24 research outputs found

    Leptomeningeal enhancement in computed tomography of feline brains

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    Contrast enhancement enables the verification of several pathological conditions that lead to vascular changes and/or breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. Examples of diseases that cause these disorders are: neoplastic diseases, vascular communications, active inflammation and cerebral ischemia. Several contrast enhancements located peripherically to cerebral lobes, in the topography of brain sulci and gyri, were identified on tomographic scan of twelve healthy cats that had their health confirmed through history, general and neurologic physical examination and polymerase chain reaction for feline leukemia (FeLV) and immunodeficiency (FIV) virus. This study aims to describe the tomographic contrast enhancement findings, which showed an identical appearance to the pia mater and arachnoid enhancement, also called leptomeninges. This finding is generally considered related to leptomeningeal diseases such as meningitis and neoplastic disease. However, in dogs, the leptomeningeal enhancement has already been described in healthy animals. This finding has a great importance in the interpretation of tomographic images of these animals since, so far, in the presence of these enhancements, meningeal disorders were suggested. Thus, the verification of other tomographic findings and the combination with other diagnostic methods are of great importance for the diagnosis of leptomeningeal disease

    Cerebellar tomographic attenuation of healthy felines

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    The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and maintenance of the fine control of muscle contraction. In cases of a suspected cerebellar disorder, a computed tomography scan can be performed to identify structural change. The aim of this study is to describe the cerebellar tomographic attenuation values in healthy cats since this variable is considered of great importance in the evaluation of images obtained by this imaging modality. A simple and a contrast enhanced brain computed tomographic scan were performed in 15 adult cats with no history of neurological symptoms and negative for feline leukemia and immunodeficiency virus. After acquiring the image, the measurement of the average attenuation of a cerebellar area of 2 centimeters in diameter was obtained. The cerebellar tomographic attenuation showed a variation from 14.60 to 25.50 HU in the simple scan and from 25.50 to 33.40 HU in the enhanced phase. Most animals (73.33%) had precontrast cerebellar attenuation values within the stipulated limit for the brain in a previous study (20-41 HU). Four animals in this study (26.67%) had values lower than 20 HU, which can be explained by differences in cellular composition between these two regions. The average value of contrast enhancement was 4.91 HU, and in none of the animals an enhancement greater than 10 HU was observed, which is in agreement with previous studies

    Padronização da densidade mineral óssea (DMO) do acessório do carpo em eqüinos atletas da raça Quarto de Milha

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    Eqüinos da raça Quarto de Milha, 30 machos e 30 fêmeas com idade entre 42 e 48 meses, apresentando a epífise distal do rádio fechada, em plena atividade esportiva, foram analisados quanto à densidade mineral óssea (DMO) do acessório do carpo, tendo os valores expressos em milímetros de alumínio (mmAl). As radiografias da estrutura óssea, juntamente com uma escala de alumínio (penetrômetro) foram analisadas por meio de um programa computacional, especialmente desenvolvido para medida da densidade óptica em imagem radiográfica. O valor médio encontrado para as fêmeas foi de 4,49?0,69mmAl, com idade média de 43?2 meses e, para os machos, de 4,43 ? 0,81mmAl, com idade média de 45?2 meses, não havendo diferença significativa na DMO entre os sexos

    Determinação da densidade mineral e da elasticidade óssea após a aplicação de ondas de choque extracorpóreas no terceiro metacarpiano de equinos atletas

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    The porpoise of this study was to evaluate the effects of extracorporeal shock waves in third metacarpus bone from healthy horses by determination of bone elasticity. It were used 20 Thoroughbred horses, male and female, with two years old, on top of training and selected as the state healthy. At the beginning of the experiment (D0), all animals were submitted for evaluation of bone elasticity held in the third metacarpus bone. The animals were divided into two groups (Control Group - CG and Experimental Group - EG). The application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) was performed on the right forelimb of the animals in the experimental group in the same place evaluated for bone elasticity and was used apparatus for extracorporeal therapy of waves with 0.15 mJ/mm2 energy flux density and 2000 pulses with E6R20 probe, with focus feature of the shock wave of 20 mm. The ESWT were repeated every 21 days, a total of three sessions (D0, D21 and D42). The analysis of bone elasticity determination was realized at D21, D42 and D72. The average of speed ultrasound differed between groups at D21, D42 and D72, and the animals from EG had lower bone mineral density after applications of ESWT. There was also difference in the analysis of bone mass (Z-Score) between the groups at D21 and D42, which animals from EG showed a significant decrease in bone mass. The risk of fracture was higher in animals from experimental group at D21. It was concluded that ESWT is able to promote change in bone mineral density

    conventional radiography and computed tomography to cervical spine study of adult horses - review

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    The imaging is essential to aid the diagnosis of horses that have performance decrease associated with any pain or clinical signs related to the vertebral column. Radiography is the first imaging examination performed in these cases, particularly for disorders affecting the cervical region. However, this technique has limitations when the study of subtle changes due to the overlapping of adjacent structures. Computed tomography is a new diagnostic method in Brazil for the study of bone disorders in horses, but it is of great diagnostic value associate with the radiographic examination in order to provide an accurate assessment of the study area, owing to superiority in image quality when compared to conventional radiography. The aim of this study is increase and update knowledge of diagnostic imaging available to investigate cervical disorders in horses

    Vertebral spine of Tamandu-mirim Tamandua tetradactyla

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    Anatomical studies of the anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) are scarce and the articles that describe the vertebral column of this species have variations in the number of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. This study had the objective of adding data to the existing literature about the anatomical composition of an anteater's vertebral column using radiographic and tomographic exams. Based on the cadaver of a young female anteater, we observed a total of 7 cervical, 16 thoracic, 3 lumbar and 5 sacral vertebrae, which differed from the cited literature, especially with respect to the thoracic vertebrae. This demonstrates the need for studies with a larger number of individuals in order to standardize possible anatomic variations for the species

    Ultrasound analysis of a canine patient with renal disease and chronic liver disease undergoing treatment with intravenous stem cells

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    With the improvement in quality of life of animals, it is increasingly frequent clinical care of elderly patients, which present renal disorders, including chronic renal failure. Recent studies report the use of stem cells to treat renal failure, which would improve the levels of urea and creatinine, and in renal ultrasound evaluation. With the present work, the idea is to report a case of ultrasonographic evaluation in a patient with chronic renal failure, liver disease and splenic nodule, which underwent stem cell therapy, where there was an improvement in the sonographic evaluation of part of the liver