2,859 research outputs found

    Body-freedom flutter of a 1/2-scale forward-swept-wing model, an experimental and analytical study

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    The aeroelastic phenomenon known as body-freedom flutter (BFF), a dynamic instability involving aircraft-pitch and wing-bending motions which, though rarely experienced on conventional vehicles, is characteristic of forward swept wing (FSW) aircraft was investigated. Testing was conducted in the Langley transonic dynamics tunnel on a flying, cable-mounted, 1/2-scale model of a FSW configuration with and without relaxed static stability (RSS). The BFF instability boundaries were found to occur at significantly lower airspeeds than those associated with aeroelastic wing divergence on the same model. For those cases with RSS, a canard-based stability augmentation system (SAS) was incorporated in the model. This SAS was designed using aerodynamic data measured during a preliminary tunnel test in which the model was attached to a force balance. Data from the subsequent flutter test indicated that BFF speed was not dependent on open-loop static margin but, rather, on the equivalent closed-loop dynamics provided by the SAS. Servo-aeroelastic stability analyses of the flying model were performed using a computer code known as SEAL and predicted the onset of BFF reasonably well

    Graphene-based spin-pumping transistor

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    We demonstrate with a fully quantum-mechanical approach that graphene can function as gate-controllable transistors for pumped spin currents, i.e., a stream of angular momentum induced by the precession of adjacent magnetizations, which exists in the absence of net charge currents. Furthermore, we propose as a proof of concept how these spin currents can be modulated by an electrostatic gate. Because our proposal involves nano-sized systems that function with very high speeds and in the absence of any applied bias, it is potentially useful for the development of transistors capable of combining large processing speeds, enhanced integration and extremely low power consumption

    Graphene as a non-magnetic spin-current lens

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    In spintronics, the ability to transport magnetic information often depends on the existence of a spin current traveling between two different magnetic objects acting as source and probe. A large fraction of this information never reaches the probe and is lost because the spin current tends to travel omni-directionally. We propose that a curved boundary between a gated and a non-gated region within graphene acts as an ideal lens for spin currents despite being entirely of non-magnetic nature. We show as a proof of concept that such lenses can be utilized to redirect the spin current that travels away from a source onto a focus region where a magnetic probe is located, saving a considerable fraction of the magnetic information that would be otherwise lost.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamic RKKY interaction between magnetic moments in graphene nanoribbons

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    Graphene has been identified as a promising material with numerous applications, particularly in spintronics. In this paper we investigate the peculiar features of spin excitations of magnetic units deposited on graphene nanoribbons and how they can couple through a dynamical interaction mediated by spin currents. We examine in detail the spin lifetimes and identify a pattern caused by vanishing density of states sites in pristine ribbons with armchair borders. Impurities located on these sites become practically invisible to the interaction, but can be made accessible by a gate voltage or doping. We also demonstrate that the coupling between impurities can be turned on or off using this characteristic, which may be used to control the transfer of information in transistor-like devices.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Dynamic RKKY interaction in graphene

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    The growing interest in carbon-based spintronics has stimulated a number of recent theoretical studies on the RKKY interaction in graphene, based on which the energetically favourable alignment between magnetic moments embedded in this material can be calculated. The general consensus is that the strength of the RKKY interaction in graphene decays as 1/D3 or faster, where D is the separation between magnetic moments. Such an unusually fast decay for a 2-dimensional system suggests that the RKKY interaction may be too short ranged to be experimentally observed in graphene. Here we show in a mathematically transparent form that a far more long ranged interaction arises when the magnetic moments are taken out of their equilibrium positions and set in motion. We not only show that this dynamic version of the RKKY interaction in graphene decays far more slowly but also propose how it can be observed with currently available experimental methods.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitte

    Detecção, transmissão, patogenicidade e controle químico de fungos em sementes de paineira (Ceiba speciosa).

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    Neste trabalho avaliou-se a incidência, transmissão, patogenicidade de fungos e a eficiência do tratamento químico no controle dos mesmos em sementes de paineira (Ceiba speciosa) oriundas de diferentes locais do sul do Brasil. Para tanto, utilizaram-se sete amostras de sementes, com as quais realizaram-se testes de germinação, sanidade empregando-se o método do papel-filtro (PF) e de plaqueamento em batata-dextrose-ágar (BDA), transmissão e patogenicidade dos fungos e tratamento químico das sementes. A germinação variou de 0 a 59,5%. Foram detectados os seguintes fungos associados às sementes: Fusarium sp., Alternaria sp.,Colletotrichum sp., Curvularia sp. e Pestalotia sp.; sendo que Fusarium sp. foi encontrado em todas as amostras. Ambos os métodos de detecção, PF e BDA, foram eficientes na detecção da maior parte dos fungos. Alternaria sp. e Fusarium sp. foram transmitidos via sementes. Os isolados de Alternaria sp., Colletotrichum sp. e Fusarium sp. foram patogênicos às plântulas e os tratamentos das sementes com tiofanato metílico e a mistura captan + tiofanato metílico reduziram a incidência de Fusarium sp

    Carbon nanotube: a low-loss spin-current waveguide

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    We demonstrate with a quantum-mechanical approach that carbon nanotubes are excellent spin-current waveguides and are able to carry information stored in a precessing magnetic moment for long distances with very little dispersion and with tunable degrees of attenuation. Pulsed magnetic excitations are predicted to travel with the nanotube Fermi velocity and are able to induce similar excitations in remote locations. Such an efficient way of transporting magnetic information suggests that nanotubes are promising candidates for memory devices with fast magnetization switchings

    Detecção, transmissão e patogenicidade de fungos em sementes de angico-vermelho (Parapiptadenia rigida).

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    Angico-vermelho (Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth.) Brenan) é uma espécie nativa de grande valor ecológico e econômico, importante para a recomposição de áreas degradadas. O presente trabalho avaliou incidência, transmissão e patogenicidade de fungos associados a sementes de angico-vermelho de distintas procedências do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para isso, utilizaram-se três amostras de sementes, com as quais realizaram-se testes de germinação, sanidade empregandose o método do papel-filtro (PF) e de plaqueamento em batata-dextrose-ágar (BDA), transmissão e patogenicidade dos fungos. A germinação das sementes de angico-vermelho variou de 63 a 91 %. Os fungos considerados potencialmente patogênicos encontrados associados as sementes de angico-vermelho foram: Alternaria sp.; Botrytis sp.; Fusarium sp.; Cladosporium sp. e Pestalotia sp.; sendo que Fusarium sp. foi detectado em todas as amostras pelo método PF, e foi transmitido via semente causando má formação do sistema radicular e dos cotilédones e tombamento de pré emergência. Sua patogenicidade foi confirmada

    Germinação de sementes e estabelecimento de plântulas de cucurbitácias.

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    Sementes de diferentes lotes e cultivares de melancia, pepino, melão e abóbora foram submetidas aos testes de germinação, emergência em bandejas em condições de casa de vegetação e emergência em campo, em Brasília-DF, com o objetivo de comparar os diferentes testes e garantir melhores resultados como maior estabelecimento de plântulas e uniformidade de produção no campo.CD-ROM. Suplemento. Trabalho apresentado no 51. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Viçosa, MG