4,891 research outputs found
Kinetika Fouling Membran Ultrafiltrasi (UF) Pada Pengolahan Air Berwarna: Pengaruh Interval Dan Lamanya Pencucian Balik (Backwashing) Membran
One of the most common problems encountered in water treatment application of membranes is fouling by natural organic matter. Peat water as surface water has large of natural organic matter in various molecular weights, and the big component is small molecular weight. The laboratory-scale ultra filtration (UF) experiments were conducted to determine the effect interval and duration of backwashing membrane to happened fouling membrane for removing organic matter and colour of peat water. The ultra filtration membranes used in this research are made of plymeric cellulose acetate 13%, dimethylformamide 36% and acetone 51%. Membranes are prepared by applying method of phase inversion. Time interval for backwashing with aquadest is 1 and 5 hours with pre coagulation and 1 hour for peat water without pre-treatment. The process performs similar of flux recovery 91,07% and 90,57%. In addition without pre-treatment, the 1 hour interval backwashing shows low level of recovery flux 55,64%
Vegetasi Mangrove Sebagai Bahan Makanan Pada Empat Suku Di Papua Mangrove Vegetation as Foods Amongst Ethnics in Papua
Vegetasi mangrove merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat Papua.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan dan telah pustaka. Tujuan penelitian untuk
mengetahui vegetasi mangrove yang dipergunakan sebagai bahan makanan pada empat suku
yang ada di Papua Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 7 jenis dari 3 suku vegetasi
mangrove yang dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan. Ke-7 jenis tersebut :Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
Lam, Ceriops tagal B.Rob, Nypa fruticans Wurmb, Bruquiera parviflora, Rhizopora apiculata,
Sonneratia alba J.Sm, dan Sonneratia avota dari 3 suku Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae,
Arecaceae. Kegunaan vegetasi mangrove sebagai bahan makanan di antaranya: sebagai
makanan pokok, rujakan, pengganti pinang, pengganti kelapa, penambah rasa, dan minuman
Pemanfaatan Vegetasi Mangrove Sebagai Obat-obatan Tradisional Pada Lima Suku Di Papua
Mangrove plays important role to coastal communities across Papua. Mangrove provides food, material construction, firewood, medicine, shelter and others. This research is designed to determine the traditional practices of utilizing mangrove vegetation used for medicinal material remedieson for five ethnicgroups in Papua. Field observation, and intensive literature reviews were used to collect the data and information required. The results showed that seven spesies of mangrove belonging to five families were used for medicinal puposes by five ethnic groups in Papua. Utilizations of mangrove as traditional medicines could be used for treatments for twelve diseases or health syndromes, ranging from mosquito repellency, scabies medicine, cleanse for pregnancey, children’s speaking ability, insecticides, malaria medicine, tooth medicine, diarrhoea, energy booster and stimulant for birth delivery. More importanly, the method of extraction, preparation and dosages of comsumption among five ethnics groups are almost similar
Current Results from the RRFID Kinematic Survey: Apparent Speeds from the First Five Years of Data
We present current results from our ongoing project to study the parsec-scale
relativistic jet kinematics of sources in the U.S. Naval Observatory's Radio
Reference Frame Image Database (RRFID). The RRFID consists of snapshot
observations using the VLBA plus up to 9 additional antennas at 8 and 2 GHz.
The Image Database currently contains about 3000 images of 450 sources from
1994 to 2004, with some sources having images at 20 epochs or more. We have now
completed analysis of the 8 GHz images for all sources observed at 3 or more
epochs from 1994 to 1998. The completed analysis comprises 966 images of 87
sources, or an average of 11 epochs per source. Apparent jet speeds have been
measured for these sources, and the resulting speed distribution has been
compared with results obtained by other large VLBI surveys. The measured
apparent speed distribution agrees with those found by the 2 cm survey and
Caltech-Jodrell Bank (CJ) survey; however, when a source-by-source comparison
is done with the 2 cm survey results, significant disagreement is found in the
apparent speed measurements for a number of sources. This disagreement can be
traced in most cases to either an insufficient time baseline for the current
RRFID results, or to apparent component mis-identification in the 2 cm survey
results caused by insufficient time sampling. These results emphasize the need
for long time baselines and dense time sampling for multi-epoch monitoring of
relativistic jets.Comment: 4 pages, To be published in the Proceedings of the 7th European VLBI
Network Symposiu
The Effectiveness of Learning Tools of Applied Microbiology to Students Learning Outcomes and Softskill
This research aims to determine the effectiveness of applied-microbiology learning tools in problem-based learning to college students learning outcomes and softskill. Limited test by using one group pretest-posttest design was implemented on biology students in FMIPA UNIMED (State University of Medan) with total of sample 32 peoples. The data were collected by test, questionnaire, and observation sheet which futher analyzed by descriptive statistics. The effectiveness of the learning tools for the acquisition of learning outcomes can be calculated using the percentage technique. The findings of this study revealed about 81.25% students learning outcomes categorized as very high and 18.75% included into high category. The process of formation of college student softskill were effective in improving communication skills, work in groups, initiative, difficult to give up, and able to complete the task perfectly
Analisis Sungai Tiung Dalam Rangka Pengendalian Banjir
Banjir di DAS Tiung terjadi akibat meluapnya Sungai Tiung karena penampang sungai mengalami pendangkalan dan penyempitan. Penyebabnya berkaitan erat dengan kegiatan pendulangan intan yang tidak terkendali, mengakibatkan tanah menjadi gersang dimana resisten terhadap erosi, sehingga mengalirkan endapan ke alur sungai. Oleh karena itu diperlukan studi untuk menentukan besar debit banjir rencana dalam periode 25 tahun, sekaligus meninjau profil muka air sungai terhadap kondisi eksisting, yang akhirnya dapat dijadikan acuan dalam USAha pengendalian banjir.Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis sungai tiung dalam rangka pengendalian banjir, dalam menganalisis Sungai Tiung ini, diperlukan beberapa analisis seperti analisis hidrologi yang mencakup analisis curah hujan maksimum dengan metode Probabilitas Frekuensi (Log Normal,Gumbel dan Log Pearson Tipe III) dan analisis debit banjir rancangan dengan metode empiris seperti metode Rasional praktis,Hasper, Der Weduwen, dan Hidrograf Satuan Sintetis Nakayasu.Pada analisis hidrolika , dalam penentuan elevasi muka air dan dimensi saluran normalisasi untuk debit periode 25 tahun digunakan program bantu Hec-Ras 3.0. Sedangkan analisis stabilitas lereng didukung dengan program bantu Xstable yang mengacu pada Modified Bishop Method.Hasil analisis hidrologi memperlihatkan besar banjir periode 25 tahun menunjukkan harga debit sebesar 54,826 m3/d dan berdasarkan hasil analisis hidraulika, besarnya dimensi saluran normalisasi untuk periode tersebut adalah 9 m (lebar dasar) dan 3,6 m (tinggi saluran) dengan talud 1: 1,5. Jarak air yang melimpas di kiri dan kanan tepi alur sungai diprediksi sebesar 8,12 m untuk periode ulang 50 tahun. Nilai keamanan terhadap keruntuhan lereng (SF) diperoleh 2,33 untuk bagian hulu dan 1,903 untuk bagian hilir dengan menggunakan program Xstable
Kajian Islam Tentang Akhlak dan Karakteristiknya
Manusia adalah berlainan dalam sumber daya dan potensi spiritual (kejiwaan), rasional (akal) dan instink (naluri), dan berbeda-beda pula dalam kepentingan, cita-cita dan tingkat kepedulian apa yang didikhotomikan oleh sekte-sekte keagamaan atau aliran-aliran filsafat -idealisme dan realisme- dalam persepsinya terhadap moral dan interpretasinya tentang sumber komitmen moral. Memang tidak semua yang dikatakan oleh aliran-aliran dan teori-teori ini salah sebagaimana juga tidak semuanya benar. Akan tetapi merupakan suatu keaiban bagi setiap teori adalah bahwa ia hanya memandang dari satu segi dan mengabaikan segi yang lainnya, hanya memperhatikan satu sisi dengan mengorbankan sisi yang lainnya. Keterbatasan ini merupakan suatu hal aksiomatik dari pemikiran manusia, yang mustahil baginya utuk dapat memandang masalah apapun dengan pandangan yang holistik (mencakup semua masa dan tempat, semua ras dan individu, semua kondisi dan aspek), karena hal ini memerlukan penguasaan dan liputan Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana. Allah SWT menurunkan Islam menjadi sebuah risalah universal, memiliki sistem dan tatanan ajaran sempurna (akidah, ibadah, dan akhlak) sebagai petunjuk untuk semua manusia dari segala bangsa (umat), kelas sosial, individu, dan generasi dengan pola ajaran yang apresiatif, aktual, dan relevan dengan setiap perkembangan. Pada kesempatan ini akan dipaparkan secara khusus tentang akhlak Islam dan karakteristiknya dengan rujukan utama al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah
The days of poetry are running out
The purpose of writing this essay is to make an observational decision about where the future of poetry will stand due to the unprecedented development of technology and science. In this article, I tried to show how the poems got separated after the invention of printing from the early and medieval poems. In spite of using computer equipment, especially poetry writing, poetry is changing its old anatomy. There is considerable reason to think about this change that technology has a close relation with the writing of poetry. As a result, a visible change in the poems of poetry that has been used so far is a visible change. To prove the reality of my project, I have tried to illustrate the concept of change of poetry, the history of printing, the history of anthropology, language and myths. But even though this fact is still a huge change, the concept of poetry in human mind does not seem to change
Analisis Butir Soal Konsep Dasar IPA 1 melalui Penggunaan Program Komputer Anates Versi 4.0 For Windows
This research was qualitative research with descriptive method. Subject was student teachers who took Fundamental Science 1. Based on validity analysis of item on 1 % significance level, there were 16 valid items, 26 valid ietms for 5 % significance level, and 14 invalid items. Then, analysis of distinguishing items, the item number 20 was very worst, 15 items were poor, other 15 item were fair and the other items were good. Meanwhile, analysis of level of difficulty, 17 item were very easy, 9 items were easy, 11 items were moderate, an item was difficult, and the others were very difficult. Analysis for whole items, there were only 21 items that were ready to be used, 5 items were needed to be revised, and the others could not be used in a tes
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