2,265 research outputs found

    Robust Control Charts for Time Series Data

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    This article presents a control chart for time series data, based on the one-step- ahead forecast errors of the Holt-Winters forecasting method. We use robust techniques to prevent that outliers affect the estimation of the control limits of the chart. Moreover, robustness is important to maintain the reliability of the control chart after the occurrence of alarm observations. The properties of the new control chart are examined in a simulation study and on a real data example.Control chart;Holt-Winters;Non-stationary time series;Out- lier detection;Robustness;Statistical process control

    Hourly Electricity Prices in Day-Ahead Markets

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    This paper focuses on the characteristics of hourly electricity prices in day-ahead markets. In these markets, quotes for day-ahead delivery of electricity are submitted simultaneously for all hours in the next day. The same information set is used for quoting all hours of the day. The dynamics of hourly electricity prices does not behave as a time series process. Instead, these prices should be treated as a panel in which the prices of 24 cross-sectional hours vary from day to day. This paper introduces a panel model for hourly electricity prices in day-ahead markets and examines their characteristics. The results show that hourly electricity prices exhibit hourly specific mean-reversion and that they oscillate around an hourly specific mean price level. Furthermore, a block structured cross-sectional correlation pattern between the hours is apparent.Day-ahead electricity;Electricity prices;Energy markets;Panel models

    Robust Forecasting of Non-Stationary Time Series

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    This paper proposes a robust forecasting method for non-stationary time series. The time series is modelled using non-parametric heteroscedastic regression, and fitted by a localized MM-estimator, combining high robustness and large efficiency. The proposed method is shown to produce reliable forecasts in the presence of outliers, non-linearity, and heteroscedasticity. In the absence of outliers, the forecasts are only slightly less precise than those based on a localized Least Squares estimator. An additional advantage of the MM-estimator is that it provides a robust estimate of the local variability of the time series.Heteroscedasticity;Non-parametric regression;Prediction;Outliers;Robustness

    Adsorption behavior of conjugated {C}3-oligomers on Si(100) and HOPG surfaces

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    A pi-conjugated {C}3h-oligomer involving three dithienylethylene branches bridged at the meta positions of a central benzenic core has been synthesized and deposited either on the Si(100) surface or on the HOPG surface. On the silicon surface, scanning tunneling microscopy allows the observation of isolated molecules. Conversely, by substituting the thiophene rings of the oligomers with alkyl chains, a spontaneous ordered film is observed on the HOPG surface. As the interaction of the oligomers is different with both surfaces, the utility of the Si(100) surface to characterize individual oligomers prior to their use into a 2D layer is discussed

    Robust Control Charts for Time Series Data

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    This article presents a control chart for time series data, based on the one-step- ahead forecast errors of the Holt-Winters forecasting method. We use robust techniques to prevent that outliers affect the estimation of the control limits of the chart. Moreover, robustness is important to maintain the reliability of the control chart after the occurrence of alarm observations. The properties of the new control chart are examined in a simulation study and on a real data example.

    On the Optimality of PAYG Pension Systems in an Endogenous Fertility Setting

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    In order to help in designing an accurate pension reform, we determine the optimal resource allocation in an endogenous fertility model generating a demographic transition. Extending Samuelson’s (1975) work in such a setting, we analyze the problem of the interiority of the optimal solution and discuss the serendipity theorem. We then characterize the decentralization of the first best, showing that a pension policy linking pension benefits to the number of children constitutes an optimal social security program able to restore both the optimal capital stock and the optimal rate of pupulation growth as a unique instrument. We also show that neither a Beveridgean pension scheme nor a Bismarckian one can decentralize the first best.demographic transition;fertility;pensions;golden rule

    Hourly Electricity Prices in Day-Ahead Markets

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    This paper focuses on the characteristics of hourly electricity prices in day-ahead markets. In these markets, quotes for day-ahead delivery of electricity are submitted simultaneously for all hours in the next day. The same information set is used for quoting all hours of the day. The dynamics of hourly electricity prices does not behave as a time series process. Instead, these prices should be treated as a panel in which the prices of 24 cross-sectional hours vary from day to day. This paper introduces a panel model for hourly electricity prices in day-ahead markets and examines their characteristics. The results show that hourly electricity prices exhibit hourly specific mean-reversion and that they oscillate around an hourly specific mean price level. Furthermore, a block structured cross-sectional correlation pattern between the hours is apparent

    Robust Forecasting of Non-Stationary Time Series

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    This paper proposes a robust forecasting method for non-stationary time series. The time series is modelled using non-parametric heteroscedastic regression, and fitted by a localized MM-estimator, combining high robustness and large efficiency. The proposed method is shown to produce reliable forecasts in the presence of outliers, non-linearity, and heteroscedasticity. In the absence of outliers, the forecasts are only slightly less precise than those based on a localized Least Squares estimator. An additional advantage of the MM-estimator is that it provides a robust estimate of the local variability of the time series.