40 research outputs found

    Fabrication of TiO2 nanotubes on Ti spheres using bipolar electrochemistry

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    In this work, the anodization of Ti spheres using bipolar electrochemistry is reported for the first time. TiO2 nanotubes were found over the entire surface area of the Ti spheres when a square-wave potential was employed. The TiO2 nanotubes were similar to 77 nm in inner diameter and had a thickness of similar to 2 mu m on the extremities of the Ti spheres. Due to their increased surface area, the Ti spheres covered with TiO2 nanotubes had a rate constant for the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue which was approximately 2.15 times higher than that of non-anodized Ti spheres with a thin thermal oxide layer

    Intrinsic properties of high -aspect ratio single- and double -wall anodic TiO 2 nanotube layers annealed at different temperatures

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    TiO2 nanotube layers of different thicknesses and tube wall morphologies exploited. Single-wall nanotubes were obtained by chemical etching of double-wall ones. Photocurrents, structure, optical and electronic properties of tubes were compared

    ANALYZA – Datový sklad

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    Softwarová komponenta Datový sklad implementuje úložiště veškerých dat v systému ANALYZA, prakticky uložených ve formě (rozměrných) souborů, objektů a vazeb mezi nimi. Mimo uložení dat určených k analýze představuje Datový sklad i prostor, do kterého je možné ukládat mezivýsledky analytických operací – například v podobě rozšíření stávajících objektů o nové informace, atributy nebo i vytvořením zcela nových objektů či souborů. Hlavní důraz vytvořeného software je kladen na škálovatelnost, spolehlivost, rychlost a flexibilitu celého řešení. Kromě samotného datové skladu obsahuje archiv demonstraci doplňujícího software zajišťujícího propojení více Datových skladů (tzv. proxy komponenta) a demonstraci jejich plnění pomocí uživatelsky přívětivého prostředí.The Data Warehouse software component implements the storage of all data in the ANALZA system, practically stored in the form of (large) files, objects, and links between them. In addition to storing data for analysis, the Data Warehouse also represents a space in which it is possible to store intermediate results of analytical operations – for example, in the form of extending existing objects with new information, attributes, or creating entirely new objects or files. The primary emphasis of the created software is placed on the scalability, reliability, speed, and flexibility of the whole solution. In addition to the data warehouse itself, the archive contains additional demonstrator software ensuring the interconnection of several Data warehouses (proxy component) and demonstrator of data insertion using a user-friendly environment

    Mechanical properties of a biodegradable self-expandable polydioxanone monofilament stent: In vitro force relaxation and its clinical relevance

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    Biodegradable stents are promising treatments for many diseases, e.g., coronary artery disease, urethral diseases, tracheal diseases, and esophageal strictures. The mechanical properties of biodegradable stent materials play a key role in the safety and efficacy of treatment. In particular, insufficient creep resistance of the stent material could result in premature stent collapse or narrowing. Commercially available biodegradable self-expandable SX-ELLA stents made of polydioxanone monofilament were tested. A new, simple, and affordable method to measure the shear modulus of tiny viscoelastic wires is presented. The important mechanical parameters of the polydioxanone filament were obtained: the median Young's modulus was (E) over tilde = 958 (922, 974) MPa and the shear modulus was (G) over tilde= 357 (185, 387) MPa, resulting in a Poisson's ratio of nu = 0.34. The SX-ELLA stents exhibited significant force relaxation due to the stress relaxation of the polydioxanone monofilament, approximately 19% and 36% 10 min and 48 h after stent application, respectively. However, these results were expected, and the manufacturer and implanting clinician should be aware of the known behavior of these biodegradable materials. If possible, a biodegradable stent should be designed considering therapeutic force rather than initial force. Additionally, new and more advanced biodegradable shape-memory polymers should be considered for future study and use

    Anodization of electrodeposited titanium films towards TiO2 nanotube layers

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    Ti films electrodeposited on Ni foils from molten salts were anodized towards TiO2 nanotube formation for the first time. The resulting TiO2 nanotube (TNT) layers were compared with TNT layers prepared under identical conditions on Ti foils by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and photocurrent measurements. No significant differences were found between the TNT layers prepared on the two different substrates. Electrodeposited Ti films prepared in this way could thus be a viable option for anodization purposes

    Editor of Relational Tables

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    Tato práce pojednává o~možnostech využít obecný editor relačních tabulek jako jednoduchý informační systém, který by nezávisle na typu podkladové databáze a částečně nezávisle na jejím schématu umožnil definovat dodatečnou databázovou logiku prostřednictvím XML schématu. Součástí práce je i pojednání o~možnostech využití tohoto principu pro vytvoření rámce pro rychlý a snadný vývoj středně rozsáhlých informačních systémů. Praktickou součástí této práce je pak aplikace, která slouží jako jednoduchý demonstrační editor tabulek.This thesis deals with aspects of using the common, universal relational table editor as a simple information system, which would be fully independent on the underlying database system and partially independent on the underlying's database schema. One part of this thesis deals with potential of using such universal information system to create a framework to allow fast and easy development of small and medium information systems. The practical part of this thesis is the application, which implements the basics of simple relational table editor, which is fully independent on the underlying database provider and schema and servers as the demonstrative table editor.

    Hands-on cybersecurity training behavior data for process mining

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    The research on using process mining in learning analytics of cybersecurity exercises relies on datasets that reflect the real behavior of trainees. Although modern cyber ranges, in which training sessions are organized, can collect behavioral data in the form of event logs, the organization of such exercises is laborious. Moreover, the collected raw data has to be processed and transformed into a specific format required by process mining techniques. We present two datasets with slightly different characteristics. While the first exercise with 52 participants was not limited in time, the second supervised exercise with 42 trainees lasted two hours. Also, the cybersecurity tasks were slightly different. A total of 11757 events were collected. Of these, 3597 were training progress events, 5669 were Bash commands, and 2491 were Metasploit commands. Joint CSV files distilled from the raw event data can be used as input for existing process mining tools

    Study On Correlation Of Data From Yield Monitoring System And Hand Samples

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    One of the basic tools used in precision agriculture technology is yield monitoring and mapping. Yield maps are used to monitor the efficiency of applied inputs, to assess the variability of field and have potential to be used in farm records and farm management software. The paper deals with comparison of yield maps with information on yield obtained from hand sampling. Analyses are based on five-year data from one field with spring barley, oil seed rape, winter wheat and maize crop rotation. Results show that the correlation coefficient across the time period reached a value of 0.89 (p <0.05), which means that the yield maps show the yield trend of the field. However, looking at the data in more detail and comparing the pairs of data for selected (discrete) monitoring points, the error of estimation was calculated. This error showed that the yield monitor underestimated or overestimated the yield in average by 25 %. Therefore, the data cannot be used to evaluate the absolute yield at selected place of the field