36 research outputs found

    X-rays investigations for the characterization of two 17th century brass instruments from Nuremberg

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    A recent finding at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan of two brass natural horns from the end of the 17th century and assigned to the Haas family from Nuremberg brought to light new information about this class of objects. The instruments were heavily damaged, but their historical value was great. In this study, a multidisciplinary approach mainly based on non-invasive analytical techniques and including X-rays investigations (X-ray radiography, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction) was used. The present study was aimed at: i) pointing out the executive techniques for archaeometric purposes; ii) characterizing the morphological and the chemical features of materials; and iii) identifying and mapping the damages of the structure and the alterations of the surface

    Students today, between Facebook, Google and Metacognition. Ideas to innovate in Higher Education

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    [ES] En los estudios superiores, al igual que en los demás contextos educativos, no basta con adquirir una serie de conocimientos, es indispensable reflexionar sobre los propios procesos cognitivos para tomar decisiones autónomas y fundamentadas respecto de los aprendizajes. Aprender va mucho más allá de las cuestiones cognitivas, las emociones puestas en juego y las posibilidades de reflexionar respecto de los aprendizajes resultan decisivas en los complejos procesos de construcción de conocimientos. El objetivo del estudio es analizar aspectos metacognitivos vinculados al aprendizaje académico de estudiantes de primer año del Profesorado en Educación Inicial de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto y del Instituto Superior María Inmaculada (Argentina). En la primera parte de la investigación, los estudiantes respondieron a un cuestionario general referido a prácticas y hábitos de estudio y a un inventario de patrones de aprendizaje: ILS (Vermunt, 1998). Luego, se realizaron entrevistas grupales con los estudiantes con el propósito de conocer diferentes puntos de vista respecto de las prácticas de estudio, aprendizaje y enseñanza en la educación superior. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de los participantes requieren de regulaciones externas para desarrollar los procesos de aprendizaje. Se observan ciertas dificultades en la autorregulación de los procesos de lectura, escritura y en el estudio en general. Se propone desarrollar estrategias innovadoras que promuevan en los estudiantes prácticas reflexivas y metacognitivas respecto de los aprendizajes en contextos académicos.[ES] In college, as in other educational contexts, not enough to acquire a body of knowledge, it is essential to think about the cognitive processes to make independent and informed decisions regarding learning. Learning goes beyond cognitive issues, emotions and the posssibilities of think over of learning are critical in the complex processes of knowledge construction. The purpose of the study is to analyze metacognitive aspects related to academic learning on first year students of Kindergarten Teacher at the Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto and Intituto Superior María Inmaculada (Argentina). At the first part of the research, students answered a general questionnaire on practices and habits of study and an inventory of learning patterns: ILS (Vermunt, 1998). Then, we conducted group interviews with students in order to acknowledge different views regarding the study practices, learning and teaching in contexts of higher education. The results show that most of students require external regulations to develop learning processes. We observe some difficulties in self-regulation of reading processes, writing and study in general. It is proposed to develop innovative strategies to promote thoughtful and metacognitive practices in students concerning learning in academic contexts.Elisondo, R.; De La Barrera, ML.; Rigo, DY.; Kowszyk, DI.; Fagotti Kucharski, E.; Ricetti, A.; Siracusa, M. (2016). Estudiantes hoy, entre Facebook, Google y Metacognición. Ideas para innovar en la Educación Superior. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 14(1):225-244. doi:10.4995/redu.2016.5800.SWORD22524414

    Spider species richness and sampling effort at Cracraft´S Belém Area of Endemism

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    Replay to the letter: About systemic lupus erythematosus and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Thii is a replay of the Authors to the letter "About systemic lupus erythematosus and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

    Effects of sodium selenite on in vitro interactions between platelets and endothelial cells

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    Selenium is an essential component of glutathione peroxidase enzymes, which protect cells against peroxidation and control concentrations of intracellular proxides. Since selenium deficiency is associated with an increased incidence of arterial thrombosis, we studied the effect of selenium on in vitro interactions between platelets and endothelial cells. Platelets from normal volunteers on a diet with (PLTSe+) or without (PLTSe-) selenium supplementation and human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured in medium alone (ECSe-) or supplemented with Se (ECSe+) were used. The effect of in vivo administration or in vitro supplementation of selenium on platelet function was investigated in an aggregometry model designed for studying the interactions between platelets and endothelial cells using ADP and arachidonic acid as agonists. We observed that: (1) selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity increased in both PLTSe+ and ECSe+, being about fivefold higher in the former; (2) platelet aggregation was inhibited by Se+ cells; (3) Se+ cells released less thromboxane B(2) (PLTSe+) and more 6-keto-prostaglandin F(1alpha) (ECSe+) than Se- cells; (4) when ECSe+ were treated with acetylsalicylic acid, the inhibitory effect of selenium on platelet aggregation disappeared; (5) the concentration of nitric oxide metabolites in Se+ culture media did not differ from that in Se- media. We suggest that an antithrombotic effect on the interactions between platelets and endothelial cells can be induced by stimulating glutathione peroxidase enzymes with selenium via a mechanism that is blocked by acetylsalicylic acid and is apparently unrelated to the biosynthesis of nitric oxide metabolites