201 research outputs found

    Attitude and emotional functioning of children with intellectual disability

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    U radu je tretiran problem socijalnog i emocionalnog funkcionisanja dece sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću u uslovima njihove standardne situacije edukacije. Obuvaćena su 124 ispitanika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću, oba pola, kalendarskog uzrasta od 8 do 13,5 godina osnovnih Å”kola u Beogradu. Za procenu ponaÅ”anja primenjena je Conners skala procene ponaÅ”anja (Conners, K., 1969, 1999) koja daje uvid u najfrekventnije i najučestalije tipove emocionalnih i bihevioralnih smetnji kod dece sa različitim razvojnim smetnjama. Rezultatima je ukazano na prisustvo različitih tipova sociojalno-emocionalnih smetnji i poremećaja koji zahtevaju primenu multimodalno orijentisanog pristupa kao osnove tretmana uoÅ”enih problema u ovoj populaciji.In this study, it is treated the problem of social and emotional functioning of the children with a mild intellectual disability in conditions of their standard educational situation. 124 respondents are being covered, those with a mild intellectual disability of both sexes aging from 8 to 13.5 attending the primary schools in Belgrade. For the assessment of behavior, it has been applied the Connerā€™s behavior assessment scale (Connerā€™s, K, 1969, 1999), which offers a comprehension of the most frequent types of emotional and behavioral disturbances at children with different development disabilities. The results show the presence of various types of social and emotional disturbances and disabilities that need an application of a multimodal oriented approach as a basis for treatment and resolving of problems in this population

    Mild intellectual disabilities ā€“ developmental determinants and possibility of treatment

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    Ovako definisana empirijska studija pokuÅ”ava da odgovori na problem specifičnih veza između individualnih razvojnih karakteristika ispitane dece, posmatranih kroz standardnu situaciju edukacije u momentu kada je istraživanje izvedeno.Cilj: Interesovanje autora usmereno je na utvrđivanje povezanosti motornog, socijalnog i saznajnog funkcionisanja ispitanog uzorka. To determiniÅ”e praktične implikacije rada āˆ’ inkluzivne edukacije, s jedne strane i multimodalnog tretmana bihejvioralnih smetnji, s druge strane. Metodologija: Slučajan uzorak formiran je od 90 ispitanika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću, oba pola koji pohadjaju osnovne Å”kole u Beogradu. Motorne sposobnosti ispitane su kliničkim, razvojnim skalama baterije Lurija-Nebraska za decu, a ponaÅ”anje IOWA Conners skalom procene kojom se dobija uvid u ponaÅ”anje i pažnju u uslovima edukacije. Saznajno funcionisanje dece u uzorku, procenjeno kroz Å”kolski uspeh i formiranje pojmova, ispitano je Testom koriŔćenja (upotrebe) pojmova. Rezultati: Utvrđeno je postojanje statistički signifikatne korelacije među ispitanim varijablama Å”to je potvrdilo polazne hipoteze iskazane kroz cilj rada. Zaključak: Ukazano na konceptualne i praktične mogućnosti izvođenja multimodalno orijentisanog tretman i oblika edukacije u ove dece.Introduction: The study deals up with cognitive, motor and behavioral functioning of the children with mild intellectual disabilities and itā€™s relationship with attention. Aim: Ste study was designed to identify the possibillity of multimodal oriented treatment and possible implementaton of inclusive education. Methodology: The sample was formed of the 90 children with mild intellectual disabilities, both gender, chronologicaly distributed form 8 to 13 years. We asses conceptually-verbal functions by the Test of Concept Utilization, attention by Trail Making Test āˆ’ TMT, motor functions by Stick test and Luria Nebrasca Battery for Children, Scale C1 (LNNB-C). Behavior was estimated by IOWA Conners Rating Scale. Results: Results points up the high statistical relationship between the tested variables such as behavior, voluntary attention and conceptual functions (r=0,527; p<0.01). Conclusion: On the base of the results of the study we conclude about the significance of implementation of the multimodal oriented approach, in which the central professional role is focused on special educator who finally implement different treatment strategies

    Attitude and emotional functioning of children with intellectual disability

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    U radu je tretiran problem socijalnog i emocionalnog funkcionisanja dece sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću u uslovima njihove standardne situacije edukacije. Obuvaćena su 124 ispitanika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću, oba pola, kalendarskog uzrasta od 8 do 13,5 godina osnovnih Å”kola u Beogradu. Za procenu ponaÅ”anja primenjena je Conners skala procene ponaÅ”anja (Conners, K., 1969, 1999) koja daje uvid u najfrekventnije i najučestalije tipove emocionalnih i bihevioralnih smetnji kod dece sa različitim razvojnim smetnjama. Rezultatima je ukazano na prisustvo različitih tipova sociojalno-emocionalnih smetnji i poremećaja koji zahtevaju primenu multimodalno orijentisanog pristupa kao osnove tretmana uoÅ”enih problema u ovoj populaciji.In this study, it is treated the problem of social and emotional functioning of the children with a mild intellectual disability in conditions of their standard educational situation. 124 respondents are being covered, those with a mild intellectual disability of both sexes aging from 8 to 13.5 attending the primary schools in Belgrade. For the assessment of behavior, it has been applied the Connerā€™s behavior assessment scale (Connerā€™s, K, 1969, 1999), which offers a comprehension of the most frequent types of emotional and behavioral disturbances at children with different development disabilities. The results show the presence of various types of social and emotional disturbances and disabilities that need an application of a multimodal oriented approach as a basis for treatment and resolving of problems in this population

    Mild intellectual disabilities ā€“ developmental determinants and possibility of treatment

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    Ovako definisana empirijska studija pokuÅ”ava da odgovori na problem specifičnih veza između individualnih razvojnih karakteristika ispitane dece, posmatranih kroz standardnu situaciju edukacije u momentu kada je istraživanje izvedeno.Cilj: Interesovanje autora usmereno je na utvrđivanje povezanosti motornog, socijalnog i saznajnog funkcionisanja ispitanog uzorka. To determiniÅ”e praktične implikacije rada āˆ’ inkluzivne edukacije, s jedne strane i multimodalnog tretmana bihejvioralnih smetnji, s druge strane. Metodologija: Slučajan uzorak formiran je od 90 ispitanika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću, oba pola koji pohadjaju osnovne Å”kole u Beogradu. Motorne sposobnosti ispitane su kliničkim, razvojnim skalama baterije Lurija-Nebraska za decu, a ponaÅ”anje IOWA Conners skalom procene kojom se dobija uvid u ponaÅ”anje i pažnju u uslovima edukacije. Saznajno funcionisanje dece u uzorku, procenjeno kroz Å”kolski uspeh i formiranje pojmova, ispitano je Testom koriŔćenja (upotrebe) pojmova. Rezultati: Utvrđeno je postojanje statistički signifikatne korelacije među ispitanim varijablama Å”to je potvrdilo polazne hipoteze iskazane kroz cilj rada. Zaključak: Ukazano na konceptualne i praktične mogućnosti izvođenja multimodalno orijentisanog tretman i oblika edukacije u ove dece.Introduction: The study deals up with cognitive, motor and behavioral functioning of the children with mild intellectual disabilities and itā€™s relationship with attention. Aim: Ste study was designed to identify the possibillity of multimodal oriented treatment and possible implementaton of inclusive education. Methodology: The sample was formed of the 90 children with mild intellectual disabilities, both gender, chronologicaly distributed form 8 to 13 years. We asses conceptually-verbal functions by the Test of Concept Utilization, attention by Trail Making Test āˆ’ TMT, motor functions by Stick test and Luria Nebrasca Battery for Children, Scale C1 (LNNB-C). Behavior was estimated by IOWA Conners Rating Scale. Results: Results points up the high statistical relationship between the tested variables such as behavior, voluntary attention and conceptual functions (r=0,527; p<0.01). Conclusion: On the base of the results of the study we conclude about the significance of implementation of the multimodal oriented approach, in which the central professional role is focused on special educator who finally implement different treatment strategies

    Treatment and speech-language development at the children with hearing impairments

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    We analyze the speech-language development of deaf children and children without hearing impairments at the same chronological and mental age. The sample was formed from 27 deaf children from 10-14 years who are involved in regular educational system and 27 children without hearing impairments. We implemented particularities we used the test of speech development (Smiljka Vasic). The children whose treatment began before 18(th) months, realized approximately the same results in development of speech and language same as the persons of the same age without hearing impairments

    Intellectual disabilities: cognition and behavior - strategy of education and treatment

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    This paper addresses different aspects of practical interventions with regard to education and rehabilitation of children with intellectual disabilities which can take place in schools or other rehabilitation settings. The outlined approach is based on the Brunerā€™s concept of so-called growth sciences which include both the special education and the rehabilitation. The focus is on the theoretical, diagnostic, and rehabilitation strategy, based on the implementation of educational and treatment activities with this population of children. In the light of applied research we try to define interventions in education and rehabilitation of the children with mild intellectual disabilities. The sample was formed of 124 participants in school settings with regard to their cognitive and school achievement. With respect of these results we propose the educational and treatment strategies for these children

    Case study: assessing reading skills in a student with learning disabilities and implementation of direct instruction learning

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    Cilj ove studije slučaja bio je da identifikuje specifične poteÅ”koće u čitanju kod učenika sa poteÅ”koćama u učenju, i u odnosu na njih predloži implementaciju savremenog metoda podučavanja čitanja (metod direktnog podučavanja). Ispitanica je odabrana u dogovoru sa nastavnim kadrom zaposlenim u srednjoj Å”koli ā€žMemorijalā€œ u gradu O Kler, Viskonsin, SAD. Procena veÅ”tine čitanja izvrÅ”ena je primenom sledećih mernih instrumenata: Dinamični pokazatelji osnova ranih sposobnosti pismenosti (DIBELSTM) Å”esta edicija - subtest ne- reči i Procena Primarne Fonemske Svesnosti preuzeta iz indeksa ā€žGā€œ udžbenika ā€žDirektnog Podučavanja čitanjaā€œ (Carnine, Silbert, Kameā€™enui, & Tarver, 2004). Istraživanje je sprovedeno na proleće 2013. godine. Utvrđeno je da učenica koja je u to vreme pohađala deveti razred, čita na nivou učenika koji pohađa prvi raz- red osnovne Å”kole. U odnosu na dobijene rezultate predložena je intervencija primenom metoda direktnog podučavanja čitanja.The purpose of this case study was to identify specific difficulties that emerge during reading, and based on those specific problems recommend a Direct Instruction lesson plan for pupils with learning disabilities. The subject for the study was recommended by the teachers working in Memorial High School, Eau Clair WI, USA. We used Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills TM, 6th Ed. and Appendix G Primary Phonics Assessment (Carnine, Silbert, Kameā€™enui, & Tarver, 2004) as a screening tool, to assess the current reading skills of our subject. This case study was conducted in the spring of 2013. We found that our subject, who was in the ninth grade at the time, read at a first grade level and created a set of lesson plans using the Direct Instruction model that meet her specific needs

    Vrste metoda u učenju - revijalni prikaz teorije Džeroma Brunera

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    The problem of the research is based on the theoretical explanations of the significance of the theory of Jerome Bruner for the education and learning. We point out the basic aspects of learning throw the acquisition of concepts and selections the strategies and factors important for learning important for special education and rehabilitation same as for pedagogy and teaching in general. The theory of development is treated throw the frame of understanding the nature of developmental disabilities same as intellectual disabilities. The basic postulates of constructivism theory are observed throw the relation with acquisition of knowledge, abilities and habits, important for education processes. Final conclusion is based on the critical opinion of the authors of the study about the significance of this theory in understanding the nature of education and learning.U radu su prikazana razmatranja teorijske koncepcije Džeroma Brunera sa aspekta značaja primene ove teorije u nastavi i učenju. Ukazano je na osnovne aspekte definisanja učenja kroz sticanje znanja i izbor strategija i faktora učenja važnih sa aspekta specijalne edukacije i rehabilitacije kao i pedagogije i nastave uopÅ”te. Takođe je razmatrana teorija razvoja bitna za razumevanje problema ometenosti razvoja i intelektualne ometenosti, a osnovni teorijski postulati konstruktivizma posmatrani su u relaciji sa formiranjem znanja, veÅ”tina i navika kao bitnih pokazatelja obrazovanja. Finalna razmatranja bazirana su na kritičkom prilazu ovoj teoriji i sagledavanju njenog doprinosa razumevanju nastave i učenja

    Simptomatologija i tretman bihejvioralnih smetnji dece sa intelektualnom ometenoŔću

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    This paper treats the problem of the socio-emotional functioning of the children with intellectual disabilities in their standard situation of education. The sample was formed of 124 children with mild intellectual disabilities, both gender distributions, calendar age from 8 to 13, 5 years who are attending elementary schools in Belgrade. We implemented the Conners Rating Scale (Conners, K.,1997) for identification the frequency of emotional and social disabilities in tested sample. The results of research indicate the presence of different kind and types of behavioral disorders in the tested sample and their relationship with school achievement. The conclusion is based upon the state about the necessity of implementation the multimodal oriented approach to this various kind of behavioral problems.U radu je tretiran problem socijalnog i emocionalnog funkcionisanja dece sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću u uslovima njihove standardne situacije edukacije. Obuhvaćena su 124 ispitanika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenoŔću, oba pola, kalendarskog uzrasta od 8 do 13,5 godina osnovnih Å”kola u Beogradu. Za procenu ponaÅ”anja primenjena je Conners skala procene ponaÅ”anja (Conners, K., 1969, 1999) koja daje uvid u najfrekventnije i najučestalije tipove emocionalnih i bihevioralnih smetnji kod dece sa različitim razvojnim smetnjama. Rezultatima je ukazano na prisustvo različitih tipova socijalno-emocionalnih smetnji i poremećaja koji zahtevaju primenu multimodalno orijentisanog pristupa kao osnove tretmana uočenih problema u ovoj populaciji

    Efekti interaktivne nastave u obrazovanju dece oÅ”tećenog sluha

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    Reform of special pedagogical work and education is directed to creating conditions for wide inclusion of the children with developmental problems into the system of the regular pre school and school work, and also to improvement and changing of the concept of work of special schools, particularly to changing inner organization of teaching, introducing modern models of learning. Renewed teaching process requires renewed teaching contents and ways of their realization. The aim of the research has been determination of the interactive teaching dominated by the frontal form of work considering the level of knowledge of the students with hearing impairment. The specimen included 18 students with the hearing impairment age 15-18. Given results have shown that application of the method of interactive teaching has a positive correlation with the level and quality of knowledge of students.Reforma specijalnog vaspitanja i obrazovanja usmerena je na stvaranje uslova za Å”ire uključivanje dece ometene u razvoju u sistem redovnog vaspitanja i obrazovanja, ali i na unapređenje i menjanje koncepcije rada specijalnih Å”kola, posebno na menjanje unutraÅ”nje organizacije nastavnog rada uvođenjem savremenih modela učenja. Osavremenjivanje nastavnog procesa zahteva osavremenjivanje i nastavnih sadržaja, ali i načina njihove realizacije. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li primena interaktivne nastave u kojoj dominira kooperativno učenje i grupni oblik rada ima prednost u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu u kojoj dominira frontalni oblik rada u pogledu nivoa znanja učenika oÅ”tećenog sluha. Uzorak je činilo 18 učenika oÅ”tećenog sluha uzrasta od 15 do 18 godina. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da primena metoda interaktivne nastave pozitivno korelira sa nivoom i kvalitetom znanja učenika
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