431 research outputs found

    Fundamental structural characteristics of planar granular assemblies: Self-organization and scaling away friction and initial state.

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    The microstructural organization of a granular system is the most important determinant of its macroscopic behavior. Here we identify the fundamental factors that determine the statistics of such microstructures, using numerical experiments to gain a general understanding. The experiments consist of preparing and compacting isotropically two-dimensional granular assemblies of polydisperse frictional disks and analyzing the emergent statistical properties of quadrons-the basic structural elements of granular solids. The focus on quadrons is because the statistics of their volumes have been found to display intriguing universal-like features [T. Matsushima and R. Blumenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 098003 (2014)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.112.098003]. The dependence of the structures and of the packing fraction on the intergranular friction and the initial state is analyzed, and a number of significant results are found. (i) An analytical formula is derived for the mean quadron volume in terms of three macroscopic quantities: the mean coordination number, the packing fraction, and the rattlers fraction. (ii) We derive a unique, initial-state-independent relation between the mean coordination number and the rattler-free packing fraction. The relation is supported numerically for a range of different systems. (iii) We collapse the quadron volume distributions from all systems onto one curve, and we verify that they all have an exponential tail. (iv) The nature of the quadron volume distribution is investigated by decomposition into conditional distributions of volumes given the cell order, and we find that each of these also collapses onto a single curve. (v) We find that the mean quadron volume decreases with increasing intergranular friction coefficients, an effect that is prominent in high-order cells. We argue that this phenomenon is due to an increased probability of stable irregularly shaped cells, and we test this using a herewith developed free cell analytical model. We conclude that, in principle, the microstructural characteristics are governed mainly by the packing procedure, while the effects of intergranular friction and initial states are details that can be scaled away. However, mechanical stability constraints suppress slightly the occurrence of small quadron volumes in cells of order ≥6, and the magnitude of this effect does depend on friction. We quantify in detail this dependence and the deviation it causes from an exact collapse for these cells. (vi) We argue that our results support strongly the view that ensemble granular statistical mechanics does not satisfy the uniform measure assumption of conventional statistical mechanics. Results (i)-(iv) have been reported in the aforementioned reference, and they are reviewed and elaborated on here

    Peer-to-Peer Energy Transfer by Power Gyrators Based on Time-Variable-Transformer Concept

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    A control strategy based on matching the source and load changes of the order of milliseconds, called peer-to-peer energy transfer, is introduced. This energy transfer enables a decoupled energy transfer system in common bus networks. To realize the transfer with a pair of two-port circuits, a power gyrator is derived from the phasor-based model of a bidirectional ac/dc converter, based on the concept of a time-variable transformer. Power-gyrator timing synchronization is achieved by communication, and a peer-to-peer energy transfer system is developed. Experimental and simulation results are compared, and it is demonstrated that peer-to-peer energy transfer can be used for decoupling common bus voltage networks

    Circuit analysis of radiation reaction in metamaterials by retarded electromagnetic coupling

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    Because radiation is essential in high-frequency circuits, such as those used in metamaterials and plasmonics, the investigation of radiation loss is important. This study describes the characteristics of radiation loss, which is a radiation reaction in circuits with retarded electromagnetic couplings. The structure of wired metallic spheres is used to demonstrate metamaterial equivalent circuits, where charges and current exist on the spheres and wires, respectively. An inductance matrix and a potential coefficient matrix with retarded electromagnetic couplings are defined to address the radiation reaction. Subsequently, based on the topology of the wires and spheres, an equivalent circuit equation with retardation is formulated to discuss the losses in the resonant circuit caused by the inductive and capacitive elements. Thereafter, the relationship between the resonant frequency and radiation loss caused by the retarded couplings is demonstrated and the difference between the retarded couplings and couplings with transmission lines is clarified. Furthermore, we indicate that retarded coupling generates singularity on a dispersion curve for a one-dimensional array of resonant circuits. Thus, the circuit with retarded couplings generates novel characteristics of radiation reactions that are not represented by the circuit without retardation. This circuit analysis is expected to afford new aspects in studies on topics, such as metamaterials and plasmonics

    A marker tephra bed close to the Lower-Middle Pleistocene boundary: Distribution of the Ontake-Byakubi Tephra Bed in central Japan

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    Tephrochronology is an exceptionally important tool in the precise regional correlation of Early and Middle Pleistocene sedimentary strata in Japan. The present study reveals that the Yukawa tephra 5 (YUT5) derived from the Older Ontake volcano, the Nezumigawa (Nzg) and Mitamitajima (Mtj) tephras of the Ina Bazin, and the Byakubi-E tephra (Byk-E) of the Boso Peninsula are the same tephra on the basis of their lithofacies, bulk grain composition, mafic mineral composition, major element composition of hornblende, and stratigraphic relationships with the dated tephras. We propose to call the series of tephras correlated with Byk-E the Ontake-Byakubi Tephra Bed (On-Byk Tephra) following the naming convention in which the tephra name consists of the names of the source volcano and the type location. The Matuyama-Brunhes Chronozone boundary occurs just above Byk-E in the type section of the Kokumoto Formation in the Kazusa Group, which is a candidate Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the lower boundary of the Middle Pleistocene Subseries. Therefore, On-Byk Tephra becomes a critically important marker tephra bed for the Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary in central Japan. The present study indicates that the major element composition of hornblende can be a useful tool for identification and correlation of strongly weathered tephra layers such as Nzg and Mtj in which all the volcanic glass shards have been altered.ArticleQuaternary International. 397: 27-38(2016)journal articl

    Dynamics of Internal Models in Game Players

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    A new approach for the study of social games and communications is proposed. Games are simulated between cognitive players who build the opponent's internal model and decide their next strategy from predictions based on the model. In this paper, internal models are constructed by the recurrent neural network (RNN), and the iterated prisoner's dilemma game is performed. The RNN allows us to express the internal model in a geometrical shape. The complicated transients of actions are observed before the stable mutually defecting equilibrium is reached. During the transients, the model shape also becomes complicated and often experiences chaotic changes. These new chaotic dynamics of internal models reflect the dynamical and high-dimensional rugged landscape of the internal model space.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Cyclin-dependent kinase-specific activity predicts the prognosis of stage I and stage II non-small cell lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide. Even with complete resection, the prognosis of early-stage non-small cell lung cancer is poor due to local and distant recurrence, and it remains unclear which biomarkers are clinically useful for predicting recurrence or for determining the efficacy of chemotherapy. Recently, several lines of evidence have indicated that the enzymatic activity of cyclin-dependent kinases could be a clinically relevant prognostic marker for some cancers. We investigated whether the specific activity of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2 could predict recurrence or death in early non-small cell lung cancer patients. METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed, pathologically confirmed non-small cell lung cancer were entered into this blinded cohort study. The activity of cyclin-dependent kinases was determined in 171 samples by the C2P® assay, and the results were subjected to statistical analysis with recurrence or death as a clinical outcome. RESULTS: The Cox proportional hazards model revealed that the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 1, but not 2, was a predictor of recurrence, independent of sex, age, and stage. By contrast, cyclin-dependent kinase 2 activity was a predictor of death, independent of sex and stage. CONCLUSION: This study suggested the possible clinical use of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 as a predictor of recurrence and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 as a predictor of overall survival in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. Thus, a combination of activity of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2 is useful in decision-making regarding treatment strategies for non-small cell lung cancer after surgery. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2407-14-755) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users