30 research outputs found

    The acute physiological effects of high- and low-velocity resistance exercise in older adults

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    The aim of the present study was to determine if workload matched, high-velocity (HVE) and low-velocity (LVE) resistance exercise protocols, elicit differing acute physiological responses in older adults. Ten older adults completed three sets of eight exercises on six separate occasions (three HVE and three LVE sessions). Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and blood lactate were measured pre- and post-exercise, heart rate was measured before exercise and following each set of each exercise. Finally, a rating of perceived exertion was measured following each set of each exercise. There were no significant differences in blood lactate (F(1,9) = 0.028; P = 0.872; ηP2 = 0.003), heart rate (F(1,9) = 0.045; P = 0.837; ηP2 = 0.005), systolic blood pressure (F(1,9) = 0.023; P = 0.884; ηP2 = 0.003) or diastolic blood pressure (F(1,9) = 1.516; P = 0.249; ηP2 = 0.144) between HVE and LVE. However, LVE elicited significantly greater ratings of perceived exertion compared to HVE (F(1,9) = 13.059; P = 0.006; ηP2 = 0.592). The present workload matched HVE and LVE protocols produced comparable physiological responses, although greater exertion was perceived during LVE

    Temperature-dependent protein folding in vivo--lower growth temperature increases yield of two genetic variants of Xenopus laevis Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase in Escherichia coli

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    Two genetic variants of Xenopus laevis Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase, XSODA and XSODB, have been expressed in Escherichia coli by recombinant DNA techniques. Production of both proteins was obtained, although with different yields, XSODB being more abundant than XSODA in all the conditions tested. Lowering the temperature of growth was found to be a specific factor, decisive in obtaining quantitatively abundant, active Xenopus enzymes. Impaired folding of these proteins in the E.coli cytoplasm was found to parallel their in vitro properties

    Site-directed mutagenesis of human glutathione transferase P1-1. Spectral, kinetic, and structural properties of Cys-47 and Lys-54 mutants

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    In the human placental glutathione transferase, Cys 47 possesses, at physiological pH values, a pK(a) value of 4.2 and may exist as an ion pair with the protonated epsilon-amino group of Lys-54, Using site directed mutagenesis we investigate spectral, kinetic, and structural properties of Cys-47 and Lys-54 mutants. The results shown indicate that the thiolate ion detected at 229 nm should be assigned exclusively to Cys-47. The contribution of Lys-54 to the activation of Cys-47 is assessed by the spectral properties of the K54A mutant enzyme. The induced cooperativity toward glutathione, as a consequence of mutation of Lys-54 to alanine, clearly parallels that observed for the Cys-47 mutant enzymes (see the preceding paper (Ricci, G., Lo Bello, M., Caccuri, A. M., Pastore, A., Nuccetelli, M., Parker, M. W,, and Federici, G, (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 1243-1248) and points out the importance of this electrostatic interaction in shaping the correct spatial arrangement for the binding of glutathione and in anchoring the flexible helix alpha 2. When this ion pair is disrupted, by mutation of either residue, the flexibility of this region could be greatly increased, causing helix alpha 2 to come in contact with the other subunit and generating a structural communication, which is the basis of the observed cooperativity

    Multifunctional role of Tyr 108 in the catalytic mechanism of human glutathione transferase P1-1. Crystallographic and kinetic studies on the Y108F mutant enzyme

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    The possible role of the hydroxyl group of Tyr 108 in the catalytic mechanism of human glutathione transferase P1-1 has been investigated by means of site-directed mutagenesis, steady-state kinetic analysis, and crystallographic studies. Three representative cosubstrates have been used, i.e. ethacrynic acid, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. In the presence of ethacrynic acid, the enzyme follows a rapid equilibrium random bi-bi mechanism with a rate-limiting step which occurs after the addition of the substrates and before the release of products. The replacement of Tyr 108 with Phe yields a 14-fold decrease of k(cat), while it does not change appreciably the affinity of the H site for the substrate. In this case, it would appear that the role of the hydroxyl function is to stabilize the transition state for the chemical step, i.e. the Michael addition of GSH to the electrophilic substrate. Crystallographic data are compatible with this conclusion showing the hydroxyl group of Y108 in hydrogen bonding distance of the ketone moiety of ethacrynic acid [Oakley, A. J., Rossjohn, J., Lo Bello, M., Caccuri, A. M., Federici, G., & Parker, M. W. (1997) Biochemistry, 36, 576-585]. Moreover, no structural differences are observed between the Y108F mutant and the wild type, suggesting that the removal of the hydroxyl group is solely responsible for the loss of activity. A different involvement of Tyr 108 appears in the catalyzed conjugation of 7-chloro-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa- 1,3-diazole with GSH in which the rate-limiting step is of a physical nature, probably a structural transition of the ternary complex. The substitution of Tyr 108 yields an approximately 7-fold increase of k(cat) and a constant k(cat)/K-m(NBD-Cl) value. Lack of a critical hydrogen bond between 7-chloro-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa- 1,3-diazole and Tyr 108 appears to be the basis of the increased k(cat). In the 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene/GSH system, no appreciable changes of kinetics parameters are found in the Y108F mutant. We conclude that Y108 has a multifunctional role in glutathione transferase P1-1 catalysis, depending on the nature of the electrophilic cosubstrate

    A histidine-rich metal binding domain at the N terminus of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutases from pathogenic bacteria

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    A group of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutases from pathogenic bacteria is characterized by histidine-rich N-terminal extensions that are in a highly exposed and mobile conformation. This feature allows these proteins to be readily purified in a single step by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutases from both Haemophilus ducreyi and Haemophilus parainfluenzae display anomalous absorption spectra in the visible region due to copper binding at the N-terminal region. Reconstitution experiments of copper-free enzymes demonstrate that, under conditions of limited copper availability, this metal ion is initially bound at the N-terminal region and subsequently transferred to an active site. Evidence is provided for intermolecular pathways of copper transfer from the N-terminal domain of an enzyme subunit to an active site located on a distinct dimeric molecule. Incubation with EDTA rapidly removes copper bound at the N terminus but is much less effective on the copper ion bound at the active site. This indicates that metal binding by the N-terminal histidines is kinetically favored, but the catalytic site binds copper with higher affinity. We suggest that the histidine-rich N-terminal region constitutes a metal binding domain involved in metal uptake under conditions of metal starvation in vivo. Particular biological importance for this domain is inferred by the observation that its presence enhances the protection offered by periplasmic Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase toward phagocytic killing

    A histidine-rich metal binding domain at the N terminus of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutases from pathogenic bacteria: a novel strategy for metal chaperoning

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    A group of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutases from pathogenic bacteria is characterized by histidine-rich N-terminal extensions that are in a highly exposed and mobile conformation. This feature allows these proteins to be readily purified in a single step by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutases from both Haemophilus ducreyi and Haemophilus parainfluenzae display anomalous absorption spectra in the visible region due to copper binding at the N-terminal region. Reconstitution experiments of copper-free enzymes demonstrate that, under conditions of limited copper availability, this metal ion is initially bound at the N-terminal region and subsequently transferred to an active site. Evidence is provided for intermolecular pathways of copper transfer from the N-terminal domain of an enzyme subunit to an active site located on a distinct dimeric molecule. Incubation with EDTA rapidly removes copper bound at the N terminus but is much less effective on the copper ion bound at the active site. This indicates that metal binding by the N-terminal histidines is kinetically favored, but the catalytic site binds copper with higher affinity. We suggest that the histidine-rich N-terminal region constitutes a metal binding domain involved in metal uptake under conditions of metal starvation in vivo. Particular biological importance for this domain is inferred by the observation that its presence enhances the protection offered by periplasmic Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase toward phagocytic killin

    Diuretic drug binding to human glutathione transferase P1-1: potential role of Cys-101 revealed in the double mutant C47S/Y108V

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    The diuretic drug ethacrynic acid (EA), both an inhibitor and substrate of pi class glutathione S-transferase (GST P1-1), has been tested in clinical trials as an adjuvant in chemotherapy. We recently studied the role of the active site residue Tyr-108 in binding EA to the enzyme and found that the analysis was complicated by covalent binding of this drug to the highly reactive Cys-47. Previous attempts to eliminate this binding by chemical modification yielded ambiguous results and therefore we decided here to produce a double mutant C47S/Y108V by site directed mutagenesis and further expression in Escherichia coli and the interaction of EA and its GSH conjugate (EASG) examined by calorimetric studies and X-ray diffraction. Surprisingly, in the absence of Cys-47, Cys-101 (located at the dimer interface) becomes a target for modification by EA, albeit at a lower conjugation rate than Cys-47. The Cys-47 → Ser mutation in the double mutant enzyme induces a positive cooperativity between the two subunits when ligands with affinity to G-site bind to enzyme. However, this mutation does not seem to affect the thermodynamic properties of ligand binding to the electrophilic binding site (H-site) and the thermal or chemical stability of this double mutant does not significantly affect the unfolding mechanism in either the absence or presence of ligand. Crystal structures of apo and an EASG complex are essentially identical with a few exceptions in the H-site and in the water network at the dimer interface