173 research outputs found

    Financial inclusion, financial stability and sustainability in the banking sector : the case of Indonesia

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    Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to analyze the effect of financial inclusion on sustainable economic growth for Indonesian banking companies, and to investigate the effect of financial inclusion on sustainable economic growth through financial system stability. Design/Methodology/Approach: This research is a quantitative study using secondary data taken from annual financial statements of banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) over the period 2010-2017. Findings: The results show that (a) the financial inclusion does not affect sustainable economic growth in Indonesian banking companies, and (b) the financial system stability mediates the effect of financial inclusion on sustainable economic growth in Indonesian banking companies. Practical Implications: This study provides deeper insight into the factors that drive financial inclusion and an increase in market share and financial performance of banks. With conditions of inclusion that are still low in Indonesia while the number of banks is increasing, it is necessary to have strong financial system stability. By understanding the matrix in financial inclusion, managers are well-positioned to understand the strategies needed to promote financial inclusion so that market share increases. Likewise, the results of the present study are probable to be an input for other stakeholders for their consideration in decision making. Originality/Value: Empirical research that explores the effects of financial inclusion, and sustainable economic growth in Indonesia is still very limited. According to our knowledge, no one has examined the use of financial system stability as mediation as it is used in this studypeer-reviewe


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    The purpose of this study is to test empirically whether is a significant effect between firm characteristics on the reporting disclosure, a significant effect between firm characteristics on the reporting disclosure through earnings quality, and a significant effect between the reporting disclosure on earning quality. to measure earnings quality, this study uses the Dechow and Dichev model (2002). Results of the study are that there is no relationship between firm characteristics with the reporting disclosure, exxept the size of the company; there is no relationship between firm characteristics and earnings quality through the reporting disclosure, and there is no relationship between the reporting disclosure with earnings quality


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    The purpose of study was to analyze the effect of capital structure, systematic risk on stock return. The model proposed was evaluated using SPSS statistics 22. Samples in this study are public firms listed on the Indonesian stock Exchange with LQ 45 Index for period 2009-2012. The result of this study showed that (1) The variable of capital structure, systematic risk and unsytematic risk together have a positive influence on stock return; (2) The capital structure has a positive and significant impact on stock return; (3) The systematic risk (beta) has a negative effect on stock return; and (4) The unsystematic risk has a negative effect on stock return. The limitations of this study were as follows: (1) The number of sample used in this study is small, so the result might not be able to describe the overall companies; (2) The study was only investigated the sample firm from manufacturing sector with LQ45 Index; (3) The study calculated stock returns without considering the risks. Therefore, it was necessary to manner. Subsequent research suggested that (1) The number of samples shoulds be increased; (2) The sample of companies in the industry should be expanded; (3) The stock return by calculating the risk adjusted return should be considered

    The Electric Vehicle Era has Begun

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    Pertemuan Ilmia

    Sustainability Reporting sebagai Strategi Pengambangan Bisnis

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    Pertemuan ilmia

    Surat Tugas Anggota Penguji Tugas Akhir sem ganjil 2021/2022

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    Startup Manufacturing System: Disruptive Innovation in Enterprise

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    Pertemuan ilmia

    Mewujudkan Industri Pulp dan Kertas Yang Berkelanjutan

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    Pendanaan Hijau dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional

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