51 research outputs found

    Laboratorijske analize krvnog seruma i urina pasa sa akutnom renalnom insuficijencijom izazvanom gentamicinom

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    The use of aminoglucoside antibiotics can be a potential risk for renal parenchyma damage and consequently acute renal failure (ARF). ARF is a syndrome that develops from progressive nephron damage resulting in the loss of renal function. Numerous experimental models have been used to study acute renal failure mainly describing histo-pathological changes in the structure of this organ. Our investigations were conducted in order to evaluate the functional capacity of kidneys in dogs with ARF induced by application of gentamicin in high doses of 80 mg/kg/24 , during 7 days. For that purpose, physico-chemical properties of the urine, concentrations of relevant parameters in the sera and urine and endogenous creatinine clearance were estimated. Our results indicate that gentamicin, in doses 20 times higher than therapeutic ones, causes progressive ARF starting from the 3 day of application.Pod određenim uslovima upotreba aminoglukozidnih antibiotika može predstavljati potencijalni rizik za nastanak oÅ”tećenja u parenhimu bubrega i posledične akutne renalne insuficijencije (ARI). ARI je sindrom koji nastaje usled progresivnog propadanja nefrona, Å”to dovodi do gubitka sposobnosti bubrega da obavljaju svoju funkciju. Za proučavanje akutne renalne insuficijencije koriŔćen je veći broj različitih eksperimentainih modela pri čemu su uglavnom opisivane histopatoloÅ”ke promene u ovom organu. NaÅ”a ispitivanja su imala za cilj da se utvrdi funkcionalna sposobnost bubrega pasa u toku akutne renalne insuficijencije, izazvane visokim dozama gentamicina (80 mg/kg/24h), aplikovanim tokom 7 dana. U tom cilju su određivane fizičko-hemijske karakteristike mokraće, koncentracija relevantnih sastojaka u serumu i urinu kao i klirens endogenog kreatininina. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se dozama gentamicina, dvadeset puta većim od terapijskih, već posle tri dana aplikacije izaziva ARI koja ima progresivan tok do kraja ogleda

    Healing of open fracture of shoulder bone in owl

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    Curing and treatment of accidental injuries in birds that have the nature of complex, old and contaminated wounds demand maximum caution from the surgeon. Birds, in particular wild fowl, are sensitive to manipulation during examinations and the diagnosis of the injuries. The estimate of the complexity of an injury and the general condition of the patient are of key importance for the correct choice of diagnostic procedures, anesthesia, and the operative procedure. The implementation of ketamine and diazepam for general injection anesthesia provides possibilities for the unhindered executing of the surgical procedure. The implementation of Kischner needles and pins is a good choice for the fixation of long bones in birds. The postoperative course in the patient requires constant medical and professional supervision which must be followed to the letter

    Contrast media for myelography and possible complications following their application

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    Mijelografija predstavlja radioloÅ”ku metodu pregleda kralježničkog stupa koji podrazumijeva aplikaciju kontrastnih sred- stava u subarahnoidalni prostor u cilju dija- gnostike različitih patoloÅ”kih stanja. Ranija aplikacija uljnih kontrastnih sredstava često nije davala zadovoljavajuće rezultate i nosi- la je sa sobom određene rizike. Zbog loÅ”eg mijeÅ”anja s cerebrospinalnom tekućinom uljna kontrastna sredstva se neravnomjeno distribuiraju duž kralježničkog kanala, relativno sporo se izlučuju iz organizma, a mogu izazvati i kronične upalne procese. Upravo iz tih razloga, uljni kontrasti su zamijenjeni ni- skoosmolarnim neionskim kontrastima koji su topljivi u vodi. U suvremenoj rendgenolo- giji se za mijelografiju najčeŔće koriste metri- zamid, iopamidol i ioheksol. Metrizamid se obično upotrebljava kao izotonična otopina koja sadrži 170 mg J/mL, dok su iopamidol i ioheksol neznatno hipertonični i sadrže oko 300 mg J/mL. Međutim, pri aplikaciji ovih kontrastnih sredstava, u praksi se mogu do- goditi brojne komplikacije kao Å”to su neuro- loÅ”ke egzacerbacije, hiperestezija, povraćanje i apneja. One su najčeŔće posljedica uporabe metrizamida, ali se mogu javiti i poslije pri- mjene iopamidola i ioheksola i uglavnom su prolaznog karaktera. Imajući u vidu iznijete činjenice, u okviru ovog rada su prikazani li- teraturni podacti u kojima su navedena razli- čita iskustva brojnih autora koja se odnose na izbor kontrastnih sredstava, način aplikacije i moguće komplikacije koje mogu nastupiti zbog njihove primjene.Myelography is the radiological method of examination of the spinal column, and in- volves the application of contrast media into the subarachnoidal space in order to diagnose different pathological conditions. The for- merly used application of oil-based contrast media did not yield consistent, satisfactory re- sults and also carried certain risks. Due to the poor mixing of oil-based contrast agents with cerebrospinal fluid, distribution along the spi- nal canal was uneven, excretion from the body very slow, and their application often caused chronic inflammation. For these reasons, oil- based contrast media have since been replaced with low osmolality, water soluble, non-ionic contrasts. In contemporary radiology, the com- monly used contrast media for myelography are metrizamide, iopamidol and iohexol. Me- trizamide is often used as an isotonic solution containing 170 mg I/mL, while iopamidol and iohexol are slightly hypertonic, containing ap- proximately 300 mg I/mL. The application of these contrast agents can also produce a wide range of complications in clinical practice, such as neurological exacerbation, hyperaes- thesia, vomiting and apnea. These symptoms are usually a consequence of metrizamide, but may also occur following the administration of iopamidol and iohexsol. In that case, com- plications are mostly transient. Regarding the facts presented, a large number of literature data are outlined in this paper. Moreover, dif- ferent author reports are described regarding the selection of contrast agents, their method of application, and the possible complications that can occur as a result of their usage

    RendgenoloŔka procena apeksogeneze nakon primene hidroksiapatita

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    The treatment of pulp in teeth with incomplete apex formation is still a clinical challenge. In addition to the most widely used medication for this purpose, calcium hydroxide, other materials have also been tested. Following the use of synthetic biomaterials for restoring bone tissue, and considering their recognized biocompatibility and bioconductivity, our intention was to explore the possibility of using synthetic biomaterials in the endodontic treatment of permanent teeth with incomplete apex formation. The aim of this study was to observe the effectiveness of hydroxyapatite in apexogenesis of young permanent teeth. In this study a 100 Āµm synthetic hydroxyapatite material, Beohap (HAP) powder, was applied to 24 teeth in 3 dogs of 5.5 months of age, after incomplete root development was established on radiographs. The treated teeth were radiographed monthly and the radiographs compared with those of the corresponding teeth on the other side of the jaw until completion of apex growth. The tested teeth were divided into three groups according to the method of treatment: the first was direct pulp capping, the second was amputation of the pulp at the enamelcement junction and the third was high amputation at the radiographically identified point of root growth. On the basis of radiographic analysis, apex formation was successful in all test groups, with no significant differences between the three groups and the controls (Fisher's and Ļ‡ 2 test). Deformities of the root apex were observed in two teeth (25%) in the third group.Tretman pulpe u vreme kada joÅ” uvek traje rast i razvoj korena predstavlja i dalje klinički izazov. Pored kalcijum hidroksida, najčeŔće i najduže upotrebljavanog medikamenta u ovakvim slučajevima, svakodnevno se testiraju i mnogi drugi materijali. Nakon Å”to su se sintetski biomaterijali pokazali uspeÅ”nim u restauraciji koÅ”tnog tkiva uz njihovu priznatu biokompatibilnost i biokonduktivnost, naÅ”a namera je bila da istražimo mogućnost primene hidroksiapatita kao sintetskog biomaterijala u endodontskom tretmanu zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena. U ovom istraživanju primenjen je Beohap, sintetski hidroksiapatit, prosečne veličine čestica =100 Āµm, aplikovan na 24 zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena kod tri psa uzrasta 5,5 meseci. Uzrorci su kontrolisani radiografski i poređeni sa kontralateralnim netretiranim zubima do zavrÅ”etka rasta korena. Tretirani zubi su podeljeni u tri grupe: u prvoj je urađeno direktno prekrivanje pulpe, u drugoj je pulpa uklonjena do cementno-gleđne granice, a u trećoj je pulpa uklonjena do radiografski vidljivog vrha korena. Na osnovu analize rendgen filmova utvrđeno je da je formiranje vrha korena bilo zavrÅ”eno u sve tri grupe bez statističkih značajnosti razlika (Fisher's i Ļ‡ 2 testovi) Deformiteti vrha korena uočeni su u 2 uzorka u trećoj grupi (25%)

    Ispitivanje efekata različitih elektroterapijskih procedura u tretmanu ankilozirajućeg spondilitisa kod pasa

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    This paper presents the results of studies on the effects of suppression of chronic pain by currents with low (TENS), medium (Intf) and high (MT) frequencies, in dogs with ankylosing spondilytis. Prior to imaging diagnostics the dogs were clinically observed, trias was estimated, as well as habitus, neurological signs and degree of pain. After a 10 day treatment it was clear that all three treatments resulted in a significant decrease of pain at rest, during activity or during palpation. TENS currents have shown the highest degree of effect. All treated animals have shown improved motility after a few months of therapy. Despite the fact that all animals had an improved clinical picture none of the applied currents resulted in a complete loss of limping. Dogs treated with Intf currents displayed a decrease in muscular atrophy. Motility of the coxofemoural joint was most evident in the group treated with microwaves.U radu su prikazana ispitivanja supresije hroničnog bola pod uticajem struja niske (TENS), srednje (Intf) i visoke (MT) frekvence, kod pasa sa ankilozirajućim spondilitisom. Psi su pre rendgenskog snimanja opservirani, urađena im je procena trijasa, habitusa, a zatim neuroloÅ”ki pregled i određivanje stepena bola. Nakon desetodnevnog tretmana, uočeno je da su sva tri postupka dovela do visoko značajnog smanjenja bola u toku mirovanja ili aktivnosti i pri palpaciji, pri čemu su se isticale TENS struje u odnosu na Intf struje i mikrotalase. Kod tretiranih jedinki je zapažena izraženija motorna aktivnost, a nekoliko meseci od početka lečenja, uz određene kineziterapijske vežbe, psi su bili sa bitno redukovanim simptomima oboljenja. Iako je u svakoj grupi ispitivanih jedinki doÅ”lo do poboljÅ” anja stanja, ni jedan terapijski postupak nije doveo do potpunog gubitka hromosti. Jedino je u grupi pacijenata tretiranih sa Intf strujama, doÅ”lo do značajnog smanjenja stepena miÅ”ićne atrofije, a pokretljivost koksofemoralnih zglobova je bila najizraženija kod pacijenata tretiranih mikrotalasima

    Incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle (IOHC) in a three-year-old German shepherd

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    An unusual case of forelimb lameness in a three-year-old German Shepherd has been described. An incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle (IOHC) in both elbows has been diagnosed, which is a rare condition in this breed. The original radiographs and clinical examination were inconclusive. The diagnosis was established after scintigraphy proving elbow involvement and followed by a CT examination of both elbows. An arthroscopic examination showed a cleft in the articular cartilage between both humeral condyles. Because of the absence of lameness at the moment of admittance, initially conservative treatment was performed, which consisted of rest and avoiding trauma. The dog remained lameness-free during one year, whereafter he showed severe lameness in the left front leg. Although a second CT examination showed some progress of the lesions, it was decided to treat the left elbow with forage and physiotherapy consisting of laser treatment and therapeutic ultrasound. The dog responded favourably to the therapy and remains free of lameness to date. The optimal treatment of this disease remains debatable but the results of the treatment of this patient suggest that forage combined with physiotherapy could offer a justifiable option

    RadioloÅ”ke tehnike pregleda, interpretacija snimaka i dijagnostika najčeŔćih patoloÅ”kih stanja zuba kunića i glodara

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    Kunići i većina glodara imaju aradikularne hipsodontne zube koji se odlikuju stalnim rastom tokom čitavog života, zbog čega je neop- hodno da se oni neprekidno troÅ”e. Nedovoljno poznavanje osnovnih bioloÅ”kih odlika ovih životinja i njihovih potreba u ishrani, često rezul- tira pojavom različitih patoloÅ”kih promena na zubima od kojih su naj- zastupljenije malokluzija i apikalna elongacija korena zuba (rezervne krunice). Ukoliko se ove promene ne dijagnostikuju blagovremeno i ne preduzme odgovarajuća terapija, često dolazi do komplikacija u vidu pojave apscesa, opstrukcije nazolakrimalnog kanala sa posledičnim egzoftalmusom, kao i poremećaja funkcije organa respiratornog i/ili gastrointestinalnog sistema koji mogu imati letalan ishod. U svakod- nevnoj kliničkoj praksi, doktori veterinarske medicine se sve čeŔće su- sreću sa ovom problematikom, a za postavljanje tačne dijagnoze kao i praćenje efekata terapije, neophodno je primeniti radioloÅ”ke metode pregleda. Samim tim, osnovni cilj ove radionice je da se polaznici upo- znaju sa osobenostima zuba kunića i različitih vrsta glodara, kao i da savladaju tehnike radioloÅ”kog pregleda zuba i pregleda nazolakrimal- nog kanala uz primenu pozitivnog kontrastnog sredstva (dakriocisto- grafija) i da savladaju veÅ”tinu tumačenja dobijenih rendgenskih sni- maka. Tokom ove radionice, biće prikazana najčeŔća patoloÅ”ka stanja zuba kunića i glodara koja će biti detaljno diskutovana

    Radiological Examination of Incisor Teeth in Rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)

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    Pathological conditions of rabbit teeth are very common in clinical practice and may also lead to deathdue to serious complications. Therefore, special attention should be paid to early diagnosis to allow timelytherapy. Radiographic diagnosis is a simple, quick and inevitable procedure to assess the condition of theteeth. Nevertheless, radiological examination of rabbit teeth has some peculiarities that are reflected inthe imaging procedures and interpretation of radiographs in comparison with other mammalian species

    Sanacija otvorenog preloma ramene kosti sove

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    Curing and treatment of accidental injuries in birds that have the nature of complex, old and contaminated wounds demand maximum caution from the surgeon. Birds, in particular wild fowl, are sensitive to manipulation during examinations and the diagnosis of the injuries. The estimate of the complexity of an injury and the general condition of the patient are of key importance for the correct choice of diagnostic procedures, anesthesia, and the operative procedure. The implementation of ketamine and diazepam for general injection anesthesia provides possibilities for the unhindered executing of the surgical procedure. The implementation of Kischner needles and pins is a good choice for the fixation of long bones in birds. The postoperative course in the patient requires constant medical and professional supervision which must be followed to the letter.Sanacija i terapija akcidentalnih povreda ptica koje imaju karakter složenih, starih i kontaminiranih rana, zahteva od hirurga maksimalnu opreznost. Ptice, posebno divlje, osetljive su na manipulaciju prilikom pregleda i dijagnostikovanja povreda. Procena složenosti povrede i opÅ”teg stanja pacijenta, su od ključnog značaja za pravilan izbor dijagnostičkih postupaka, anestezije i operativnog zahvata. Primena ketamin hlorida i diazepama za opÅ”tu injekcionu anesteziju, daje mogućnost za nesmetano izvođenje operativnog zahvata. Primena KiÅ”nerovih igala i klinova su dobar izbor za osteofiksaciju dugih cevastih kostiju kod ptica. Postoperativni tok zahteva stalni medicinski i stručni nadzor pacijenta koji se mora u potpunosti ispoÅ”tovati
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