in case study 3 depending on the carbon credit price (1e15 V Mg 1 CO2- eq.). The analysis of the three cases indicates that the economic performance strongly depends on the type and severity of salt-affectedness (which affect the type and setup of the agroforestry system, the tree species and the biomass yield), markets for wood products, possibility of trading carbon credits, and discount rate

    Microenvironment of the feto-maternal interface protects the semiallogenic fetus through its immunomodulatory activity on dendritic cells

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    Objective: To investigate the immunomodulatory activity of decidual culture supernatant on dendritic cell (DC) functions. Design: In vivo and in vitro experimental study using mice. Setting: Academic research laboratory. Animal(s): C57BL/6-mated female Balb/c mice. Intervention(s): Culture supernatants of decidual cells obtained from the uteri of allogenic pregnant mice (Balb/c � C57BL/6) were collected. Dendritic cells were purified from Balb/c mice spleens and pulsed with antigen during overnight culture. In some cultures, decidual supernatant was added at 5, 10, or 20 final concentration. Endometrial culture supernatant-treated DCs served as a control. Antigen-pulsed DCs were injected into the front footpads of syngeneic mice. Main Outcome Measure(s): Lymph nodes of primed mice were removed 5 days after DC injection. Antigen-specific proliferation and interleukin-10 and interferon gamma production by lymphocytes were measured by 3H-Thymidine incorporation and ELISA, respectively. Result(s): The results showed that decidual culture supernatant markedly blocked in vivo antigen presentation by DCs and inhibited their capacity to induce interferon gamma (but not interleukin-10) production by primed lymphocytes. Conclusion(s): It seems that soluble factors produced by decidual cells are important mediators of immunoregulation at the feto-maternal interface, which provide the two fundamental requirements for protection of the semiallogenic fetus, namely immunologic tolerance and predominance of T helper 2 immunity, through modulation of DCs function. © 2008 American Society for Reproductive Medicine

    Impact of fumonisin B1 on the production of inflammatory cytokines by gastric and colon cell lines

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    Fumonisins, a family of mycotoxins, are mainly toxic and carcinogenic. The present study was carried out to evaluate fumonisin B1 (FB1) effects on the production of inflammatory cytokines by gastric and colon cell lines. The study was performed on two cell lines under in vitro condition, including gastric epithelial cell line (AGS) and human colon adenocarcinoma cell line (SW742). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was used for inflammatory cytokine induction. The culture medium was supplemented with 4.5-72 mg/l of FB1 for 72 h before cell induction. The supernatants were harvested 24 h after the induction and measured for cytokines by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. FB1 induced a dose-dependent increase in the production of tumor necrosis factor-/ and interleukin-10 in both AGS and SW742 cell lines. This increase was statistically significant with concentration of FB1 between 9 and 72 mg/l (P < 0.05). FB1 also induced a dosedependent decrease in interleukin-8 production. This decrease was seen in both cell lines and showed a statistical significance with FB1 concentration (P < 0.05). The results show that FB1 increases inflammatory cytokines production by various gastric and intestinal cells. This effect in the long run can possibly be the basis for the occurrence or development of inflammation and subsequent atrophy in the above-mentioned tissues. Copyright© 2012, Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. All rights reserved

    Association of mild to moderate chronic kidney disease with venous thromboembolism pooled analysis of five prospective general population cohorts

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    Background-Recent findings suggest that chronic kidney disease (CKD) may be associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Given the high prevalence of mild-to-moderate CKD in the general population, in depth analysis of this association is warranted. Methods and Results-We pooled individual participant data from 5 community-based cohorts from Europe (second Nord-Trondelag Health Study [HUNT2], Prevention of Renal and Vascular End-stage Disease [PREVEND], and the Tromso study) and the United States (Atherosclerosis Risks in Communities [ARIC] and Cardiovascular Health Study [CHS]) to assess the association of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), albuminuria, and CKD with objectively verified VTE. To estimate adjusted hazard ratios for VTE, categorical and continuous spline models were fit by using Cox regression with shared-frailty or random-effect meta-analysis. A total of 1178 VTE events occurred over 599 453 person-years follow-up. Relative to eGFR 100 mL/min per 1.73 m(2), hazard ratios for VTE were 1.29 (95% confidence interval, 1.04-1.59) for eGFR 75, 1.31 (1.00-1.71) for eGFR 60, 1.82 (1.27-2.60) for eGFR 45, and 1.95 (1.26-3.01) for eGFR 30 mL/min per 1.73 m(2). In comparison with an albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) of 5.0 mg/g, the hazard ratios for VTE were 1.34 (1.04-1.72) for ACR 30 mg/g, 1.60 (1.08-2.36) for ACR 300 mg/g, and 1.92 (1.19-3.09) for ACR 1000 mg/g. There was no interaction between clinical categories of eGFR and ACR (P=0.20). The adjusted hazard ratio for CKD, defined as eGFR <60 mL/min per 1.73 m(2) or albuminuria >= 30 mg/g, (versus no CKD) was 1.54 (95% confidence interval, 1.15-2.06). Associations were consistent in subgroups according to age, sex, and comorbidities, and for unprovoked versus provoked VTE, as well. Conclusions-Both eGFR and ACR are independently associated with increased risk of VTE in the general population, even across the normal eGFR and ACR ranges. (Circulation. 2012;126:1964-1971.)