7,315 research outputs found

    On the validity of entropy production principles for linear electrical circuits

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    We discuss the validity of close-to-equilibrium entropy production principles in the context of linear electrical circuits. Both the minimum and the maximum entropy production principle are understood within dynamical fluctuation theory. The starting point are Langevin equations obtained by combining Kirchoff's laws with a Johnson-Nyquist noise at each dissipative element in the circuit. The main observation is that the fluctuation functional for time averages, that can be read off from the path-space action, is in first order around equilibrium given by an entropy production rate. That allows to understand beyond the schemes of irreversible thermodynamics (1) the validity of the least dissipation, the minimum entropy production, and the maximum entropy production principles close to equilibrium; (2) the role of the observables' parity under time-reversal and, in particular, the origin of Landauer's counterexample (1975) from the fact that the fluctuating observable there is odd under time-reversal; (3) the critical remark of Jaynes (1980) concerning the apparent inappropriateness of entropy production principles in temperature-inhomogeneous circuits.Comment: 19 pages, 1 fi

    A meaningful expansion around detailed balance

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    We consider Markovian dynamics modeling open mesoscopic systems which are driven away from detailed balance by a nonconservative force. A systematic expansion is obtained of the stationary distribution around an equilibrium reference, in orders of the nonequilibrium forcing. The first order around equilibrium has been known since the work of McLennan (1959), and involves the transient irreversible entropy flux. The expansion generalizes the McLennan formula to higher orders, complementing the entropy flux with the dynamical activity. The latter is more kinetic than thermodynamic and is a possible realization of Landauer's insight (1975) that, for nonequilibrium, the relative occupation of states also depends on the noise along possible escape routes. In that way nonlinear response around equilibrium can be meaningfully discussed in terms of two main quantities only, the entropy flux and the dynamical activity. The expansion makes mathematical sense as shown in the simplest cases from exponential ergodicity.Comment: 19 page

    Nonequilibrium Linear Response for Markov Dynamics, II: Inertial Dynamics

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    We continue our study of the linear response of a nonequilibrium system. This Part II concentrates on models of open and driven inertial dynamics but the structure and the interpretation of the result remain unchanged: the response can be expressed as a sum of two temporal correlations in the unperturbed system, one entropic, the other frenetic. The decomposition arises from the (anti)symmetry under time-reversal on the level of the nonequilibrium action. The response formula involves a statistical averaging over explicitly known observables but, in contrast with the equilibrium situation, they depend on the model dynamics in terms of an excess in dynamical activity. As an example, the Einstein relation between mobility and diffusion constant is modified by a correlation term between the position and the momentum of the particle

    Ongewervelden in de Vlaamse duinen: Waarom 5 doelsoorten meer zeggen dan 1

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    We analysed the patterns of occupancy of five threatened invertebrates in a highly fragmented dynamic grey dune landscape. During two years (2003-2004), 133 dune patches between Nieuwpoort (Belgium) and Bray-Dunes (France) varying in area, connectivity, eolian sand dynamics and trampling disturbance were sampled for five focal species: two spiders (Alopecosa fabrilis and Xysticus sabulosus), two butterflies (Issoria lathonia and Hipparchia semele) and one grasshopper (Oedipoda caerulescens). Overall diversity was highest in large and well connected patches that were characterised by high eolian sand dynamics and an intermediate trampling intensity. Patch occupancy differed greatly among species: all species significantly occurred more often in large and connected patches. High trampling intensity (by cattle and/or tourists) negatively affected the two ground dwelling spiders, but not the grasshopper or the butterfly species. High eolian sand dynamics positively affected the presence of the spider X.sabulosus, the grasshopper O. caerulescens and the butterfly H. semele, but had no significant effect on both other species. Colonization was mainly explained by connectivity and never by patch area, while extinction events in H. semele were explained by small patch area. We discuss the implications of using a suite of focal species for management and restoration purposes in the highly fragmented dune area in Belgium and we promote the use of a multispecies approach for evaluating and monitoring conservation efforts in general

    Infinite volume limit of the Abelian sandpile model in dimensions d >= 3

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    We study the Abelian sandpile model on Z^d. In dimensions at least 3 we prove existence of the infinite volume addition operator, almost surely with respect to the infinite volume limit mu of the uniform measures on recurrent configurations. We prove the existence of a Markov process with stationary measure mu, and study ergodic properties of this process. The main techniques we use are a connection between the statistics of waves and uniform two-component spanning trees and results on the uniform spanning tree measure on Z^d.Comment: First version: LaTeX; 29 pages. Revised version: LaTeX; 29 pages. The main result of the paper has been extended to all dimensions at least 3, with a new and simplyfied proof of finiteness of the two-component spanning tree. Second revision: LaTeX; 32 page

    Dynamical fluctuations for semi-Markov processes

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    We develop an Onsager-Machlup-type theory for nonequilibrium semi-Markov processes. Our main result is an exact large time asymptotics for the joint probability of the occupation times and the currents in the system, establishing some generic large deviation structures. We discuss in detail how the nonequilibrium driving and the non-exponential waiting time distribution influence the occupation-current statistics. The violation of the Markov condition is reflected in the emergence of a new type of nonlocality in the fluctuations. Explicit solutions are obtained for some examples of driven random walks on the ring.Comment: Minor changes, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Observing classical nucleation theory at work by monitoring phase transitions with molecular precision.

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    It is widely accepted that many phase transitions do not follow nucleation pathways as envisaged by the classical nucleation theory. Many substances can traverse intermediate states before arriving at the stable phase. The apparent ubiquity of multi-step nucleation has made the inverse question relevant: does multistep nucleation always dominate single-step pathways? Here we provide an explicit example of the classical nucleation mechanism for a system known to exhibit the characteristics of multi-step nucleation. Molecular resolution atomic force microscopy imaging of the two-dimensional nucleation of the protein glucose isomerase demonstrates that the interior of subcritical clusters is in the same state as the crystalline bulk phase. Our data show that despite having all the characteristics typically associated with rich phase behaviour, glucose isomerase 2D crystals are formed classically. These observations illustrate the resurfacing importance of the classical nucleation theory by re-validating some of the key assumptions that have been recently questioned

    Derivation of quantum work equalities using quantum Feynman-Kac formula

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    On the basis of a quantum mechanical analogue of the famous Feynman-Kac formula and the Kolmogorov picture, we present a novel method to derive nonequilibrium work equalities for isolated quantum systems, which include the Jarzynski equality and Bochkov-Kuzovlev equality. Compared with previous methods in the literature, our method shows higher similarity in form to that deriving the classical fluctuation relations, which would give important insight when exploring new quantum fluctuation relations.Comment: 5 page
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