17 research outputs found

    Operation strategies of battery energy storage systems for preventive and curative congestion management in transmission grids

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    Anticipating and relieving congestions is an ongoing challenge for transmission system operators. Distributed grid-scale battery energy storage systems enable operators to shift power flows and remedy congestion through virtual power lines and grid boosters. This paper includes battery energy storage systems in a combined preventive and curative congestion management optimization. First, it analyzes the impact of the two operational strategies in a case study of the German transmission grid. Furthermore, it outlines curative ad-hoc measures to overcome uncertainties during operational planning and real-time operation. The simulation results indicate that battery energy storage systems further increase the use of curative measures and reduce congestion management costs

    MicroRNAs in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and targeted treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas

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    Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) represents a heterogeneous group of potentially devastating primary skin malignancies. Despite decades of intense research efforts, the pathogenesis is still not fully understood. In the early stages, both clinical and histopathological diagnosis is often difficult due to the ability of CTCL to masquerade as benign skin inflammatory dermatoses. Due to a lack of reliable biomarkers, it is also difficult to predict which patients will respond to therapy or progress towards severe recalcitrant disease. In this review, we discuss recent discoveries concerning dysregulated microRNA (miR) expression and putative pathological roles of oncogenic and tumor suppressive miRs in CTCL. We also focus on the interplay between miRs, histone deacetylase inhibitors, and oncogenic signaling pathways in malignant T cells as well as the impact of miRs in shaping the inflammatory tumor microenvironment. We highlight the potential use of miRs as diagnostic and prognostic markers, as well as their potential as therapeutic targets. Finally, we propose that the combined use of miR-modulating compounds with epigenetic drugs may provide a novel avenue for boosting the clinical efficacy of existing anti-cancer therapies in CTCL

    Impact of multiple resistance mechanisms in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) populations on the activity of cereal herbicides

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    Herbicide resistance to different modes of action is spreading not only in the intensive winter wheat producing areas of Northern Germany, but also in other regions. In this investigation, four selected biotypes of black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) from Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Baden-Württemberg were tested for resistance to different herbicides in greenhouse monitoring trials. Using the Pyrosequencing™ technology, leaf material of the different biotypes was screened for ACCase and ALS target-site mutations. The resistance mechanism profiles of the tested biotypes were first completed with metabolism studies of selected herbicides. Finally, the effectiveness of different ACCase and ALS herbicides was investigated in dose response studies under controlled conditions. The results of the analysis showed the occurrence of multiple resistance mechanisms – target-site and non-target site – in the different black-grass biotypes. The calculated resistance factors for the herbicides varied between biotypes and occurring resistance mechanisms. Independent of the range of the resistance factors, low levels already caused decreased effectiveness under real field conditions. Despite confirmed target-site and enhanced metabolic resistances, most of the tested herbicide mixtures and sequence applications provided useful efficacy levels. Soil-acting herbicides have become the backbone for controlling heavy infestations of black-grass populations in practice. Especially flufenacet and its mixtures provide high efficacy levels for the reduction of the first grass weed flush. Within the herbicide strategy study, Atlantis WG® appeared as the most effective post emergence applied product, especially on biotypes with metabolic resistances. With regard to missing alternative solutions in the near future, a mid to long-term sustainable crop-production can only be assured with mixtures and sequence applications of different herbicides and modes of action combined with integrated weed management tools