6 research outputs found

    Relationships, emotions and the sexuality trough the character of Genia Hofreiter

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    Die Hauptidee dieser Abschlussarbeit ist die Behandlung des Themas der Beziehungen, Emotionen und der Sexualität durch die Figur Genia Hofreiter aus Arthur Schnitzlers Tragikomödie „Das Weite Land”. Diese Idee wurde von den immer gegenwärtigen menschlichen Verhältnissen inspiriert, die oft komplizierter sind, als sie auf den ersten Blick scheinen. Am Anfang wird Arthur Schnitzlers Leben und Werk beschrieben, dann folgen der Inhalt von „Das weite Land'' und die Beschreibung der Hauptfigur Genia Hofreiter. Danach folgt der theoretische Teil, in welchem mithilfe wissenschaftlicher Literatur ein allgemeines Bild vom Thema vorgezeigt wird, dann folgt die persönliche Interpretation. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, durch die entsprechende Literatur einen tieferen Einblick in dieses Thema zu gewinnen bzw. in die Weltgeschichte, die offenbart, wie es zu Frauenrechten kam, wie das Verhalten der Männer den Frauen gegenüber war und was alles geschehen musste, um heutzutage als eine Frau die persönliche Sexualität frei ausleben zu können. Die Autoren aus der benutzten Literatur sollten mit ihren Aussagen und Untersuchungen die Thesen aus den Teil der persönlichen Interpretation bestätigen und einen noch tieferen Sinn geben. Diese Arbeit sollte mit ihrem Inhalt die Fragen über die Position der Frauen in der Gesellschaft beantworten, aber auch Fragen, die sich an die Persönlichkeit der individuellen Frau binden. Die Arbeit gibt einerseits Antworten, die erwartet wurden, aber auch überraschende Antworten. Nämlich, die Feministen-Revolution war schon bekannt, man wusste jedoch nicht, dass viele Autoren gegen die Bewegung waren und der persönliche Kampf der Frauen, den sie mit sich selber damals und heute führen, war ebenso unbekannt. Diese Abschlussarbeit hatte die Absicht, mehr über die weibliche Intimität, wie die physische, so auch die emotionale, aufzudecken und durch passende Argumente hat die Arbeit genau das geschafft.Vodeća ideja ovog završnog rada je obrada teme veza, emocija i seksualnosti kroz lik Genie Hofreiter u tragikomediji Arthur Schnitzlera „Das weite Land''. Ta ideja inspirirana je vječito aktualnom temom ljudskih odnosa, koje su često puno zamršenije nego što se čine na prvi pogled. Na početku se nalazi opis života i djela Arthur Schnitzlera nakon čega slijedi opis sadržaja djela „Das weite Land'' i glavnog lika Genie Hofreiter. Nakon toga sijedi teorijski dio u kojem se uz pomoć znanstvene literature dobiva opća slika o temi, a zatim slijedi osobna interpretacija. Cilj ovog rada je dobiti dublji pogled u ovu temu kroz prikladnu literaturu, tj. dublji pogled u svjetsku povijest koja pokazuje nastanak ženskih prava, kako su se muškarci odnosili prema ženama te što se sve trebalo dogoditi kako bi žena danas mogla slobodno živjeti svoju seksualnost. Autori iz korištene literature bi svojim izjavama i istraživanjima trebali potvrditi teze dijela osobne interpretacije i pridonijeti im dublji smisao. Ovaj bi rad trebao odgovoriti na pitanja o položaju žena u društvu, ali i dati odgovore o osobnosti žene individualno. Ovaj rad daje očekivane, ali i iznenađujuće odgovore. Na primjer, feministički je pokret bio već poznat, no nije se znalo da su mnogi autori bili protiv tog pokreta te se nije znalo za osobnu borbu koju su žene vodile i vode same sa sobom. Ovaj je znanstveni rad imao namjeru razotkriti više o ženskoj fizičkoj i psihičkoj intimnosti, što je i uspjelo prikladnim argumentima.The main idea of this scientific work is the treatment of the theme about relationships, emotions and the sexuality trough the character of Genia Hofreiter in the tragicomedy of Arthur Schnitzler ''Das weite Land''. This idea was inspired by the always current human relationships, which are often more complicated than they seem on the first sight. In the beginning is a description of the life and work of Arthur Schnitzler, after that follows the description of the content of ''Das weite Land'' and of the main character Genia Hofreiter. Afterwards comes the theoretical Part in which throughout the scientific literature, a general Picture of the theme is shown, and then comes the personal interpretation. The aim of this Work is to get a deeper sight in to this theme throughout the appropriate literature or a deeper sight in to the world history which shows how the Women's Rights were created, how men treated women and what had to happen to nowadays have the ability to freely live the personal sexuality as a woman. The authors from the used literature should confirm the thesis of the part of the personal interpretation trough their statements and examinations, and give them a deeper meaning. This work should answer the questions of the position of women in the society with its content, but also the questions in relation to the personality of the individual woman. This work gives answers which were expected, but also some surprising answers. For instance, the feminist revolution was well-known, but it wasn't known that a lot of authors were against the movement, and the personal struggle of women with which they fought and still are fighting was also unknown. This scientific work had the intention to show more about the physical and emotional female intimacy, and the work managed to do so through suitable arguments

    The nature in Nikolaus Lenaus “The Albigensians”

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    Die Hauptidee dieser Diplomarbeit ist das Thema der Natur in Nikolaus Lenaus „Die Albigenser“. Diese Idee wurde von dem menschlichen Umgang mit der Natur inspiriert, der oft komplizierter ist, als er auf den ersten Blick scheint. Am Anfang wird Nikolaus Lenaus Leben und Werk, wie auch die Epoche in der er lebte beschrieben. Danach folgt die Beschreibung der Geschichte der Albigenser, nach welcher die Interpretation des Werkes „Die Albigenser“ in Bezug auf das Thema folgt. Diese Ausarbeitung wird mithilfe wissenschaftlicher Literatur bereichert und es wird ein allgemeines Bild zum Thema vorgezeigt. Daraufhin werden Verbindungen zum eigentlich Werk erzeugt, womit die gestellten Fragen beantwortet werden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, durch entsprechende Literatur einen tieferen Einblick in dieses Thema gewinnen bzw. die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Natur auf einer neuen Ebene erkennen zu können. Diese Arbeit sollte mit ihrem Inhalt die Fragen über die Natur als selbständigen Begriff, als einen mit dem Menschen und der Kirche bzw. dem Glauben verbundenen Begriff und als einen der Unnatürlichkeit entgegengesetztem Begriff beantworten. Außerdem sollten damit auch die Fragen der Entstehung dieses Werks und der Absichten Lenaus gefunden werden. Diese Diplomarbeit hatte die Absicht mehr über die Natur auf verschiedenen Ebenen aufzudecken und durch passende Argumente hat die Arbeit dies auch geschafft.Ideja vodilja ovog diplomskog rada je obrada teme prirode u „Albigenžani“ Nikolausa Lenaua. Ideja je inspirirana čovjekovim odnosom prema prirodi koji je često kompliciraniji no očekivano. U početku se prikazuje lik i djelo Nikolausa Lenaua, kao i epoha u kojoj je autor živio. Nakon toga slijedi opis povijesti Albigenžana te interpretacija djela „Albigenžani“ u odnosu na temu. Ta razrada obogaćena je pomoću znanstvene literature te je ostvarena opća slika same teme. Također se stvaraju poveznice sa izvornim djelom čime se odgovara na prije postavljena pitanja. Cilj ovog rada jest pomoću odgovarajuće literature dobiti dublji uvid u dotičnu temu tj. prepoznati odnos između čovjeka i prirode na jednoj višoj razini. Ovaj rad bi svojim sadržajem trebao odgovoriti na pitanja o prirodi kao samostalnom pojmu, kao pojmu povezanom sa čovjekom, crkvom tj. vjerom te kao pojmu suprotnom pojmu neprirodnosti. Osim toga bi trebali biti pronađeni odgovori na pitanja o nastanku djela „Albigenžani“ i namjerama koje je Lenau imao. Ovaj diplomski rad imao je namjeru saznati više o prirodi na različitim razinama, što je i uspjelo prikladnim argumentima.The main idea of this scientific work is the treatment of the theme about the nature in Nikolaus Lenaus “The Albigensians”. The idea was inspired by the human treatment of the nature, which can sometimes be more complicated than expected. In the beginning is a description of the life and work of Nikolaus Lenau, after that follows the description of the period in which he lived. Afterwards comes the description of the history of the Albigensians, and then comes the interpretation of the work “The Albigensians” with the relation to the theme. This elaboration is enriched with the appropriate scientific literature and is showing a general picture of the theme. Relations with the work are shown accordingly, which cause the answering of the established questions. The aim of this work is to win a deeper insight in to the theme with the appropriate literature, or rather to get a better perspective on the relationship between humans and the nature. This work gives with her content the answers to the questions about the nature as an independent concept, as a concept that is connected with humans and the church or the faith and as a concept that is opposite to the unnatural. Questions about the creation of the work “The Albigensians” and the intentions of Lenau should be answered additionally. This scientific work had the intention to show more about the nature in different levels, and the work managed to do so through suitable arguments

    The nature in Nikolaus Lenaus “The Albigensians”

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    Die Hauptidee dieser Diplomarbeit ist das Thema der Natur in Nikolaus Lenaus „Die Albigenser“. Diese Idee wurde von dem menschlichen Umgang mit der Natur inspiriert, der oft komplizierter ist, als er auf den ersten Blick scheint. Am Anfang wird Nikolaus Lenaus Leben und Werk, wie auch die Epoche in der er lebte beschrieben. Danach folgt die Beschreibung der Geschichte der Albigenser, nach welcher die Interpretation des Werkes „Die Albigenser“ in Bezug auf das Thema folgt. Diese Ausarbeitung wird mithilfe wissenschaftlicher Literatur bereichert und es wird ein allgemeines Bild zum Thema vorgezeigt. Daraufhin werden Verbindungen zum eigentlich Werk erzeugt, womit die gestellten Fragen beantwortet werden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, durch entsprechende Literatur einen tieferen Einblick in dieses Thema gewinnen bzw. die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Natur auf einer neuen Ebene erkennen zu können. Diese Arbeit sollte mit ihrem Inhalt die Fragen über die Natur als selbständigen Begriff, als einen mit dem Menschen und der Kirche bzw. dem Glauben verbundenen Begriff und als einen der Unnatürlichkeit entgegengesetztem Begriff beantworten. Außerdem sollten damit auch die Fragen der Entstehung dieses Werks und der Absichten Lenaus gefunden werden. Diese Diplomarbeit hatte die Absicht mehr über die Natur auf verschiedenen Ebenen aufzudecken und durch passende Argumente hat die Arbeit dies auch geschafft.Ideja vodilja ovog diplomskog rada je obrada teme prirode u „Albigenžani“ Nikolausa Lenaua. Ideja je inspirirana čovjekovim odnosom prema prirodi koji je često kompliciraniji no očekivano. U početku se prikazuje lik i djelo Nikolausa Lenaua, kao i epoha u kojoj je autor živio. Nakon toga slijedi opis povijesti Albigenžana te interpretacija djela „Albigenžani“ u odnosu na temu. Ta razrada obogaćena je pomoću znanstvene literature te je ostvarena opća slika same teme. Također se stvaraju poveznice sa izvornim djelom čime se odgovara na prije postavljena pitanja. Cilj ovog rada jest pomoću odgovarajuće literature dobiti dublji uvid u dotičnu temu tj. prepoznati odnos između čovjeka i prirode na jednoj višoj razini. Ovaj rad bi svojim sadržajem trebao odgovoriti na pitanja o prirodi kao samostalnom pojmu, kao pojmu povezanom sa čovjekom, crkvom tj. vjerom te kao pojmu suprotnom pojmu neprirodnosti. Osim toga bi trebali biti pronađeni odgovori na pitanja o nastanku djela „Albigenžani“ i namjerama koje je Lenau imao. Ovaj diplomski rad imao je namjeru saznati više o prirodi na različitim razinama, što je i uspjelo prikladnim argumentima.The main idea of this scientific work is the treatment of the theme about the nature in Nikolaus Lenaus “The Albigensians”. The idea was inspired by the human treatment of the nature, which can sometimes be more complicated than expected. In the beginning is a description of the life and work of Nikolaus Lenau, after that follows the description of the period in which he lived. Afterwards comes the description of the history of the Albigensians, and then comes the interpretation of the work “The Albigensians” with the relation to the theme. This elaboration is enriched with the appropriate scientific literature and is showing a general picture of the theme. Relations with the work are shown accordingly, which cause the answering of the established questions. The aim of this work is to win a deeper insight in to the theme with the appropriate literature, or rather to get a better perspective on the relationship between humans and the nature. This work gives with her content the answers to the questions about the nature as an independent concept, as a concept that is connected with humans and the church or the faith and as a concept that is opposite to the unnatural. Questions about the creation of the work “The Albigensians” and the intentions of Lenau should be answered additionally. This scientific work had the intention to show more about the nature in different levels, and the work managed to do so through suitable arguments

    Pupils' indivdual learning styles and the teaching realisation based on learning styles

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    Ideja vodilja ovog diplomskog rada je tema individualnih stilova učenja učenika i nastave prilagođene stilovima učenja. Ideja je inspirirana individualnim potrebama pojedinca, tj. učenika za uspješnije razvijanje znanja i vještina. U početku se prikazuje povijesni razvoj samih stilova učenja, ali i određena terminologija tog područja koja za svrhu ima bolje shvaćanje karakteristika stilova učenja i poučavanja. Nakon određivanja stilova učenja koji se postepeno obrađuju kroz cijeli rad, prikazani su zakoni i kurikulum koji određuju pristup nastavi kroz stilove učenja, ali su prikazana i praktična rješenja za kvalitetnu nastavu prilagođenu stilovima učenja. Prikazani su i aspekti kreativnosti te njezino djelovanje na nastavne procese koji su prilagođeni individualnim stilovima učenja učenika. Rad je razrađen pomoću znanstvene literature, čime su se pojasnila pitanja postavljena u samom početku rada. Cilj ovog rada jest pomoću odgovarajuće literature dobiti bolji uvid u ovu tematiku, tj. prepoznati važnost poznavanja stilova učenja učenika i njihovog učinka na nastavne procese. Ovaj rad bi svojim sadržajem trebao odgovoriti na pitanja o individualnim potrebama pojedinca, tj. učenika, te o uspješnim načinima realizacije nastave s obzirom na potrebe određenog stila učenja.The main idea of this scientific work is the treatment of the theme of pupil's individual learning styles and the theaching realisation based on learning styles. The idea was inspired by the needs of an individual i.e. of a pupil for a successfull development of knowledge and skills. In the beginning lies a presentation of the history of the development of learning styles, as well as a certain terminology of that domain, which has the purpose to stimulate better understanding of the characteritics of learning and teaching styles. After the determination of learning styles, which are being elaborated troughout the whole work, the legislation and the curriculum, which define the teaching approach trough learning styles are being presented, as well as the practical solutions for quality teaching realisation based on learning styles. The aspects of creativity are also being shown, as well as it's effects on the teaching proccesses adapted to the pupils' individual learning styles. This ellaboration is enriched with the appropriate scientific literature, which has the purpose to explain the raised questions in the beginning. The aim of this work is to win a deeper insight into the theme with the appropriate literature, i.e. to recognise the importance of the knowledge about learning styles and their effect on teaching proccesses. This work gives with it's content the answers to the questions about the needs of an individual, i.e. a pupil, and about successful ways of teaching regarding the needs of a specific learning style

    Pupils' indivdual learning styles and the teaching realisation based on learning styles

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    Ideja vodilja ovog diplomskog rada je tema individualnih stilova učenja učenika i nastave prilagođene stilovima učenja. Ideja je inspirirana individualnim potrebama pojedinca, tj. učenika za uspješnije razvijanje znanja i vještina. U početku se prikazuje povijesni razvoj samih stilova učenja, ali i određena terminologija tog područja koja za svrhu ima bolje shvaćanje karakteristika stilova učenja i poučavanja. Nakon određivanja stilova učenja koji se postepeno obrađuju kroz cijeli rad, prikazani su zakoni i kurikulum koji određuju pristup nastavi kroz stilove učenja, ali su prikazana i praktična rješenja za kvalitetnu nastavu prilagođenu stilovima učenja. Prikazani su i aspekti kreativnosti te njezino djelovanje na nastavne procese koji su prilagođeni individualnim stilovima učenja učenika. Rad je razrađen pomoću znanstvene literature, čime su se pojasnila pitanja postavljena u samom početku rada. Cilj ovog rada jest pomoću odgovarajuće literature dobiti bolji uvid u ovu tematiku, tj. prepoznati važnost poznavanja stilova učenja učenika i njihovog učinka na nastavne procese. Ovaj rad bi svojim sadržajem trebao odgovoriti na pitanja o individualnim potrebama pojedinca, tj. učenika, te o uspješnim načinima realizacije nastave s obzirom na potrebe određenog stila učenja.The main idea of this scientific work is the treatment of the theme of pupil's individual learning styles and the theaching realisation based on learning styles. The idea was inspired by the needs of an individual i.e. of a pupil for a successfull development of knowledge and skills. In the beginning lies a presentation of the history of the development of learning styles, as well as a certain terminology of that domain, which has the purpose to stimulate better understanding of the characteritics of learning and teaching styles. After the determination of learning styles, which are being elaborated troughout the whole work, the legislation and the curriculum, which define the teaching approach trough learning styles are being presented, as well as the practical solutions for quality teaching realisation based on learning styles. The aspects of creativity are also being shown, as well as it's effects on the teaching proccesses adapted to the pupils' individual learning styles. This ellaboration is enriched with the appropriate scientific literature, which has the purpose to explain the raised questions in the beginning. The aim of this work is to win a deeper insight into the theme with the appropriate literature, i.e. to recognise the importance of the knowledge about learning styles and their effect on teaching proccesses. This work gives with it's content the answers to the questions about the needs of an individual, i.e. a pupil, and about successful ways of teaching regarding the needs of a specific learning style

    Relationships, emotions and the sexuality trough the character of Genia Hofreiter

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    Die Hauptidee dieser Abschlussarbeit ist die Behandlung des Themas der Beziehungen, Emotionen und der Sexualität durch die Figur Genia Hofreiter aus Arthur Schnitzlers Tragikomödie „Das Weite Land”. Diese Idee wurde von den immer gegenwärtigen menschlichen Verhältnissen inspiriert, die oft komplizierter sind, als sie auf den ersten Blick scheinen. Am Anfang wird Arthur Schnitzlers Leben und Werk beschrieben, dann folgen der Inhalt von „Das weite Land'' und die Beschreibung der Hauptfigur Genia Hofreiter. Danach folgt der theoretische Teil, in welchem mithilfe wissenschaftlicher Literatur ein allgemeines Bild vom Thema vorgezeigt wird, dann folgt die persönliche Interpretation. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, durch die entsprechende Literatur einen tieferen Einblick in dieses Thema zu gewinnen bzw. in die Weltgeschichte, die offenbart, wie es zu Frauenrechten kam, wie das Verhalten der Männer den Frauen gegenüber war und was alles geschehen musste, um heutzutage als eine Frau die persönliche Sexualität frei ausleben zu können. Die Autoren aus der benutzten Literatur sollten mit ihren Aussagen und Untersuchungen die Thesen aus den Teil der persönlichen Interpretation bestätigen und einen noch tieferen Sinn geben. Diese Arbeit sollte mit ihrem Inhalt die Fragen über die Position der Frauen in der Gesellschaft beantworten, aber auch Fragen, die sich an die Persönlichkeit der individuellen Frau binden. Die Arbeit gibt einerseits Antworten, die erwartet wurden, aber auch überraschende Antworten. Nämlich, die Feministen-Revolution war schon bekannt, man wusste jedoch nicht, dass viele Autoren gegen die Bewegung waren und der persönliche Kampf der Frauen, den sie mit sich selber damals und heute führen, war ebenso unbekannt. Diese Abschlussarbeit hatte die Absicht, mehr über die weibliche Intimität, wie die physische, so auch die emotionale, aufzudecken und durch passende Argumente hat die Arbeit genau das geschafft.Vodeća ideja ovog završnog rada je obrada teme veza, emocija i seksualnosti kroz lik Genie Hofreiter u tragikomediji Arthur Schnitzlera „Das weite Land''. Ta ideja inspirirana je vječito aktualnom temom ljudskih odnosa, koje su često puno zamršenije nego što se čine na prvi pogled. Na početku se nalazi opis života i djela Arthur Schnitzlera nakon čega slijedi opis sadržaja djela „Das weite Land'' i glavnog lika Genie Hofreiter. Nakon toga sijedi teorijski dio u kojem se uz pomoć znanstvene literature dobiva opća slika o temi, a zatim slijedi osobna interpretacija. Cilj ovog rada je dobiti dublji pogled u ovu temu kroz prikladnu literaturu, tj. dublji pogled u svjetsku povijest koja pokazuje nastanak ženskih prava, kako su se muškarci odnosili prema ženama te što se sve trebalo dogoditi kako bi žena danas mogla slobodno živjeti svoju seksualnost. Autori iz korištene literature bi svojim izjavama i istraživanjima trebali potvrditi teze dijela osobne interpretacije i pridonijeti im dublji smisao. Ovaj bi rad trebao odgovoriti na pitanja o položaju žena u društvu, ali i dati odgovore o osobnosti žene individualno. Ovaj rad daje očekivane, ali i iznenađujuće odgovore. Na primjer, feministički je pokret bio već poznat, no nije se znalo da su mnogi autori bili protiv tog pokreta te se nije znalo za osobnu borbu koju su žene vodile i vode same sa sobom. Ovaj je znanstveni rad imao namjeru razotkriti više o ženskoj fizičkoj i psihičkoj intimnosti, što je i uspjelo prikladnim argumentima.The main idea of this scientific work is the treatment of the theme about relationships, emotions and the sexuality trough the character of Genia Hofreiter in the tragicomedy of Arthur Schnitzler ''Das weite Land''. This idea was inspired by the always current human relationships, which are often more complicated than they seem on the first sight. In the beginning is a description of the life and work of Arthur Schnitzler, after that follows the description of the content of ''Das weite Land'' and of the main character Genia Hofreiter. Afterwards comes the theoretical Part in which throughout the scientific literature, a general Picture of the theme is shown, and then comes the personal interpretation. The aim of this Work is to get a deeper sight in to this theme throughout the appropriate literature or a deeper sight in to the world history which shows how the Women's Rights were created, how men treated women and what had to happen to nowadays have the ability to freely live the personal sexuality as a woman. The authors from the used literature should confirm the thesis of the part of the personal interpretation trough their statements and examinations, and give them a deeper meaning. This work should answer the questions of the position of women in the society with its content, but also the questions in relation to the personality of the individual woman. This work gives answers which were expected, but also some surprising answers. For instance, the feminist revolution was well-known, but it wasn't known that a lot of authors were against the movement, and the personal struggle of women with which they fought and still are fighting was also unknown. This scientific work had the intention to show more about the physical and emotional female intimacy, and the work managed to do so through suitable arguments