1,368 research outputs found

    A First Taste of Dynamical Fermions with an O(a) Improved Action

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    We present the first results obtained by the UKQCD Collaboration using a non-perturbatively O(a)O(a) improved Wilson quark action with two degenerate dynamical flavours.Comment: Talk presented at Lattice '97, Edinburgh (UK), July 1997. LaTeX 3 pages, uses espcrc2, 3 figure

    Thermodynamics with Dynamical Clover Fermions

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    We investigate the finite temperature behavior of nonperturbatively improved clover fermions on lattices with temporal extent N_t=4 and 6. Unfortunately in the gauge coupling range, where the clover coefficient has been determined nonperturbatively, the finite temperature crossover/transition occurs at heavy pseudoscalar masses and large pseudoscalar to vector meson mass ratios. However, on an N_t=6 lattice the thermal crossover for the improved fermions is much smoother than for unimproved Wilson fermions and no strange metastable behavior is observed.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 5 postscript figure

    Speeding up the HMC: QCD with Clover-Improved Wilson Fermions

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    We apply a recent proposal to speed up the Hybrid-Monte-Carlo simulation of systems with dynamical fermions to two flavor QCD with clover-improvement. For our smallest quark masses we see a speed-up of more than a factor of two compared with the standard algorithm.Comment: 3 pages, lattice2002, algorithms, DESY Report-no correcte

    Trees whose 2-domination subdivision number is 2

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    A set SS of vertices in a graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) is a 22-dominating set if every vertex of V∖SV\setminus S is adjacent to at least two vertices of SS. The 22-domination number of a graph GG, denoted by γ2(G)\gamma_2(G), is the minimum size of a 22-dominating set of GG. The 22-domination subdivision number sdγ2(G)sd_{\gamma_2}(G) is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (each edge in GG can be subdivided at most once) in order to increase the 22-domination number. The authors have recently proved that for any tree TT of order at least 33, 1≤sdγ2(T)≤21 \leq sd_{\gamma_2}(T)\leq 2. In this paper we provide a constructive characterization of the trees whose 22-domination subdivision number is 22

    Ferrofluid convective heat transfer under the influence of external magnetic source

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    AbstractFerrofluid convective heat transfer in a cavity with sinusoidal cold wall is examined under the influence of external magnetic source. The working fluid is Fe3O4-water nanofluid. Single phase model is used to estimate the behavior of nanofluid. Vorticity stream function formulation is utilized to eliminate pressure gradient source terms. New numerical method is chosen namely Control volume base finite element method. Influences of Rayleigh, Hartmann numbers, amplitude of the sinusoidal wall and volume fraction of Fe3O4 on hydrothermal characteristics are presented. Results indicate that temperature gradient enhances as space between cold and hot walls reduces at low buoyancy force. Lorentz forces cause the nanofluid velocity to reduce and augment the thermal boundary layer thickness. Nusselt number augments with rise of buoyancy forces but it decreases with augment of Lorentz forces

    The D234 action for light quarks

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    We investigate a new light fermion action (the ``D234'' action), which is accurate up to \O(a^3) and tadpole-improved \O(a \alpha_s) errors. Using D234 with Symanzik- and tadpole-improved glue we find evidence that continuum results for the quenched hadron spectrum (pion, rho and nucleon) can be obtained on coarse lattices.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, submitted to Lattice '95 proceeding

    The Signed Roman Domatic Number of a Digraph

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    Let DD be a finite and simple digraph with vertex set V(D)V(D).A {\em signed Roman dominating function} on the digraph DD isa function f:V(D)⟶{−1,1,2}f:V (D)\longrightarrow \{-1, 1, 2\} such that∑u∈N−[v]f(u)≥1\sum_{u\in N^-[v]}f(u)\ge 1 for every v∈V(D)v\in V(D), where N−[v]N^-[v] consists of vv andall inner neighbors of vv, and every vertex u∈V(D)u\in V(D) for which f(u)=−1f(u)=-1 has an innerneighbor vv for which f(v)=2f(v)=2. A set {f1,f2,…,fd}\{f_1,f_2,\ldots,f_d\} of distinct signedRoman dominating functions on DD with the property that ∑i=1dfi(v)≤1\sum_{i=1}^df_i(v)\le 1 for eachv∈V(D)v\in V(D), is called a {\em signed Roman dominating family} (of functions) on DD. The maximumnumber of functions in a signed Roman dominating family on DD is the {\em signed Roman domaticnumber} of DD, denoted by dsR(D)d_{sR}(D). In this paper we initiate the study of signed Romandomatic number in digraphs and we present some sharp bounds for dsR(D)d_{sR}(D). In addition, wedetermine the signed Roman domatic number of some digraphs. Some of our results are extensionsof well-known properties of the signed Roman domatic number of graphs

    Comparing Wilson and Clover Quenched SU(3)SU(3) Spectroscopy with an Improved Gauge Action

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    We present results of quenched SU(3)SU(3) hadron spectroscopy comparing \order(a) improved Wilson (Clover) fermions with conventional Wilson fermions. The configurations were generated using an \order(a^2) improved 6-link SU(3)SU(3) pure gauge action at β\beta's corresponding to lattice spacings of 0.150.15, 0.180.18, 0.200.20, 0.330.33, and 0.430.43 fm. We find evidence that fermionic scaling violations are consistent with \order(a^2) for Clover and \order(a) with a nonnegligible \order(a^2) term for standard Wilson fermions. This latter mixed ansatz makes a reliable continuum extrapolation problematic for Wilson fermions. We also find that the slope of the scaling violations is roughly 250MeV250 MeV for both Wilson and Clover fermions.Comment: 3 pages latex with 2 postscript figures. Talk presented at LATTICE96(spectrum
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