30 research outputs found

    Networks of Mobilization: Student Involvement in a Municipal Election

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    An enduring issue in the study of political participation is the extent to which political awareness and engagement are socially or individually motivated. We address these issues in the context of a municipal election which generated a high level of political engagement on the part of college students for whom the election was relevant. An effort was made to interview all these students using an on-line survey, and the students were asked to provide information on their friendship networks. The paper demonstrates that awareness and engagement are not simply a consequence of individually defined interests and awareness, but rather that individuals are informed and engaged based on their locations within structured networks of social interaction

    Biotope and biocenosis of cryoconite hole ecosystems on Ecology Glacier in the maritime Antarctic

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    Abstract: Despite recent great interest in glacier ecosystems in the continental Antarctic, little is known about their maritime counterparts. Our study presents descriptive data on cryoconite sediments and cryoconite holes on Ecology Glacier (King George Island) to accomplish three main objectives: (a) to identify main eukaryotic (algae, invertebrates) and prokaryotic (cyanobacteria) components of microbial communities; (b) to provide a “baseline” of community composition, organic matter and artificial contamination; and (c) identify key abiotic factors that might be important in community assembly. Cryoconite holes were sampled along an altitudinal gradient of Ecology Glacier in January, mid Austral Summer 2017. Cryoconite holes located in lower altitude were deeper than those located in the middle and the highest altitude. Seventeen species of algae and cyanobacteria with biomass of 0.79 to 5.37 µg/cm3 have been found in sediments. Dominant species were cyanobacterial Pseudanabaena frigida and Bacillariophyceae Microcostaus sp. Biomass of Bacillariophyceae was significantly higher than that of Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria. We found three species of rotifers (two potentially new to science) and for the first time a glacier dwelling Acari (suspension feeder, Nanorchestes nivalis). Organic matter content ranged from 5.4% to 7.6%. Investigated artificial radionuclides included 137Cs, 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 241Am. 210Pb seems to be related to organic matter content. Overall, cryoconite holes on Ecology Glacier present unique habitats that serve as biodiversity hotspots of psychrophiles, source of organic matter, matrices for radioactivity tracking and model for observing changes in supraglacial ecosystems in Maritime Antarctic

    Effect of the per cent of removed sprouts on the yield and size of tubers in the yield

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    В 1977-1981 гг. в опытной станции Ядвисин были проведены две серии полевых опытов по влиянию удаления ростков на урожай клубней, число ботвяных стеблей и структуру урожая. Саженцы подвергали предварительному проращиванию на протяжении 4 недель, а затеи, непосредственно перед посадкой, удаляли определенное число боковых ростков, оставляя в каждом случае верхушечный росток. Исследовали следующие варианты: I- ая серия: Янка, Кора, Поля и Ронда - удаление 15% и 30% ростков, II- ая серия: сорта Элида, Ливия, Тна, Одра - удаление 25% и 50% ростков. Не было доказано общее отрицательное влияние удаления 30-50% ростков на урожай клубней, хотя не наблюдалась заметная тенденция к снижению числа ботсяных стеблей. Среди 8 сортов только у сортов Поля, Ронда и Элида установлено снижение урожая вызванное удалением 50% боковых ростков (это снижение составляло соответственно 22,3 74,0 т 24,7%). Удаление ростков способствовало повышению участия крупных клубней в урожае за счет саженцев. Механизация посадки предварительно пророщенных саженцев представляется возможной за исключением семенных плантаций.Two series of field experiments on the effect of removal of sprouts in the yield of tubers, number of haulms and yield structure were carried out in 1977-1981 at Jadwisin. The seed potatoes were presprouted for 4 weeks and then close before planting a definite per cent of lateral sprouts was removed, leaving always the top sprouts. The following varieties were tested: 1st series: Janka, Kora, Pola, Ronda - removal of 15% and 30% of sprouts. II nd series: Elida, Ina, Liwia, Odra - removal of 25% and 50% of sprouts. No generalnegative effect of the removal of 30-50% of sprouts on the yield of tubers was observed, despite a distinct tendency to reduction of the number of haulms. Among 8 varieties tested only in the Pola, Ronda and Elida, varieties a drop of the yield after removal of 50% of lateral sprouts was observed (this drop amounted to 22.3, 74.0 and 24.7, respectively). The removal of sprouts caused an increase of the share of big tubers in the yield at the cost of seed potatoes. It seems that mechanization of planting of pre-sprouted tubers would be possible, except for seed plantations

    SLAC-PUB-9825 PEP-II Alignment *

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    The PEP-II Asymmetric B-factory consists of two independent storage rings, one located atop the other in the 2200m-circumference PEP tunnel. The high-energy ring, which stores a 9-GeV electron beam, is an upgrade of the existing PEP collider. It reutilizes all of the PEP magnets and incorporates a state-of-the-art copper vacuu

    Taxonomical studies on Hormotila ramosissima Kors. [Chlorophyceae]

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    Hormotila ramosissima Korš., a very rare in the world and poorly known species, have been found in peat bogs of Lower Silesia. The growth stages typical of this species but unknown so far, have been described and illustrated. It was found that this species has many features in common with the representatives of Volvocales, Tetrasporales, and chlorococcales. The regularly observed zoospores and hemizoospores, which accompanied the various developmental stages of that species, showed an internal structure of Chlamydomonas-type. Studies on Hormotila ramosissima were based on live material collected in ample quantities from peat bogs. The collected in this way repeatable and abundant data allowed to discuss problems concerning morphology, reproduction and development, as well as consider the taxonomic position this species

    Irrigation effect on the production of seed potatoes harvested from the area unit

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    В 1973-1980 гг. проводили несколько трехлетних циклов опытов с 17 сортами картофеля. Исследования проводились на опытом поле Института метеорологии и водного хозяйства в Борова Гура или в опыт ной станции Института картофелеводства Ядвисин. Орошение нормой полива 20 и 40 мм проводилось, когда влажность почвы снижалась ниже 50% полевой влагоемкости. Основой классификации результатов было влияние орошения на величину общего урожая. Были выделены две группы сортов: с высшими потребностями в воде, т.е. таких, у которых повышение поливной нормы с 20 до 40 мм приводило к существенному повышению урожая клубней, и с меньшими требованиями. В этой группе сортов самый высокой урожай получали при применении поливной нормы 20 мм. Установлено, что орошение приводило к снижению участия в урожае фракции саженцев 35-45 мм, а к повышению участия фракции 45-55 мм. Несмотря на изменения в структуре саженцев, урожай в т/га и коэффициент размножения образовались пропорционально общему урожаю. Самый высокий урожай саженцев и самый высокий коэффициент размножения были получены в варианте гарантирующем наивысший общий урожай. В случае отсутствия точной информации о потребностях в воде возделы ваемого сорта „безопасная" норма воды в орошении должна составлять 20 мм.Several three-year cycles of experiments with the total number of 17 potato varieties were carried out in the period 1973-1980. The investigations were conducted on an experimental field of the Institute of Meteorology and Management at Borowa Góra and at the Experiment Station Jadwisin. Irrigation with the water rate of 20 and 40 mm was applied when the soil moisture level dropped below 50% of field water capacity. The classification of results was based on the irrigation effect on the total yield level. Two groups of varieties were distinguished, viz.: with higher water requirements, i.e. in which an increase of water rate from 20 up to 40 mm caused a significant growth of the yield of tubers, and with lower requirements. In the latter group the highest yield was obtained at application of the water rate of 20 mm. It has been found that the irrigation led to a decrease of the fraction of seed potatoes of 35-45 mm in dia in the yield and to an increase of the fraction of tubers of 45-55 mm in dia. Despite changes in the structure of seed potatoes, the yield form hectare and the reproduction coefficient were proportional to the total yield. The highest yield of seed potatoes and the highest reproduction coefficient were obtained in the treatment ensuring the highest total yield. In case of a lack of an exact information concerning water requirements of the given variety cultivated, the „safe" single water rate in irrigation should amount to 20 mm