12,705 research outputs found

    Transformation of anthropological status in elderly with type II diabetes through exercise: pilates and aerobic exercise

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    Las estadísticas muestran que 285 millones de personas sufren de Diabetes Tipo II, esto es el 6% de la población mundial adulta y 60 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos (10% de la población). De los 47 millones de habitantes que posee España, mas de 3 millones de personas sufren de diabetes (6.4%). En el año 2010 se gastaron más de 106 mil millones de dólares en salud por causa de la diabetes en los Estados Unidos. El ejercicio físico es una manera de evitar la diabetes en la población a través de: un mejor uso de la propia insulina producida por el cuerpo, de la quema de grasas, del control del peso corporal, del aumento de la fuerza muscular y del aumento en la densidad y calidad ósea. Una frecuencia semanal de 250 a 300 minutos de actividad física puede resultar de gran ayuda en el control de esta patología. La práctica de Pilates es un ejercicio que puede ser utilizado para lograr fácilmente un estado físico saludable. Puede ser realizado en el hogar, aprendiendo la técnica a través de la TV o de DVDs, es conveniente y sin costos. Además no presenta riesgos para las personas con diabetes tipo II, quienes son vulnerables por presentar una biomecánica disminuida en los miembros inferiores y/o una disfunción de la marcha

    Fermionic entanglement ambiguity in non-inertial frames

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    We analyse an ambiguity in previous works on entanglement of fermionic fields in non-inertial frames. This ambiguity, related to the anticommutation properties of field operators, leads to non-unique results when computing entanglement measures for the same state. We show that the ambiguity disappears when we introduce detectors, which are in any case necessary as a means to probe the field entanglement.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Revtex 4.1, added Journal referenc

    Triangle-Well and Ramp Interactions in One-Dimensional Fluids: A Fully Analytic Exact Solution

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    The exact statistical-mechanical solution for the equilibrium properties, both thermodynamic and structural, of one-dimensional fluids of particles interacting via the triangle-well and the ramp potentials is worked out. In contrast to previous studies, where the radial distribution function g(r)g(r) was obtained numerically from the structure factor by Fourier inversion, we provide a fully analytic representation of g(r)g(r) up to any desired distance. The solution is employed to perform an extensive study of the equation of state, the excess internal energy per particle, the residual multiparticle entropy, the structure factor, the radial distribution function, and the direct correlation function. In addition, scatter plots of the bridge function versus the indirect correlation function are used to gauge the reliability of the hypernetted-chain, Percus--Yevick, and Martynov--Sarkisov closures. Finally, the Fisher--Widom and Widom lines are obtained in the case of the triangle-well model.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    A Chern-Simons Pandemic

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    In this paper we study the consistency of generalized global symmetries in theories of quantum gravity, in particular string theory. Such global symmetries arise in theories with (p+1)(p+1)-form gauge fields, and for spacetime dimension dp+3d\leq p+3 there are obstructions to their breaking even by quantum effects of charged objects. In 4d theories with a 2-form gauge field (or with an axion scalar), these fields endow Schwarzschild black holes with quantum hair, a global charge leading to usual trouble with remnants. We describe precise mechanisms, and examples from string compactifications and holographic pairs, in which these problems are evaded by either gauging or breaking the global symmetry, via (suitable versions of) Stuckelberg or Kaloper-Sorbo couplings. We argue that even in the absence of such couplings, the generic solution in string theory is the breaking of the global symmetries by cubic Chern-Simons terms involving different antisymmetric tensor fields. We conjecture that any theory with (standard or higher-degree antisymmetric tensor) gauge fields is in the Swampland unless its effective action includes such Chern-Simons terms. This conjecture implies that many familiar theories, like QED (even including the charged particles required by the Weak Gravity Conjecture) or N=8\mathcal{N}=8 supergravity in four dimensions, are inconsistent in quantum gravity unless they are completed by these Chern-Simons terms.Comment: 60 pages, 2 figure

    Steady self-diffusion in classical gases

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    A steady self-diffusion process in a gas of hard spheres at equilibrium is analyzed. The system exhibits a constant gradient of labeled particles. Neither the concentration of these particles nor its gradient are assumed to be small. It is shown that the Boltzmann-Enskog kinetic equation has an exact solution describing the state. The hydrodynamic transport equation for the density of labeled particles is derived, with an explicit expression for the involved self-diffusion transport coefficient. Also an approximated expression for the one-particle distribution function is obtained. The system does not exhibit any kind of rheological effects. The theoretical predictions are compared with numerical simulations using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method and a quite good agreement is found

    Uniform self-diffusion in a granular gas

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    A granular gas composed of inelastic hard spheres or disks in the homogeneous cooling state is considered. Some of the particles are labeled and their number density exhibits a time-independent linear profile along a given direction. As a consequence, there is a uniform flux of labeled particles in that direction. It is shown that the inelastic Boltzmann-Enskog kinetic equation has a solution describing this self-diffusion state. Approximate expressions for the transport equation and the distribution function of labeled particles are derived. The theoretical predictions are compared with simulation results obtained using the direct Monte Carlo method to generate solutions of the kinetic equation. A fairly good agreement is found