2,515 research outputs found

    Text-marking, an Alternative Way in Teaching Reading Report Text

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    This study is conducted to identify 1) the students' skill improvement in reading report text and 2) class situation in which text-marking is implemented in the reading class at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year of 2014/2015. The method used in this action research was classroom action research. The research was conducted from February 1st until May 22nd 2015. Every research cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There are qualitative and quantitative data collected in this research. The qualitative data were collected by interviewing, surveying, and observing whereas the quantitative data were collected by designing pre-test and post-test. The findings showed that the implementation of text-marking could improve students' skill in reading report text and classroom situation. The students' mean score improved in five basic reading' skill indicators as 1) finding main idea and topic, 2) determining reference, 3) determining word meaning based on context, 4) finding explicit and detailed information, and 5) finding implicit information increased. The improvements of class situation included 1) students focused to their learning, 2) students became active and enthusiast, so that classroom situation was conducive, 3) students were willing to discuss about learning difficulty with their friends and the teacher. The mean score had the advancement from 63.4 in the pre-test, 77.7 in the post-test 1, and 81.5 in the post-test 2

    Text-marking, an Alternative Way in Teaching Reading Report Text

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    This study is conducted to identify 1) the students\u27 skill improvement in reading report text and 2) class situation in which text-marking is implemented in the reading class at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year of 2014/2015. The method used in this action research was classroom action research. The research was conducted from February 1st until May 22nd 2015. Every research cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There are qualitative and quantitative data collected in this research. The qualitative data were collected by interviewing, surveying, and observing whereas the quantitative data were collected by designing pre-test and post-test. The findings showed that the implementation of text-marking could improve students\u27 skill in reading report text and classroom situation. The students\u27 mean score improved in five basic reading\u27 skill indicators as 1) finding main idea and topic, 2) determining reference, 3) determining word meaning based on context, 4) finding explicit and detailed information, and 5) finding implicit information increased. The improvements of class situation included 1) students focused to their learning, 2) students became active and enthusiast, so that classroom situation was conducive, 3) students were willing to discuss about learning difficulty with their friends and the teacher. The mean score had the advancement from 63.4 in the pre-test, 77.7 in the post-test 1, and 81.5 in the post-test 2


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tema, bentuk, warna, dan estetika seni lukis anak Yogyakarta. Lukisan anak adalah ekspresi bahasa visual anak berisi narasi simbolik pengalaman anak yang perlu dipahami dan dikaji secara objektif. Pendekatan penelitian deskriptif, istrumen pengumpul data human instrumen dibantu pedoman wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Hermeneutika untuk mengkaji, menafsir, dan menemukan tema, ekspresi bentuk, ekspresi warna, estetika, dan gaya seni lukis anak Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa latar belakang sosial budaya Yogyakarta yang penuh dengan aktivitas dan artefak budaya sehingga memberikan motivasi dan inspirasi anak menjadi produktif dalam melukis. Media ekspresi yang digunakan anak Yogyakarta dalam melukis menggunakan mixed media spidol, crayon, dan acrilic. Teknik melukis dengan metode sketsa menggunakan pensil dan spidol permanen hitam, pewarnaan objek dengan crayon, dan latar lukisan serta bagian objek tertentu dengan acrilic. Tema lukisan anak berkisar aktivitas permainan anak, aktivitas sosial budaya, dan artefak budaya yang ada di Yogyakarta. Ekspresi bentuk objek lukisan bersifat ekspresif-dinamis-dekoratif sesuai pikiran dan imajinasi anak. Ekspresif maknanya proses melukis dilakukan secara spontan menghasilkan bentuk-bentuk unik dan naif. Dinamis maksudnya anak mengolah bentuk objek dengan berbagai tema selalu menemukan bentuk-bentuk baru yang berbeda dan dinamis. Dekoratif artinya penyusunan objek berdasarkan rasa komposisi yang harmonis menurut pikiran anak. Warna yang digunakan dalam lukisan bersifat ekpresif-imajinatif-simbolik bukan imitatif. Penggunaan warna sebagai warna dan simbolik menggambarkan maksud tertentu. Estetika lukisan anak dapat dilhat dari gaya ideographisme melukiskan apa yang dipikirkan, transparant melukiskan bentuk tembus pandang, rabattement objek dilukiskan tegak lurus dengan garis dasar, juxtaposisi melukiskan objek yang jauh diletakan pada bagian atas bidang lukisan, stereotype pengulangan objek yang dikuasai dan disenangi, simetris melukiskan objek kanan dan kiri sama atau seimbang. Anak melukiskan objek penting dibesarkan dan sebagai center of interest atau pusat perhatian dalam lukisan tersebut. Pelukis menjadi tokoh utama dalam lukisan, sehingga lukisan anak merupakan narasi simbolik anak

    Pembelajaran Kerajinan Menurut Kurikulum Muatan Lokal di Sltp Penyelenggara Program Keterampilan Kerajinan Dj YOGYAKARTA

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    In developing the quality l?!'teaching crqfis in junior high school, LPM Universitas NegeriYogyakarta through the school developing program has done development which resulteddecreasing the gap jelt by the school. This program was done in the form ~f leaming activity,which has done by developing team from LPM UNY to the teachers and students in the school.Teachers as the prin1ary target of'handicraft skill development, in the next time are hoped thereis good improving the teaching crafts in the school it self. The actuating ofthe handicraft skillsin the class use the material that has outlined in the curriculum developed with local culturalmaterial. The aims ofteaching crqfts principally were to teach esthetic value, work appreciationthe basic offorming work ethos, the appreciation product toward teacher and student. Thetraining aims to analyze the curriculum ojj'unior high school crajis related the local culturalpotential,The teaching crafts in the class uses the materials guided in the curriculum that aredeveloped using the local culturallnaterials. The teaching materials involve: 1) wood crafts thatconsists oj" carving and bench working (constnlction): 2)Textil that consists oj" macrame,embroidery, printing, and batik; 3) ('feramic (earthen ware) that consists o.fforming, decorating,and burning; 4). Weaving (cane) that consists .flat cane work, and construction, and; 5).Drawing that consists oftechnical drawing, still life drawing, ornament, and color knowledge.The teaching strategy involve the student activity in cra..fis activities.The. result ofthis training shows that teaching and learning are cultural activities. Becousethey are cultural activities, they truth value, norm, and principle needs to be protected. The crafttraining in junior high school involves teachers and students in the realistic process, so theworking appreciation, craji product appreciation, and introduction oj'the local cultural cangrow. The result of the training been felt be teacher and student. Materially the students'production are proper and they can been sold. The teacher will add the knowledge and skills inorder to improving the teaching quality. The school get special attention through relationshipwith high education institution. l'he student also get knowledge and skills to continue the studyand they can be useful"lor society. The last aims oj'this training is that the children becomecreative, diligent, scrutinized, sensitive to the environment, and become independent

    Seasonal and Inter Annual Variation of Sea Surface Temperature in the Indonesian Waters

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    Sea surface temperature plays an important role in air-sea interactions. This research was conducted to understand seasonal and interannual variations of sea surface temperature in the Indonesian waters. The data used in this research was daily sea surface temperature in 1986 to 2015 which was obtained from the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Method used in this study was the anomaly analysis. The result showed that the seasonal and interannual variations of sea surface temperature in the Indonesian waters varied. Seasonal variations of SST in the Makasar Strait, Sulawesi Sea, and Halmahera Sea were low. High seasonal variations of sea surface temperature occurred in the southern waters of Java, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, and Banda Sea, which were allegedly due to the upwelling process. In addition, interannual variation of sea surface temperature in the Indonesian waters fluctuated. From 1986 to 2000, it showed a negative anomaly dominant. Meanwhile, from 2001 to 2015, it showed a positive anomaly dominant. The effect of Indian Ocean Dipole on the fluctuation of sea surface temperature in the Indonesian waters was stronger than ENSO. Within the last 30 years, the sea surface temperature in the Indonesian water indicated a rising trend. The highest sea surface temperature rise occurred in the Halmahera Sea that reached 0.66 OC/30 years and the lowest was in the Timor Sea of 0.36 OC/30 years

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kebijaksanaan Pemasaran Bidai terhadap Volume Penjualan pada Sentra Industri Kecil Hasta Karya Kecamatan Jagoi Babang Kabupaten Bengkayang

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    Basically the factors that influence the success of a company is with the marketing management in a company, these factors may include internal factors that effort factors that could affect the company as a product produced and servant, a factor that can not be controlled entrepreneur taste Buyers are always changing, the emergence of new competitors, the emergence of substitute goods, government regulation possibility of the action of competitors and others. factor is preferred marketing management in a company, other potential factors that are owned by the company will determine if the company excellence directed properly to the progress of the company for the purpose of this research can identify how the wisdom of marketing to sales volume in the company, and how they affect of the respondents to the Center of Small Industries Hasta Work At Babang Jagoi District of Jagoi Babang Bengkayang. In this study, the author uses descriptive methods, data collection methods used were interviews, questionnaires, documentary studies, and studies library. From the results of this study the authors conclude that the factors that influence the marketing wisdom to sales volume splint include: product quality, promotion strategies influence on consumer behavior, marketing costs, barriers exist to increase product sales and sales volume splint. In increasing sales volume purchases employers must respond to splint it sells. Thus the consumer needs a good quality can be met, so that not only will increase the volume of sales but also affect the benefits to be obtained in order to promote the progress of enterprise entrepreneurs for the development of Small industry center Hasta works

    STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA (Pengantar Kajian Pembelajara Efektif)

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    Pendidikan bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berahlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Pen­didikan harus menyentuh potensi nurani maupun potensi kompetensi peserta didik. Efisiensi dan keefektifan mengajar dalam pro­ses interaksi belajar yang baik adalah segala daya upaya guru un­tuk membantu para siswa agar bisa belajar dengan baik. Satu diantara perubahan paradigma pembelajaran tersebut adalah orientasi pembelajaran yang semula berpusat pada guru beralih berpusat pada murid.Me­tode yang semula lebih didominasi ekspositoriberganti ke partisipatori,dan pendekatan yang semula lebih banyak bersifat tekstualberubah menjadi kontekstual. Semua perubahan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk memperbaiki mutu pendidikan, baik dari segi proses maupun hasil pendidikan. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dengan memberikan tes, sebab hasil tes dapat dipakai untuk mengevaluasi berbagai aspek proses pengajaran.

    An Experiment on Mosquito Capturing Technique Using a Demountable Cage

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    Makalah ini melaporkan suatu eksperimen penangkapan nyamuk menggunakan demountable cage di sebuah danau di Banyuwangi Jawa Timur. Dari eksperimen itu terbukti bahwa perangkap yang kecil ternyata lebih praktis digunakan diban­ding yang besar. Lebih mudah dibongkar-pasang dan dibawa-bawa. Di samping itu tangan lebih mudai: menjangkau ke segala penjuru untuk menangkap nyamuk-nyamuk. Metode penangkapan ini dapat digunakan sebagai teknik sampling dalam mengukur tindakan pe­ngendalian larva, dalam mempelajari dinamika populasi, dan memeriksa ada tidaknya perkembang­biakan nyamuk

    Direct Impact of Agricultural Insecticide Application on Anopheline Larvae Population with Special Reference to an. Aconitus Donitz in Rice Field

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    Telah dilakukan tes kerentanan dan tes bioassay dengan Basudin 60 EC terhadap larva An. aconitus di desa Margopatut (300 meter di atas permukaan laut), sebelah timur kaki gunung Wilis, Kecamatan Sawahan, Kabupaten Nganjuk, pada bulan Juni 1983. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa larva An. aconitus sangat rentan terhadap insektisida tersebut. Tes bioassay juga membuktikan bahwa kematian 100% pada larva itu terjadi sesudah 24 jam sejak penyemprotan. Pengurangan jumlah larva pada sawah-sawah yang disemprot adalah 72%. Dari hasil penelitian ini jelas bahwa Basudin 60 EC dapat mengakibatkan pengaruh yang baik dalam penurunan jumlah larva An. aconitus di sawah-sawah