63 research outputs found

    Sistematska varijacija unutar interakcijskog efekta u sortnom ogledu kukuruza

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    In making decisions on the development of varieties and the identification of certain growing regions, the effects of genotype (G) and genotype by environment (GxE) are very important. Although the main genotype effect and the interaction effect should be partitioned, there is still a need for their integration in the yield, as both simultaneously affect a ranking of the particular genotype within a certain environment. The AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) analysis, as a hybrid model, provides appropriate partitioning. The AMMI2 model, capturing 98.4% of the treatment sum of squares, was used, and 12 observed environments were classified into three target environments. Hence, out of 15 commercial maize hybrids, used in the trial, the hybrids ZP-677, ZP-570 and ZP-732 were selected as carriers of maximum yields in three target environments. In this way, it was shown that even in a relatively small region a narrow adaptation of genotypes can be exploited.Prilikom donoÅ”enja odluka koje se tiču razvoja sorti i identifikacije određenih rejona gajenja, samo je efekat genotipa (G) i interakcije genotipa sa spoljaÅ”njom sredinom (GxE) relevantan. Iako glavni genotipski efekat i efekat interakcije treba razdvojiti, sa druge strane, postoji potreba za njihovim integrisanjem u prinosu jer oba istovremeno utiču na rang određenog genotipa u datoj sredini. AMMI analiza (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction), koja predstavlja hibridni model, to omogućava. Koristeći AMMI2 model, koji je obuhvatio 98,4% sume kvadrata tretmana, 12 spoljaÅ”njih sredina je grupisano u tri ciljne sredine. Od 15 ispitivanih hibrida kukuruza, tri hibrida su odabrana kao nosioci maksimalnih prinosa u tri ciljne sredine. Na taj način je prezentovano da se, i u relativno malom regionu, može iskoristiti uska prilagođenost genotipa, za postizanje visokih prinosa

    Variability and relationship among cuttings' rooting characters for eastern cottonwood

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    The influence of genotype, year and genotype x year interaction on variation of 14 characters of hardwood cutting rooting ability in field conditions, as well as relationship among them was examined in four dates of observation during the first half of vegetation period for fifteen genotypes of Populus deltoides Bartr. are presented. The influence of year rose throughout the examined period, while influence of genotype x year interaction was usually weak. Most of characters had high heritability in second date of observation (second half of May). Beside total number of first-order roots, results signify number of roots on middle and basal part of cutting, as well as shoot characters (number of leaves and shoot height), while characters describing wound roots (roots on basal cut) appeared insignificant. Examined characters were grouped according to PCA(Principal Component Analysis) in two groups, defined by number of roots in the middle part of cutting and number of roots on basal part of cutting.

    Imenovanje aktivnosti kod dece sa specifičnim jezičkim poremećajem

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    Given that verbs are the type of content words whose proper use in children requires a high level of language processing skills, it is expected that children with specific language impairment (SLI) will experience difficulties in lexical processing of this class of words. However, there is a relative paucity of studies focusing on lexical-semantic abilities in class of verbs in children with SLI, and the results of previous studies are quite contradictory. The aim of this study was to determine the vocabulary scope of verbs, and also to compare types of errors in verb naming between children with SLI and typically developing children. The sample consisted of 60 participants with SLI (5-8 yrs) within the experimental group, while the control group consisted of 55 typically developing (TD) children. For the purpose of naming verbs assessment, 30 pictorial verbs from the Children's Word Frequency Dictionary were used, while errors were classified according to the principle used in Boston Naming Test. The results showed that children with SLI had a significantly lower score of accuracy in verb naming compared to TD children (pā‰¤0.000). Also, children with SLI made significantly more semantic, unrelated and circumlocutive errors, as well as more omissions (p lt 0.05). However, an error distribution analysis indicates a similar pattern in both groups of children. We concluded that children with SLI had significantly narrower vocabulary scope of verbs compared to typically developing peers. Also, SLI children showed a significant delay in the development of lexical processing skills for this type of content words. However, children with SLI follow a similar pattern as TD children in the area of lexical-semantic development of verb using.S obzirom na to da su glagoli vrsta punoznačnih reči čija pravilna upotreba kod dece zahteva visok nivo razvijenosti jezičkog procesiranja, bilo bi očekivano da deca sa specifičnim jezičkim poremećajem (SJP) ispoljavaju teÅ”koće prilikom leksičke obrade ove vrste leksema. Međutim, u literaturi je Mali broj istraživanja koja su se bavila leksičko-semantičkim sposobnostima na planu glagola kod dece sa SJP, a i rezultati dosadaÅ”njih studija su prilično kontradiktorni. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se uporedi obim vokabulara za pojmove koji reprezentuju aktivnosti, kao i da se uporede tipovi greÅ”aka na testu imenovanja aktivnosti dece sa SJP sa decom tipičnog razvoja. Uzorak je činilo 60 ispitanika sa SJP (5-8 God.) u okviru eksperimentalne grupe, dok je kontrolnu grupu činilo 55 ispitanika tipičnog jezičkog razvoja. Primenjen je test imenovanja različitih aktivnosti prikazanih pomoću slika, a prethodno izabranih na osnovu visoke frekvence glagola u Dečjem frekvencijskom rečniku. Beleženi su tačni i pogreÅ”ni odgovori, kao i tipovi greÅ”aka koje su deca pravila. Poređenje između dece sa SJP i dece tipičnog razvoja izvedeno je na broju tačnih odgovora i broju karakterističnih tipova greÅ”aka, dok su greÅ”ke prilikom imenovanja klasifikovane prema principu koji se koristi primenom Bostonskog testa imenovanja. Rezultati su pokazali da deca sa SJP daju značajno manji broj tačnih odgovora u poređenju sa decom tipičnog razvoja (p lt 0,01). Takođe, deca sa SJP prave značajno viÅ”e semantičkih, asemantičkih, cirkumlokucija i greÅ”aka po tipu omisije (p lt 0,05). Međutim, analiza distribucije greÅ”aka ukazuje na sličan obrazac kod obe grupe ispitanika. Zaključeno je da deca sa SJP imaju značajno manji opseg vokabulara za pojmove koji reprezentuju aktivnosti, kao i da ispoljavaju značajno kaÅ”njenje na planu razvoja leksičko-semantičke mreže za ovu vrstu punoznačnih reči, ali i da na planu leksičko-semantičkog razvoja upotrebe glagola ispoljavaju sličan obrazac kao i deca tipičnog razvoja

    Nastanak i evolucija kukuruza i putevi uvođenja u naÅ”e krajeve

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    The origin and evolution of maize has been attracting attention of researchers of different profiles for decades. Although a few researchers in our country have explicitly been dealing with these issues, it is necessary to survey studies within this field. Not only because of educational reasons, but also because revealing secrets on the origin and evolution provides knowledge about maize genome, which can influence the improvement of current breeding of this very important crop. The enhancement of genetic variability of commercial material is another crucial challenge faced by maize breeders. Therefore, a segment of this study is a reminder indicating that collected and described landraces conserved in the genebank of the Maize Research Institute 'Zemun Polje' are germplasm valuable to breeding programmes intended for moderate climate. Some inbred lines (ZPPE25-10-1; NS796; R70Ž; NS568) developed in our scientific institutions using adapted landraces were of a great commercial importance for maize breeding programmes. However, little has been done on the improvement of landraces. Consequently, it is our opinion that some breeding efforts should be aimed at this topic in order to provide further progress in the maize breeding improvement.Poreklo i evolucija kukuruza već decenijama zaokupljaju pažnju istraživača različitih profila. Iako se kod nas malo istraživača eksplicitno bavilo ovom problematikom postoji potreba da se prate istraživanja iz ove oblasti, ne samo iz obrazovnih razloga, već i stoga Å”to se razotkrivanjem tajni porekla i evolucije stiču saznanja o genomu kukuruza, Å”to može unaprediti savremeno oplemenjivanje ove važne kulture. Povećanje genetičke varijabilnosti komercijalnog materijala joÅ” jedan je važan izazov pred oplemenjivačima kukuruza. Stoga, deo ovog rada je podsećanje da sakupljene i opisane lokalne populacije, koje sa nalaze u banci gena Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje, predstavljaju vrednu germplazmu za oplemenjivačke programe namenjene umerenom pojasu. Neke inbred linije (ZPPE25-10-1; NS796; R70Ž; NS568) selekcionisane u naÅ”im naučnim institutima koriŔćenjem adaptiranih lokalnih populacija, imale su veliki komercijalni značaj za oplemenjivačke programe kukuruza. Unapređenju lokalnih populacija do sada nije posvećeno dovoljno pažnje. Smatramo da bi deo oplemenjivačkih napora trebalo usmeriti u ovom pravcu kako bi se obezbedio dalji progres u unapređenju dobiti od selekcije

    Razumevanje i iskoriŔćavanje GxE interakcije u oplemenjivanju kukuruza

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    Due to the interaction and noise in the experiments, yield trails for studying varieties are carried out in numerous locations and in the course of several years. Data of such trials have three principle tasks: to evaluate precisely and to predict the yield on the basis of limited experimental data; to determine stability and explain variability in the response of genotypes across locations; and to be a good guide for the selection of the best genotype for sowing under new agroecological conditions. The yield prediction without the inclusion of the interaction with the environments is incomplete and imprecise. Therefore, a great deal of breeding and agronomic studies are devoted to observing of the interaction via multilocation trials with replicates with the aim to use the interaction to obtain the maximum yield in any environment. Fifteen maize hybrids were analyzed in 24 environments. As the interaction participates in the total sum of squares with 6%, and genotypes with 2%, the interaction deserves observations more detailed than the classical analysis of variance (ANOVA) provides it. With a view to observe the interaction effect in detail in order to prove better understanding of genotypes, environments and their interactions AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) and the cluster analysis were applied. The partition of the interaction into the principal components by the PCA analysis (Principal Components Analysis) revealed a part of systematic variations in the interaction. These variations are attributed to the length of the growing season in genotypes and to the precipitation sum during the growing season in environments. Results of grouping by the cluster analysis are in high accordance with grouping observed in the biplot of the AMMI1 model.Ogledi za ispitivanje varijeteta se izvode u brojnim lokacijama i u toku viÅ”e godina i u osnovi imaju tri glavna zadatka: da precizno procene i predvide prinos na osnovu ograničenih eksperimentalnih podataka; da determiniÅ”u stabilnost i objaÅ”njivu varijabilnost u odgovoru genotipova kroz lokacije; i da budu kvalitetan vodič za odabir najboljeg genotipa za setvu u novim agro-ekoloÅ”kim uslovima. Procena prinosa bez uključivanja interakcije sa spoljnom sredinom je nekompletna i neprecizna. Zbog toga je značajan deo oplemenjivačkih i agronomskih istraživanja posvećen istraživanju interakcije, kroz viÅ”elokacijske oglede sa ponavljanjima, u cilju iskoriŔćavanja interakcije za dobijanje maksimalnog prinosa u svakoj sredini. U radu je analizirano 15 hibrida kukuruza u 24 spoljne sredine. Obzirom da interakcija učestvuje u ukupnoj sumi kvadrata sa 6%, a sami genotipovi sa 2% ona zaslužuje detaljnije razmatranje nego Å”to nam to nudi klasična analiza varijanse (ANOVA). Sa ciljem da se detaljnijim uvidom u interakcijski efekat omogući bolje razumevanje genotipova, spoljnih sredina i njihovih interakcija primenjene su AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) i klaster analiza. RaŔčlanjujući interakciju na glavne komponente PCA (Principal Components Analzsis) analizom, otkriva se deo sistematskog variranja koji se nalazi u interakciji, a koji je kod genotipova vezan za dužinu vegetacije, a kod spoljnih sredina za količinu padavina u toku vegetacije. Rezultati grupisanja klaster analizom su u visokoj saglasnosti sa grupisanjem koje se uočava na biplotu AMMI1 modela

    Način nasleđivanja i kombinacione sposobnosti broja redova zrna na klipu, broja zrna u redu i prinosa zrna kukuruza (Zea mays L.)

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    Utilization of heterosis requires the study of combining abilities of potential parents. In view of this, the objective of this paper was to study combining abilities and determine the mode of inheritance and gene effects for the main agronomic character, grain yield, and its components, kernel row number and kernel number per row. Six inbred lines were used in the study, three of which originated in the U.S., while the other three were developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Kernel row number was inherited by superdominance, partial dominance, complete dominance and intermediacy. The mode of inheritance of kernel number per row and grain yield was superdominance. Additive gene action had the greatest influence on the expression of kernel row number, while the other two traits were influenced the most by nonadditive gene.IskoriÅ”tavanje heterozisa zahteva poznavanje kombinacionih sposobnosti potencijalnih roditelja. Imajući ovo u vidu cilj ovog rada je bio proučavanje kombinacionih sposobnosti i utvrđivanje načina nasleđivanja prinosa zrna, kao glavne agronomske osobine, i komponenti prinosa zrna, broj redova zrna na klipu i broj zrna na klipu. U radu je koriÅ”teno 6 inbred linija, od kojih su 3 poreklom iz SAD, a 3 su razvijene u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Način nasleđivanja broja redova zrna na klipu bila je superdominacija, parcijalna dominacija, puna dominacija i intermedijarnost, a kod broja zrna na klipu i prinosa zrna po biljci u svim hibridnim kombinacijama pojavila se superdominacija. Aditivni efekat gena imao je najveći uticaj na ekspresiju broja redova zrna na klipu, dok je za druge dve proučavane osobine ustanovljeno da je neaditivan efekat gena imao najveći uticaj

    Uticaj različitog stepena opterećenja čokota okcima na rodnost, prinos i kvalitet vina klonova sorte Šardone, VCR4 i BCL75

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    The basic parameters of grape productivity and yield, as well as, of wine quality of Chardonnay clones BCL75 and VCR4 were investigated at different bud load levels. The increase in bud loads caused the decrease of the developed shoot percentage without significant changes in the percentage of productive shoots in both observed clones. The increase of bud loads caused the increase of the number of grape branches per vine and the decrease of productivity per bud, developed and productive shoot. At the lowest bud load (12 buds per vine) of the clone VCR4 the yield was low and sugar and total acids contents were high. The significantly increased yield, maintained aroma, high sugar and total acids contents in grape must were obtained at 24 and 36 buds per vine. Wine has a complex flavour and taste, it is exotically fruity and full bodied. A bud load from 12 to 24 buds per vine can be a recommended norm for the clone BCL75. Produced wines had herby flavour accompanied with fruit aroma on apple and peach, and very fresh flavour vivacited, balanced, with expressed aromatic fruit note. The poor wines with weak aroma were obtained at large bud loads and high yields.Istraživani su osnovni pokazatelji rodnosti, prinosa i kvaliteta grožđa i vina klonova sorte Å ardone BCL75 i VCR4, pri različitom stepenu opterećenja čokota zimskim okcima. Kod oba istraživana klona, sa povećanjem opterećenja smanjuje se procenat razvijenih lastara, bez značajnih promena u procentu rodnih lastara. Sa povećanjem opterećenja čokota okcima povećava se broj grozdova po čokotu, a smanjuje rodnost po okcu, razvijenom i rodnom lastaru. Kod klona VCR4 pri najmanjem opterećenju (12 okaca/čokotu) ostvareni su veoma niski prinosi i visok nivo Å”ećera i ukupnih kiselina u Å”iri. Pri opterećenju čokota od 24 i 36 okaca, postignuti su značajno viÅ”i prinosi uz očuvan visok nivo Å”ećera i ukupnih kiselina u Å”iri. Vino je kompleksno na mirisu i ukusu, sa mirisom egzotičnog voća, bogato telom. Zbog niskih prinosa u varijanti 1, ne preporučuje se opterećenje od 12 okaca po čokotu. Kod klona BCL75 preporučeno opterećenje okcima kreće se u okvirima Varijante 1 i 2 i iznosi od 12 do 24 okca po čokotu. Dobijena vina su sa mirisom herbe, sa pratećim mirisom voća - jabuka i breskva, na ukusu živa, veoma sveža, uravnotežena, sa izraženom aromatičnom snagom voća. Pri većem opterećenju okcima i viÅ”im prinosima, dobijaju se slabija vina razblažene arome

    Rodnost i kvalitet grožđa sorti za obojena vina u gročanskom vinogorju

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    In the period of 1997-1999. grapevine cultivars Prokupac, Franconia nera, Camay Black, Black Burgundy and Cabernet Sauvignon where investigated. Investigations incluĀ­ded: fertility and quality of grape in the first three years of fruitfulness. Grapevine cultivars for high quality wines (Prokupac, Franconia nera, Camay Black) expressed the better fertility (9,1-10,9 t/ha). Grapevine cultivars for top quality wines (Burgundy and Cabernet SauvigĀ­non) expressed better quality of grape (20,8-21,4% sugar) and wines. .U periodu 1997-1999. godine obavljena su uporedna ispitivanja sorti za kvalitetna i vrhunska vina - prokupac, frankovka, game crni, burgundac crni i kaberne sovinjon. U prve tri godine rastuće rodnosti ovih sorti, ispoljene su njihove osnovne bioloÅ”ke osobenosti rodnosti i kvaliteta grožđa. Sorte za kvalitetna vina (prokupac, frankovka i game crni) ispoljile su veću rodnost (9,1-10,9 t/ha), a sorte za vrhunska vina (burgundac crni i kaberne sovinjon) bolji kvalitet grožđa (20,8 do 21,4% Å”ećera) i vina

    Rejonizacija hibrida kukuruza

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    The objective of this study was to emphasize importance of regional distribution of maize hybrids, relative to the optimal genotype and natural resources utilization. We used the results of the post-official trials of MS hybrids evaluated at 7 location in 2005., and the results of commercial US-hybrids evaluated at 16 locations in American cornbelt in 1990. The environments with quite different yielding capacities demonstrated different rankings of the same tested hybrids for grain yield, indicating economically important aspect of regional distribution of maize hybrids.Cilj ovog rada bio je da ukaže na značaj rejonizacije hibrida kukuruza sa stanoviÅ”ta optimalnog iskoriŔćavanja genotipa i prirodnih resursa. KoriŔćeni su rezultati postkomisijskih ogleda NS hibrida sa sedam lokaliteta u Srbiji u 2005. godini, kao i rezultati komercijalnih hibrida na 16 lokaliteta u kukuruznom pojasu Amerike 1990. godine. Različiti lokaliteti različito rangiraju (iste) hibride za prinos zrna, Å”to ukazuje na ekonomsku opravdanost rejonizacije
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